East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 18, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ' " M t M t M i ' M
People Here and There
Graduation Gift a
Permanent One
V. A. Lloyd htl'B yoHtcrdnjr from
his home "t t'ovo.
H, L. C'lUnP1"'1' of Joseph was here
Tuesday afternoon.
R. U. Eto of Ulbboii was liore yo
ti'rday oil a business mission.
Mm. M. MrCullough of Wulla Walla
wTnThl simicrxt K"1 wafc-li IM wcrwwrlljr
Nfliool MlundiinllM-d.
- f 4 $ 9 9 t . f f r
"l! Sailors II MliK. Ji.WV WTrSTCOTT. of
I P7 7" r- 1 I niwc, '. V., who clocliircs Tan. j; S-l11 '?
I J,'f'L: j thrill, MyM U built lu-r up to whrrr. j (tip
j lyf i slm la just hrinfful of iHTrlifo and ! Iff MAKfc Il.s
mm r ' ' i I
wu here yesterday visiting fj-tendi.
J. A. Holiday, clerk of School DIs
trlct No. l"s '" Pendleton toduy
on official business.
Adrian Mill", formerly with the
IVndleliiii Woolen Mills, In In the city
on business. lt arrived yesterday.
Joint Henderson ha returned from
Im drunde whore he visited friend
He i a iienlor In 1he high school.
j, II, Kennuy, proprietor of the
Hhamrock Confectionary More of
Htunrield and successful manager of
the Htanfleld baseball team, I In the
elty todny to uvunm for a game bc-
tween hlB nlno unil the Colored Titter
of Pendleton. The battle royal will
be staged the Monday lifter Decora
tlon Day.
Hc.hool District o. 60, whore Miss
Margaret Ktruughn 1h teacher, In now
a standardised rural, one-room school.
County Court In Session,
All members of the county court
were hero toduy in session. ThtH Ih
th first time for ten las that ull the
members have been here. . Inspections
of roadH anil other outHlilo matter
have been taking the lime of the commissioners.
ni rrrit is sti:.iy
POliTLAXD. May IS. (A. P.)
Cuttle are wi'uK, hogs are steady, sheep
dre .low. F! nnd hutler are Hteudy.
mi: kiticiknt woman
V hear a great deal nowaday
about the efficiency of women. In the
i:owl of fifty years uo, who ever
heard of n woman praised fur hrr exe-
eutlve alilllty, force, and energy. In the
venue that It la uacd to-day The' frail,
delicate, helpless Ideal of. wemnTihood
hua passed away. Ilim It la possible to
measure up to. t ho Ideals of modern
woitiunhood ? In the first place, we
moat keep our bodies III the best pos.
Thousands of women have succeed
ed throuith dally Inn In, exercise In the
fresh ulr, and I.ydla 1.. Ptnkhnm's
Vegetable t'ompeimd at the first sign
if female weakness. I
Caw Ordered IMaiidwcd,
The citae of Oron O. Felthouac
HKaiiiit the Oregon Washington Kail-
road and Navigation t. which was
pending In circuit court, had been dla- i
nilaaed by order of Judgo (J. W.
Phetpa. The lt waa for damages to
the amount of $3,733 sought by the
plaintiff a a result of damage alien
ed to have been caused when a truck
owned by him wa cauiiht between
ntovinir ear and Uemollahed.
Edward Douglas White Cannot
Recover From Effects of
Operation Say Physicians.
WASHINGTON, May IK. (Herbert
W. Walker, I'. I'. Staff Corieapond-
ent) Chief Justice of the Coiled!
Ktatca auprenis court la dylns today.
I'.dward DoURlaa White, a former
confederate roldler, a one time I'nited
Htatea aenator, and u member of the!
nioHt (owerful Judicial body In the
world long enoufrh to aee a generation
of tuitions lawyers rlxe and paaa, can
not recover irom tne errecia or an
operation, hla phynlciana aald. A bul
letin owned shortly after ten a. m. lie-1
finitely atated that hope for White'i
recoAerj' had been abandoned.
Many to Take K'lunw.
It became known today that In the
event an examination la held here to
fill the local poNtmaaterahip there will
ho quite a few taklnif the examination.
Thla will Include a number of men in
the aervlce and a number who are now
eiiKaRcd In other llnea of work'. It la
undej-atood that Thonuui Thompaon,
who hua CoiiKreaaman Klnnott'a back
ing for tho place will bo anionic those
taking the tests. Vnder the law, how
ever, the Postmaster Ueneral has the
riulii to appoint Post runnier Cronin
without further examination If he de
aires, as Mr. Cronin has already pass
ed the examination and received a civ
il service appointment under President
I i Y ' ' . i
MUM: -fT ..')
hit v " : ii
1 r -ftt 7 1 r II V ' - . - - I It'll m
i ! l, " i 1 i. " a i i - - z a i . Bill
i v&'f :
if A) "' UHt ,nlnk Tan,ac ' tne greatest VfelSSS
The consumption of crackers and cookies
has trebled in the past few years. It is only re
cently that the cracker industry has attained
perfection. Today machinery grinds the golden
grains of our vast domain 'into the most delici
ous foods with hardly a touch of the human
hands. The very goal of sanitation and cleanli
ness. You will be more than satisfied with SNOW
FLAKE SODAS, matchelss crackers and cook
ies of every description. Nothing better for the
Pbone 187 and 18S 739 Main Street
The Jury awarded lira. Ien;i A. Hed
derly f 1,500 damages aitainst the thru
federal officers aliened to have shot
and killed' her husband when he at
tempted to run through a cordon of
police in a high-powered automobile.
