East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 16, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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' ii iiifiiifiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiii::iijjiiiiiiii iiiijutiifiiiiiiiifriiijiiiiiiiiiuiiiiititiiiititiiitiiiiiiiiitti initiiiittiEiiieiiitDitfififiitiisintiiiftitiitiitftiiititi its
News Notes of Pendleton
Ctl.KMIMt on i : i :ts
May !!-27 l'cndleluii Mer
chants' nnil Manufacturers' Car
nival. Klx-oliil) K"lf tournament to lie
played hero Saturday and Kun
day May 2X-2H.
May III, Juno 1 mid 2 Klnlo
convention (if UiTKon federation
of W'uriii'ii'H clubs.
Jn iu :i iiini 4--Twi'tity-niiilh
A iiiiiiii I I'lonccr picnic.
Juno H. l.r,, 1 riluto Con
vention ,f the (I. A. II.
Jnim :;7-Aiii:iiHt 6 Hummer
Xorinul School.
September i'l, L'.'l, 21 Annual
Pendleton 1 1 inmil -L ' p,
ilay al llm Hnlviitlnii Army liall, 'ID
Kast Alia,, A special service villl'h
is In la' lipid will lii'Kln al K o'clock.
I Adjutant flell will speak anil hpeclal
! mimic lain I j n arrallKcil.
4U :
much nf
I h''i. nbuiit. ii Jii'inlh, KiM'inIini?
th- rim.' in 'liiHloti ami I'iiris. lb- H.-iil
j.fij In . rronipuny with V. W. I In w khis, 1 5;
pMHilfiil uf thu Taitt'd Jvchm.
'Hun l.liiior nt. ,
For bavin).' liiuir In his possession
lllccally, .loh ri fine wan fined J.'.u In
llii' four ir .Indite KHz Herald thin
lunvninK.. IliH arrest was made liy Ihe
police. Ccmvo KIhii-uiii was fined
H.-ct iii,Im v nil a chalKe f piirkiiiK liis
mi- in an Incorrect manner, lie paid.
Niirlhi'iii Mclil'
The Nol l hern
iblo Snt iuiIh.v
ami al fordi d
Keen. s
.IkIiIh wre ii isal n via-
lllllli III J'oilllleloll j-
fun! exhibition of tin-
Special Hale granted
Tlici railroad Iium cranti il tn nn-m-hers
of the ('.rami Army of the I if I mi I
phi noim-iioit. The Pj;hts llliinilaali'il
I Ic entire shy in colors of erei n, K'dd, 'r-T
Mil", pink and li't and tin: Hi;ht
W;ih one of K!!nt hiautv.
Alien, I Walla Walla Vellnif
l.t. Moys, radet. Alorford ami ('apt.
.lellliie Coill'ail, In chaw of III" Hal
vatlon Army work here, left thin
moiiiiiiK for. Walla Walla wlnre liny
will assist In a special nieetinw Hint Is
In In- In Id lliere this evening.
Adjutant IK II (turning
Adjnlant J. Hell, ymiiiu people
rotary from Seattle, will'lie here
He and their wiveH a rate of two i eJ(m
a mill- In tile Klale encampment to lie
held here .(niie ., K, and HI. Thin
nPlilli'H iinly lo (J. A. It. nienilierx, and
iiieintierK of the nuxiliarioH mu:t. piy
the reKuiar fare.
liiihil'iill Is .2(1.
The rainfall yesterday and last nlld !
totaled . o of an im-li and more will j
iu'ui,i,i,iv lolluw rays .Major i ... a - i
house, dIIuihI weather nli'-erver. 'I'liei
maximum today Is UK, Hie minimum I;;
i:i and Hid haioinelcr i-cbIkUth 2'iJ,'J:. ;S
V Qi l v
d-b v cLb
riilllp daekson sails
I'tiillp .laek.Hon, won of .Mr. and Mrs
I'. H. Jackson of I'orilaad and wel.
known In I 'onillot"n, -who lias hei i
FpendiiiK Hevei'al weeks in Xcw 'ork
sailed Inn Week for Ktirope yn the
sti niioditp .M.iuretania. He will la a1'-
i Alleiul (K'iiiii; Sunday
i l''ive hainlred ieople from
ton and I'matilla county v.' i
iliose preseiii at the opening d
Iseasini al liiimhaln Splines
; if t his iriniher, una ;i vaih
seheM of tlic iipporiunuy t
nw ini.
ii oion
y of the
est erilay.
