East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 16, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Image 7

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C.) .
tell lf (il'lllllle. Ill I hi' IliKll llUldl-
is I'ciiilh'ton cnicrxoil from u contest I
wllh ii Hit fur second. In the IiiKli j
1 ii ri 1 1 1 .1. Saunders iinil I 1 1 1 1 1 - tied I in
first ill !i l'i-i I 4 Inches. Tiny parsed
until the bar was Olll' Inrh above the
five lout mark, iinil with not pressed i
to win.
Locals Get Eight Firsts and Tie
for Another and Roll Up
6612 Points; Baker Second.
liy taking Htflit firvts onl of U
events uml tti)K lor first in I ho ninth.
Pendleton IiIkIi hi hool'n ulhlitos won
llu- t hainpioiiship of Kantem Oregon
nl Him dual meet held at I'nlon Sat
urday. Hu nicy's Ims inoitKh hoiut
1-2 points aiiliiKt - J for Paker. 2
for La (Iriinde, 1 nioi) Ui, .Joseph K.
Wallowa 7, Pilot Hock 1-2, ami Kn-
tMU'MO 3,
Three cups were won In the meet for
tlin iuciiIh, one. for the relay run, all
ot I wr for tlu1 winning tram and a
t Mild whh aciptlccd li IZil in I in 1 1 for
ratrylnir ofV honors in the half-mile.
In mlilltlon to Ihcsf trophies, hih
point medal and place medals wen
.1. Saunders was hU;h point man
with it total of l.'i :t-4 to his credit. I..
W'unicr Wiix it Ho.o so ond with
14 l4. Thf other PendhMon men
who placed and their points were iih
followers: It Wnrtier. U 4; Snider.
I .uwrence, 'rci'KCNon ii ml
U each; I .a 1 1 ut' 4 1-2, and
f. 1-4: 1
I ! j i rn ha r
Ialit Mmrd Sonic.
Tli' HUM' of tin dashes wan not as
fast iih tt would have Leeii fl' the
event tiad not I"-!) run in in-ats, On
t lie plan followed, t wo prelhuinai u-t
were run and tlx four hh;li nun
Compdid In the finals. Jn the Hal
yard dash Saunders' tiny in tin pri-Ii-minaiM'H
whh in, 2 which waM two sec
onds faster than he wiih forced in !
in the finals which he won.
In tin- poll- vault. Tulley of Wallowa
won nl a hi'luM of ! feet It indie,
and ho e h a red lint har nil y si
indies hluln-r which plnc- him In tin
proiniHiiiK" class of vaultciM.
In the mile Htoddard of l'.;ikcr
staitcil the race ut a half-udic clip
,iii. I forced the (hid until the iaM lao
ards when he was passed hy four
runners and lout a chance to place for
points. Low recoMls wa made in
the hroad Jump due to the fact that
I he jam per were in t he dashes and
had run at 1 avj twn laces l.rfore try
Iin4 l he j.in.p.
The 4 -( was a pre My race with I,
Warner in the had all the time. Id
finished ahout his -feet ahead of I!
I .a wn-i.ee ami ;'.a 'i el ahead of Chris
I The SMI run furnished Ahou t iih
1 many thrills us ny event of the da.
: Karnhart started at third place eav l
to second alter the fir.it iUm ardH and
held IiIm j lace unit! tin last HKi yaifls
when he sprinted and hroke the tape
a head of t he field. Tyson of l,a
(itande, hist year's winner, who was
sil h until near the finish took a
spring and nosed hick Lawrence out
of second honors by a measly two
I T-h relay was won by I'endleton
i after hard luck in two respects. Sny
I der whc led off for the JochIm dn w
tlu seventh, or outside alley, but his
fpeed on the start enabled Inn) to win
the pole on his dbtunce, l-'ully three
second were lost by hlni in flndlntr
hlH man, hut at the lo nls were .V '
feet ahead of I -it (Irande who took j
second honors, and , or 1'nion whoi
placed third.
Twenty-five Entries Already in ;
Lists With Many More Show- j
ing Interest in 3-day Event.
These two alwavs ca hand in hand at the best
stores and this storeis no exception. When
better goods can be bought we will buy them.
When they can be handled better we will do so.
Trading Co.
