DAILY EAST OHEGONIAN, PENDLETON,' O&ECOtf , WEDNESDAY jiVEKINa, MAY 18, 1021. PAGE FOUS Good Dress Has Uneven Balance A Specially Pretty Lot of COCKED v IN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER, Publlrho IUr una Beml-Weekly, t IvmllMon, Oron, by the AST OHEOONIAN l'VBLlSHlNQ CO. Entered at the post office t Penillo ton, Oregon, as second elaaa mall mat ter. O.N SALE IN OTHER CITIES Imperial HiAel Nwa Stand, Portland. ON KILE AT Chicago Bureau. !' K-eurity nulldlnr. Vaahinctun, U. O, Hureau Oil Four teenth Street, K. W. Mraiker ! ! AMtri r. Tlia Associated Press l exclusively nUlled to th use for republication of II ipi dipatchf credited to It or tot otherwise credited In this paper ud also Ilia local ' published here in. 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES t Pally, l(ly, Paily, riu-. Diiilv. Pally, Dally, Paily. ,.mi- Si'im- (IN ADVANCE) ona year, by mall six mo-ntha, by mall threa months, by mall , ono month by mall one year by carrier six month by currier , three month by carrier .. one month, by care tor , Weekly, one year bv mail. Weekly, six months by mall 1.00 Weekly Ihrea nioullik by mall ,6y ...JS.OO S 00 1 fill .r.o 7 ft .66 2.00 Telephone . ai VJ RUAVE Brave 1 an easy word and yet It la not easy to be brave: One must lie pnltent and forget The aorrow of the grave. When every hope Is blown away Hy cruel winds and chill. Above the ashes of dismay Must smile tim-onquered will. Nor is this all of bravery, For hearts have much to bear And there are deeds men never see Which call for courage rare. And there, are many things to fear Along the path of men. tCopyright, 152 ..V. , . . . """ The undeserved and cruel sneer From thoughtless voice and pen. Can jou be constant for the right When you might quickly buy Fuocess and ease and its delight By living out a lie? A brave man not alone by fire Or conflict meets the test. He must forego his own desire. To stSnd for what is best. The truth oft asks a heavy pTice From men who walk its way. And its harsh terms of sacrifice Only the brave will pay. by Edsjar A. Guest.) IS THIS RIGHT OR IS IT WRONG? THE East Oregoninn does not like to grow sarcastic but it cannot refrain from a shot at the report of the rood and dairy commissioner's deputies who have just been here. Tlu'se deputies fcrouyrlit vumt-rous cases against dealers wherein teclinicat violations of the law were found but the boast is made that only one case was brought because of insanitary condi tions. Why did not the deputies specialize more on sanitary cases?! It-is not vital to the health of Pendleton children if a grocer without knowing it sells a loaf of bread that may be a hair's breadth under wuii.ht or delivers a package of breakfast food upside down. I'tit it is of real concern that the milk pro vided come from cows that are free from tuberculosis. There are people who have the inrnession the inspectors have a hob by for tet hnical prosecutions rather than for real honest-to-God inspections. 1 his impression may be unfair but the deputies are -wrong in the viw that the- dairy business is in its infancy here. Iiairying has been carried tn tround Pendleton for a half cen tury or longer and in many respects this is an ideal dairy country because Umatilla county is a good alfalfa growing region. It is needless to say our territory is seldom annoyed any longer by In dian uprising or st;.ge coach robbers. Therefore there is noth ing in the loci 1 wt jation that should make an inspector keep his feet always on Main and Court streets. LEON COHEN - U TV i" " ! y '? li .'l f 't r ' r - .! . t , Vevtare of the even balance In dresa, aays Miss Evelyn Hansen' of th Chicago Arts Institute. For Instance, at the right, the Ri-ay drcas (41 loi not go well with the light, sallow complexion of the wearer -he round lines of the hat 1, V-neck Ci. narrow rnlt t5) and vertical u'noa 6 only accentuate the woman's rallowneas nnd slimneos. At the left is the correct dns, with its dark colors to offset the woman's sailow com. plexion, the round neck (l), and wide belt 42) diminish the efrect-of her' elimncss. Proper uneven balance (3) above anfl below the waistline ia a- inn aii.li GENEROUS words of praise were spoken of Leon Cohen last evening but they were well deserved. A man could write a b"ik telling of thij n.an's work in behalf of Pendleton and there woult be r.o space to spare. Mr. Cohen last evening was called a wheel horse, a thoroughbred and several other kinds of a horse. Hut the East Oregonian knows a better defi- 1 .. w... 1 umi r.rnviilod manv vpnra aim hv the cele- JliLl-ll 1UI IIICTIIICIU. 