East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 16, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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J 0
; H n I i ll Ml I I iH I
-k' a nuui iuiiikiiui ui nun
f. ".(' : i f V VV.
o have M'liH'lfd from our stock all odds bro
ken lims iJt., of Mens Shoos and have placed
xen lines, etc., ot .Mens bhoes and have nli
them on sale at lh nmst ivm ill. iM In,.- .a1
This sale includes values up to $15.00. It's the greatest
shoe sale Pendleton has seen in years. Nearly every dur
able style is included, and we can fit nearly any foot. The
T ; l' 1 1 01 maKes the bcst of leathers. It's a
wonderful opportunity to save on pood, honest shoes.
Now is the time to buy. Come in this evening-first
choice is always best.
" l.tb .& 4l
M ; First Display of Motherly!
PJ Interest is When 'Nellie'
II j Decides Upon Daily Bath, j
Sh' NKW Cl'l'l'iiUD. Ma., May 14. '
iJj, ( . J'. -- While- inoiiininn the loss of j
feS ! her three Mi'.cns wlui 1 i v t . I bill n few
H mluiitcs. .Nellie, a matronly l-ln -;1 :::ti
' s)uirl -!m ii-oi.1 cat, turned in (ho Inrii- 1
13 ; bator 'for consolation und now Is the
jrr ' fi'MtOr llll'llll'l' to n brood of clllell-
1 ens. The feline philunt hropist has
SS (alien IoiIkIiius behind a Htoo In tho
E' homo of .Mm. Jolm T. -Morey of this
city, and bestows constant care anil tif
J iVi'tiuii ui'on Iht I't'liAod but innwllun
A l'i:o tU'al l) i ilt 1 1 lull ilisrovoreil
she had he'-n duped Into oomph-tiug a
hat. h J! wliirli an Incubator h,d
started. Tlu' fowl Imnivdiatidy desoi'l
gS ' 1 "io m-ron newly nrrlvod cltli-Kx.
3: Mt s. Mori-y ti-ansfot red thi utan-
dont'd rhicKi-ns to tln tont'inont iktu
EE pied hv- tlu cat whoro they came
E to tlie notice of Nellie on her first iml ;
H to the kitchen since her hcrea vcmoni.
Afier an hour of silent contemplation
z?2z siie ilee'uted upon the adoption. j
The f.rst display of motherly Inter- i
cs: almost ilisrupted the newly Mi'iptir-,
r ed fainily. Nellie decided thai the
ff? down.N- orphans neeiled a Path. While
tile method of vasl5:n hroimht io
Z complaint the wettinn that was ad
rfr llllniMtired cuused a general retreat,
Sr Nfd until the cat had stretched her- '
j;:'elf out to for.et her new trouliles in;
g3 ' sl o did the chii kens apinoach ht-r.
iCr!: Then they di.-co i v.mI that fur ina'-' ;
an ideal lied. Now the cat and chick-
hz fns take milk from the same saucer;
and at ni-'P.I the orphans lo-s'.Ie to the
t'. slcr parent. '
Soap, White Laundry 20 bars, $1.00
Gc!J Dust, the package 30c
Citrus Powder, the packdge 30c
Salmcn, W'adeo 3 Icr $1.00
ShiLmp, the can 25c
Clams, minced, the can ; 20c
Seafoam Washing Powder, package 25c
Lard, 5 pounds, $1.00; 10 pounds, $2.00
Coffea, 3 pounds , $1.00
Dinner Sets, Water Set;;, Fancy Teapots, Coffee Per
colators, Pyrex Cooking Ware, Milk I'rox, Stone Jars.
7 f?Veape'$ Wa r?lon5A
ii' luolialde habits of i n
in: V. 1'. .Matthew. K
uscum's dej'artnieot J
In I'sploinlnw tin' probable habits of i
the 1 1 oil, os. i urns, I
euraior of the museums del
t vertebrate palaeontology, . pictures
liie pn instotic monster in chase of a
couple of unwary duck lnlled dino
saurs that hive carelessly wandered
trem t ho l an'.s of nuT.i and lagoons
which led till 111 as refuse from
iaiid-lubbers like the lot K'wi1 w us.
i i lAOTr i icrn i iiMn i rpp i -''": ' i t:.-iptrd m ih -.th an
S I HMXlr H H IV I Irll;s!""11 '"" "h"'1 "" M!'- j Kmfir- humllrnp hit. (
S lli lUIL UULU IllnU LLU J thew said. In fact, he was a real low- ,,f it,,, ltdanil Ktiiplr
iMWHrRF IT PAY TO TPnr (SBfgifflg;!
