East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 25, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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News Notes of Pendleton
l - 1 ' . 1 '. - n
ai.i;mi oi,i kvknts
May 26-27 Pendleton Mer-
cliant' and Manufacturers' Car-
Hlx-club golf tournament to be
played here Saturday and Sun
day Muy 28-9.
, May 31, June 1 and 2 State
convention ot Oregon Federation
of Women's el utm.
June 3 and 4 Twenty-ninth
Annual pioneer Picnic. v
June 14, 15,. 16 Htuta con
vention of the O." A. H.
June 27-AuRuat t Summer
Normal School.
Huptembnr 22, 2.1. 24 Annual
Pendleton Itoiind-l'p.
Christian Tukn llcntlnic.
Afior lending out In the Inltlnl In
nlnats of n Biimo played Inst night nt
Hound l'p park the Christian church
team met its first defeat of the season
when the Helix iiKKregntlnn grubbed
the long end of a 11 to wore; Hnttery
for Helix was Pierce and Kendall and
Conk, and the Christians "fled Craw
ford and. Foster as pitchers with Fried-1
ley behind the tint. The next game
will he Thursday evening when the
Indians and HupllulB will mix.
Will HavB Horxe Kulo
Albert I'eterHon, of Uklah, la prepar
ing to hold a home wile at the i. K.
feed yard In Pendleton on May 2S. lie
will hiivk u band of 30 horses for Bale.
They're fiolnit I'lslilng
The luro of fiHh In the stream has
got Into the blood of a number of men
who left Pendleton today on a trip to
the Deschutes river. Those making
the trip are Dr. C. H. MrOune of Wal
la Wulla, and iDr. If. 8. Kerri and It.
H WlnuT and Tom Harclay, all of
Pendleton. They plan to visit Knat
Uike before they return Monday.
Xew Salesman l-imployil
John lx-oer la a new employe of the
Kllls-Hchlllir i. He will act an sales-mun.
Weather Sllithtly Osiler i
Tho weather Ih slightly cooler today
because of a. light breeze. The mer
cury registers 84, an contracted, with
yesterday's miiNlmtim of K7. The miii
liiium. Major Mooihoiise states, wan
til and the barometer registers 29.H0.
... . e
. e
I'lnilo To IU ilven
eVlenris Hnd member of the Meth
od lat church and Hunday school will
enjoy a picnic on Saturday at the In
dian agency, where they will spend the
day through the oourteesy of an Invi
tation from Major R. L. NwarUlunder.
Member of the agency taff will be
gncxIH of the church. Automobile
are to leave the church at 10 a. m.
Saturday. ,
Ship wool ( lip
The 'wool clip of the Cunningham j
Sheep Co. wu loaded today at Pilot.
Hock anil will be whipped to Huston j
where It him tieen coiiHigned to the I
Hallowell, Jones und Donald Co. Four
car were required for tho wool, and j
Ihe total weight I 130,000 pound. j
Of Course You're
to the Pendleton Merchants' and Manufacturers' Carnival at Happy ; Canyon. Visit
our Booths and make yourself at home. .
JL 101 1 f) 11 01 101 101 101101 101 101
o I-
Fresh Morning's Milk
Send the children to "101" for your milk and
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
301 East Court Street.
Thone 101, Private Exchange Connects Both
-101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101-
.Mr. and Mr. W. A. nullum and Mrs
N. J. Ollllum, Mr. and Mr, liurton
Hutchinson and Mr. K. Mcllroom, all t
of Pilot Itock were In Pendleton this I
morning en route to White Salmon for'
a romping- and finning trip. They were j
Joined here by Mra. (i. W. Itugg. They ;
expect to be gone a week. j
I III North 1 la kol a
Mr. 1-:. 1.. Swuitzlandcr is at Devil's
I-ake, NorUi Dakota, where she was
called by the death of her father, '
Frank Palmer. Mr. Pulmer died May !