Phone 455 t n sikh r a sitvi
"If It's on the Market We Have It"
! The lioys i'claro they wcro trcntfil .
!ro.'iilly ut I'liion. Tlii'V wfi-c Ihc first '
!kiii'i t ri yistcr In tin n w huti'l. )
I'I'Ikisc niiikiiiK Uu' trip win' Jnlin uml I
I HiTiiitin Sauii'ler. Lawn-ncf uml liy-1
. 1'ijn Wiii'Iht, rcijfi'Hon it ii ij Hnydi'T.
I'oarii llatilry and Ijiwi'oni'H. Kiiiiikt.
jl'iilc. Midci-, Kiii' Kainliail, liiwliy
iaipl l.a HiK' took t lie Ori'tfon Trail In
'a ciniili' nl cars. Tin' Hiiiiirniii y:
t - . . ilusll J. SanmllMS (!') 1st,
liallin (I I :'il. Ilcimlicn (.a (i)
Wariii r ( I') 4th. Time Hi:4.
roln Vault Tlillcy (V) In. Hav-lil;-
(II) :M. Ilil.l.irt (I ) :til. J. Salin-ili'i-n
d") ii ml Ivan Iji lliii' (I') tifil
for 4111. HciKlit !l fl. 1 1 im l,cs.
Mill -KliiKWi-ll (I.H (i) 1st. Wrfiin
(K) I'll. II. .Iiilinsun (1') :i,l, Mi Kratlt.
(I ) 4th. Time 4:5s.
Itr'iiul junip SnydiT (P) ami Hyilor
(11) tlnl fm 1st. l'atoii (H) :i.. Mar
Kin (I) IMstancf IS ft. 3 Inches.
4 411-mI. dash I.. Warner (I'l 1st.
It. Lawrence (I'l 2.1, I'htisten (l.a C)
3.1. Silllltz (l.a ('.) 4lll. Time f,4::'.
IIikIi linnlles Jlarsin (J) first. II.
Warner ()) an. I Jordan ( P I!) tied
for second. Murstman (l.a O ) 4th
,Timi' 1 S : I .
lliKh .lump .T. Saunders p). and
Ivan I.H Hue (1) tied for first. Harsin
(.1) 3.1. I'.lakelf (!) 4th. H.icht 5 ft
4 inches.
l!:'i'-yd. dash .1. Saunders (P) 1st.
fook (I ) L'.l. liallin (I ) :id. TacBert
(I!) 4th. Time :'4:3.
Shot put Itlakely ( 11) 1st, P.ean
l.n ('.) 2l. W. Kramer tP) 3.1, 1
tier P) 4th. 1 listanc e 4n fl.
iui m in .
Half mile
son li (1) 2
I!. P.iisick (I
I Mscus - J.
ly (ID :'il. I.,
man (Ii C)
itlehl s.
I'l'ii lnin'.le.
Ka in ha ft (!') 1st. Thle
d. Ii. Invrence (P) 3d.
) 4th. Time 2:l(i.
reiKeson (P) 1st. Illake
Warner (P) 3d. Horst
4th. Instance lull ft . N
Children, 5c Adulls, 20c
Warner (P) 1st
( P I! ) 2nd. Lynch (Iji (1 ) 3d
Harsin (.1) 4th. Time L'X : 2.
Javelin I.. Warner (P) 1st. P.lake.
ly (111 2d. Tnlly (W) 3d. Kouk (II)
4th. il:.tance 125 ft. 4 inches.
liela Pendleton fiift, Time 1:4"
TerKisnn's heave of loi feet S inch
es in the discus sets h new discus rec
ord for eastern Oregon, llie lormei
record liclnc Hi ft feet.
It Ford Owner
You all know our new shop foreman, Jack
Child. If yon don't you ouht to. Come in and g:et
acquainted with him and the brand of service that
is used. We know you will be pleased with the
lie uses trmuine Ford parts
nspurinp the utmost in enduranr
ripht; twi.. Wo make their rij:ht.
to repair your car
i I he prices
Simpson Auto Co.
The Heme of The Ford and Fordscn
PomJlctGn, Ore.