F? NI",W VmI:K, May 1 .!.-- A. 1M-
! i'e.-t uonds of the A iii-'rii 'a u .Mu-euinj
of Xaiunil History ai:ree that the i lor- ! zoos.
C'.s.i uru.--. ariamii' ben.-.t wiinh lived
, l ark in pa!e..o-o timi i, r ill, V lien
:z u hurry, on its l.ind I
SI-oKAM:. Wash., Hay 1.6 (A. I'.)
- "lie hundred mid fivi shooters jr-
unnual Inland
nnd the flrtulfl
brow ainoiit: the ancient animals. I n- ( trapshoot itr toiirnnnient on tho Kurt
telli -eiaally he would have herri a , Wriuhl raiiKe Sunduv.
am d cnipauion for ci oillb s. w hieh :
re put at the f ed of the i las:t in most 1'rank .M. Troeh of Vuncouvcr,
Wash., Has lim'li man ol the day,
1 breaking i): straight In the five 2V-
So. hr. Ma'thew said, this enor- .ar.d eitiits. inlawed the first
lieiis but rather stupid ht.'i-t would target.
field, i.
cson, August lS-19-r.O, 1521
o.i . . i-i looiprnus aim ocier evnience 111:11 , . , ',.,. i.t. i ,.lt- i r t ...,.-,.. uoh
,,,.-1 . ... ,. . . ' ""' eicuis will enliven i of vs tors will h.. f.,1 on th.. .l.,li, ...,.!. .. i ..... , ,.. ,. ..... . ;poiie u.s . ..ueoiim loiio. no , . '
.... ,.. v . ,,.,MI t'roiK inane are in., rhr a - -".--"- .... . ... ...... ...... .... . .....
eon-orate, lakh,,,- in all the natural
adMinta-es that (-....s County lias in
entertain visitors. There is no lioul.t tif.il h. nie that was built at a cost of
The Kiks of Marshfiehl have a heaii-
1 bout one hundred thousand dollars
ind it is the center of the activities of
"ut that this onvention will he tho
j -f-s'.-i umiir v.i.m-s ouiuy pais ever
-M..nr man "u'.i ale ex- orenaraii'in l..r th" r.-t;i ntion
' SIAP.Simpi n , ) I'feted to artend.
tt,n"U,1 'fMnKf "e State Assocla-' Warhip. hydroplanes, water s
" noi oe iieiu in Jiars.'i. i.emtro.s 1
all. shootmir matche;
one of the spe.-ud r, utures vVill lie n
a t"od doir.fr al t.'le i n when it
eM:,..M,.,t that t'i- enure delegation
of the hay and s. a. This dinner alone,
it is intimate, 1 will cost about tlin i'
sar' ti
tail to balance the body lo would t
tr his
would a't.o
d of rortland hruko 97
'llie In. .1. A. Ileieimer trophy was
. leM.'c.ously with law - BtiaiKhl.
ai d tootn. The duck-billed diiiosuurs I lio.h won the, (,alnx hotel trophy
had no m. es of d. f-nse, if ca u c lit ' it h ITi MtralKht.
ind they were prumpiK consinied to . Tli- shoot will continue today and
a place on the I lorosaurus' niciiii. Thursday.
dian proime of Alberta. Tin
that this cat niv.iroiis donosa'.ir used
all 'fours in oi.linary trae;;n but l e-.
thousand dollars. The l',,, radio valley , ne ,-,,,.ned to l.lll speed. the 1 ;
Klks "will irive a noth.er dinner of dairy ; fellow not ifi on his hind lees. Ac-
f. . -ds. and tit. I- will be an abundance i '""''''. " :'r.uru.s fi.eetn ir-t " ' !
