" DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, TEtaETON, oREOdft,, TITJItSDAY EVENING, lrfAY 10, 1021. pAcsmcts TEN fAGE3 Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, For Rent, Etc., Classified for Easy Reference. , CLASSIFIED AnVEIITISINa ' KATKI Bet In I point Cuuntlnf ilx or- dlnary wordi to the line First limiTtlon, per line S.lt Kach additional aonseuutiv. Inaurtlou, pr line .01 One month, .very luue, each Inaortlon, per line .01 SI month, contract, everr laaue, each insertion, per line .04 Twelve mbnth. contract, every laaue, each tnaartion, por line ,01 4 Ada not rrn coiiarautlvely, each Inaertlnn. per line 10 e) No ada liken for lae than I e linos. Minimum charge.., .il FOR KtC.NT FinnlHlicd; Apt. Phono SIU-W. HAVM YOU TRIED tlie famous Kerr". Rolled Out.? For RUNT r, mom hoiiw, June 1, north side, aiiBWi-r "31" IIiIh office. WHAT HAVK Vol' to trade for 1'ort. Innil Income Properly? Addrom "30" thlH office. "11 Y ('Alt was never washed, that good before. KlllN-Sihlllcr Co. for me cvary time." I. m. f'arlliTilar. StV IH'il'Si: havlnif been unlit, I am (liNnttnK "( my furniture, run. Mores, icebox, m a rruyomtlili price. Apply :'lfl lie mi regard ,sl., near Lewis. AM:.SMi:.V WANTKIj to handle our O'lnplole line of .Nursery fllock throughout this section of lint state, t'oniplete convnssing supplies furnish ed. Write for particulars to Capital City Nursery Co., tjc Oregon Uldg., Halein. Ore. 13. Son nr less In loan on real estate. U. F. Sirauiihan, ravkohm: mii: i;i:oii:nki llAKKIt, or.. May 19. (C. P.) Repeatedly turned down by mining ex perts, yet today a consistent producer if rich silver ore such Ik tho "come back" record of Ihe Hay Horse Mine at Huntington. The Hay Horse was only recently re opened, anil this in Hie face of udvice ! siiine of the most competent engl neers In the business. Today It Is ship ping ore at the rate of two carloads a week to Salt Jjike smelters, and be cause of heavy pn diictlon now In sinlit licKi'tluitnns arc under way for the re. opening of another smelter at Htimu ter. Oregon. J, L. Mamia. mininir cnKlneer of Spokane, is the" man itlvcn credit for the "come-back" of the Pay Horse, in spite of consistent unfavorable reports, Magna advised that a final tr'al bo made bv cross-cuttluR from tho six foot wall of tint mine. This was done. Tho crosscut processed but a few feet when a six-foot vein of rich sliver ore was tupped. The vein Is said lij b" yielding1 consistently, and the Hay Horn property, onto condemned as Worthless again hums with-activity. kaim:h am ni.Mtt: or ;n ss RRIll.lN. May 19. tC. P.) This Is a little story concerning the Kaiser, tapestry, court architects and blades of grass. It came about during the reign of Wllhclm II that tho monarch wanted Ills castle In Koenlsswusterhauser newly outfitted. Ho took a fastidious personal Interest In decorations and" furnishing.. Finally nil was well, ex cept the tapectry of his work room. Wilhelm called in the court archi tects to decide the exact shade of the I tapestry; green, it must be. he had de cided, but Just what sort of a green he did not know. The court architects waited upon bis Majesty but his Ma jesty was attending a Kij l review. The following day. they were syr luised to gel from him a pack age. Lay ers of patter and cotton; then more layers! Then finally a blade of grass. His Majesty commanded that the tapestry be Ihe color i this blade. plucked In Kiel. Hut, the green had faded front the blade In its warm 1 packing. So the architects secretly Journeyed to Kiel to stlhlv the ureen of the irrass. 