0 .0 iuwu,.V jv.-0- ; brated Jim Spence. who in telling a newcomer about the city and , ... .i.i . : , 1 u U1 pet-pie SaHl L,ee l,01ien, lie a prince, j uu cam ucai iimii. As a loyal worker for cne town, in good weather and bad, Mr. Cohen was truly a prince of the 32d degree, if the. scale runs tnat high. ' ' TWO MILLIONS A DAY. A PROXIMATELY 5I2,OOG,.000 is available every wbrking dav during the present year for expenditure upon high wavstif the United States, according to a statement by Professor C. J. Tiiden, director of the Highway and Highway Transport educalion committee. The actual sum available from state and county bond issues and federal aid for the year is ? 600,000,000, a sum fifty per cent greater than the total cost of the Panama canal, according to figures obtained from the bureau of public roads. This point was made by Professor Tiiden in stressing the need for rnOro courses in highway construction and economics in colleges and universities. To spend this amount wisely, he said, would require the services of more than 10,000 trained highway engineers.' At this time, universities are graduating only about 1000 civil engineers annually, of whom only a small percentage ,.i 4 k;rWav fnnstnirrinn. The snnnlv i.s far short of the de- lain 1 1 1 ,t 1 1 , " - - 4 i mand, according to Professor Tiiden. Through the agency of the committee of which he is director, Professor lilden is en deavoring, t o persuade institutions of higher .learning to include courses in highway economics in their regular curriculums. Pro fessor Tiiden occupies the chair of engineering mechanics at Yale University, but is on leave as director of the eommittee. i Tn the death of Franklin K, Lane the west lost a very valu able friend who during his term as secretary of the ilnterior was of extremely valuable service. Mr. Lane probably came closer to the reclamation project settler than any other man who ever held the post. . There may be .some interesting war news out of Silesia soon. Have you seen the Happy Canyon pavilion lately? (East Oregonian Special.) WESTON" Mt.,- May 18. Mr. and Mrs. Zane Lansdale of rendletnn visit ed relatives on the mountain Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hyatt and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hyatt motored to Hing ham Springs Sunday and to visit rela tives. Willie and liernlce Wroe of Wild Horse came over for the school picnic Saturday and to visit the Gould chil dren. Several : families from 1'mapine, among them the Edwards. Ieonards. Hamhon, and Sirs. Anlia Ferguson went to the Klue Mt. Sawmill or a picnic Thursday. Mrs Ralph I-ans- dale accompanied her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwards. Miss Mvrtle Eereuson and Miss Dorothy Bowers are home from Wes ton high school for the summer. riert Piersoll and family have re turned from Vale, (ire: to Weston to live. It is reported they have bought the old Hodgson, place in the north part of town. ( After securing her divorce Mrs. Al bert Allen of Vale, formerly Conslance Nye of Walla Walla returned to her homo In Walla Walla. Mrs. Allen lived for a short time on Weston Mountain. Little four year old Kathleen Dow ers won the little folks r:ice at the school picnic. Harry May and Willie Wroe the three k-sj?ed race. Hoy Wal den, sack race; Thelma Kooher, larg-j girls race. . ' Hen Leet of Pendleton visited his little daughter Hazel Sunday. There is about a car load of potatoes rtill on the mountain. Fred Hender son has between three and four hun dred sacks of first class Netted Gems and two or three others have a few sacks. Koss Kins; came 'over from Wild horse for seed potatoes purchasi?d of W. L, Ilayborn. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bryson h id as Sunday guests Mrs. Drysons brother, Charles Rose, the Alex McCorkel fam ily of Iteid and Hawk-y Mt., and .Shad and Ruford Price and Mr. and Mrs. Selmar Thompson. Mrs. Anna Ferguson of I'maplne is visiting her son and family Vernio Mars. Mr. and Mrs. Roy March were week end visitors also at the Mars home. Fred Fuller and a Mr. I,oney of Mil ton have purchased the two year lease. front Hiiletto March of the Anna Fer laison ranch and will have possession this fall. Mrs. Edith (1. Van Deusen will give a dress making school at the Weston Mt. school house: May 2 7-l.'S, pinner will be served both days. llrin needles, thread, scissors, tapelino and l'.ins. . ' Mr. and Mrs.' Hoy Carlson and little ('aughter lis of l'ine Creek visited Mrs. Carlsons parents Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Hopkins Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Harp went to; I'mapine Wednesday to move their j household goods up to the W. L. Ray born farm. They moved Into the house! recently occupied by John Price and family while sondinir their children to school. The Prices' moved to their homo in Weston Inst week. . A community meeting -wiU bo held at the school house Saturday niirlit. County Atrent Fre,l R.