East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 20, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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J. C. Penney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution
Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Eeportr ' '
l.lriKfiMt Movement..
Mou Ml Poriliiiiil
4 From tbe "'Cfii .1'iurniil )
l.l-f-litfk Iniilinu nns conspicuous
l If ulnifHrt (;. npr,il nlwnisc at Nurth i i,bci. What Httl stork actually en-
.: head fur the day, lint of this SS
lM i.it came direct to killers from South
Dakota country points and most of the
remaining- small aupply was on cnn-
l'otllfind Tti u iKrl ei-. Thorp were few
tH'tt .ti rlvjith h;iiIi.Uo I he maiKct.
Mid llei'O TVHS llltli ilenwind, All prices
yvri' a ncMiiin.'tl linsis.
In Ihe nog alleys there was n run of
tored the market wan quoted with a
dull tone and prices nominally con
tinued at the previous range.
General hog marxet range:
Prime light $ 9.25 W .f0
As Beauvais Says It Is
K4. vr-"
nr4uai?, jmuan ieuiih-, iigum-u in ine auiiman aivorce suit in
New Yoik. says hia letters to Mrs. Stlllman were doctored and forged.
He shows what he saya ia his jrinuine signature (above! and (below) the
oe ke claims ia forced, which was presented ua hia at the trial
Window Screens
lur:ns flio summer months window are. left open
day and n'glil and often with "Nobody Home," k'nr
ing only a Window Screen as protection nsninst nb.
hers ami thieves. Of rmirsr, careful pcoiMc do jot
liae valiialh papers, jewelry, silverware anil keop
Mikes tlnii unprotected, hut store these in Safe le
Vaults as provided hy us.
The rental etist of a Safety Deposit Box is less than
One Cent a Hay.
The American National Bank
Pendleton, Oregon.
Season Is On
Do you know we manufacture and install them?
"The House That Makes Good"
Phone 773 Pendleton, Ore.
Preaerve your Health
Protect Your Family,
buy them an
Tills refiipt rator Is nt-arulcM. forcelain lined, used In over a
million and a half horrifn in' America. The mat-rial 11H In the
1 1 Alaskan ure aeven walls of Insulation. ovwfcd circulation y-
tern, cork fill.-d and e'iiiuj.ed with removaliic, runt proof wire
No. 620, ice capacity 35 pounds $24.75
No, 621, ice capacity 45 pound $30.00
No. 622, ice capacity 60 pound $36.00
No. 623, ice capacity, 100 pound $41.75
Other itylei moderately priced.
Cruikshimk & Hampton
"Quality Counts"
124-28 E. Webb Phone 548
Your Old Furniture Takea la Kiehana-e aa Part Payment on N-w
EaHiu4e Avnta In IV-mlk-ton foe Aemlui (No WIJp) I'on h
7. tw s.rio
t.rniQt 7.50
5.00 ii 7. r.o
.ooi 9.ro
8. 0T S.f.D
4.0(1 -it) 7.60
shown . for
Smooth hrr.vy, S50 to 300
Smooth heavy, SCO and
IlouRh heavy (,
Fat pigs '.
Feeder plita
No new arrivals were
Thursday in the cattle division of the
North Portland market. Trade con
tinued on a nominal basis, constder
nble. held-over stuff of quality belnu
available an few earing to take hold.
It appears that the "bumping" process
Is well under way In the cattle market
at North Portland. I'ntil business is
j eenerally available. It will lie impos
sible to give anythliiK but nominal
quotations thai are probably somewhat
hisher than stock could actually be
sold at.
General cattle market range:
Choice steers J g.25fi 8.60
-venium to good steers . . 7.50 it
Fair to good steers 6.i6fi
Common to fair steers . . B.75W
Choice cows and heifers 6.25
Medium to good cow and
heifers , 6.25
Fair to medium cows and
heifers .- 5.25 (j)
Common cows, heifers . . 4.25 iff
Canners 2.75
Choice feeders 6.00 4i
Fair to good feeders ... . B.SOifi
Bulls 3.50(0
Choice dairy calves 9.60W10.O0
Prime light calves 9.00 9.50
Med. light dairy calves .'. e.OOfii 9.00
Heavy calves S.OOiSJ 6.00
With a rather good run for Thurs
day, market for sheep and lambs
show trade, with prices almost steady
for the day. There was no change In
the g-eneral list from the lower range
of Wednesday afternoon.
General sheep and lambs range:
rrime lambs S 7.00 !i 7.50
Fair to good lambs 6.00 H
Cull lambs .' 4.50
Feeder lambs 3.00 $
Light yearlings 5.00
Heavy yearlings 4.50
J light wethers 4.50
Heavy wethers 3.50
Ewes 1.00
) 6.25
Bear Forces Have
Inning Ou Market.
NEW YORK, May 20. (A. P.)
Business on the stock exchange today
was listless with a reactionary trend.
The forthcoming reduction of wages
by the labor board seemed to have
lost Its force as a bullish factor.
Postponement of dividend declara
tion by the Hocking Valley railway di
rectors indicated that the question of
reduced or suspended disbursements
does not wholly apply to Industrial or
miscellaneous shares.
