East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 16, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ' I
People Here and There
' . ; j .J
Villa McDonald of Walla Wulln.
wan hero Sunday vlslling.
II, J. Allen of Yakima won here
yi-.-.torUuy us the gueHl of friends.
Young Hilly llhodcs, six year old
son of Mr. and Mm. W. A. Khodcs of
this city, recently ucted us publicity
ugont for l'endleton diii'lnic a visit to
Hitttc, Montana. Tlio youngster,
while In I he business district of the
city. succeeded In losing his part-ills.
A policeman flnully noticed Hilly and
upon asking lilm hi niiino wax. In
formed that IiIh home won In rendlo
ton, that he attended Lincoln school
mid thut tho llound-l'i) was "sure
some nhow." At thlM mouii'iit Mr. und
Mrs. Ithodi'H uppeatcd on ,tho scene
and their Hon Informed them that
"Thin policeman bus been looking
ven where for you." Tho Ithodes
family are on u motor tour to Minneapolis.
Association iiHklng nliout tho dntca for
tho rodeo. Undoubtedly ho mcunH the
Kound-l'p. Ho Im at present visiting
In Huffulo. "Your information will
nave mo u, lot of trouble, I guess," he
F. M. Lnckwood. whose homo In In
Walla, Walla, In here looking after his
fanning Interests. Ho owns a ureal
deal of wheat and farm lands. ,
Lawrence K. Williams, who halls
from Oklahoma und writes It "you
all," lias twltten to the- Commercial
lift Opium Outfit.
'IVn tilm.H of vnrlmlM stiles und hI'im
opium pills und tho raw ingredient
i nut. ure umrii 111 inu fiiunuiacLui o 01
the Hiiioktng mulcriuh) were seized
14n t ilriln V lilirlit U'lien mfmhem rif thn
sheriff's force raided a Chinese liouiic
at 7 I'll uarden street and arrested
four Chinamen. The place ban been
under observation for a number of
weeks. The men arrested were jailed.
Foley's Honey and Tar
is an old reliable tamily medi
cine for the relief of cold, cough,
pumodic croup, tickling throat, hoarie
acu, whooping cough, bronchial cough
and Ibe croup that lingers aflcr the "flu."
Made oi clean, arholetome and taatelul
pine tar and demulcent hooey oi the I
aivca. wmiuu nu upisica.
Mn. Era M. Cnnrca, M Howard It., Knr
laadoa, Conn. wrttaa thu: "Whan 1 fi a
rala eomiria at I to right ta taaiaf Talay'i
Uoaay an Tif. X hava ua4 it lor a atuubar
f tail asd aiwl vita (4 iwultt."
Dixit a little rariiihig.
H. c. Noble Is here visiting from
Xoblcsford, Alberta. Mr. Noble farms
to a certain extent in the Canadian
country. He has one farm that em
braces a township. Another garden
patch consists of ten sections, and
ho has various other (daces where ho
grows wheal. When the land was
broken out of tho prairie nod he used
ten al-aui engines, u flock of gun
tractors besides a few teams. He
keep a fully equipped machine shop
on the ranch, and the repair work
keeps the employes stepping lively.
He Is very enthusiastic about pros
pects. T. C. Mllncs, whose specialty Is
livestock. Is here with Mr. Noble. He
is from Claresholm.
Villon Sen Ives for Slimmer.
I'nlon services, probably out-of-doors,
will be held during July und
August by Pendleton churches, ac
cording to a decision readied this
morning of the l'endleton .Ministerial
Association. The out door services
were a greut success lust summer and
the ministers hope to make the com
ing season Just as successful. The
baccalaureate service, to 1e held May
V) at the Melhodlst church for thi
members of graduating rlass of
I he l'endleton high school, will also he
a union service. Hov. George h.
i'lurk, pastor of the I'resbylerlan
church Is to preach. Tho minister,
met with J. J. llansaker, state Armeni
an Itelief chairman and endorsed May
25 as the dale for a "liundlc Day" In
Pendleton. At this time clothes for
the Armenians will be collected.
Kllleil Ixcr, Charge.
ISen Short und Glenn Kmwlck ol
I'llot Hock, were arrested by W. H.
A I bee, deputy game warden, on u
charge of killing a deer.
To Quiet Title.
Knit against Simeon Kilgore and
others to compel them to show the ex
tent of Interest In real estate has been
brought In circuit court by K. D. Durn
ing. The plaintiff la represented by
Fee & Fee.
rotate Admitted to I'robuU;.
