" A0t Etf TTH ggl DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 25, 1921. SIXTEEN FAGES IS ENJOYABL tmpireHCo "The Old Reliable" . ' Established 1890 HOME OF OREGON PRIDE PRODUCTS Be sure and visit the feui pire Meat Co. looth and.scc for yourself what is made in Pendleton. We sell with a money back guarantee all Oregon Pride Products to be as good if not better than any meat product shipped to your city. As warm weather is coming on we ' are featuring the following Lunch Goods for your approval: x Oregon Pride Honey Cured Hams and Bacon. Oregon Pride Baked Veal Loaf. Oregon Pride Baked Mortadella V, Loaf,. , ;v. ' ' . ; ;V ; .. Oregon Pride Baked Specialty Loaf. , . ;'. . . . - - Oregon Prides Jelled Luncheon Tongue. Oregon Pride New England, Style Ham Sausage. Oregon Pride Mortadella Sausage. Oregon Pride Minced Ham Style. Oregon Pride Bologna. Oregon Pride Frankfurters Oregon Pride Smoked Goose Liver Sausage. Oregon Pride Liver Sausage. , Oregon Pride Head Cheese. Oregon Pride Teeny Werners. Oregon Pride Little Pig Pork Sau sages. Oregon Pride Specialty Summer Sausage. r ' Oregon Pride Dried Beef. Oregon Pride Boiled Ham Oregon Pride Pickled Pigs Feet. Oregon Pride Pure Lard. v . A Battleship Made From Oregon Pride Dry Salt Pork . V ALL PRODUCTS GUARAN TEED TO BE MADE IN THE EMPIRE MEAT CO.'S SANI- TARY SAUSAGE KITCHEN Phone 18 For Your Lunch Goods. (Kimt Orettonlan Bpedal.) pilot1 noeiv, Wuy 25. a. haUyl boy wan burn Monday morning to Mr. anil Mrs. ituy H I n k 1 at their home here. Mr. and Mm. W. A. Gilliam and Mr. and Mrs. Hurl on Hutchison expect to leave thin week on un automobile trip to While Salmon to vlnlt at the home of Klmer ailliiun, a brother "f Mm. HulchlHon unci W. A. tfllllam Eugene fjlbldi, who Is now attending dental college In Portland, will accompany them home. Mr. and Mr. J. W. Ktter find II r. and MrH. liYank Hayes motored to Und, Washington, Hunday to visit Mr. and Airs. JeorKe Campbell. They re turned homo Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown left Friday for their ranch home near I'an co Wanti. ' The fretthnian reception was Riven at the hlh school Friday cveniiiK and all report a pioHt enjoyable , time. Dames, fortune telling, etc., were fid lowed by the serving of delicious Tv- fresh ments. tMatJEl The services held at the Community church Friday evening were not very well jutcndml, owing to stormy weath er. Kev. Gressmnn made an Interest ing talk: and it is regretted that more were not out to hear him. Mr. and Mrs. (ilen Rogers Were Pi lot itock visitors Saturday. The high school seniors, Wllbert Hyn, (ieoigo Jordan, Herwchel Kid well anil Victor Bracher, together with their parents and the high school fac ulty, enjoyed a finning 'trip Saturday and report a fair catch. About 75 was realized from the moving picture show and the dance given here Saturday evening and will be applied on the fund for Improving the city park. Mrs. Hairy Connor arrived here Sat urday from Herniiston for a week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Boylen, Sr., and other rela tives. Mrs. Archie Bond who has been suf fering from an attack of tonsilitis, was able to resume her duties. Archie Uond spent Monday here. -Mrs. John Koyer and Grant Chitten den, delegates to the grand lodge con vention at Albany, returned home Fri-1 day. Mr. and Mrs. I C. Scharpf of Pen dleton and Fred Moes of Helix attend ed the dance here Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hurton Hutchison and Mm. 8. H. Hcitel were dinner guests at the home o Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jaiues Sunday. Memorial l)ny will be observed here Sunday with services at the Commu nity church at the regular preaching hour, Jl o'clock. Mr. and Mrs.-Pearl Fletcher were visiting in Pilot Itock Sunday. The Ladles" Aid will meet at the church Thursday afternoon to quilt. Mr. and .Mrs. W. A. Gilliam, Mrs Itobinson and Misses Kleanor Hnsrall ami Haiol Warner were dinner guests at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. C. J. Mil ler, Sunday. Mrs. Winnie lieeves and small son visited relatives here Sunday. Church service and 'Sunday school were well attended Sunday morning. 16 being present at Sutiduy school. Mrs. Alfred Knotts was a guest at theiome of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cur rin over night Friday. Mrs. Carl Jensen was quite 111 dur ing the past week but is much better at this time. Mrs. Lester Rolin and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wright attended the baccalaur eate address here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and .Mrs. I. M. Schannep and family motored to Pilot Hock Sunday ; afternoon from Pendleton. I :rra Mr. nnd Mrs. James Whit taker were 1 visitors to Walla Walla lust week Full Understanding . .... The fullest measure of life is understanding, through-it all things can be received at their true value. When there it full understanding, conflict ceases, and upbuilding goes on unhampered it is the essence of success. A group of Pendleton manufacturers and merchants have banded together with the object of giving the people a fuller urtlersUnding of the service rendered by them everyday throUfi'iOut the year of their high-class merchan. dise manufactured and distributed and of their willing ness to assif t in the maintenance of this fair community. ' ,' Their three days' exhibition to be held this week, and your presence, will be the means of the up-building of tin-' derstanding of development and stabilization of business. The American National Banlc Pendleton, Oregon si:nati: oti:s vtm iaiuivm NAVY. The senate Toted 120.000' men for the navy instead of 100,000 which the house provided. Victrolas B runswicks 1 Judge l . I m- OC-, n I '- W 1- : H'iii l: z m M t 1 ' H Cheneys ionoras Special Terms During The Carnival PRICES $25 ..i TO r : $1,000 . iililii ' ALL LATEST RECORDS IN STOCK UA.llA fi..nornl (harles II. Saw. yer President Harding's physician, was one of the Judges at the National Capital Horse Show In. Washington. He Is shown pinning a blue ribion on Cotonel B. H- Thompson's boise SEE US AT THE CARNIVAL Make a small cash payment and a small payment each month. Economy Drug Go, PENDLETON, ORE. KiiuiHMHiiiiiiiiHHiiHiinHnnHiHiinniiiiniiUHMiiiiHiiiniiiiiiniHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHHiiiti1 PHONE 711 It!!!!!!!!!!!' III iiiiiiiiiHMiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiaiaiHnimiumuuuiMuiMM.'i-"-"- e. js -j El i 1 m M M I! 1 1 1 i il II i- uMiiiuiuuiiiiliiiuuiuiUi IIIIIHIIU lllllllllllllUOIIWHOmifUHUaiH