Steels, equipments, motors, sugars
and utilities comprised the bulk of the
other offerings at gross recessions of
one to three -points. Sporadic short
covering in the cheaper oils, tobaccos
and International Paper Imparted a
measure of steadiness to the final
dealings. Sales 4 50,000 shares.
Call loans held firm af seven per
cent. International remittances re
flected the more hopeful feeling In
connection with the Silesian situation.
Demand sterling roBe a fraction over
14 and all principal continental rates
strengthened, notably bills on Paris
ann Antwerp.
Liberty bonds were fractionally low
er and tractions also eased, but rails
and industrials were mixed. Among
foreign issues Mexicans again reacted
sharply, with irregular advances and
declines among the various European,
flotations. Total sales, par value.
The exchange will be closed Satur
day preceding Memorial day.
Shipping Board Offers
Vessels for Sale
WASHINGTON, May 20. (A. P.)
The shipping board last night offered
for sale fifty one wooden steamship
hulls, twentv four converted barge
hulls, and three steel cargo steamers.
The offer constitutes the first ship
sale activity by the board In several
Bids on the three steamers will be
opened May 31st. The are the South
Bend 12,330 deadweight tons; the
Marcia. 1 1.876 tons, arid the Edel Lyn
12,500 tons and are at' Hog Island.
Penna. Bids for the wooden hulls and
barge hulls, which are located on the
Pacific coast, will be opened June 15.
The terms call for twenty per cent
cash and the balance in four equal
semi-annual installments covering two
years. The craft are located as fol
lows: nine steamship hulls and nine
rarge hulls, Alameda, Cala.; thirty
two steamship hulls and 11 barge
hulls, Seattle, Wash., and ten steam
ship hulls and four barge hulls. Port
land, Ore.
Wheat Continues
To (.! lliglMY.
CHICAGO, ' May 20. (A. vS
Wheat advanced sharply yesterday,
upsetting predictions that the market
would undergo a big break. Passage
of an anti-pit bill through one branch
of the Illinois legislature failed to
have much influence on values, helng
far outweighed by crop damage re
ports. The market closed strong, 1 1-4
to 4 1-2 net higher, with May 1,62 to
1.53 and July 1.19 3-4 to 1.20. Corn
finished 1-4 to 1 1-8 down, oats off 1-2
to 5-8 and provisions at gains of 2 1-2
to 30.
It took only a minute to demon
strate that there was to be no unusual
.setback in wheat. The extreme de
cline of 2 1-2 cents had scarcely been
reached before the market began to
swing upward with a rush. Most
traders took the position that the anti-pit
bill was still a long way from
enactment and had been chiefly effec
tive for the time being as affording a
a good opportunity to buy. Knowl
edge that field scouts were sending In
bullish reports from the southwest
added greatly to the courage of buy
ers, although word of rains'' In Kansas
led at one time to a transient decline.
Houses wits seaboard connections
bought freely and the market closed at
almost the day's top.
Favorable weather and news that
corn planting showed rapid progress
kept price for corn and oats tending
downward most of the session:
Provisions were firm In line with
Fxtenslon of Rural
Cmllts Favored fur Farmers
WASHINGTON, May 20. (A. P.)
More liberal rural credits and exten
sion of the six months re-discount
limit by federal reserve banks on ag
ricultural paper was favored yesterday
b- Secretary Mellon as a means of
relief for farmers. The re-discount
time limit for livestock paper should
go as high as two years, he thought,
and be extended to nine months on
ordinary paper.
Extension of the maturities on agri
cultural paper would require legisla
tion, he added, and such measures
were before congress.
World Market
Overstocked, Says Hoover
WASHINGTON. May 20. (A. P.)
Overstocked world markets were said
by Secretary Hoover yesterday to be
largely responsible for the slump In
American exports. Conditions are im
proving somewhat, however, he added
and with the movement of the stocks
of commodities on hand In the foreign
markets, American exports could be
expected to pick up again.
but his pilot brought Ihe plane on to
Eugene today. Lieutenant French will
have charge of transferring ll.OOU
pounds of equipment from the train
to the patrol base.
RIGA, May 20. (A. P.) Informa
tion has reached Riga tending to con
firm the report that Leon Trotatky.
Russian bolshevik war minister, is se
riously ill. He Is said to be In a san
itarium near Moscow suffering from
Merchandising Service
As we see it is finding for you standard
quality articles and with a perfected organi
zation buying them at the lowest possible
price, then seling the mto you the same way.
In looking at it from a money making stand
price, then selling them to you the same way.
cally advanced.