11, JiiHt u day bcfiire hi eveiiiy-foiinh i
birthday. Hesldes Mr. Swartzlander !
he I survived by two children by hi :
i-econd wife. Frank Palmer Jr. of ,
Devil' Lake and Mr. Marie Tharlson, j
of Hlsniurk, North Dakota. I
Ask Winding Permit
Three application for building per
mit were issued this morning and yes
terday afternoon by City p.ei nrder i
Thomas Fttz Oerald. CeorKe W. Itec
ord will build u new porch on hi A I- -t
len street property at an estimated
cost of f 5a. H. D. Thompson plan I
an addition to his house on I.ilb th !
street to cost $2S0. -Repair on a ;
dwelling on Hailroad street 'will' cost
John Harvey lino, i
rv'JiH wo f;I i, mil
v (4i''l
.' ,ii. jAi'ii..
Special Skirt Sale
Nine plaid woolen skirts in
brown, tan, grays, green, One
Half Price.
in batisteand nainsook, beau
tifully trimmed with ribbon,
val laces and French flowers,
all sizes $1.98
Limited quantity of these in
sizes 23 to 34, while they last,
price $1.29
With plain or navy collars,
sizes 4 to 22, special price $1.49
Stove Is IX'inoiistralcd
A demonstration of the Florence fill
Cook Ktove I belnK held at the Tayli.r !
Hardware Co., where Mrs. Christina
Kansberry is rookimf biscuits and J
doughnuts which show the t uokin. j
which may be done by the stove. I
Many local iieople have enjoyed the j
cookery. Mrs. Kansberry, who is a j
local cateress, was formerly head cook J
at the Hunt Club In Portland anil also
cooked In tho IJpman & Wolfe kitch- j
en. I
Fairy Sun Silk
The new silk for sport clothes, offered in a good
ranee of shades, such as turquoise, rose, lielgian,
jade and white. It is 40 in. wide of good firm tex
ture, does not stretch and easy to work with, washes
like linen and wears like iron. Make up a suit, coat
or skirt f this fine silk.
For the Graduate
Now is the time to take advantage of this immense
stock of jewelry and all gifts for the girl and boy grad
uate make your money go as far as it will. That is why
we are offering you these wonderful values.
Wrist Watchc. regular $30 00, now '?'8?.
Wrist Watched, regular J 25.00, now $I.V.V
Wrist Watch. renular 120.00. now $11.33
Wrist Walche, regular JtO.00, now 27.5
Wrist Watches, regular 6i.00, now SH.M
Hoys' Watch?, rcitul.ir J100.no, now $79.85
Hoys' Watch", regular $75,00, now $."9..'i
Hoys' Watches, regular $45.00, now $:B.2S
Hoys' Wutchs, regular $35.00, now $27.H."
Penrl Neck. IS Inches, regular $10.00, now $(1.95
Pearl Neck. 20 Inches, regular 12.0O, now $9.75
Pearl Necks, 24 inches, regular $14.00, now $10.95
F.verythins Is for your disposal for the same reduced prices. Cnn
you afford to overlook this offer? Come In and look at it is all we ask.
Haram'S Jn Store
Slonfioltl ,SmiHirts Vavy
Senator Scanfield's support of the
'navv bill Is not liked by Miss Kmma
Wold, who sij-'ns herself as chairman
of the woman's committee for world
(lisai mament. and has wired Mrs. N.
Herkeley, president of the Current
Literature Club, asking- that Pendle
ton people" wire the senator protesting
hi support of a larger navy and ure
Ing him to support the Horah plan of
an international disarmament confer
ence. Miss Wold is a Portland girl and
in the past has been conspicuous as 1
militant suffragette.
Xo Hate: Srt. j
The date ftp the funeral nf the late
Mrs. Florence Elizabeth Harlow, f or- j
merly of Pendleton and Pilot Kock,
who died May 21 In Wenerhie, Tcxa
has not yet been named because it is
uncertain when the body of Mrs. Bar
low will arrive here. Mrs. Harlow
was the daughter of the late Henry
Belts and Mr. Bells, of Pilot Rock.
