VI t'-r f' AGETW6 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 25, 1021. SIXTEEN PAGES .6 iMiWiiiMMiiiiiuiiim mam 13 Don't M iss Ine iviercnancs ana ivianuracturer s Garni val, May 26 -27 28 M THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE PIECE GOODS GVRNfVAL BEGINS TOMORROW, MAY 26TII, LASTING THREE DAYS. A GREAT ATTRACTION FOR ALL THE) PEOPLE. New Spring Cottons, Silks and Woolens, Huge Lots at Lowest Prices in Years. The Piece Goods Carnival that begins tomorrow at The Peoples Warehouse is a sale of new bummer Goods at Low est Prices. Every one of the lots is made up entirely of New Spring Goods. Just sueh terial as one is most apt to want right now for Summer Apparel. To such a sale with its New Summer Goods and Low Prices we invite you tomorrow. ma- NEW SILK CREPE DE CHINE Carnival Special, Yard $1.49 This is a soft, light weight crepe de chine, with a very lustrous fin ish and crinkly effect; the width is 40 inches. Excellent quality for women's blouses, dress es and for undergar ments; shown in all the leading shades. Marked Specially Low, a Yard $1.49 NEW SERGES, GAB ARDINES AND POIRET TWILL Carnival Special, 20 Per Cent Discount In the new weaves and colors, 36 to 56 in. in width, iou II tind a good assortment here to select from and we feel sure that we can both serve and please you. Carnival Special for Three Days Only, 20 Per Cent Discount NEW SILK POPLIN Carnival Special, Yard 9Sc A very serviceable silk of very rich appear ance and you will find a splendid assortment of colors to choose from; 36 inches wide. Marked Specially Low, a Yard 9Sc. HANDSOME DRESS GINGHAMS AND TISSUES Carnival Special, Yard 19c, 23c, 29c up wards to S9c You'll say remarkable values and we are show ing unusually complete stocks of 27 and 32 inch ginghams and tissues in striking patterns both in domestic and import ed cloths. You must see our standard quality 27 inch Ginghams that we are offering at 19c yd., and our 32 in. Standard at 23c and 29c yard. Marked Specially Low, a Yard 19c Upwards to 89c. ' NEW ALL WOOL MATERIAL Carnival Special 20 Per Cent Discount For dresses, suits and coats you will find all the late and popular shades and cloths; trico tines, velours, broad cloth, polo cloth, silver tones, etc. AH wool ma terials; 48 to 56 inches in width. Carnival Special For Three Davs Only 20 Per Cent Discount NEW SILK SHIRTING Carnival Special, Yard $1.19, $1.57 and $1.88 They are neat striped patterns and light and dark colored back grounds, are very at tractive and of beauti ful quality silk. Just what you want for the hot summer weather. Marked Specially Low, Yd. $1.19, $1.57, $1.8S IMPORTED PONGEE SILKS Carnival Special, Yard 69c, $1.03, $1.16 to $3.82 These are all better grades pongees, all with the exception of the 69c grade are of a dust less finish ; all are 33 in. in width, shown in nat ural color and in flesh, pink, maize, emerald, peacock blue, rose and white. Qualities like these are sure to give vou satisfactory wear. Marked Specially IiOv, Yd. 69c upwards to $3.82 NEW FANCY SUM MER VOILES Carnival Special 49c, 74c and upwards 40 inches wide in the new floral and dotted patterns, fine quality and color combinations to choose from and our price you'll find surpris ingly low. Marked Specially Low, Yard 49c, 74c upward NEW TAFFETA SILKS Carnival Special, Yard . $2.19 Taffeta is this sea son's favorite silk for making of garments, in fact better than it has been for years, accord ingly we have stocked a good asortment of them in the most wanted colors. v Marked Specially Low, a Yard $2.19 NEW SATIN MESSALINES Carnival Special, Yard $1.98 All women know that satin messaline is simi lar to satin, very soft, lighter weight, and eas ily draped and has a lustrous finish. This messaline is 36 inches wide and we show a full range of the now sum mer shades. Marked Specially Low, a Yard $1.98 7.mwMMMMMm... Here Are The Prettiest of the New ' Pretty Sweaters Prettiness sticks out all over them. It can be seen in the cut, colors, weaves and design of their pock ets, sleeves, cuffs, buttons and sash, and being fash ioned in numerous new styles in every radiant and joyous color, the chances of making your favtorite selection is excellent. Priced from $7.50 to $38.50 BARGAINS WHEREIN YOU MAY PRACTICE ECONOMY snore rois the kxtiki: family Shoes for the little tot. Shots for the larger girl. Shoes for the tuff boys. Shoes for the men. ' Shoes for the women, all priced in our tlpical Bargain Basement way. BKAI'TIFI'Ij VARTY (iOWNS Only a few left now. They sold origlnally as high as 25.00. Special close out S9.H8 COItSKTS $1.49 ' , One table filled with a biR lot of Rood corsets of different styles originally priced as high as $U.50. All sizes. Special (.'lose Out $1.49 CAMISOLES l.8 Just placed on sale. One very pretty lot of very fancy silk camisoles in a good vari ety of color and styles They are bargains at l.39 IHRLS' VOILE lmESSKS You must see this tot of pretty dresses to appreciate them. They sold as high as 19. Special Clean tp S2.29 We aro just placing on sale a liberal lot Of leatherette shopping bags, bearing a nice finish and appearance an the outside and neatly lined with a very pretty flannel cre tonne. These bags sell elsewhere for $I.ti5 ' 2.00 and SJ.tio but through a fortunate purchase we are able to offer tiiein at ex ceptional bargain pikes. . Basement special "9c, 89c ami 98 . 