The widow aaked I'.&vu. Hhc claim
ed that Hedderly, the suepected boot-
lcicfier who constantly o.itwltted ope
ratives, was a "thorn in the side" ot
certain officials and that a clique was
ortuanlwd to "get him out of the way".
He was killed on a alight pretext, she
To show that women are as good
allora as mm, these Chicago girls
are doing men's work preparing the
vacht P-29 for the opening of the
Chicago yachting season. Betty
Cowan and Kelly. McKevftt are
'aloft' Band papering the
a llli prfcwt watt-h hut rHiaWe Itnw WTprr.
Many the man ttt tialay vim cheriil.e watrh ltn
l.lm when a boy njr 1.1s parent. K-h time he !
at U It reminds Mm thmi aixl holr I"1
AHow your Itift to awaken in him a srnsc lA lrhlc,
tluU will ski him In Ills future years.
1 llve affnita for The GltlTSN, tlie bmis liran
Ufiil watt-li in AuK-rkn.
ie Largvat Diamona Dealers in Kastrrn Oregon.
TACOMA, May IX. (I. P.) Three
of tlie four soldiers charged with'the
I murder of Karl Tlmbs, tho tasi driver
are left without an uttorney to repre
sent litem, following their pleas of
"not guilty" before Judfe A.skren.
I ni mediately after their pleas had
beon entered, Hcott Henderson, who
had been acting an their uttorney, de
manded the accused men lo given aep
arato trials. JuiIk Ankren denied
this. "Henderson withdrew from the
case, lenvlng only one of the soldiers,
George Sharp, with an attorney.
HPIUNOFIRIJ). Ills.. May II. f A.
P.) The senate passed a bill placing
the operation of train exchanges un
der the regulation of the state depart
ment of agriculture. The bill goes to
the house for the finish of the fight.
It was opposed by the Chicago board
of. trade.
pnr.sini:xT wnx sic nii.1,. .
President Harding will sign the immi
gration restriction bill recently sent
him by congreai. Representative Al
bert Johnson of Washington, said af
ter a call at the white house.
Pancake Flour.
jiffy from Kerr's
Wheat Grom
Mass M
Pendleton p. in.
(Union Hall)
Helix, 2 p. in.
(Odd Fellows Hall)
Woton,2. ill.
(Memorial Hall) -
Pilot Rock 8 p. in.
(Opera House)
Atlicna 8 p. m.
(Commercial Club)
Milton, 8 p. m.
(Commercial Club)
The relation of the Oregon Coopera
tive drain Growers' association to the
fulled States rjraln Growers' Inc.,
will 1 explained to' t'matllla county
farmers at a meeting to bo held
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at
Union Hall when Geo. C. Jewett. vice.
president of the national organization
will speuk.
The meeting is one of a scries of
several that have been held during the
past few weeks when the question of
"heat marketing has been discussed
pro and con, it is said.
Kdgar I Ltidwlck. state organizer,
of the state body, arrived this morning
and he declared that the Oregon asso
ciation has no desire to fight the coun.
ty furm bureau on its action.
"Jlr. Jewett is going to tell what he
Knows about the movement and ex
plain Its advantages. After his tour of
the country we will have field men
who will make a canvass of the farm
ers to sign up as many as they can."
Other meetings will be held in the
county. Tomorrow night Mr. Jewett
will speak at Pilot Hock, Friday after
noon and evening he will be at Helix
and Athena and Saturday afternoon
and evening ho will be at Weston and
I just think Tanlac la the greatest
medicine on earth and I can never
praise It enough for what it's done for
"For two years I was In a badly run
down condition. I had no eppetlte,
and after every meal 1 would be in
awful distress from indteesllon and
bloating. My nerves, were on edge,
and I could never get a good night's
sleep I felt tired and wornout all
the time, was losing weight, and many
times I was so weak I couldn't look
after my. housework, 1 Just felt mis
'Tanlac helped one of my friends
so much that I began taking it and
it has certainly built me up into splen
did health. My appetite is so big I
can hardly get enough to eat now, and
I am never troubled a particle with
t-loating or Indigestion. My nerves
are as steady as clockworks, and I
sleep like a child at night. I have re
covered my strength and am just
brimful of new life and energy. In
fact, I feel better than I have in years.
My gratitude toward Tanlac is un
bounded." The above statement was recently
made by Mrs. Nancy Wcscott, 121
Market St., Syracuse, N.Y.
(Fast Oregonian Special.)