1 NEW TODAY j Wh.. ii,,. ...Int.. 09 Mario inquire in wane oi. was ot.,u..,i ,., ti. i t with his orders had tus'ti followed. Dry Chief? ys.i-.i.-? .1 m K Renin Is from Washington say nno Cf thrso men niav bo appointed to succeed John J. Kramer as national prohibition rommiasioner. Above, Newton M. Fairbanks of Springfield, o. Below, Ludlow Petty, chief of po- lct3lHljj,i''fl- 'Ykr' i . , NOTICES Sloan lUiniict Shop Moved to Nye-Ward alio. .tor. be tween Ceo. Baer'. and Tallmarn Drug Co. LOST THIS MO It N 1 X U A .mall .li ver mesh purse coiitulning ubout $7 Uavc at thin office. Howard. Notice of Faynuiit of City of lYiiille ton Improvement lluml Notion Is hereby given that City of Pendleton Improvement Bond No. 32, Scrlca Z will be paid upon presentation thereof to the undersigned ht the Am erican National Hank, Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon after June 1M. 1921. Interest on the above Bond cease. June Int. IS-'l. Dutcd May 12, 1921. LEK MOORHOUSE. Treasurer City of; Pendleton, by K. W. Dickson, Deputy. IX ray Notice, or Horses There came to my place, one black pony, gelding, weig.t about 650 pounds, branded Jl) left hip, J right shoulder. One dark brown gelding, weight about 750 pounds, snip yui nose, no Lrand. One bay mare and colt, brand on left stifle mutilated, cross on right side. One gelding, field mouse color, weight about S.'iO pounds, bre.nded cross on right sido. Owner may have same by proving ownership und paying for damage, pasture and other expenses. If not claimed by Friday, June 3. fl21) nineteen hundred twenty-one, I shall offer said animals for sale at my place at ten o'clock A. M., of said June 3, to the highest bidder for cash. Farm located twelve mile, north west of Pendleton on Section 21, Township 4, North Range 32 Hist. J. C. HAWKINS. USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR FA LK Ford touring, good shape Slake me an offer Phone 875. FOR BALK Cadillac car with service body. In good condition. Phono 177. FOR HALE One ton Republlo truck, 2-ton Republic truck In good shape will sell very reasonable Call Fenland Bros., i'hone 330. FOR SALE W. bar a few good used Ford, priced from $125. to $875 rhese are all worth th. money call tnd ace them Simpson Auto Co, Tatar and Johneon Sta. LOST AND FOUND LOST Catalogue case; Hardware. Failing-McColmnn Co., Portland. Finder return to Hotel Pendleton. LOKT -Hlack etinln between Nye- Ward Shoe Co. and Bowman Hotel, j Valuable as keepsake only. Return to R. Ward, Nye-Ward Shoe Co. LOST 10 head of horses on reserva tion, branded Stllllrim Two on left hip $5.00 reward a head Address "21" this office. LOST Bay saddle horse, branded bar above V, wrong side up, on right Mine. PC on left stifle. Notify Box 17. Pendleton. Reward. FOR SALE FOR SALE A 6 room house, 4 lota Phon. 610-W. FOR BALE 4 ft. wood, $5.00 a cord Ralbh Tachclla, Phone 2F5. FOR SALE All kind, or Insurance, J, H. Est ea, 814 Main fit., Phone 604. FOR PALE 8-foot glass counter show case. Inquire 113 Jackson or Phone 739-W. I -I ' FOR SALE Fine eating Burbnnk po tatoes, $1.25 per sack St. Andrews School, Pendleton, Ore. FOR SALE Deerlng harvester with motor. Only cut 300 acrea. Phone I6F23 or see Louie