10c 4e 27c White Wash Brushes Jlendels Clothes Bins, dozen Baring Knives Class Measuring Cups l.V Kitchen Clothes Line . 4II Carpet Tacks .V Tack Hummers Km Picture Hooks 5: Fuse Blugs Dish Mops We 14c Jute Clothes Lines I If Fly Swatters 9c Mouse Traps. 3 for 10c Steel Wool 13c- Mechanics Soap He Boys' Tough Overalls 9NC $2.00 Work Shirts (We Medicated Nest Eggs : 5c Women's Stockings ITh lieninants, 1-3 off. Boys' Heavy Hose 19c furling Irons l.V Scissors 70c Barge Hair Nets f ."ic Cuticura Soap 19c Woodbury's Facial Soap 19c Besluo Soap IWc Bress Blittons, dozen 10c Coat Buttons, dozen 10c K-Z Face Veils 2c Fifty rent Stationery Sue Best Grade Middies S2.49 (icorgette Silk Waists S2.95 Turkish Towels 19c Aluminum ('leaner Utk Graceful New Spring Skirts Now, diversity of styles is an essential consideration of women who have a skirt to purchase. You do not like to be limited in choice to one or two good styles. And since this store offers the biggest assort ments to choose from, it is only natural that you should come to use when you decide to make a selection. These prices make every garment an irresistible value. $9.85 to $35.00 You can always do a little better at The Peoples Warehouse. Big assort mentlower prices best qualities. J nePeoples Warehouse whe"e; PY TP TAPKlESZy It will pay you to visit our Men's Shoe Sale. Values up to $15.00. Your choice $ 1.95. UJi iMMMilMiill iiiiiiiiiiiim I AnAinrrtn nmrnT QUALITY PRINTING at Reasonable Prices y East Oregonian Printing Department. ROLLED BARLEY, ROLLED OATS, TIMOTHY HAY ALFALFA HAY CHICK FEED SCRATCH FEED WHOLE CORN CRACKED CORN " ATTEND THE MERCHANTS' AND MANU FACTURERS' CARNIVAl, MAY 26 AND 27 mmmtwmmmmm IATILLA FLOOR & GRAIN CO. 1300 S. Alta Phone 351 Only Silver Lining to Cloud Sheepmen Are Under in the Yakima Valley; Per Ct. Big. Stronger, better, cleaner wool than for years past, and 250,(100 pounds more of It than last year, but with no demand for it and none in niht this I is the silualion in which Yakima val 'ley wooigrowers find themselves, and ! practically the only silver lining to the 'cloud late In April was the prospect j for good money from th hothouse ! Iamb crop. j This is said to have averaged Z0 per cent in practically all cases this ! spring, and ubnut 3U.UU0 ewes were ', lambed early. This would mean 36,000 , youngsters to be marketed this year, it : is planned, in July, before the ewes I go to the mountains. They are ex j pet ted to average H P'T head, which ; would bring back a quarter of a mll ! lion ready change to help keep things , going. ! The total' clip in Yakima is esti mated st 2. . pound. None has i been Hold and only a little shlpiied on I consignment. Many of the growers I will have last year's clip on hand, and 1 one result of congested conditions may ' be the forming of a pool for Yakima I and possibly for all Washington, a I plan fcaid to have the support, among others, of H. 8. Coffin and of state college marketing authorities. Contract Awarded The Growers' Storage and Supply company of Mil ton have let the contract frr the con struction of a cold storage plant near the Ijimb Fruit company holdings. 1 " -f Katun and son were the successful bid- : ' " ! MllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIU ders on the basement concrete work. : ('. A. Keolt was the lowest bidder for X I s the construction of the huilditm'. , " ' ' S m i 'Jilw.v. Knnm for it. A Clanlint General Wood to Tour Japan ;1 4 sT d i -v t Hi J All Ouwr P.prOnrtU 0U tt. E Strawberries, home grown, the box 30c 5 S N Asparagus, green and tender, the pound .10c j Apples, good eating, the box $2.00 5 jr Jurntps, the bunch , !..:..05c I Gooseberries, the box 15c js Tomatoes, fresh, the pound 25c 5 Visit our Cool, Flyless Basement these warm days and 5 inspect the condition in which food is kept here. Pure, Cool, Clean and Fresh 5 V General Leonard Wood turn accepted an Invitation Dy uie Japanese government to tour that country. Ha la net In Uie Philippines, Investi gating conditions for President Harding. Enrout to the Islands he stopped at Yokohama, where he ia shown with Japanese official who presented ; the Invitation. Left to right, Iwatc. representing; tha foreign minister; Major NisbUuva representing tha war minister and General Wood. aaatT jLMtrtl in II a a llinJUlllllllllll!l!lll!l!lllllllll!ll!ll!!l!IIIIIMI!lIIIMIII!lll!"!ll!lii!llll!l!il!llllllllli 4