-nnion will jnye a lecture on potatoes and an exchapue of ideas amoni? the growers. Refresh ments will be served, lie there at 8 o'clock. p -ME" ;::'.: 'viyr mm lummer resses SWEET GIRL GRADUATES Will appreciate a gift of an Egyptian Tooled Leather Party Box or. Hand Bag, tinted shades of 'green and brown leathers that are truly beauti ful, priced from ' $ 1.49 to $(i.49 Scmelliinff New! WASH SATIN BLLOOMERS riain,.in colors of American Beau tv, purple, maroon, gray, etc., from 35c to $1.93. HAND MADE ORGANDY FLOWERS Ulade up very prettily, bunch. . 85c FOREIGN ORGANDY A wonderful quality, , 45 in hes wide, permanen finish and extra fine in every way. Yard 9Sc Came in yesterday, made of dotted Swisses, figured voiles and organdy trimmed ginghams, that are wonderful values at .$10.49, $12,95, $13,19, $1(.95. . ', , ORGANDY DRESSES Prettily trimmed, daintily made, colors ol blue, pink, yellow, green, coral and lavender at $(i,39, $1().93,.$12.50, $17,19. LACE HOSE A very pretty effective pattern in colors of navy, V'own and gray. The pair. $2.10 LACE HOSE in the very best all silk, new patterns and designs, colors of brown, gray and black. The pair $4.49 THE KHAKI OUTDOOR GARMENTS in our window is attracting .a great deal of attention., .Be sure to see them. ' RUFFLED SILK BLOOMERS. - of wash satin, colors of blue, gold, navy, flesh and American Beauty. Take the place of petticoats and are very popular, at the pair $10.93 Boys Bearskin Hose Pair 29c Buster Brown Ilase, A new cut at pr. 23c BUT VEBY IMPeUDENTi they went Into a town without arrunit-in,- for their water supply coats oft, fighting in their shirt sleeves -and took the place in short order. But like all American!., they had been eatlns too much sugar, either In their coffee or elsewhere, and K"t thirsty. S i they abandoned the town and fell back to Set water and supplies. " 'That doesn't matter Kcneral,' they told me when 1 remonstrated. "Now that we've had our water, we'll K" back and take it all over at'ain!' " PU;:SKt.DOJtF, Germany. May US. I (leneral (Jaucher, who conuuamlsj the French and British forces of oc- j cupation in Iusseidoi f, hu.i a warm t spot in his heart for the American ar my. By the medium of this dispatch j he wants to be cordially remembei'ed , to General Cameron, tiGeneral Mono- J her, to General Johnson and to lienor- j ai MaoArthur. j It was under Gaucher that the fa mous Amerb'Jin 42nd. or Rainbow, ! Division received its bnptism of fire, i Oaucher's eyes lii;lit up w hen he j ! speaks of the Rainbow lads, and par-i j ticulsrly'-when he mentions that fine! young soldier, "the ll.icArthur", .-i ! 'general who was oftentimes ahead "of ; his own first bne infantry in an ad -I Vance. Then he was in command over Cameron of the 4th Division in the fa mous counter-nttack of July IS, 191S STANFIELD RENEWS HIS PROTEST AGAINST FEDERAL WOOL' SALE army officers here for two training camps scheduled for this summer. The first, an officers' training camp for college men, will open June 15, and the second, for civilians and mem bers of the re arve officers' training corps, will probably start July 5, It Is announced hv l.loulemint Colonel ''A', If. Ob-ndenln, In charge of tho p! ; 1 1 in i li ;i i y arrangements. The work for rollcjrn men' will In clude a basic course and an advanced course, -each oontlnulnK six weeks. Men who complete both courses will be eligible for examination for :ip polntnicnt as second lieutenants In the officers' reserve corps. More than SCO college men me ex pected to take tho course, and nppll- itlons have been received from tile He tells with rel.th of how he and Cameron shared the same .'