r' r ', , , y-.. s . N ; 1 1 i V i h fliTil CDC DAILY EAST DRESOKIAIT, PENDLETON. CHEQON, THUESDAY EVENING, MAT 19, 1021. TEN MGE1 MINH GRAY TO VIPIT lAFTKUNOON IS ENJOYED. Miss U.iitM Gray Ik expocw-d to nr-1 About on hundred members and rlvs In Pendleton thin evening for a1 Invited guests of the Degree of Hon- vlit with her sister, Mm. George liart mn. Miss Clay will go to Spokane Inter to visit Wend and will return to pnrtlnnd In time for the marriage of Mliw Kwther Maegiy and Jack Justice, which will tie an event of mid-June. Mia Mnetrly will hiive several attend ami! and anionic thee Miss Gray will lie a bridesmaid. Miss Maojjly and Miss Gray are sorority sisters, bolh h'lng numbers of Chi Omega. GTH1JT SOCIETY MEETS Tho :irls' Friendly Society, tipper division, met yesterday afternoon at the rectory of the Church of the Re deemer. The afternoon was apent in sewing and plana were made for a membership 'ranipalgn. Kntherlne Dickson and Ellen Fislep were chosen cum a in of teams and the winning team will he entertained by the mem bers of the losing team. The members of the society enjoyed refreshmnta served yesterday by Mrs, Alfred Lock wood. ENTTtB NOl'8 TO MEET Membera of the Entre Nona bridge club and their husbands will be guests on Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mra. It. E. Morse with Mrs. Morse and Mrs. A. C. Khert as hoat eases. or. enjoyed the social afternoon of the lodge yesterday in their lodge rooms. Included In the program as an tin usuul feature, were drills, given bv rnoo.RAM to nrc oiven. The Epworth League of the First Methodist church will give as their JJd unnt versa ry program Sunday evening a pageant entitled "The Hope of the World." The scene la laid In the modern American home, and the the twenty girls, dressed In white and"! story concerns two boys and two girl.' carrying the national colors. Following a piano solo by Mrs, Clair Edwards, .Mra. McGee, chairman of the hostess committee, invited those present Into the banquet room. The tables were beautifully decorated in Call fur ma popples and yellow lupine, beneath festoons of yellow. A two course luncheon was served who have tired of the quiet or a Sun day evening spent at home. The Spir it of the Kpworth league enters and challenges them to go with her through her world wide realm In or der to witness the manner In which young people of other lands spend their Sunday evenings. The regular church choir will furnish the music, Mrs. S. M. Done, a member of the jand over 60 persons will take part In order, and a former resident of Pen- ,he various scenes. The program If dleton, now living in Spokane, was!"" follows: present and gave a very Interesting talk. The next social of the order will be given June IS and Mrs, Edwards, chairman, and her committee will be the hostesses. SALE TO RE HELD The young ladies of the Sunday school class of the Baptist church will hold a cooked food sale and ba aar on Saturday at Crawford's Furni ture store. The sale will begin at :S0 a. m. and la for the benefit of the starving children of Europe and the World Wide Oulld. H O II STAII18 SHOP New Sports Apparel Jersey Jackets in "All White," Navy, Black, Brown, Em erald, Henna and Sand. NEW GEORGETTE BLOUSES NEW SUMMER DRESSES NEW SPORT SKIRTS M (J THE SHOP OP BKITE R VAtCES ROLLED BARLEY, ROLLED OATS, . TIMOTHY HAY ALFALFA HAY CHICK FEED . SCRATCH FEED WHOLE CORN , CRACKED CORN HOUR & GRAIN CO. 1300 W. Alia Phone 351 ECONOMIZE Both your money and time by buying here. Every piece of merchandise in our store is a 100 per cent value for you. 35 pound Silk Fla?.