The estate of the late Dora M. Hall
has been admitted to probate, and
Judge J. M. Hehanpep has appointed
L'mory 8. Io(sdon executor. The es
tate Is represented by Karl M. Hennon
of Walla Walla.
StM'S Oil Account.
The sum of (482.73, alleged to be
due on a lumber account is sought in
an anion brought by the Inland Em
pire Lumber Co. against Avery H.
Graham, ijtephen A. Lowell is the
plaintiff's attorney.
Seeks I'vori,
Ah'imlnnmplit is the IiiisIh fif an tic
thin fir flivnree lirnlicht in circuit
court by Hebecca Zcnor against Frank
-L-iiiir. i np pair iiiki riea uvi ernuer
1.1, 1 V 1 3, The plaintiff charges that
her husband left her in March, 1920.
J. ti. I'erry is attorney for the plaintiff.
Pay Cash Receive More Pay Legs
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court Phone 880
14 BARS $1.00
PayCash Receive More " Pay Less
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court Phone 880
SuhOii I jilxir Account.
A balance of (100, alleged to be due
and unpaid for labor performed in cut
ting and piling wood for the defend
ants Is the cause of the suit of Serger
gren and Justus ugalnst M. T. Burnett
and others. The plaintiffs allege that
they cut wood for 3S days for the de
fendants and that the 1300 due has
been only partially settled. One hun
dred and fifty dollars is sought In the
action which Is brought by Fee & Fee.
FOR KENT 3 room apt. No chil
dren J 12 Garfield, evenings.
I.OHT Wntch and fob, Inside word
ing, Mother to Susan. Ixave at this
FOll II EXT Apartment, furnished or
unfurnished. Phone 210-W, P. 0.
Box ir.l.
LADY with one Thlld wants job as
housekeeper in widowers family.
Addrcrs "27" this office.
Work In first rank Knight Pythias
tonight. Important business.
Hrglnnlng tomorrow. May 17th., the
1.ri cent taxi faro will be reduced to 25
PANCAKES In a Jiffy item Kerr's
Pancake Flour.
Wheat Growers
Mass Meetin
Pendleton Public Libraiy 2 p. in. Pilot Rock 8 p. m.
Helix, 2 p.. in.
Wc5lon2p. m.
Athena 8 p. m.
Milton, 8 p. m.
Detailed explanation of the Oregon Co-operative Grain Growers' plan of
marketing wheat, and our connection with the newly formed National associ
ation, the United States Grain Growers, Incorporated, will be explained in
detail to Umatilla county wheat growers by Mr. Geo. C. Jewctt, Vice President
of the United States Grain Growers, Incorporated.
Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana wheat growers decided within
the last week to follow this plan. 1200 Oregon growers have signed 4,000,000
bushels of wheat for marketing under this plan within the last three months.
8500 growers in the northwest have signed fore than 28,000,000 bushels.
Oncratinir in eoniunction with United States Grain Growers, the Oregon
Co-operative Grain Growers Association will obtain for the grower large ben
efits from the Finance and Export Corporation of the National Association.
Come out and hear it explained, i-'
Watch this space for future announcements.
Oct Mania gc licence.
A license to wed was Issued today at
the office of the county clerk to Ixtvid
Allen lie 11 and Virginia Russell, lioth
parties ure from Athena.
Taxi I'll re Reduced
Reduction of tho taxi fare from ST.
cents to tho old price, ':, cents, was
announced Saturday by William tloe
deck?, of the Uoedeeke Taxi Co.
states that a decrease In the price of
crude oil, gasoline and tires makes the
change possible, and says thHt If gaso
line tHkes another drop, he will sell
books which will enable patrons to
get a slight reduction on the 23 cunt
Had Awful Dizzy Spell A
Results of Indigestion
Is Well Man Now.
Cohen Haii(iict TucMlay.
Knxervallons are being made for the
banquet for Leon Cohen which will bo
held tomoi row evening ut the l'rench
cafe at 7:30 o'clock. Klfty friends of
Mr. Cohen have already asked that
places be reserved for them. Cithers
who will want places arc requested to
make their ticket wants known at the
office of the Commercial Association
at the earliest possible moment.
iloixvr Is Deud
James It. Hloan, aged 87, a resident
of Oregon since 1 ST. 3, and who has
lived In this city for the past 12 years
with his brother, II. M. Hloan, died
this morning after a long illnces. Mr.