Hansen. FOR SALE 5 room house sleeping ,.,.! ...i tra ut H r! t v modern ' ' . . . ... FOR SALE Meat market, first class equipment good business Inquire Durkee &8un, Box 3, Stanficld, Ore. Foil QC1CK SAl.K-$21floy Resi dence, paved street paid, IvO cash, $2ooaycur. Phone 576, Roosevelt. mm Aulos Wanted! Aulos for Sale! MAY Is one of tho -biggest automobile months of Ihe year. Tho new season gives cveiyono thu lever. Whether you lime on nolo to t'Cil or want to buy u machine Dtir Wanl-ads will bring tho dc llrcd results. Try them. For a few cents roll may put over deals that will tUld consbleriiblo profit. EAST OREGON IAN FOR BALIS 82x4 new Cowan tire, 17. 611 631 Johnson, Phone 1032. FOR BALE HatcnTng egg. from thoroughbred .Ingle comb Rhode lelaud Keds 800 W. Webb, Phon. 814 FOR BALI! 65 Caterpillar, over hauled in good shape tor harvest stationary attachment Address Box 700, Pendleton. FOR KALK One 2 story frame house with baih ronni must be moved from lot at once. Inquire ut 113 W. Jackson or Phono 9S6-W. FOR BALK or exchange to acre. good alfalfa land -'will take home, or cattle as part payment. Ueo. W. Klder, 818 Main St., Phone 993. FOR SALE Modern 8 room house, partly furnished, newly painted, good location, lot 75x100. For term, write owner. Box 4. Meacham, Oreu MAKINKI.LO CIU0AMS and powders, hair switches, ear curl, and all round bobs, Tranrf jrniatlons and wigs. Marlnello Shop, Association block, upstairs. " FOR SALE OR TRADE On. 14 H. P. Stover gag engine, moan ted on wag on bed with wide Iran wheela Guar anteed In first class condition. Will trad, for Ford. Simpson Auto Co. FOR f-'A LIC Good bedstead, mattress and springs, $25.00; book case, (12; machlnell5.00; china closet, $40.00; 2 rocking chairs $2.50 each. Sirs. A. M. Baker, Phone 248-SI utter 4 l. m. FOR BALK First mortgages bearing 8 and 10 policies and a good attorneys opinion j PASTCRE for horses, mules and cat as to title, with each loan. $200, $400, 1 tie $2.60 per month mountain $500, $1000, $1100 and other amounts. GEORGE W. F.LDER 8IS Main &L Ree. Phon. 972-W ' Phons 993 For Sulci 4 room house, $1,000.00. 5 room house, $5,000.00. ' 5 room house, $3,000.00. And many other good bargains. 40 acre chicken farm near town. 65 acres almost In city. OEO. W. ELDER & SON 818 Slain St., I'hone993 rou samo 5 room house east Webb, also W. Alia. 5 room bungalow, north .Ida. 8 room new bungalow, north .Ida. 7 room residence, north aide, fine house, 2 good little houses, very easy terms. 40 acre, alfalfa land for city propi erty. 85 acre, near Pendleton, fine loca tion. GEORGE W. ELDER (IIS Main St. Rus. Phnne 972-W Office Phnne 998 FOR RENT u,OMjJ Furt rent 40? W. Alta. J AITS. AND ROOMS ALTA APT8. FOR D28 RENT 7 room house rhone FOR RENT Furnished Apt Phone 216-W. , FOR RENT Four College St. room house 311 ROO.M AND BOARD for men only 403 E. Webb. ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen 515 Post St. FOR RE NT Phono C57- -Three R. room house FOR RENT 2 suite office room In quire Fenland Bros. ROOM3 WITH BOARD if dealred 210 8. Main Phone 657-R. FOR RKNT ern house.