Every section of the store offers savings for
you by paying cash. Investigate for your
self. New Shipment Dakota Percales
A standard quality, 36 inches wide, light
and dark grounds, yard 17c
New Patterns Merrimac Percales
One of the finest qualities, full 36 inches
wide, bright, cheery patterns for skirts,
blouses, house dresses, aprons, etc., plenty of
dark patterns too, yard 23c
Duro Belle Hair Nets
Double net, cap shape, made of human hair,
hand made, gives extra service, each. . . . 10c
Women's Black Lisle Hose 25c
Good quality black lisle, the well known Oc
tagon brand, high spliced heel, double sole and
toe, a well fitting fashioned hose at an ex
tremely low price, sizes 8 1-2 to 10, pair. . 25c
Special Group Women's Straw
Sailors S2.49
A whole window full of mighty smart little
sailors, mostly novelty straws, black, "white
and colors, crepe de chine bands and stream
ers, and patent leather bands make up the
trimming, any hat in the window at only $2.49
Women's Sport Hats $1.93
Our buying connections enable us to offer
this group of wonderfully good looking hats
at about half what you expect to pay for hats
of no better quality, right at the opening of
the season for hats of this style, any hat in this
New Bathing Suits $1.49 to $5.90
Suits to fit all members of the family, cot
ton, wool and silk and wool; color combinati
ons gay and pleasing with prices and quality
equally pleasing.
.Mi-rchnnls I i P ffj
ami Mniui. If. V
fxtnrers- IfiJ.I
carnival aw
and 87 1 h
JCPenney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution
lenlcrs' War Makes
liv Butter Prliw -
SPOKANE, Wash.. May 20. (A. T.)
First quality butter will sell here to.
day at 30 cents a pound, seven cents
lower than the lowest quotation yes
terday, as a result of a "butter war."
according to several dealers. This Is
the lowest price since 1914. Retail
prices have been averaging from 37
to 40 cents a pound. Wholesale prices
will remain at 30 cents for butter in
orints and 31 cents in cartons. The
price paid to farmers Is 27
Lumber Production
Still Below Xornuil .
SEATTLE, May 20. (A. P.) Lum
ber production of 115 mills of thu
west coast lumbermen's association to
talled 59,879,194 feet, which Is 28 per
cent below normal, according to the
weekly bulletin of the association is-
sued yesterday. Shipments totalled
58,192,307 feet the report showed.
pound for butler fat. so that dealers
who sell at the new quotation will ope
rate on a small margin.
El 'GEN E, Or, May 20. (A. P.)
Lieutenant French, quartermaster of
the 91st aero squadron, arrived In Eu
gene this morning from Mather field,
to arrange for the beginning of the
cents a j Pacific northwest airplane forest pa
trol. He camo north by airplane as
far as Medford, being compelled to
stop there on account of bad weather,
Another Slice of the Old Ham
A thirteen pound son was born yes
terday to Mr. and Mrs. Hershell R
Hamm. The father Is a well known
meat cutter and has a smile us he
hands out the cigars. Mother and
babe are doing fine. Vlncennes, In
diana, "Recorder."
A New Alibi
Since that Hammon (Ind) man was
robbed of 63.600 while praying In
church It will be harder than ever to
induce the men to go to church. In
cidentally, his name was cash.
The Offiscat has discovered that the
neighbors' chickens are In favor of
open gardens openly arrived at.
Many a girl has married what ap
peared to be a nice, upstanding youth,
a good stock model, so to speak, and
found too late that ho played the pic
colo or was addicted to the green onion
Some Female Ty)os
The Alarm Clock Shrill voice,
large hands and a plain face.
The Wrist Watch Type Small
frnmed, handsomely embellished ; very
The Mantel Piece Type Pretty fea
tures, with nothing reliable behind
The Big Ben Type Hardest to face
in the morning. '
The Wall Type Very fancy, having
a good swing, and goes "Cuckoo" If
not given attention.
The Eight Day Type Steady and
reliable, but once started, stops for
nothing less than an axe.
The Ingersoll Type Goes through
fire, flood, famine and earthquake
without changing In constancy, yet,
once, lost, lis owner doesn't think It
worth the price of an advertisement.
No Small Fry, Those
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bass arc reg
Istered at the Multnomah. Mr. Itass
is manager of tho Frye hotel In Se
attle. Portland Oregonlan.
Eat Well-and
The busy business man or the busi
ness woman is looking for a nice, clean
place to eat that mid-day lunch, and to
eat economically. With such a view we
are serving a
Served from 11 a. m. to 3 p. m.
This lunch includes
Soup, Salad, Choice of Meats, Vege
tables and Dessert
Price 40c
All white help.
Quelle Cafe
Dog Racing Is Latest in Oklahoma
Due rx-tnc hi the thine In Tulsa, Qkla. Fans turn out aa strong ua they do for horse racing, and the sport
has ero raujhty popular. There la ohe UtlBf la U jwatUuc a lavor; u raot aa't U fued. , Try aiopplnf
a mu fxnjttouDi when It- on OutSyl -r-
Making Dollars
"Go Further"
A dollar Invested In nn automobile is Invested In miles of
travel rather thun In a piece of personal properly.
The service rendered by the deuler after the sale, and his
constant Interest In you and your cur mensiMcn the miles of your
satisfaction. We mi?ke every effort to see thai you gel the full
mileage out of every dollar spent here.
Every Speedometer is a Cash Register
Oregon Motor Garage
DUtributon , L.
Phone 468