I I helll- j H
enjoy a jS
I -mi 101 101 101 101-oi
Eat ire Rails
Try this as a sample of what raisins do.
Then make many other foods with raisins:
: Clips Silli-.Maid Seedless I'.aisin::
J cups Water
1 1-- cups siiirar
J Ihsp. s.uirlemni;.
I'ut louct her mil hoil for a
cool. Tll'lt add:
1.(1 (Tel
I l-p- e
t-1' l-P
1-4 Isp.
1 tsp. s.
tuna nion
. l ot mi e;
i Im. s
.d i
I n op
!; I:.. hakliur pov.
1 cup chopped nut.s.
; cups i lour
niKture ililo cup ('.li e
.' docn ca i.i s. or one ,
at i
p. to
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
301 EaSt Court Street.
Phone 101, Private Exchange Connects Both
, Departments.
-loi loi loi loi loi lui loi loi loi T
lialph llu,;;es hoscn.
ICaluh laireet-.iof J'endlelon, has
j he. n chosen to represent the Tnher
Ipily ol (il'don ( hapter of Kappa Wu
j ma. men's national fraternity, al the
' national conventjon .soon to he held In
j l 'llicalio. V iilliii; r.urcesM will make
tin: trip al Hie done of the present
term of colleue.
I'ly I'ishhiK rii'dniiiiniiles
The river is not, a fhst-ratc place to
fish limit imw, acconlini; to the opin
ion expressed hy local aimlers. 'i'he
snow l.s m'dtinj; in the mountains, and
in Im ujiper htri'tclns, the water In
muddy. It in still milky w lien the
water reaches I'endleion. .Meaclium is
u kooiI fishint? place riht now, and
the .iiinller stieains ale nldin
hii catches. Sol Ilauni tlliuks
river will not be good for Hire,
four days.
Going On
May White Sale
Beau tiful imported
Swiss organdie, for
Graduation Dresses and
summer wear.
85c Quality, May White
Sale 69c
$1.50 Quality, May
White Sale .... $1.23
$1.75 Quality, May
White Sale .... $1.39
May White Sale
Lyk Linen
40c Quality, May
White Sale 31c
50c Quality, May
White Sale 39c
65c Quality, May
White Sale 49c
75c Quality, May
White Sale 58c
: or
While Sale Poplin
$1.35 Quality, May
White Sale .... $1.19
May White Sale Towels
2.r,c (Jnnl., May W hile Sale 21k:
Miss Sehlirpf 4 lioseli
Miss Alma Scharpf, of Portland, sis.
tcr of I,. ('. Scharpf of tiiis city, was
elected secretary of the student hody
at ii. A. ('. at the elecllon on Satur
day, winning over her opponent hy
votes. M:ss Scharpf. 'with a" aera;e
of iii for her three years, has taken
the Clara II. Waldo scholarship prize
for two yeais in succession. She is a.
member of Forium, all-school honor
ary society; ( nnicron Nu, home econ
i inn s hoao.-;i!' ; Mask and llallitel,
dramatic society and of Kappa Alpha
Tie la. women's fraternity.
. IWvO -fc- '
A Pot of Gold
Did you ever try to find it? Then Mlow tlio trail
that leads t: the Hansconi Jewelry Store. There
you will find nil kinds of irold made up into all kinds
of token:-.
want then
Miotiui you not see exactly wiiat you
they will make it to your liking:.
Trail right alontr to the Hanseom Jewelry Store.
Ask Hnnscom, IIK knows.
'J w
of I',:
cie mad
Ke. on!
me w as for r
of a luoaulietil
eni.elll .MeU:
of JJMil, i'hc
-a rtn t ion of a
Iiin;i r and I';
ions for hliildinK per-
,'atuiiniy at the office
cr 'riloiiai.i Fitz ierald.
pairine: and ii.meiitinu
of the resaicni e of
e at an etimaied cost
other was fu- the con
service .station hy llil
rl er on Kast Court
siivet. The main part of the hulld
iiiK is to he HI hy Is feet with a full
hasi mciit and a ;x hy Hi foot porch.