- 5 room rumlshed mod--Phone 664-R. FOR RENT Garage 80x50 good pit cement floor. Phone 6 IB. DOINGS OF TEE DUITS AND JUST THINK, WE TOOK IN $836 AH0 NOW WE HAVE TO GIVE IT ALL BACn! v THOSE STUPID LIGHTS GOING OOtI NEVER AGAIN I If OHVIA GET UP THE FVE5IDEMT OF iS1!1 . club Just calleo-we are g&hg iT,uBK rrf M T1(IWflS TO HAVE A MEPTIMS TO DECIDE AWtJ 14 r 'WNDEl? IF THEY'LL TRW JT ANACTOR! REFUMOlNG TUE MONEY AND THAT I ' W? ' 1 J 1 -lC i ' ifW roR THE TICKETS 1 WA5 MV i "7 : e W Zr 1 FlSST CHANCE J 'L J ' I IT' - Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity Thl. Directory la especially handy for th out-of-town reader who may want th nam. and addreaat of raaponribl bualne net vk Mfrtmt th. following llnaaa. All arc reliable, re.pon.lbl. bp.loee. concern, who .Und ready to give yon prompt aarrloa, BOARD AND ROOM In private fam ily close In Phone 745-J. FOR RENT 5 room house Inquire C 16 Ash St., Phone 1159-W. FOR RENT 2 room apt. with sleep ing porch Phone 289-W, 307 Aura. FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms. Phone 730-W after 6 o'clock FOR RKNT 3 room furnished house with gHTden. 212 Oarfleld, even ings. FOR RENT Two room downstair. apartment 307 Aura Bt, Phone 289-W. , FOR RKNT Well furnt.hed front sleeping rooms- on north aide. Phone 248-M. FOR RENT One of the large apt.. In Security apt., on cround floor. Phone 233-W. FOR RBXT Well furnished 3 room apartment close In 401 Aura St. Phone 248-SI. FOR RENT 6 foom house and 2 3 room apartments. Oeo. W. Elder & Son, 818 Main St., Phone 993. FOR RENT Furnlshefl bed room lr private family furnaced heated for one or two gentlemen. Inqulr. "90" this office. FOR RENT Tivo three room fur nished apis., with bath one with gas close in. Also furniture for sale land house for rent Phone 36 9-J. range, good grass, water and aalt will get them and deliver them. Ad dress E. B. Kidder, Gibbon, Or.. . WANTED Educated woman, ln terested In churches and Sunday school work for special employment In connection with same. $90.00 a month. ive full address and phone number. Inquire "26" this office. WANTED WANTED Woman cook on ranch Call 22F2. MAN AND WIFE want work on ranch. Phone 305. WANTED Large house to rent by the year. Phone 204-R. WANTED Young girl to take care of small child. Phone 1060. WANTED GOOD CLEAN RAG8J AT The East Oregonian office. WANTED Cook for ranch reason able wages and small crew. Phone 1F2. WANTED TO RENT 4-room modern house, inquire R. A. Marcum, 635 Main St. EXPERIENCED camp cook wants work with small crew Inquire St. Elmo Rooms. WANTED To' rent unfurnished housekeeping room and place for car. Address "18" this office. WANTED Competent cook and house keeper for family of four adults. Address P. O. Box, 679, City. POSITION WANTED by experienced hardware and Implement salesman Can give references. Address "24" this office. WANTED Responsible man or wom an to represent us in various parts of this stato. Full time required. Steady congenial work and substantial returns assured for intelligent effort. Full particulars on application. Oregon Nursery Company, Orenco, Ore. MISCELLANEOUS UMATILLA CO. Pioneer Association Weston. Ore., June 3rd and 4th. THE MORNING AFTER. WE OUGHT To SUE THE ELECTRICIAN WE SHOULD GET $10,000 DAMAGES! THAT5 MV IDEA! 1 ar-?a s a 1 'i . ' 1 lv 1 1 s- ... I IPal . S y ,wr.. I 1 JSa.l TIME CARD Wenton-Pendletoa Auto Stage Leave. Waste n for Pendleton at 7:80 a. m. and 12:45 p. m, Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leave. Adam, for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leave. Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. Store) for W.aton at 10:0 a. m. and lp.ni, 4 O. H. McPHERRIN, Prop. TIME CARD Pilot Ruck-Pendlcton Auto Stage e) 4 Leave. Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 9:00 a. m.; Leaves Pilot Rock Hotel eg a. m. Leave. Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 11:00 a. xo,; Leave. Pilot Rock Hotel 11 a. m. Leave. Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 2:30 p. m.; Leave Pilot Rock Hotel lp.n. Leave. Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 6:00 p. m.; Leave. Pilot Rock Hotel '-'6:30 p, m. ! We carry parcel, and email express. FANCHO STCBBLE FIELD Pendleton-Umatilla Anto Stage Leavj Pendleton 8:00 12:00 4:00 Echo 9:15 1:15 6:15 Stanfield 9:30 1:35 5:35 Hermiston 9:55 1:55 6:55 Ar. Umatilla 10:15 '2:15 4:15 Leave Umatilla S:00 12:00 4:00 Hermiston 8:20 12:20 4:20 Stanfield 8:45 12:45 4:45 Echo 9:00 1:00 6:00 Ar. Pend. 10:15 2:15 6:15 Two Trips Sunday Leave Pendleton 8:00 and 4.00 p. m. Leave .Umatilla 8:00 a. m. a. ra. and 4:00 p. m. Office Motor Inn Garegfl 722 Cottonwood St. Phone 868 ' PEI.L H DAWSON Parcela delivered to all way points. V 4. Walla Walla Prndlon Auto lYeight Service , Round Trips Dally Leaves Pendleton 2 P. M. Pendleton Phone 225-W. MRS. ADA FIELD Spirella coreetlere Phone 324-W. Address 514 Jane. IMA PARTICULAR GUY says; "If you want your car washed right, there's no place like the Ellis-Schiller Co." NEW FURNITURE STORE It will pay you to come and see Fisher be fore buying new or second hand fur niture. 302 W. Webb St., Phone 198. New Furniture Store I have opened a furniture store at 302 W. Webb. New and seco.d hand goods bought and sold. Come and see W. G. Fisher, Phone 198. ALL KINDS of patient, cared for by experienced nurse 800 W. Webb- Phone 884. CANDYMAKING business Start at home, everything furnished men, women, $30.00 weekly Bun Bon Co., Philadelphia. Pa. RAG RUGS and carpeta woven. Also first class crochetirg and embroid ery. All ordera promptly fill Wheelers, at 1300 W. Railroad. AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS jiWH REPAIR anything electrical on 1 an automobile. W. E. Chase BY ALLMAN gnFJi? IT'S A I RESIGN BLACK EYE FOR THE CLUB' I 1 f M lAl AUTO TIRES J PENDLETON CYCLE CO. AJax. Re- rer. and 8avaf Urea. S2I K, Co art Street, U S. PENTLEY It CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tires Tlr. service, olle and acceasorlea Alia and Gardea Sta. WALLACE) BROS. Flea tlrea, cord. or fabric. We do our own adjust ing. 808-1) Johnson St. GERTSON A MARTY Gate Super Tread tires 639 Cottonwood. Vul canizing and repairing. -' PENDLETON RUBBER A SUPPLY CO. Barney Old field, Goodrich 811- vertown Cord and Pernaylvanla Vacu um Cup 305 E. Court. . AUTO TRANSFER C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at OriCgT Cigar Store Phone 107S. ! - FOR QUICK SERVICE, Call Bud I Cornfield. Phone 62, Crescent Cigar Store, Reeidence, Phone 106 9-R. AUTO TOPS GADWA'S AUTO TOPS. Plate Glaaa, Back., Side Curtain. Ml Court St. AUCTIONEER COL. W. F. YOHNKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgl. A Btorl.'a Implement Co., for sale dates. ATTORNEYS GEORGB W. COUTT8, Attorney Law, Room 17. bcnmldt block. R. I. KEATOR, Attorney at Law, Room 24, Smith-Crawford Building. CARTER A SMYTHS, Attorneys at Law. Officer in rear of Amerloaa National Bank Building. FEB tt FEE, Attorneys at Law. ficea In Deapara Bonding. Of- 4. A. LOWELL .Attorney and Counsel-', lor at Law. Office In Deapaln Blobi. S. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law, Federal Building. PETERSON, BISHOP CLARK. At torneya at Law. Room 1 and 4 Smith-Crawford Bldg. JAMES B. PERRY. Attorney at Lav. Office otc Taylor Barawar Com pany. RA LEY, RALEY A STErWER, Attor neys at Law. Office la Aioerteao National Bank Building. FRED H. SCHMIDT,- Attorney at Law. Boom 34, Bntitb-Crawford Bldg. BATTERIES PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for IS months, W. E. Chase Co., SM B. Court. Telephone 299, Pendleton. PREST-O-LITE BATTERIES Beat by competitive teat Service on all make, of batteries, guaranteed. Preat-O-Iite Sernce Station, 401 E. (Xxvt Phone 864. CATERPILLAR W0RK CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gaa en gine., automobile, and general blacksmlthlng. Round-Up Garage, Parks & Nebergall, 212 West Webb. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER A BAN FIELD, Designing. Engineering, Constructing, 16 year, experience in concrete and brick con struction. 64 Et Third St. North Port land, Oregon. CLEANERS AND DYERS PANTORIUM Phone 473 EYE SPECIALIST. wm Hi BUTTERNUT BREAD ; ,f, is good bread, because it keeps moist longer, it's made with milk, it's wrapped in wax paper by ma chinery, and it's clean. f Small Oranges 23c and 33c Uoz. Regular Shipment Strawberries. The Dean Meat Dept. 0 . Thone 00 CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS A CUCANERS Pressing and repairing. $04 W. Webb St. rbone 121, Pendleton, Ore. FARM LOANS SNOW A DAYTON, 117 B. Court At Real Eetate. Fire Insurance. Farm Loans. s u about a loan. DENTIST Dr. H. M. Hanaro Dentistry Room T, Cample Building. Phone? T7I T DRAYMEN WHO MOVES YOU is Just aa Import ant as where you move, we also pack or .tore goods. We do country hauling Call 139, Fenland . Broa. Transfer, 114 W. Alta. ; HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING at th. Singer ft0a Kail order, promptly attended te HEMSTITCHING Mall order Mr Ralph BaaeeU 417 Bush, rhoat LAUNDRY EVERY Article Laundered PerfeeU There'a an agent in your tarenai Troy Laundry, Ml Garden St. DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 401 E. Ooenrl St- Phone 60 We maintain a 1 plete. mendloc department. MADE TO MEASURE 'Liu Carl E. Fraaneeey Du SlAaV i OSTEOPATH DR. O, Ew HOLT-Oateopatbio, pftjaO clan and Surgeon. Judd Bid. Vele phones, office 58; IUsidcnce 88-J. PLUMBING SHOP 705 LEWIS 8TRHB7 Phone 722-J. Alex Burt Painting and Paper Hanging PAINTS, Wall Paper, Picture Fram ing. U 4. McAfee, the Fraetlcal Faint Man. Lowe Bro painta. RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORK 701 East Alta street. All makes ol radiator, repaired. Work guaranteed, C Bias berg. Prop, RESTAURANT THB QUELLE -A good place) to eat. SECOND HAND DEALERS V. 8TROBLE, dealer In new and see ond hand goods; Cash paid to second hand good. Cheapest plane to buy household goods, 210 E. Court Phone 271-W. SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THB most up-to-date effectual lead ing science prartised.E. F. 43ifesoei P. S. T.; N. D. Room 12 Feebler Bldg. Pilot ocrajfter . To Introduce- our kodak will finish Free one roll and ons print each. Ward Studio. TAILORS 647 Main St Phons (jiasscs Grouno to Fit Youb Eyes lensfs dupucatto on short notcc AMERICAN NATl.BANH BUILDING, PENDLETON. Phone 609 String Bean Special Case, 21 $2.23 Doz. tins $1.20 Winesap Apples, Extra Fancy $3.00 Box. Tatom Co. Grocery DcpkfiQQ Ihonc t