Phone 408
i.iirup sized rhunliH of rain that were
Iticripitiiii'd over the sdinhorn nd nf
iln- rniintv yowtorday afternoon pre-
i riU'd thf liunit luMween I Vndli mi
and Pilot Krk from ftoinsj Innt
oiKHinh to he counted in the officia)
reeoid id the Wheat Hell Loanne, hut
it went far enough for the Mucks O
overcome the early lead id ihe trailer;
The tani- was called at the end of
the fuuith when the Murks had the
tally sheet marked up for a total of
seven scores to the three secured by
the southerners.
' The first inning was hare of thrills,
. hut in the secund the I'ilot Kock K-i'i i
'started fireworks that resulted in tw
runs on a lone hit and a hunch of
i errois. Mi the third another score was
(added, and when Pendleton opened th
j lonrth the' never stopped until they
had Kennison nut of the box and a to
tal uf seven scores chalked tn their
i redit.
j The game had to be railed on ac
count of a muddy field. Fred ('.rove
umpired the same and weathered the
"Twcnty-fivo cntrieH have alrf-ad
l"'eri iisHiired for "The Yakima Hun-dn-d"
says (i. A. Conklin of Vakim-t
Washinutou, Tournament Manager of ;
the Washington State Tnipshoothi j That i:
Tournament 'for 1921," but from the Mesiin
i.umber uf in'iuirieH received from
Kastern and Snithrn points. It up
P' ars as though the lint may reach
lortc or fiftv by the time entries close
at mton M:iy z'.nh."
"The Vaklma Hundred' is a special,
li-yard event of 10 tartcets, $100 en
1 1 a nee per man, a nd will hp shot in i
connection 'with the State Tournament
at Va kima, y t ho reKiilar tournament
dates helmt May 2th, r'Mh. and 3'uh.j
The purse Is divided percental plan.!
'a fr tnore entries, five monies, ;jr, 2,
2'K 1 1 and K per rent. 1
"With thirty entries' Conklin says, ;
'the winner will receive in cash at (
least $1,000, which is more than the
winner of the (hund American Hand ;
cap will draw down. Jf forty eniricH
j ; m p S;u i en, lllf w in in-1 imhiujji
' i lie $1401), We added the special match
I in an endeavor to make this year -j
tournament noteworthy in the annals
'of pacific Coast tnipshoot intr. and to
i try and break all attendance record ?
i for a Western Trapshootinu contest.
jThe advance reports certainly indicate
j that we are going; to make c.od and '
' that traps-hooters witl attend a match
j race of this character."
n Saturday, May 2th, one hundred
j 16-yard tartietsAvill be shot, divided1
; intri four, -tart'et events, entrance
i $4.0a earn event, with $100 added,
i money. The purse division in these
j events will bp percentage 41, tin,
; anil 10 percent. Twenty-five pairs of
j double targets will also be shot on this :
fljy, entrance $Vm, money division
ppi centaKe, 40, 30. 0 an,i (( percent.
'Mi Sunday, .May L'itth. the proaram ,
j calls for (me hundred and fifty. 1-
yard targets under the Spiire moiK-y-)
back system, entrance $1H.om nd $10 !
I added, the last hundred constituting
j the first hundred of the State Cham-
War-M 1 1 iaie Handicap (. nam-
pnmsnip consistinR 01 100 targets wi'.l
be shot, fifty taipets Sunday and fifty
targets Monday, entra nee $1.:0 with
$100 added. The Yakima iun ('luh
gnarantees the winner of the Handi
cap, at least $Mui.uu. money division in 4
the handicap to be high gun system,
one money for each three entries.
n Monday, one hundred fifty, 1-
vard targets are to be shot, Souire
money-bark sstf 111. entrance $1n.um
vith $150 adder iind the state handi- ;
ap championship finished.
Immediately folbiwing the conclu- '
sinn f the Siny!e Cliampionshiit, con
testants in the i.iKinia Hundred" will
bp called to the firing line and motion
pictures of squads and prominent in
dividuals in the race''Aili he taken by
Pathe News Service.
"More than tPut programs have been
maibd to irapshooters. scattered all
over the Pnited Slates, as well as spe
cial invitations to prominent trap
hooters." Conklin concludes. 'und
our tournament promises to attract
he greatest galaxy of sh oolitic stars
ver gathered together in the West.
With the exceptions of F. M. Troeh and
P. H. u'Mrien. "The Yakima Hundred
is open to any amateur contestant in
the Pnited States and Canada.
Forfeits have been posted by Pr. C.