I:ri' k tile end wood w ill he used in
coi.struetion of the laiihlnn-', which
will cost jr.ua.
50c Quality, May White Sale
05c Quality, May White Sale
75c Quality, May White Sale
r: gnnl., May W hile Sail- 2flc
4IK: ymil., May White Snlo Sit:
.-Ho gual., May While Sale 4I!
C5c Qua., May Wlilte Sale 5ftr
7.K- guul., May Wliltn Nal 67u
11.00 QuaL, May White S. 84c
SI. 25 Qual., May White S. $1.10
ll.fdJ gual., May White S. $1.28
May White Sale Nainsook
2."o Quality. May White Sale Ht
:i.V- Qualily, May While Sale 2
(IM: t,ualil. May White Sale Sle
BOe Qualily, May White Sale 40c
li.V (.iialily. May While Sale
May White Sale 45 in. Linen Tuhing
$2.50 Quality May White Sale '. $1.73
May Wrhite Sale Laces and Emhroidery
May White Sale Long Cloth
2r.e Quality, M" While Sale
S.-K- Qnalil.l, May White Sale
40c Quality. May While Sale lc
V.le Qiialily. May White Sale 41k;
May White Sale Pique
rhc Qiialily,
(;:,c Qiialily,
May White Sale 31)c
May While Sale 4!c
;r- Quality, May While Sale r.Ho
8ac Quality, May While Sale :!
if Quality, May White Sale 4e
Hie Quality, May White Sale To
1 2 He Qiial.. May White Sale 9c
Qual., May White Sale 12c
Ilk: Qual., May White Sale 10c
!." Qual., May White Sale 19c
ii.'x: Qual., May White Sale 2Uc
40c Qual, May White Sale .11c
r.Oc Qual., May While Sale c
liac Qual., May White Sale 49c
7.-M- Qual., .May While Sale 58c
85c Qual., May White Sale 8c
81.00 QuaU, .May White Sale 7:tc
11.25 Qual., May White Kale 88c
81.50 Qual., May W hite S. $1.25
$1.75 Qual., .May White S. $1.45
(2.00 Qual., May White S. $1.83
$2.25 Qual., May White S. $1.95
$2.50 Qual., May White S. $2.15
83.00 Qual., May White K. $2.45
$:l.50 Qual., May White S. $2.95
$4.00 Qual., May White S. $:l..15
$4.50 Qual., May WlUte N. $.1.95
Mav While Sale Waiting
7.-ie Oual.. May Whin
$1.00 Qual., May While Sah
Sale Title
$1.25 Qual.. May W hile Sale 9Ke
8I..VI Qual., May W hile S. $1.19
rrie At Portland
Kn route to I he srand hale ron
Plitlon of (Iddfellows to he held this
week in .Mhany, several parties passed
i he 'Week end at the various rortland
hoMolrios. It. Alexander of Pendleton,
vho hasn't missed many grand Indite
iiieetinKs in the past ,,a years, register
i d at. the Imperial and started to re
count reminiscences of other days,
(iilnrs registered at the Imperial on
their way to the convention included
S. F. Bowman and wife and A. O. far
i'cii and ivifo, all from l'endleton. The
Howmans and -Mr. and Mrs. Carden
nioion.d to rortland from the eastern
onriiii idly.- ( ireponian.
May White Sale Skirting
G1.00 Qual., May W hile Sale (llkr
$1.25 Qual., May White Sale 9oc
Qual., May W hite Sale, .lite
Qual., May White Sale. 4!ic
Qual., May While Sale. .'
Qual., May While Sale, lot"
SI.50 Qual., -May White S.
May White Sale Table Linen
5e Qual., May White Sale 79c
$1.25 Qual., May White S. $1.05
$2.50 Qual., May W hite 8. $1.95
$11.50 Qual., May While S. $2.95
$4.00 Qual., May White S. 8:1.45
(4.50 Qual., May While S. $.1.95
$5.00 Qual., May White S. $4,119
$11.50 Qual., May White S.
$7.50 Qual., May White S.
