East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 19, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    ' V"" "if w y
,y gi- ;:.-'. -'4;t (dtwVW'
"KImiicI," with Ihr- inimitable Otis!
Hklnntr, a ltol.crts.oii-1'ole release,
hlrh i shown last night at the S
AM. Tlnntro, In the richIcs! photo- i
ftlay of a dwadff. A the masterploof I
f Edward Ktiolilock, this film ver- I
don of thta famou drama has lost .
Imnc itf the. rwcmi&I "pop-' needed to
Fhakt it the great success on the screen i
that It wan on 1h Iceitimnte mac' . ;
While 1u1k J. (lawnicr has lnnff hc.-n '.
Identified ttith tho best in film
arhivmrnt, director of "Kismet''
h won lit ifi-calest victory of his i
the oomplpte micros of this picture.
In the first place, the combination 1
of Oil" Skinner and "Kimiu'I" assures
th niovin fan of wtiiirthinj worth ;
hlle, lT-r Ik a r,"Hl stot', written (
1'V an AnM-rlrun ilrarmttiM, in hi.ii j
thi grcateM nf Ameriran character
aiera niHara. Mr. Skinner knows
hla "KM,llet' aa few astronomer
know their planet. Thxaa who raw ;
the picture nl nisht wire privilesol '
to ace Str. Skinner In his 'irst venture i
on Ik ara. An artiat of the semi- '
old normal, lr. Skinner literally hint j
to he dragged into the realm of the i
film. Ilia appearance on the silver '
aheet ahould he heralded with tireat
Joy by the lover of moving pictures ;
and it ta to lie hoped that he has over- '
tome bla antipathy to camera acting i
and will again he seen on the screen
In Home of his best portrayals.
For three consecutive seasons Mr.
Skinner played the part of Hajl, on
the legitimate stasa. With him dtirin?
this time was Hamilton Kevelle, who.
In the picture, play hi old role, that
of the Manaur. Kosemary Thehy aa
Kut-al-Knlb and Kllnor Fair as Mar- '
ainah, pive encellent performances. It !
should be noted that while Mr. Skinner
ocrtipiea the center of the screen for
the grealer part of the time, his clover ,
attn di?a not subordinate the other j
members of a perfect cast. ,
the rolling tleck,
well to return to
"Just the knot
Farnum Insi.steil.
thought I: would be
it weather we 'Want,"
"Put tin umbrella
and llln.
over the camera, tlordiai
liucllt to be corkiux uluff,'
So a aheltor was made for th( cam
eta and the storm scenes taken. I,ittle
i rehearsal was neoiled. The real action
W'as there. The company didn't try
to act. What the members endeavor-
ed to do was to keep on their feet.
Their faces, too, expressed the 1'lRht
emotion. One man became too real.
Istic. 110 ot seasick ami had to be
taken out of the line of the camera.
In "The Scuttlers"-are other re-
t markahle scenes, embodied In a pecul
iarly thrlllinc; story of romance and
I adventure. Accordlnit to report. Far
i num. In this Ytiirc, is seen at bis best.
is .u ?
T touw
:tt the
WosUakt .
I'U-tirre. is killed tlurin? a pun fitilit
of th mount tins ff Kentucky when .
ht attrmj'ts tu lend nssist.mre to a
cans whirh seeks to retain t hi kid- '
; napped jcranildaiisrhTt-r of Major Ten- f
dleton. The uraiiddaniter is ilayed !
! by Trm i II..rr:son while the male lead
: is in the hands of Kempton Un-e-us
j One i.f the most thrHlin? sights pns
! sihle on the screen is the sinking of ii
fjhiji in a storm even if the storm is
"made to order." Hut there are
:twrrns and stttt ms. Those who rero
In" -The naiiehterrf Devil Dan." thr t i"tieerned in the niakin- of the storm
hm-st Lluffnlo Motion, Picture Cor- j scene in "The Scuttlers." whii'h
pomiion produrnon whh-h is aytear-' he shown the Arcade Theatre t
Kll l fl) IV
tstime theatre, Senator declare they Rot the thrill nf their
of the characters of the live.
Kven William Kainum, the popular
WilliHin Kov st;g-, who has heen in
manv tlirillin? si ones: says this scene
surely made his red Idnod ran fast.
And the cameraman who, photo;jrraph-
ed the picture art williui; to sin a
statement that they want no more
thrills . f this calibre.
The act. on k place outside of San
Fra tKis'-ii on hoard a 2.u-fout shin.
t.ikrn over by thv Fox company for!
:he purpose. J Wordoii VMwards was '
i!ir t 'tint; the picture. The day 'Was J
lather mean and threatordni;, but thisl
L;tve the ijioj Uiiht neivssary for the.
set iu-s. Mr. Kd wards intended to j
pump the storm f re. m the ucean in the I
customary motion pieirlro wa but th
ess' l had hardly pushed its way be
yond the three-mile limit when rain
i ;ri t" fall, and a hich wind dashed
th' waves iver the ship. At first Mr.
?-M wards, m- h' bilaioed himself nn
'WAI.l.A WAI.I.A, Wash., May m.