L. Templeion. K. S. Searle and Matt
'iressnian of Seattle. 1 r. A. S. Camp
bell of Yakima and for one other
Yakima entrv to be later selected.
Zemo, the Clean, Antiseptic
Liquid, Just What You
Need. Is Not Greasy
Don't worry about eczema or other
sUn troubles. You can have a clear,
healthy skin by using Zemo. Ob
tained at any druK store for 3oC, or
extra lar bottle fur SI. 00.
Zemo Knerally removes pimple
blackheads, blotches eczema and ring
worm and makes the skin clear and
healthy. Ztvno is a clean, penetrating,
antiseptic liquid, neither Kicky nor
greasy and slams nothing. It is easily
allied and costs a mere trifle for each
application. It is always dependable.
1 he L. W. Heme Co , Cleveland, O.
the substance of ''Moiids of
" one of i, Henry's niaster-
tation of which will come to this thea
tre Sunday and Mondav. Mose M'r
ritt. ))layel by Patiline Frederick, finds
death and 1 disillusion wherever she
turns. The genius of O. Henry found a
means to show that no matter what
she did or where she went, Mose Mer
r it t could not escape the fell clutch -t
Destiny. In the film she Is four dif
ferent persons though but one and
the same essentially a croupier at a
roulette wheel in an Alaskan gambling
"o a courted society favorite on
fashionable Lng Island, and her own
self, a girl who has been betrayed and
deserted by her lover. In each incar
hituon Destiny metes out to her the
p.'ime fate, hut her tragic doom clears
Jor others the pathway to happineju
and the picture ends on a note of sat
isfaction and calm after the three
thunderclaps of motion.
Our Prices Are
Always Lower
Mens Elk Hide Harvest Shoes, Oak Soles and
Men's Ralbrigan or Poroa Knit Union Suits $1.00
Men's Full Cut Work Shirts 79c
Men's Overalls 95c and $1.19
Men's Work Pants ' $2-45
Army Blankets $5.00
Men's Riding Boots, 7 styles, all welt soles $14.50
40 Cash Stoi cfi
743 Main St
comments of tin
rmerged with
I rokc. in as a v
day's game and
right garden.
Pilot Koi k fans and
i whole skin. Kahili
enter fielder in ester-
Duff was back in the
iti:i:s i si:i.s sim.it.
! SAX FltAXClSCO. .May Pi. (A. P )
1 Salt Lake and San Francisco split a
! double-header estcn1ay, the Pees tak
i inK the first. S to 1. and the Seals the
! second eotuest. t to :t. Airtight pitrh
i inir hv Swart- and Salt Lake coupled
with heavy stick wot k featured Hie
J first game. San Francisco took a two
! run bad in the second game in the
i first inning on three hits, two stolen
bases and an error hy Thursday
.o'Doiil. Seal pitcher, knocked a home
run over the rightfiebl fence In the
fifth inning of the second pame and
'Jenkins. Salt 1-JiUe catcher, lammed
( nut a circuit drive In the Sth. o t'nii
i netl. Seal First wicker, was spiked by
: Pimwu. Salt Lake third baseman, in
the eighth inning of the second con-
est .
i mat m.M rrvw j
The glitter ami glamour of the cir- j
eiw u hii h anne'ii In rhililrtm nf nil I
ages from six to sixty, are one reason
for the more than ordinary interest
displayed in the coming- of "Pink
Tights" tu the Pastime Theatre today.
"Pink Tights" is a romance of the
tented world, the tanbark ring: and th j
"Id top" I
Its heroine is little Mazie Darnton,
kno'wn on the billboards as M ile (Ja-
brielle St. Simon, whose sperialty is j
to ascend tti the clouds in a balloon j
and then' drop to the earth with a j
parachute. Mazie is sick of the life j
she is leading the ceaseless travel, i
the dirt and the grime and she long? (
to remain in one of the small town
through which they pass. j
When the circus reaches Plensan- j
ton a few narrow-minded women of j
the church rise tn their wrath against j
Mother Gra'
The Medicinal T'a. regulates thfl svs-
t-ni and g ives quick relief to Wnk- '
ness and Lameness of the Bark and j
Kidnexs, Nervousness, nnd tlo itutl
pains or the head AltiniA'iMi.ivU i?