." dur ing that operation and controlled the development of their share of It. loiter the general was shifted to Kelgiiim and there had under him the illst or I'lrte Tree Division of Iho Yanks, l.ail inj? from the 1'acific coast and .moun tain states in peneral, but from "Pow der River" In particular; "Your men are brave," say3 General Gaucher, "but sometimes too brave, and a bit imprudent. I remember once WAPHINOT'Of,' May 1 S.' Senators Klar.field nnd Gooditiif tdday addressed a letter tu Secretary of War Weeks railing attention to announcement Is sued by army iiuart'Tninsters on Sat urday th.1t. auction Of 6,(l(M),lliiO pounds of wool will be held -. ltos'on May 2"i which contradicts promise Riven the two senators two days earlier by Weeks himself that the amount offer ed for sale would be cut r,0 per cent and no future auctions authorized without consulting them. Stanfield and Good ins understand that Weeks' order carrying out their understanding with him failed Jo overtake routine announcement of sale it Iloslnn, and express confidence that sale will yet be limited to conform to their agreement with the secretary. OFFICER'S TRAINING CAMPS SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 15 AND JULY 5 following Institutions: I'nlverslty WushiiiKton, rl; Washington Wat i olb (,-e, il; Oregon Agricultural Cn lege, 37; I nlverslty. of OrVron, S Harvard Military rVhool. J,oh Ank les, 41 i I'nlverslty of California. 1 I nlverstty of Idaho; Montana Htul Coll.-Ke; I'nlverslty of Montana: I'll! versitv of Nevada; I'nlverslty of'Wy "inlnir and Agricultural Colless I'Uli. The exnet tint r,.,. (ha (i(.A,.. camp bns not been set. but Ju'y S b i ne icioame ooeninir. i i fon Will last onn lilrinth nn,l till w.ttp... officcrs.and citizen between the uki or is turn 35 are ellirlble. It Is ex. hected bv nrmv offlrni-M thnt niv v the war department will make It com. imisory ror nil reserve officers to at. tend the summer training ramps but this Ai-nr attendance Is optional. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for 21 years, and proved safe by millions. Say "Bayer"! CAMP (A. r.)- I.KWIH. Wash., -TMans are beih; May IS. r made b Armour Heiress was rler uwn Kindergarten FOR ITGHiNGTORTURE Use Antiseptic Liquid Zemo There is one remedy that teVksm fails to stop itching torture and relieve Urn irritation and that makes the fckm suft, clear and healthy. Any drucgist can supply you vnh Zeruo, whicil gcnt-rslly overcomes tkm diases. Eciema, itch, ptmples. rashes, UacUheads, in most wsej pive way to-emo. Frequently, minor blemishei dittp-iear ownushu Itching usually dot instantly. Zcrno is a anti septic liquid, clean, eay to u and dependable. It costs cmly Sjc; an extra large bottle, $1.00. it J1 not stain, is isrt rrreMV or tucky and ipoaliveIy aie iof tcmlt r, ti-nMiive tkms. CIUCAS" May IS (V. -P. I'oiconed candy rauaed the death of one four-year-old boy and serious Ill ness to seven others In fire-sham, a Chicago suburb. Margaret I'eniiy, f, years old, "as (fiven a dime by her mother and brought candy at the Ktoro of Alexnnder Carlson. She divided with the neigborinii children. Free man Doulittle Gird. Carlson U being held for n lhvtll);aUon. ff rr &f -Wry!T' 9- SW -WP- T f ' ' , v . . "'-" (fi , ' i ? i 4 x &'t - r: .:,? v,.-! i '.V . n -. :.-.V! If , r,: A "'IT i SAFETY FIRST! Accept only an "unbroken package" of genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains proper direc tions for Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheu matism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and pain generally. Strictly American! Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cot but a few cents- Larger package, aiolrln It th trademark of Barer Manufacture of Monoaotlcactdntrr of Salltyllcacls It. m jancsome for Owcndolln Anr.r-ur, c!r it3 to the Chiwo packer's fortunes, to play all iy hors-clf. So her mother, Mrs. P l. Armour III, rall'-d ui her ntiirhhors' chlldrwi en1 starUd a kindergarten in her CliimfcO hoin. Here's tho claa.at the blackboard. Left to ritbt, Mci-vya fcaum, Cwondolln Armour, Dorothy Dickinson, Bunty CUUaj and Do.aa Wouroo. Firestone Tires 3I0ST MILES ""PER DOLLAR 5 The Lowest Price Ixvel in The History FABRIC CLINCHER CASES. 30x3 Smooth Tread, Regular Size - $10.95 30x3'. Non Skid, Regular Size $13.93 30x3 New Non Skid $13.85 30x3", New Non Skid (extra size)- $16.65 CORD CASES 30x3'. Non Skid or Rih Tread $24.f0 32x3' Non Skid or Rib Tread , . $36.40 32x4 Non Skid or Rib Tread $46.30 Subject to Govt. 'Excise Tax. Corresponding -Prices on all sizes of Fabric nnd Cord Cases. Simpson-Sturgis Golden Rule Hotel Bldg. " " . Phone G51