. centl;. hi uuired l.y the ni'isfiiniii tr.-m j i,. atsav iucr tilnety-ofe dollars to liesirinK o Improve the health anil
tne ttle' t-r.ij tile nest I
sful . v. . I), i.t in l iri'Si.n. I"
the lied lieer Uiver beds of All mi the ton has been dlscivi iod in the the life chances of children. I'ortland
iint.d in his i iinnini, t;atiuau dir'ri. 1. i.i'iebcc, about fifty' Is plunninK to obwrve ft "well etibie'
tuib s north of Ottaw i. ' week."
!Ust been In.
vs. w -"rs v-i 7r-'
' - ' ' - J
. . ' 'J ' .-''. " . I
VS. .1 ,, 5... ' '-' . i" ' fV-jj. t V " ' ' ; I " . f
J hf , '- - M
I i - " ' - i" 1
If ' v . - sv f-- . N k. L : V . H v
f - t V'-; I r - ,.,t
f.' 'V - 1 r"-' - 111 11 11 . . . . ' f ' ' I
r.-vxv,, ... i-y-'il - r- "r s :
Kv:V;J..iP ; - R.-;V. r S
' I . . 1 -..'I w .
t . t; v . '
l I
' J I'.
J I-l1
ZL --''. .'.,,.. taii
A Picture Romance -"The Greater Claim"-Cff for a
Vacation -Two Comedy Stars-Tom Score's Car
riage "Made in Heaven" Real Cowboy.
WT was tht nti:n:p5enre of romance ptrn.re .Mia.s t;.sh taKt-i several tr.ps
I d'.at cuiintna'ed in the n.nriiat'e at wmort? the clouds .n an atrpiu.e .t,tii.
'.Jri-cnw u'h, Cor.n.. on the day af'er i : f : o -j h the nor ca.Jed for aaontt
ChiifiEni-., t.f iuroiay Hit h. Xvorite avator to pi!or tho star, it V...9 Mr
c 0:111. ii.cp.iK. of ttie h.uo!. and Jarue fteiinie w ho k ind'y volu: ir-.d ; j la
Keoriie, her i' j!.:.- man in her cur- he- tp for the pr.ti tie.; tp,s.
rtnt p.cturc. 'F11.. its I'm." . Mr. i:er.n:e l piajii's a Kjuirs r-
M!5 Gish ar.-;vid m Totk from ;n "'.Span.-', I.ov
Cai.forn.a abo-jt a jur jo to li.ake Tlu- .rcati-r tlaim
'eiies of p.etLres in -he K.ist an! a The Mi.tiivui.i., ni.iter-al In
few tvenir.es later wer.- o the Henry ..tinct proves ti,o m.atti. of i.r.t a
iiiiiir Theatre to see j; ;;a Chatterton ,.;tft of .rtitni't.-, w . i. a bahv a- .... n
In 'Moonlithi bn H. k.e." ilr. : --j. , ,-, .. , .....
Iteciue u .:-t ai.s Luke '.tKcs tt..- i.,.rt of Man
Tcii: s. V. 'ir ,
ti r: 5 of ,i i.
, her hi! -b-R-l !' k. t
" i . t f 4t tier rf! d i r
i.j4' t of a S .'otiioii
1 lttter:on and il.ss i;.-a a d,.i an I t lU , 0f
truly littiKtwd. " hit a ton.i.l-i -arouj! fii
tpc for pic.utes." !t u r- :ata lu itre g v
Wl:ipere4 to her a -r Li.l-an. "1 i r ,,.,. i, (
l.ke ll.m for my Ii....;. :. ;na.- , '. ,,;,;"-.
Accoi a.niiy, an , rv . r.r- r t r ,.- ; -y .- ,, . ; :.,
luitsed oiJ i.r. ;:-i....e w; rn,,c. ;i.'r"J;. ,t ij,.,!....',,,. ,.,0... ; '" ' I'1 ' '
" 4i'-tVf i'-'i '-e man la -iu- ,B(J !.,it.wn t h. fen rr.- a 1
tuodelinr H'r llusha-ii- l.:i: an ti.-h f..c - i;,,.a. . tu, , on.pi.au., ots '" .