Mrs. Barlow is survived by her moth
er, her husband, three children. Clyde
Charles and James, and a sister, Mrs.
T"W Gillette of Cayuse. She was the
niece of Mrs. Minnie Kretzer, Hoy Og
llby, Mr. Charlotte Dudley. Dmigl.u:
Belts and P. T. Bells of Pendleton.
Sherman Belt and Sam Belts nf
Clarkston, Wash., Mrs. G. Dikeus of
Caldwell, Idaho, and Wllliiun Slegle of
California. Mrs. Barlow was active
ill the Methodist church and in the
Artisan lodge of Pilot Bock.
Finest Quality Imported Organdie S1.50
Full 48 in. wide, very sheer, permanent silk finish
and launders well. As you know organdie dresses
are so very popular this season. This organdie of
fered in shades of primrose, orchid, rose and copen.
Buy your dress now and make up for the warm days
to come!
Dress Ginghams 19c, 25c, 35c, 79c
Offered in a wide range of colorings, of plaids,
stripes, checks and plain colors. Buy your dress
Ginghams at this store, where you get quality ging
hams at low prices.
The Undergarment that flattens the fcack-
while it beautifies and slenderizes '
encircles the figure
No printed tli-M-rirXion ran make yrni
fm-l that Inslstaiit Sit lip straight tuft"
Unit the mere trying imji ftt a Clrcli-t Kill.
The very way If is nuule gives the flgnr
Mlp while it rests all the muscla of tlx
The Circlet is a Clever New Undergarment With a
Dozen Comforts
Think of mi undergarment without a lwok nor pyp to frlve way. n
possibility of .slipping siiiuililcr-siiaps. o hiking up mer Hie rrs'i.
The Circlet is here in such dainty materials it may
be worn without a camisole. -
Our Corset Shop is making a special showing of
$1.50 to $3.00.
Do Not Fail To See It!
No. 4501 Heavy, pink, silk Jersey, daintily fin
ished with hemstitching. Sizes 34 to 42 $4.50.
Colored Hdkf. Linen $2.00 Yard
Just received a few good shades of this fine
handkerchief linen, such as pink, blue, rose and
green. It is full 36 in. wide. Cuts to good advant
age for handkerchiefs and blouses, and priced at
$2.00 yard.
Crepe De Chine 81.65 and $1.75 Yd.
Full 40 in. wide for dresses and blouses in a big
range of colors. Do your sewing now for the sum
mer. Buy two ortthree waist lengths of this fine
crepe de chine.
.... c
In Street Fighting Chances
of Hitting Innocent By
standers Are Minimized.
r It-; -VI
About that
22. cal. for
sr Squirrels?
PORT AND, May 25. (IT. P.I
lilsiiiK nf the Columbia river Inundat
ed two hirds of the Government isl
and, says, a Camas report. Truck
Kardeneis on the island were forced to
flee. The Columbia is four miles
wide at Vancouver. The. interstate
bridge approach was saved by the ris
ing temperatures on the Columbia
hen (1 witters.
l'.;tiS I:i:M.1" Steady.
ror.TI.ANl, May 25. (A. P.I
Cattle are slow, hoK's are 25 cents
lower, prime lifiht J9.2S to JS.50;
Sheep, crks, and butter ore steady.
PANCAKES, in a Jiffy
Pancake Floor.
from Kerr's
CHICAGO. May Z. (A. P.) Sub
stitution of the shut-gun for the rifle
is the latest development in man
hunting; by the Chicniro police. The
time-honored rifle-souad has givon
way to the pump-gun squad.
The reason for the change was thus
outlined by Michael Hughes, chief of
"In clope-ranRe fighting the pump
gun is much the mure effective weap
on, for within 90 feet nf the object it
has a spread of four feet. Kach shot
carries nine rounds of lead, corres
ponding in size to that in a 3S revolver
"In street-fighting, also, the chances
of hitting the innocent bystander are
greatly minimized by the use of the
shot-gun, because the effective range
is so short."