$10.00 Qual., May White S. $8.50
$12.50 Qual. May White S $10.95
$13.50 Qual. May White S $1 1.35
$15.50 Qual. May White S $14.25
$10.50 Qual. May White S $14.25
$20.00 Qual. May White S $18.75
$25.00 Qual. May White S $21.50
;!(). 00 Qual. May White S $25.50
A hove Prices Prevail oil
May White Sale Bed Spread
$2.00 Qmil.. May White s. !..
S2.50 Qual., May W hite S. S2.20
S:t.00 Qual., May While S. 82.119
S;t.r0 Qual.. Mav While S. S.1.15
$1,011 Qual.. May White S. S:t.H"
SI :,( Qua!.. May Wltite S. 81.05
S5.00 Qual., May W hite S. S4.ll.
811.50 Qual., May While S. $5.95
S7.50 Qual., May W hile S. 88.95
S8..-.0 Qual., May White S. S7.95
510.00 Qual. May White S. $9.25
M2.50 Qual. May White S. $1 1.45
This is the store that has the CONFIDENCE
lower prices.
3iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii i iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini
test would he a
Uainey for Hie
About that
I fW Winchester
rSSI2- cal. for'
PtMp- Scu i rrcls ?
I Si-K r of l.iK al Man DiiN
Mrs. S. ii. Shirley, uf rortland, the
j ictini of an auto accident in l'ort
! land recent ly and whose death oc
j caned esterday, was a sister of A.
I .1. iiwin of this city, a:l had often
: vi-iied in i'eiull' ton durine; the
! Uound-I'p. .Mr. (Hven left eslerdu
! to attin.l the funeral services. Mrs.
; Shule'. who was IIL' years old is sur-
ivi d hy h.cr hushand and two daught
j el's, Mis. Shirh y ri ceived a frac
ture at the huso of the skull when she
was struck hy an automohile dclier
truck driven ly lien Tontfest. She
was crossing the street im ersct ion at
I the lime. Toutfost is ailcvd to have
j passed another machine at the inter
, section in violation of the traffic laws.
lie is now In Id uiidi r hond. 11 Was
announced at Ihe colonel's office that
an iinin.'s! into Hie nci ident will he
held either loniept or tomorrow in or
der to fix Ihe n sponsil.ihl y.
pitchers' hattle, hut
visitors weakened in
the sixth while Crnnshaw. wno occu
pied tho-mound for the IlK'els. re
mained invinoilde, and his dazzhns
speed and curves kept the Holdman
hunch down to three scattered hits.
He struck out H- men. The batteries
were ltaincv and Powell for Holdman,
and I'ranshaw and Wriuht for
Milk Served ill Unities.
Several local restaurants have adop
ted the system of servinK milk in
bottles instead of in classes. The
new plan was adopted so that Ihe
milk can he served direct from the
creamery to the patron, whilli rest
aurant proprietors say is more sani
tary than the old way and which is
also a lime saver.
ally well done and the book will be
one of Ihe nest in the northwest. The
are work is ( f a very high standard.
Many of the cuts are those drawn hy
Claude Snow. The West Coast In
Kfavinp; Company in a letter to the
staff complimented Mr. Snow sreatly
upon Ms work and said that the art
work surpassed many college annuals.
Orders for some of the books have al- j
ready been contracted. They will be
placed on sale at the local book store
for people wishing copies. Miss Irva
I tale business manaser of this year's
hook, will edit the annual next yeaf
and she is busily at work gathering
material for its contents.
they will be guests at various frater
nity houses for the Junior Week-End
festivities. Th.(ise who will take in
the annual event are, Miss Genevieve
Phelps, Miss Alberta McMonies, Miss
Edna Murphy, Ben Smith. Jens Ter
geson. Donald Woodworth, Harold
C.oedecke, John Simpson and David
Students to Visit ViiiAersiiy Sever
al students of the school will leave
Wednesday noon for Eugene where
Medal Presentetl. Medals .won by
the local high school track team at the
Eastern Oregon track meet held In
Union Saturday, were presented by
Austin Landreth in an assembly held
this morning. John Saunders, a se
nior, won the medal for the individ
ual high point man of the meet. Rich
ard Earnhart, winner of the 880 yard
dash was presented with the cup of
fered for this event and also a medal
for the winner of first place. The lo-
mer Preakfast Cereal.
cal team won the meet by several
points and the material for next year's
team is very promising. The three
cups won at the meet were displayed
in the hall this morning together with
the Sheehan football cup and the cup
won at the county track meet. Ac
cording to Mr. Eandreth, the locals
"carried off all the silverware In
..Assist Nature. There are times
when you should assist nature. It is
now undertaking to cleanse your sys
tem if you will take Hood's Sarsa
parilla the undertaking will be suc
cessful. This great medicine purifies
and builds up as nothing else does.