-r Rolled Edge Mattresses $17.50 45 pound Cotton rolled edged Mattresses $8.75 45 pound combination Mattresses $7.25 Fibre Matting, guaranteed fast color, per yard 75c 10x12, 8 ounce W all Tents $16.50 8x10, 8 ounce Wall Tents . $12.50 6x14, 10 ounce Bed Tents $6.00 One beautiful 5-section Gunn Book Case $40.00 We do repair work for the public, and solicit your patronage. Our charges are reasonable and we guaran tee every piece of work. m Your i for Service iley&Kemp Quality Our Watchword Phone 5Z2 Satisfaction Our Aim 523 Main Interlude Music by a hidden choir. Scene 1. "Morning Watch at Epwortli Rectory. 1713" ( Representing Kirst Department). Interlude Music. Scene 2. "Hungry, for Christ" (Mex ico). (Representing First and Sec ond Departments). Interlude Musk i Scene S. 'An Averted Wedding" (Chinu). (Representing Third De partment). Interlude Music. Seem 4. "At the Court of Christian Uirl hood." (South America). (Repre senting Fourth Department), lnter-lude-Music. Scene 5. "An Interna tional Institute" (Representing 1'irsl and Second Departments und Lift Service). The Enlistment for Ser vice. P. T. A. TO MEET. The new officers for the Washing ton Parent Teacher Association will he elected tomorrow afternoon, thi last meeting of the year. The report from the State l'arent Teacher Asso elation convention held recently 1 rendleton will be given, and H. E Inlow, city school superintendent, wil discuss "Vongeninl Home Surround ings for Teachers." Harold J. Wa ner, local attorney, will discuss thi referendum measures which will be voted upon at the June election. The musical program will consist of voca solos by Mrs. T. If. Remboldt, and Mrs. T. A. Wylie. and a piano solo Miss Clara Griggs. NEW OFFICERS CHOSEN Mrs. A. Eklund was chosen presl dent of the Woman's Home Mission ary Society of the Methodist church or Tuesday afternoon at a meeting held at the home of Mrs. K. G. Warner, or Jackson street. Mrs. E. L. Smith wa rhosen vice-president; Mrs. J. L. Mc Atee, secretary; Mrs. A. Molstrum secretary of the mite boxes; and Mrs. Hartzel was chosen secretary of thi flower boxes. Original poems by Mrs. Warner am Mrs. Hartzel were given, and Mrs. A. Wylie gave a vocal solo as well a a piano solo of her own composition The hostess was assisted In serving b Mrs. Carno and Mrs. Furnish. G. A. R. TO MEET. The Ladles of the Grand Army ol the Republic will meet tomorrow aft ernoon In the club room of the library The members have been asked to brinf needles and thimbles. Discussion of the coining G. A. R. convention will occupy tht hours of the afternoon Hostesses will be Mrs. Mollie John son, Mrs. Winnie Lincoln, and Mrs Pearl C. Hawks. CLT'R WILL MEET The members of the Spizzetlnktum club will meet tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jesse Hale, with Mrs. Hale, Mrs. Shepherd, Mrs. Perk ins and Mrs. William Edwards as hos tesses. VISIT IN PENDLETON. Mrs. George Ferris, of Walla Walla sister of Roy E. Morse of this city anil Mrs. Warren Henneburger of Walla Walla, sister of Mrs. Morse ar rived today by auto for a short visit at the Morse home on Perkins avenue GUESTS IN PENDLETON. Mrs. A. F. Lundburg and littl naugnter, atarjorie, of seaside are guests at the home of Mrs. J. M. Cook 300 Thompson street. Mrs. Lundburg was formerly Miss Bernice Walker ot Pendleton. LEAVE FOR CONDON Mr. and Mrs. John H. Sherman and Mrs. Erwln Schiller left today by mo tor for Condon where they will speni a "week at the home of Mrs. Sherman' parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Engberg. MRS WHETSTONE CHOSEN Mrs. Nettie Whetsone, of Pendleton is the new state president of the Re- Try a Change in Food for Friday We carry a high grade line of Tatty Goods in tin and glass. Fiskeboller, ..tmall can, 25ci large, 65c B. & M. Clam Chowder, tin 15c Gorton's Cod Fish Flakes, tin ........35c Boneless Figs Feet, tin 30c 21 kinds of Campbell's Soup, tin 15c Gorton's Finnan Haddie, tin ......... 