ADAMS. May 18. Casper Wood
ward has finished plowing 520 ncres
of summer fallow and is harrowine
Sullivan Reimer boueht 100 lHtlo
chicks and is going into tho chicken
Those who motored to Bingham
Au Revoir
Detailed explanation of the Oregon Co-operative Grain Growers' plan of
marketing wheat, and our connection with the newly formed National associ
ation, the United States Grain Growers, Incorporated, will be explained in
detail to Umatilla county wheat growers by Mr. Geo. C. Jewett, Vice President
of 4-he United States Grain Growers, Incorporated. ,
Oregon, Washington, Idaha and Montana wheat growers decided within
the last week to follow this plan. 1200 Oregon growers have signed 4,000,000
bushels of wheat for marketing under this plan within the last three months.
8500 growers in the northwest have signed fore than 28,000,000 bushels.
Operating in conjunction with United States Grain Growers, the Oregon
Co-operative Grain Growers Association will obtain for tho grower large ben
efits from the Finance and Export Corporation of the National Association.
Come out and hear it explained.
Watch this space for future announcements. ,
.!";. -1
Little Jacqueline Carpentltr
.ouldn't say It, but Georgee knows
hi tour months-old daughter wished
him lurk as hvtock her out tor a
farewell walk in Paris before sail
tun to Atactica,
Springs Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. G.
M. Morrison, Holland, Geraldine ant'.
Kobertai Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hales and
John Hales, Mr. and Mrs. Will Boyer
and Helen and Wilraa.
Thoso who attended . the Baptist
association in Milton were Reverend
Luther, J. T. Lieuallen, Mr. and Mrs.
J. U Licuallen and daughters, Doris
and Dona. Mr. and Mrs. Will Boyer
and daughters, H'ilma and Helen, and
Mr. and -Mrs. John Giesa.
Mr. and l!rs. Lester Watrus and
son returned to their home in Seattle
after visiting for tho past week with
her mother, Mrs. I Verne Watrus
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Mar
quis. Mrs. Wallace Xel&on and son, after
visiting relatives and friendain Ad
ams for the past week, left for her
home In Idaho.
Charley Grit man of Pendleton, was
in Adams today. il
MtHH .vioritiuore's room, the &th and
6th grades, took lunch and went for
a half holiday and outing Friday aft
ernoon on the creek near Adams.
Gladwyn Spencer went to Pendle
ton Saturday.
Mrs. Evard McCoIIom was in Pen
dleton Tuesday.
Mr. Mayberry motored to Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Perkins and
daughters Naomia and Wanda, of
Pendleton, and Miss Helen Blake mo
tored to Bingham Springs Sunday.
Miss Helen Blake spent Saturday
at her home in Adams.
Miss Geraldine Morrison and Hoi-
PayCash ' Receive More Paj Less
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court " Phone 880
Dollars are not made of rubber ! but
tbere is a way of stretching them, and that
Way is Pay Cash at this Cash Grocery.
Pay Cash V Receive More Pay Less
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court ..- ' Phone 880
land Morrison. John JIalcs, Blanch
Isaacs, Ruth Douglas and Gwendolyn
Mclntire. spent the week-end at Bing
ham springs.
Mrs. Nelson left today for Toppen
Ish to joip her husband and will visit
her son, who is living there for a
short time.
Etnmet Darr and Mrs. Bertha Kem
bler motored to the river Sunday for
an outing.
The Adams baseball boys played the
boys of Thornhollow at Adams. The
score was 17 to 7 in favor of Adams. A
large crowd of people attended from
the reservation and also from Adams.
Mr. and.Mrs. Ralph Wallan aniKson
Billy motored to Adams Sunday and
were the guests of her parents Air.
and Mrs. Jim Chesnut.
Mr. and Mrs. Cargill and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Perkins and daughter
N'omanic and Miss Helen Blake all mo
tored to Hermlston and down the Co
lumbia river Sunday for a day's out-
l ing.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stone and son
Germs of l)4fcease should be prompt
ly expelled from the blood. This is a
time when the system Is especially
susceptible to them. Get lid of all Im
purities, in the blood by taking Hood's
Sarsaparilla, and thus fortify your
whole body and prevent illness.
TUman motored to Adams todar.
Ivan Blake of Helix motored to Ad
ams and accompanied by his sister,
'Miss Ha Blake, and mother, motored
to Athena and attended the movie
Mrs. Evard McCollom and children
were the guests of her mother, llr.
and Mrs. M. A, Baker, today.
.Ed Wallan is grading down hla
yard at the new home and will soon
hae a lovely lawn.
Adams community Is planning on a
great time Friday, the last day of
school. Miss Mortimore and Mrs.
Calkins and MIsa Robots have prepar
ed a fine entertainment by the school
children and community girls.'
Goodyear TiresThat Are Even
Better Than Before
We are building better Goodyear
Tires for passenger cars today than we
have ever built before. In the past
few months we have added to their
value time and time. again making
them larger, stronger, heavier, and
even more durable. We believe we
speak truly when we say that no
where in the world will you find
their equal in endurance, mileage,
and sustained economy. You can
get these tires from your Good
year Service Station Dealer now.
Goodyear Tire &. Rubber Company
' of California