Beted. he now a tuna. )n tnc a ..: af an ar o'. "I . r. . " is tie- wo-io's . " ' ' ' ' '' ' '.
capacity of direct jr Hn i chntron. (vr ..,in,fl .,n , h.ia ,..,, aed d.y, r. IV, "'1'" ,' ' I " ' ' ' : '
her fuuncer h't. lie picture a rav.cB on ' o reps nd f.v o ta. d-ii ' - ." '
loS auccesa and tne a -l.nf. be , now ,jr JUS.- ..hr.:rr m,,'., , . " ; . V
too.!, wat. nt y m.t a.c.puolei F,r -v l,M ,:, ,n cvr Ev, r"-
f th. pub'.IC but .tr,Ai,:, tt,, )jry u to .v, . ,,,... a;,nJ. ' r ' ;. . , .
pt incipa a. iiummfr'a vacat. on, In-tcad of tn t-.ef ',-r'or , , ,-t-- ,:.
the r-an for -'l.vn r.f ,.. dj, or ,BO k, he,.,.n ,... ,f.oa.hk
r helnf lk!d. Xtr. Ivenaie wa irun tutM hi,h haa oe'-n her niodu.e for t:, u.- ,lr,rP
i4taat4 f leadlns man. betns moat 5 sev eral ears. Jktr. Me-,-, a m . i t
aoprnpraataua-CMV he Is a veteran 1 I: is typical of M: JliBter. hovever. erj,. , c r-.-. 1
of Ut r.T(J I VtK Coriij. In tte '.hit ha the take a three tuun:t- n:5: ui.iik -M...: in il
e no d V ,1,,,, ..;,,., .sJrt,,rr. ,, ,,:av be told 'r'S&S?A?iir
I . ..v rt.- i.om ji..a.;d." lor M. Adorer :s r.ally beau- 7: 'J-JEi--'"
!h" ,N '- loo.: taat ,:ful i:d ju-t over tne I wet,! v-mat k ; . . ..
. pi e complexton of ""
'ie !i.lh u.te punish g.rl. whi.e her ''ni'r.ation.
y s are from her father 1 rem h Two ( omcdr Stan
a hu e thli.rr. ju-t : That pieuuer comedian. Harrv
lito an J ' "J r 11b" loh..rd and his leading ludy,
ta '
-r p
' 1 -
" she h.. tht lov
' n..k nit
ti it -lie tfr
r ' Ins. j ' it,e.r.. y
.11.-. nt har's hit!. , t.p to To
1 r, lo
j Marie .Mostjuini, nre looking for ome
j thing funny. "Snub" his It but Marie
jsceiu.1 to have misled the point,
j 'Hoof Gibson
I There are scores of motion plctur
cowboys who never saw a ranch until
.they went on location and who do not
'know the d rferentc between breaking;
j a bmn ho and breaking the Kigliteenth
I Amendment. Hut one of tha few
situon pure, blown-ln-thc-bottle cow
leys who havo won fame on tho allver
sheet Is Ed (Hoot) Glhuon.
"Hoot" was lrrn on his father's
ranch near 4'ekHmah, Nenrur-ka. and
rodo hor&ehack ever since he can re
member. When ranch life became
monotonous he Joined liud Adkins
1': reus and Carnival of Itouch Kiders,
tippe.irii,- wllh that orsmlzatton In
America, Mexico, ttouth America and
Australia. In most of the foreign
counttri riding contests were ar
ranged with nil the local experts, and
Gibson walked off with the palm on
every occasion. In 1012 Hoof returned
to America and became a contestant
tn the Itound-up at rendletnn. Oregon,
t he classic of the rodeo. Here he won
all the honors for ridin?. roplnc. bull-
i. -in; and a'.l the arts ot the caw
boy. VlrVnln ( nldvvcll
Vlritlnla CaMwell, whoe d.urlln
to amy, danrlng and biihhlinir merri
ment made her one of the mot popu
lar members of the Zicrfeld chorus a
few years ntrn has one of the leading
roles In "What's A Wife Worth?"
She made her debut In pictures atip
porting Ilert Lylell In "The Itipht of
Way," and since that time hts dlstln
culfhed herself In "The f)prrats
Hero." wllh Owen Moore, "The V. l
Trail" and other ptoduullona, , -