50c Gillnetter's Columbia River Salmon. ...30 and 50c Japnnese Crab Meat small, 65c; large, 90c Canadian Lobster.... small, 45c; large, 80c Tuna, Curtis Quality, from 20c to 65c Normanna Norweigen Herring, tin 35c Normanna Norweigen Mackerel, tin 55c American and Imported Sardines, 18 brands. from 10c to 50c Sardine Paste, tin , 15c Stanfield Cheese, pound v45c Tillamook Full Cream Cheese, pound 35c Gray Bros. Groceiy Co. 3 Phones 28 Only 1 Quality the Best f for Sport HEALTH FOR WORKING GIRLS Those Who Suffer and Are Unable to Work Need . Helpful Suggestions Snrincfielrl. 111. "I had periodic trou ble with weakness, cramps and back ache and 1 could not work. A neighboi recommended your medicine and I tool four bottles of Lydk E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. J Imf j am how strong anc well, able to work, and recommend you 1 medicine to im friends. "Ann) RlMKUS, R. R. No. 8, Springfield, 111. Why will girls continue to sufTet month in and month out as Miss Rimkiu lid when case after case is related where Lydia & Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has removed the cause of the trouble arj j brought good health. For more than forty years this old fashioned rout and herb medicine has been the stand lrd remedy for such ailments, arte: has the record of having restored more suffering women to health than any other medicine. If there is any complication about your condition you do not understand write Lydia E. Vinkham Medicine Co. Lynn, Massachusetts, in regard to you beslUi. mt t if, 5 o i t; Vfi I i ' i III. Mh'iirtiilrilntf itnil. rirfntfliilllHnrftrtM I A i , -.4 I 5c. a Day For Hood's Sarsaparllla. the Bst Medicine Treatment That Will. Purify Your Blood And Build You Up This Spring REV. GRESSMAN WILL i ir stncuy sport wear. Alien, fit-amount star, has let the knitted frocK replace the skirt aud swtattr. The wool Is Harding blue. ekah Assembly of Oregon. -he was hoKcn at the convention held this week in Albany. Mrs. Whetstone, who ias served as vice-ircsidnt, is prom- npnt In the work of the order anil Is ne of tho most active members. T. A. TO MEET The last Parent Teacher Association -neetini; of Hawthorne school will be held Friday afternoon at the school nrilding. The meetin- promises to be ery interesting and will be marked hy lection of officers for the coming year md reports of the recent Oregon Par- nt Teacher Association convention ind also the oint Oreffon-Washinston iessions. ' - jITTLE DAUGHTER BOIIN. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Engdahl, of Helix; re the parents of a little daughter lorn this morning at the homo of Mrs. L. Nichols. The new arrival has ieeii named Eleanor Ann. Mrs. Eng- lahl was formerly Miss Sadie Younsr. (East Oregon Inn Special.) TILOT ROCK, May 19 Mr. and -Mrs. Chris Roth left Tuesday of last week to visit Mr. Roths parents In Cal ifornia. An outing was enjoyed Sunday on McKay creek by Miss Helen DeVaul, Mr. und Mrs. Alfred Westgate and ftollin McBroom. Mrs. Alfred Knot Is has accepted a position in the local telephone office. ' George Done, Dr. Oscar De Vaul and L E. Roy were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Truman Sunday, the occasion being Mr. Tru man's birthday. Rev Gres.nan, pastor of the Chris tian church of Pendleton, will be in Pilot Rock Friday evening. May 20, and will preach at the church here. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Leathers and Mrs. George Hunter were out from I'endleon Tuesdnq. evening and at tended the musical decitul at the high school auditorium. Itev. George Clark, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Pendleton, will deliver the Baccalaureate sermon here Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock In the high school auditorium. The high school, musical recital will be Tuesday evening, May U, Commencement exercises will be Friday evening. .May 27. Tho urad uates are Wllbert Horn, George Jor. dan, Victor Rracher and Herschel Kidwell. Mrs. Frank Done and Mrs. James Truman were shopping in Pendleton Monday; Following Is the program of the mu sical recital given Tuesday evening. May 17, by the pupils of Mrs.. J. O. Kussen, who are under high school age: Piano Duet "Little Fairy Schot- tiscne ' . .Daphne Smith and Dorothy Jones Piano Solo Mamma's Two-Step. . Dorothy Whlttaker Reading The Old Deacon's Ver '" Ruby Hutchinson Vocal Solos (a) I've Got the Mumps b) Bandy Legs . Helen Khotts THE THOMAS SHOP to Sport Jacitets and Woolen Sits Better Spring Types and Qualities. The Kind Most Wanted Just Now. ' ' ; . . . ' ' ' It is gratifying this season to find splendidly tail ored, smart styles, fine wool fabric skirts that do not necessarily entail a large outlay. New pleats, side box and knife; new ideas in plaids and stripes. Piano Solo Twilight Edna Southerlnnd Piano Duet Adonis Gallop ....... Neva Kolin, Cornelia Eldrldge Piano Duet The Bong of the Crick et Clara Uracher Kdna Kerrhoff Piano Solo prancing Ponies , Helen Knotts Violin Solo Love and Flowers . . . Ralph Fletcher '. Vocal Solos (a) My Laddie; (b) Todlol Elmo Russell Piano Solo Soldiers Parade Cornelia Eldrldge Piano Solo The Teddy Bears Picnic Daphne Smith Reading Violet's Troubles Ruby Huichlnsnn Piano Solo Grasshoppers' Frolic. ' Mildred Hemphill Piano Solo Katrina Mary Hunl Piano Duet Guards March . .Clara Rracher and Helen Knntts The second part of the program con sisted of a fnlry piny entitled "Elsie's In Dreamland." ' " Elsie ..Clara Braeher Elsie's Mother. ......... .Neva Bolln Elsie's Two Dolls Mildred Hemphill aud Elmo Russell The Witch .". .Paphne Smith The Orge George Jordan The Bear . . .' Ralph Fletcher The I Jon ......... .-'v.'.. lluih Currln .. . .!.' in -j mixai ua She ivas Fat lJ. Mr UiIm Km Uf mmf 4trvHtM f MntaUIr Urt to ket UrWtlta, IUIusMs) Mil fl Mlf-trritw!. Umf iir. iuiir, n m wt. mm idr mtm rmm sW I-num bmiIw. fciw 4 VkVsM.n. UMTIg. liflMltbMlNll r rf i . S trm bf isf wii Mf .tjsMMj rm m vrrt i i im. at w 6W Preinier Turns the Crank nMi;nwuwiiiii,-iniwiiiimi sm iHTtiftfimiiB Ilm iniiWiirnwiiiiWiyiii-iiMi &&jtMmmiM May 14th to May 21st. Poi OiiGlVeelv Only 25 discount ON ALL FRENCH AND PYRALIN IVORY. Make your selection for Graduation gifts. s E Step Inside for a Nice Ice-Cold Drink j Premier Briand of Fiance celebrated his 100th pose (he counted 'cm! befors the movie camera In London by turning the ciunk m the movie men. Woman Fire Marshal 'A -? 'A it iff .' w w .. i,. ,".r t I f la aiiui 7 1 Mm. Sidney Landers, Okluhonui City. msi assitunt hie murshal of re tottwima. is mt- ol the .Vw women to holil that oslticn in th'. t'nlted Uta But sia-' t.'i'o .vounyest, say Okuihvma Die oftl. wis. tihe's 12. Z2$J We are demonstrating the porcelain-lined' water cooler in the famous Automatic Refrigerator. This cooler lies right next to the ice, between the food and ice compartments. , Requires no extra space or ice. Your ice does double duty, cooling your water and refrigerating your foods. Can be used with or without water bottle. Have you seen the food-saving, ice-saving, health saving Automatic? It's a wonderful refrigerator. Used in Over Two Million Homes in America. CRAWFORD F 10.1 V. COITVT ST. PHOXK 4M