(A. P.--.Children of .Mr. and Mrs.
F. Weyerhauser have presented $7.".,
''"0 to Whitman colloite to ienetunte
the memory of their parents In the
northwest. The uit't was aiionunec.l
in chapel today by President S. R. U
Penrose. The money Is to endow a
chair of liil.lical literature. Twenty
five thousand w ill be' paid .Time J, a
similar sum September 1 and the litst
J23 .nail on IVcember 1. The Weyir
hausers have bi lumber interests in
the northwest. This- is the largest
Kift ever received from one family.
J . ;l ' V "C
Crow's Feet, Wrisiklss,
Peres ' rife,
Daf.jhtlul New JtlJ-3 fiiih
ot Mouuy bck
The first nppllnaliotl of Howard's
Ibitti-iiiiilk Cr.nni will uatoniali you.
The dillbst. most llfeleaa coliipl. vlon
ia turn. d to radiant h. uut and red or i
rouh lends i.r anus tnmlu anowy i
white yet there is not Hie slinlitc.it sinn '
of Its use. It actually vanishes from
stprlit and the most heated atmosphere,
will not produce the bast shinlness or
KfeiiHin. ss of the skin. '
No matter whether you are troubled
with a poor complexion, wrinkl.-s. pu!'- (
llnesH arnund the eyes, erow'a feel or
lines aroiitnl mouth, or just a simple
roughness of Hie lace, bands or arms
caused by wind or sun. you will find
that these troubles Vill illliHUy ilinl-
pear the use of Howard's putter- .
milk I'teani. 1
To prove this to your rnmlte ant-i.--l'.irtioa.
iret a paei;nue toilny at an' i
first class drill.' or toilet poods counter.
Insist on Howard's I'.uUi rinilk Cream.'
no other Crenni can take its place. H i
you cannot iilitain. send HI cents silver ,
or aiamoa lor m-nerous i.ou tunv.ie
of Cr. sin and Soup to Howard Pros.;
Company. 4."-" Washington Stre.-t. puf
lalo. N. Y. All drimrifisls can aupply ;
ynu. 1
Itcnl Siorin at Sett Shown
in W illiam l aruiim Piclinc
w ill
Give this
assistant a
f?L' '00 'i.S.
Wm.v It. Murphy to Henry c.roth
Jvmn. NW 1-4 MK 1-t Sec. -J'i. Tp. ti,
x. it. a:..
Wilbur I, H.uilt to Leila I. Nicmeyet
Sl'aoii. X i ; 1-4 XIV 1.4 ,cc. 27. Tp. j.
x. i;. 211.
Walter ITarr to J. Harr Jl.mi w 1-'.'
WK 1-4 N W 1-4 Sec. 32. Tp. ;.. X. 11. 2'K !
Alien Mathcs to Pank of ::ch.. Jl.iui
W 1-:' SK 1-4 and K 1-2 V. -l SW 1-4 I
j and K l-: NW',1-4 Sec. 27, Tp. 2, X. j
I Kdwtn A. Jlcser to P.avmond and I
Kal.h lleser Jl".."n 1-j sn 1.4 and.
M-i 1-4 XR 1-4 lind Lot 1 ami part W I ,,,
1-2 K 1-2 Sec. 5 east County Hoail Sec.
r. Tp. r, x. it. 37.
W. K. Jones to K
K 1-2 SW 1-t XW 1
X. It. 3.-,.
K. A. Moore to Cora V.
K 1-2 SW 1-4 X V 1-4 S
X. It. 3.",.
Kairers sister Mrs. Charles Hoiul In
Pendleton. I
The weridins nf Miss I.ucile Taylor J
and Philip A. Venny of Walla Walla j
was solemnized at the home of the!
brides father W. Ii. Taylor, with Key. I
'. H. I. lines of Walla Walla officiat- 1
Ins.. Mr. and Mrs. Yenny left immeil
latety for Portland on a short wedding
trlji. tin their return they will make
their home on the Yenny farm near
Wall. 1 Walla.
Mrs. Loya Miieiiner and son Orel
were isiiors hi Pendleton Monday.
S. S. Unit was a .Milton visitor Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Paine were in Pen
dleton Monday.
Mr. and .Mrs. liny Walker were
visitors in Pendleton Monday,
ravid Allen Pclle and Mis Virginia
rtussoll were united In uiarriace Mon
ilav in Pendleton by Lev. C.eorce L.
C'ark at the pr..hterian manse.
.Mr. and Mrs. l"iirv Keen were I'cn-
11 visitors Monday.
Mrs. Lattin and small daughter
Thursday, 19th
Adults, 20c
Friday, 20th
Children, 5c
From a wealthy Kentucky heme into a gangsters'
den, thence to a newsboy's life in Lcuisviliej that's
a chapter in the life ot Irma 1 larrinon in ' ' ,
Two Stfatas cf Society at Odds in Dra.na of Law
less Mountain Gan, in Whose Clutchej Has Fallen
the Daughter of a Widely-Kncwn Family.