"The oilier day we discovered a new
use fur the shot-gun. Puling a race
after bamlils in an automobile, one of
our niei emptied his gun through the
rear curtain of the speeding machine
ahead. The hail of bullets stopped
that car as no rifle shot would ever
have done."
"The gun we use has the shortest
stock. .Every one of the detective cars
Carries these guns as regular equip
ment." Another innovation in the detective
bureau's equipment is a steel shield, as.
high as a man's head, from behind
which the operatives can direct, in
comparative safety, their fire at ban
dits barricaded in a building. This
portable armor is mounted on rollers,
and is light enough, so that one man
cnn operate it. rort holes, through
which to fire, and a heavy glass peep
hole are appurtenances.
ltombing, w hich is now a recognized
part of police tactics in Chicago, can
be. carried on with great impunity
from the shelter of this shield, said
l'bief Hughes.
ZION C1TT, III.. May 25. (A. P.)
Authorities heje have decided on a
new method whereby they hope to en
force rulings against certain styles in
women's apparel and violations of
their laws for observance of the sab
boih. Chief of Police C. C. Becker
has sent to every home a copy of the
latest regulations and had divided the
city into districts with one' person in
every district appointed to report
weekly on his section.
The latest regulations include:
No low necked growns for women:
no silk stocking: no transparent
waists or growns. the length of wom.'a
skirts to be left to djscretion nf tuc
A ban on swearing', on Sunday
Karnes and on meetings on SnnrtriM.
ether than those for religious purp.
also has been ordered. The regqxjj
tions also forbid women from straiW4
lng a horse and they may not rUtr'A
motor cycle except In a side car.
Violations are to be punlshable-ljy
fines of 50 to 12QA
The Kidneys ami tlie Skin. If JMr
kidneys are weak; or torpid, the sWs
will he pimply or blotchy. HofJi
Saraapariila strengthens and stiiSJJ
lates the kidneys, and clears the cn.
plexlon. By thoroughly purifying tire
blood it makes good health. "
Are These of the Same Man?
r il.-
L I, j -
Churlcs JIaust is servtiiB a life sentj'ce in Loavcnw .ih for klllins a
postmaster. He fays ttie crire was n.mmitted hy another man, Ben
Cravens, an Oklahoma outlaw. But the authorities say .Maust and
Cravens are the same man. Mauit Is abown at right, hil at left U a
olcture of Cjgvens taksa 20 yean ai
Tho r-val basis of merchandising value feats in its qual
ity. iVke nntorf in only so far as the quality of the arti
c 'nt justfks, iiMlity leterminc whether this price is a
hkh on or a h-v one. Quality is the guiding influence as
to ;;s fi.vil value r.tul true worth to the customer. You
r.:.y ut j.enrt on tiic UKK HIVK quality and the RRK HIVE
rie as : our protection on all purchases at this store.
Hair Bow Ribbons at 38c yard
West Electric Curlers, 23c and
Ladies' Mercerizezd Hose in
white at 32c pair.
Middy Ties, at 10c.
See Is Believing
We Invite Your Critical Inspection
Fresh Salted Peanuts,
19c pound.
Satin Finish Candies
25c half pound.
This, makes a delicious
candy to serve at parties.
Picnic Baskets, 1-2 price.
You can get a nice large
one for 38c.
Picot edge ribbons in all
colors at 15c yard.
Merchandising .Bargains hare to be
Justified by somelliinK besides extrava
gant claims of the imagination. We val
ue our firm name and reputation too
highly to Indulge U any publicity that
misht disappoint the purchasing; public.
It's true we are not givinc merchaiidlse
away, but in most Kilos we are satisfied
with a "below-t he-average" profit. IN.
Perfectionette Hair nets
10c each.