.Sloan was born April 4, 1S3 4, In Moun
tain county, Indiana, crossing the
plains fo Oregon by ox team. He set
tled first In the Willamette valley, lle
sldcs the local man, he is survived by
a second brother, John M. Sloan of
Ivone Hock, Gilliam county.
WiMKleraft I'mtot Jiil-restH.
lxal members of the Neighbors of
Woodcraft are evincing interest In the
probe of the order which has for Its
purpose the establishment of the or
ganization on a firmer basis as to its
actuary features. Insurance Com
missioners liarber and 1'ishback of
Oregon and Washington recently con
ducted a hearing and Investigation of
the order in Portland and it is declar
ed that while the order is solvent now.
its constitution must be revined and
brought up to date to avert future dif
ficulty in payment of death claims. It
is reported that Mrs. C. C. Van Ors
dall, grand guardian, and Mrs. Bertha
Humner Icuch, grand banker, have
had Hcveral clashes regarding the
healing. Mrs. Van Or.sdall, who is a
former rendletou woman, collapsed
after the hearing and would make no
public statement.
"After suffering for ten years with
out finding ony thing that would do
me any good, Tanlac has restored my
health entirely and I have gained ten
pounds In weight since taking it." said
Charles F. Itoss, of 1111 JCst Thirty
third street, North, Cortland.
'Tor all these years my stomach
has given me trouble, and often I was
bothered with rheumatism In my
Joints, ily appetite was very poor
and my stomach was h easily upset
that I had to be very careful about
what I ate or I would be In misery for
hours afterward. The rheumatism In
my joints pained me so bad at times 1
could hardly stand it, and sometimes 1
could I had terrible fainting spells
and would fall unconscious. I had no
energy, felt tired and worn out all the
time and when I began taking Tanlac
was in a badly run-down, weakened
"After taking the first bottle of
Tanlac I began to feel stronger and
better than I had In years, and a.i I
continued taking it my Improvement
I was so great that in a short while I
! was a well man. I now have a splendid
appetite, eat anything I want and nev
er, have any trouble afterwards. I am
entirely free of rheumatism and have
not had one of those terrible fainting
spells since I started taking Tanlac.
1 never have that tired, worn out feel
ing and am always ready for my work,
which I can do -without a particle of
trouble. In fact, since taking Tanlac
I feel just like a different person and
it Is a real pleasure for me to recom
mend it to others."
ttapU-lM Hold Meeting.
The Umatilla County Paptists' As
sociation held a conference on Friday,
Saturday and Sunday at Freewatcr,
with about 200 delegates present
from all jiarts of the county. Rev. J.
C. Topping of Tokio, gave interesting
and helpful addresses on the work in
Japan. Hev. J. C. Austin gave an 11
lusliated lecture on the needs of the
v-i k and Hev. O. C. Wright. L. U. of
Portland preached two sermons on the
broader work of the denomination. It
was announced that the Baptists of
the state have bought thirteen acres of
land and two large buildings contain
'ng 100 bedrooms and two laige lec
ture halls a mile from Columbia City.
Tne new purchase will be used for
holding conventions and the next state
meeting will be held there. Kev. W.
"I. Cox, local pastor, was chosen a
menil or of the board, and Rev. Ijith
er was made moderator. Among the
i'cii.1ieton people who attended the
meeting were Rev. and Hrs. Cox, Mn
E. faltezore. Miss Thelma Chil-
dreth. Mr. Spooner, Mr. and Mrs. Will
Penlard, Mrs. Leonard Nicholls, W.
W. Ilnrrah, Forrest Harrah. Sir. and
Mrs. Claude I'enland, II. V. Morris ar.d
Call McGinn is.
Steps Taken so Far in Economy
Campaign Include Three
Very Definite Orders.
mond Clapper, 1". 1. Staff Corre
spondent.) President Harding s ad
ministration's drive to force hnusehob!
expenses back to normal is in full
swing. Steps taken thus far in the
economy campaign are:
1 Instructions to the cabinet mem
bers they must stop the practice of
overstepping congressional appropria
2 The appointment of Walter F.
j Urown to represent the president in
mapping out the reorganization oi ex
ecutive departments on an economy
3 Ordering a survey of wasteful
practices In leasing private buildings
for government use.
A sharp advance over the Saturday
price ts noted In today's report from
the Chicago grain market. May wheat
closing at J1.40 und July at SI. 15 1-4.