a simple, it lea sunt remedy for that
tired, languid condition which m unf'tp
one for the daily tasks. Ot a pack
sfe at ynnr drupcists or hv mnil. Ff'
cnts. Address, Mother Gray Co., Le
Roy. N. T.
the Bilkpn-tiRhlpd .M ile (;alri,lle as
jili-tiirfiJ un th1 bill; anil aiil't'iil lo th
fiinj; ministiT to furhkl the exhibi
tion. In thp meanwhile M.izie. mak
ing hfr jiftiTnoon ascenwion. is carriPtl
fur from the lot liv a hiKh wind, and
In dropliinic from the balloon lands on
the roof of the minister's nous.. The
imisoii stano the shook iuite well,
but, afraid of its effric t on the militant
women of his congregation, hides Ma
zles in his bed-room pending the de
parture of the committee. And it is
this situation which giv ride to a
Mries of the most appealing Incident,
leading to a climax as unusual as it in .
The featured player In thin storjf
are Cla.lys Walton ax Mazio and Jack
Perrin as the minister, with other ex.
rellent roles in the hand of Davj
Dyas. Stanton Heck, Dorothea Wol
bert. Hosa CJore, Dan Crimmin,
Breezy Kamin. Jr., Martin Neilan nnd
others. Heeves Kason directed the
ALTA Today
Children, 10c AdulU, 40c
The Girl from Melcdv Lane
A Clever Couple in Clever Capers--... . r
Justiqe Johnstone in
"Sheltered Daughters"
T.Kdlrat Aftk yowl IhcvUt for
bor-i. reicd
i nue otxt-rp. jiuy er toip
'pirUfc A.k torCllM'irr.S TtR
kjoni ItmcrUt for M
Ilnnnnd hrmniMi
I and 4. old Dirtllic
with Pi-ie Rit.ia.Y
MIXK'W.A. May Hi. (A. P.
Laura 1'ronnvcll. :'M yesterday hroke
' he world's loop i he loop record in
her nil-plane, start in? at a height of
i (Ulii feet and performing 111! loops he
fore landing. The flight touk place at
:nvtis field. Miss Prowiuell Wore the
uniform of a lieutenant tn the New
York aer:al police department. Last
yean she estahlished a record of Ss
'oops. Her flight consumed one hour
ind L'n minuies.
A. C. Kocppon & Bros.
Tlio Drtiu Slurp That Sittps
Von I lest.
BEST BUTTER, pound 35c
Wessons Oil pint 35c; quart 63c; U gal. $1.20
Crisco 1-U lbs. 40c; 3 lbs. 70c; 6 lbs. $1.23
Best Crepe Toilet Taper, 3 rolls 25c
Tomatoes, 2 cans 25c
Van Camps Pork and Beans, No. 2 tins, 5 for 95c
Olympic Pancake Flour, large pkg., 3 for ..$1.00
Prunes, large size, pound 10c
Hills Red Can Coffee, 1 pound 48c
Ejisign Coffee, White Package 30c
Carnation Milk, 7 cans $1.00
Keal cmvns 1'rum the skilleil hanils
of 1'iirisian costumes displayed by a
dozen manikins are an important fea
ture in ""Sheltered Daughters," the
Uealart productiim with Justine
.Johnstone, 'which Manager Matloeu
xvill pie.- nt at the A!ta Theatre Sun
dny mi i Monday. These nnwns 19J1
summer ar.d fall models, are described
as tin vt iy b'list woid In fashionable
fennn'ne attire. A special set wjs
Hted to represent the establish
f -i Kitth Avenue modiste, where
of the important action of the
taKei place, it is in this smart
that the heroine, played by
ohnstone, is transformed from
an un.'tt raet i e, poorly i lad nirl to a
beautifrl vonmr woman, stylish, and
cuptivatini:. Such a display of fash
iocshle aarmcnls as this has seldom
been .rescn;rd in pictures, it is declared.
Children, 10c
Adults, 35c
Arcade Today
met. I o
pict 'in
sett inn
Mis J
"XothitiM that within you lies can
rhaeve the plan of whi h you are a
tiny part. Chwse any road; go east,
V west, or noiih ,,y s nth and meet
the thins from which nii ran ua,'
- prtJtlUrf" -r
m A.H Woods - Notable Success
Roads oj