A Comedy full of fun and frolic
I Jean were visitors in Pendleton Mon
A. Moore Jl.ai' ,.-,y.
4 Sec. 2:., Tp. 6, I 11.. IrJ .,,.. .,. ....,.
In PciiillFton Monday.
Ir consists of t-.vo boats Joined to
gether b- shatis. When rapids arc
reached the craft will hitch onto aiv
overhead rail above them and will
"shoot" the rapids suspended In tho
uir. afterward takimr tho water ac,:iln
and iiroceedini' as usual.
So easy to drop Cigarette,
CigAr, or Chewing habit
rr, (Mini lta tlia
1 3?
ribiM.ttvr ifiariMsa HrMtl.
11 la Id Hrd and UaiA AraJllA
Tk mm oUr. liny tfTMp
.1. fot ksl
Sf V 0 W Dl: HioNTS fWfwv
Tp. fi.
M-atmi ".'! i li 1 1 1 ii4JAli AVv.
Heresahighly efficient capable work
er who will help withouthindering.
is a scientific food which nourishes the
body without burdening the stomach. 1
contains the perfected nutriment of nature's
best grains.lt is partially pre-digested.
It gives energy without taking energy.Hieres
a big difference in the day's work, with a
helper like that. Many have found it so.
Grape :Nuts, served with cream ormilkjs
ajcy to the taste. But that only the begirt
ing. lis a first aid to body and brain.That'o
: the delightful finish.
Made bifPostum Cereal Co. ,Inc.,Baitle Creek, 'Michigan.
fjeranlums of extraordinary size
md beauty are the two on display at
the Koeppen Drus Store where they
have be n admired by a number of
Pendleton people.
The variety of the plant is not
known, but they are used in beds. A
border composed strictly of this one
variety attracts a Rre.it deal of atten
tion in the Portland city park.
The flowers were Brown by Mrs. F.
W. Koeppen, and six monster blos
soms were produced on one anui'l
plant. The bloasoma are aahnon col
ored and one of the two on display
measure 1-2 inches in circumference.
".VMPIIIHIOl S IH).T" ivi:Ti:i
l:itf.SKU. May PL (A. P.)--.n
"Amphibious boat," which Is bit n.T-
' d to obviate llliticulties ill (.'"lltUI na.
j v Nation entail. .1 by the rapids, uiub r-
went ti very tiuctvssfiil trial here re
cently in the presence of the Kiim- of
'he IVluian.
No-To-Hnc haa helped thousands tu j
break the. costly, nerve. shatterini; to-
I baceo ha1. it. W henever vou have, a
lonqins f"f a smoke ir chiw, Just :
place a haiuilesa Xo-To-Pac tablet in j
your mouth instead. All desire at-.ps. :
Shortly th hahlt Is completely broken. I
atol you are better off mentally, pb f
aioally, flnunrtnlly. It's no euay, wij
ainipl... ib't a box of No-To-liac and!
if it doesn't release you from till crnv- i
in for tobacco In any form, your
driiKfist will refund your money with-j
out It'lesllon. '
( a.
m. to t p. m.
Mixlcrn DcjitJatry
In All Tlriuiclin.
Dr. Lynn K. Blakcslee
Chronic and Nervou DUciuiea n
DluaiMea ot Women. X-Hay Kloctrlf
Ttmple Tlld(. Room It
Phon 41 i
I'lmna StK-W P. Ot Hn
n nea lire
( Kast
iiPsi.iiUn Hpecial.)
.May 19. The eighth
(trade pupila enjoyed a picnic on Pins
reek Tuesday afternoon. A picnic j
dinner of cake, aalad, aandwichea. ,
Alta Today
pickles and vveineru was served. Those
who attended were Mrs. Holt, Kuth
Williams. .;pta piersol, Ksther Conn-,
tcr. Kathryn Mclntyrc, Klma Miller,
Kthel (leissel, Ruth Hut t, Walthia
Hnynie. aomi Heamer, Hlanche Joh,n
son. lionald .Johnson, Peeve Melts,
Velton Heed. Joe McKlhaney, Mose
Hannister and Ix.raln Shlck.
Airs. Hichtird Thoniison and daugh
ters June and .Marearet and Miss
lOloise Herttevin were visltorH iir Peu
dbton Monday.,
Mr. and Mrs. U'm. Hardin,' of Mil
ton were jruesifl Sunday at the home of
.Mrs. Haider's parents Mr. and Mr..
Pi auk HeFrcece.
.Mr. and Mrs. W. f. roiinte
children Ksther and Virnil were
dlcton visitorM Monday.
.Mr. and Mrs. C. M. KaRer
daughters Hetty and Virginia
pucsts Monday at tho home of
r and
M is.
' j
m r r i s SSS
Edward i&ioblocL
Di reeled
s, is.tia
I -
i '
str ',
mcus'iu szrr
I William QoX presents
W' 'sQti-
a l
J stirring star j ofaie sea
The story of a daring sleuth, a charming maid, a sinking ship and a desert island
Added Attraction, the World-Wide "PATHE WEEKLY"
ADMISSION ADULTS, 35c; Children, 10c
t'031 LDV "BETTY'S VA31I