On Saturday May wheat closed at
SI. 43 1-2 and July at $1.15 1-2.
Following are the quotations re
ceived by Uvcrbcck & Cooke, local
Open High Lrw Close
Ipen. High. Low. Close.
May i 1.43 SI. 484 SI. 43 fl.U
July l.lo'i 1.16. 1.1 4 ti l.loli
During the last year postal robberies
totaled more than six million dollars
of which three and one-half million
dollars has been recovered.
CHICAGO, May 16. (U. P.) The
date of the trial of Mrs. Cora Orhwein,
pretty affinity slayer, charged with
killing Herbert C. Zeigler, Go3year
Tire and Rubber Co. executive, will be
set today.
Mrs. Orthwein is to appear In court
in company with her attorney, Bon
Short, The defendant, who is charged
with manslaughter, was well known in
Chicago's night life before the tragedy.
Her luxurious apartment on the "Gold
Coast" was the frequent scenes of
many gay parties. (
Following the death of Ziegler. Mrs.
Orthwein told police, "I loved Herb,
and 1 killed him." .
She will ask freedom on the grounds
of self-defense, claiming that Zeigler,
in a drunken frenzy,' broke into her
apartment after she left him at a
di'in.iing party in a cabaret. '
The suite charged she killed Ziegler
after he told her that he was going
back to his family and give up his old
Prosecuting Attorney Heth announc
ed that he will attempt to get a wom
an jury to try Mrs. Orthwein.
"Men jiuies always acquit affinity
slayers," said Heth. "I am anxious
to see what the reaction of a woman
jury would be."
Armless Boy Wins Art Prize
l U est
If W
t-w'''"'ll ,- I lt
for the graduates
The gil
ls a genuine pleasure In giving as well
u diamond.
.or knows that the diamond expreisc the
'VrnZ that Its value and beauty will
endure forever.
A Jiamond ring for the girl graduate.
A scarf pin or cuff links for the boy.
The best always comes from , .,
The Largest Diamond Dculcra In KuMcra Orrm
LKGE, Corvallis, May 16. Dr. Steph
en H. . Penrose president of hit
man coflege, has accepted an invita
tion to deliver a series of special ad
dresses at the summer session of the
Oregon Agricultural college during
the annual session of the hnoa ot
Oregon which the Presbyterian church
is holding this year at the college
from July 12 to 19. President Pen
rose will give lectures on pragmatism
and Christianity and on other sub
jects, literary and philosophical. .
Other special lectures inciuoe nen-
n- Ijiwrence Kouthwick. I r-ident tif
Kmerson College of nrato.y. t "-t"u:
r. Caroline O. Hedi'f r or I a if ,
e be ll director of t'e Klizabcth Mc-
Cormick memorial fund of Chicago,
who was In charge of child welfax.
work In Belgium during the war;
Professor Thomaa O. Trueblood. head
of the public speaking department at
.. .-. . i... It lltlirnn who Will
i tne 'university i
. . . ' -i,.i- iir Horace A.
give cramaiiu ifr..w., -
Katon, head of the department of
English at Syracuse University; ajd
Miss Julfa Marshall Raines of the
Cleveland School of Art.
The number of Inquiries received at
the directors office this year are al
most double the number received last
year and the indications are lor an
unusually large registration. The
completed bulletin to be issued thia
week will list 125 different courses
and show a resident faculty of S3.
GREENFIELD, Ind.. May 1. (U.
PjConstable Charles Nye tried to
est. h the speeder as they whtaed
through by grabbing extra tirof on
the rear of an auto, it i in ugi
will recover. '
after Every Meal"
Get tbrtce-datly belief it from III
V tbis Cow-cost aid to ffl
v appetite and digestion J J
Ik It keeps teeth white Ijl
Ym breath sweet fif
tS and throat.
v, clear '
Makes your if
. smokes Ifl
taste M
better mI
P W 5c
111 PTOayggaiii ih hi in
The Flavor Lasts
The Awning Season Is On
Do you know wc manufacture and install them?
hman N orris of Tfllmlnfton. DeL. la 14 yeara M and without
arrnr. but thii norae he drew with a pencil between hla teeth brought
biin Siat prua in a recent drawinj contrnt. nerman't sjrj vera bursal
! an ebt tlli lnJt Ust mt -
"The House That Makes Good"
Phnnn 771 PnnrllHnn Or
jil M. IIVIIV IV a w v .