W in i
The I'elldlcl.
ed the lloldm.
l ark j-estei-d.n
Came by Ihe s
t lie si ll I il W.I
n 1'idored tigers defeat
11 I'.iiues at Holind-rp
a fi t moon i n a fast
ere of la to 1. from
: e ident lh;it Hie c(Ul-
i .tea
n n v.
Plnvgroiind sinfiallst Cmniiia
Through the combined efforts of the
Commercial Association and the sum- i
mcr normal. I r Henry I). Curtis of !
Uherlin college, formerly secrt'tary of
the I'layground Association of Ameri
ca, and of the National Child Welfare
association, and author of n number
! of authoriative hc.oks on the subject of !
recreation, has been scoured to speak ,
In l'endleton June" L'S to ill. During (
his visit he will make addresses before
the normal school, and it is probable!
that, he will he asked to address somo ;
civic bodies. A survey of recreational
opportunities in Pendleton will be
made by the noted educator during ,
his Isit. !
n n n
1 3 n H M
tobacco makes 50
ood cigarettes for
Atnliiorium Is rniu'r1!
Tho juiilitoriuiii of thf comity libr- !
;ry in lifiiiK reOi'cnrated. The walls
aro bt'ini; ro-raer(d and the wood- .
work will ho rcnovalotl. Tlio oluVt j
rtti'in will nut Im rt-ltHiratoil but srv- :
rr.il n'W piiu-rs of ftirnitun hnvp boon ,
ndiliul, nnn ibfin 12 oak Windsor'
chairs and a handsome . tablo. Tho
work of ronovinini; will be t'inlsbtMl ,
in timo for the statt nnvontioi of the ;
Hri'snn Fodiratifn of Womon's Clubs,1
to bo hold hoio May June 12 and
Aiiiiiiiiii on tl Ptvss The hich
school aim lal li.is.geno to press and is
expected lo he ready for distribution
May .".a. The hook contains IT.", paires
Hue ixi 1--'. The cuts am exception-
The Bee Hive,
"A Store of
The Bee Hive
The superior merchandisins: service of The Bee Hive store adds nothing
to the cost of one's purchases. The advantageous circumstance of owning
our goods at THE RIGHT PRICE is passed on to our patrons in the form of
splendid savings.
We have received some new pat
terns in Dinnerware of the best qual
ity, you will like them, for two rea
sons, one the Quality and the other
the Price.
Cut Glass Water Sets (one jug and
six glasses) in two cuttings, the
grape, and daisy, you will like them
at, set $2.50
Talcum Powder at
Perfection Hair
Nets at
. . . . 10c
airs arc slill scllins lit one
half llicir regular .'iltic.
Unit makes Imhy cilainc
nst 2 jards fur Tic. tonal
ity cnusidcrctl ou cannot
In'HI our price.
MorchaiKlNc of Su
Hi!atic Merit, wheth
er the irhi lie liiy.li or
Toilet Soap at the
cake 4c
No matter what tlio Article is or the
price it x-lls at it is Kl'.AIi .Ml.lSl'H N
llsi:, tx'hiiul which we can honorably
-land. Anylliiiv; pnvtiiu; otherwise will
receive an ud.jiiMtncnt tctiilini: to main
tain our uootl-will anil uttronac. Vol'
mi st in: satisi ii:d.
The Bee Hive
(Including war tax).
I'teiiic ItasktKs are selling for
1-2 price. No Is ller time
than now to get the one lo
use on picnic-.
Moiv tor Lost."
'WiM'tli the lic"
a HciiMte of all
niiia huinil-.' at this