' ' , V '"'Mn ..'iiv .. f-v PACE TIN DAILY EAST 0REG0N1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 1C, 1021. TEN PAGES Special News of Umatilla Co. .OUTBURSTS OF. EVERETT TRUE .oughly on Joed the evening nnd hope for morf good times like It goon. I Mr. K. r. At hey, mother of M. C Athey, editor of tho Herald, died at her home In Portland Thursday even- jlng. Mr. Athey loft for Portland the same dny hut did not arrive there un- til after her death. II. Alexander of Pendleton was in (Ksl nrogonlan Si.erii.l i llermiston Monday looking after bus. IlFTItMISTDX. -May 1.-The weineress Imoreata and visiting with his roust heM at the Bungalow Auditor!- 'daughter. Mrs. K p. Dodd uh Thursday evening was a huge sue- Mr. Anna Athev 'l visiting rein cess. Between five and six hundred Uvea at Moscow. Idaho people gathered there to upend the There will he an "old fashioned evening. Several mork trials, potato ' dam e at the Auditorium Saturday ra.--. wring chewing raeea. article j night, May 21st, for the benefit of the tares, etc., helped pass the time away (Columbia Community Pomer i .,-! and caused much laughter. .Miss Ma- will he given for the best old-fashion-bet Urown areompanted by Mrs. Cor-1 ed costume. The music will be fur I ell sans two solos, several number I nlshed by the Stanfleld Orchestra and were rendered by the ladies quartet, supper will be served free by the Co whlch was composed of Mrs. W. W. lnmbia ladies, famed for ti.eir bo.,.. The member of the Study Club en Joyed a delightful ".Mothers' Pay". party on Tuesday afternoon, Kiich I mcmtier Invited a "mother" a her guest to attend the regular meeting at me nome of Mrs. w. U Blessing. The rooms were brightly decorated with a riot of spring flower with white and red colors predominating. Mrs. It. B. spencer sang a solo entitled "Old I-oiks nt Home." At the close of the afternoon delicious refreshments were served hy Hie hostess. Illslcy, Mrs. Correll. Mrs. H. R. Kings ley and Mrs. J. K. Shot well. The male tp'artet composed of Harry Straw. Dr. F. V. Prime. A. V. Adam son and Mr. Scroggs sang several clev tty songs. The high school orchestra played several times during the even ing. Pellciou refreshment were served In the hall, welners, bun, doughnuts, pi, kles and coffee compil ed the lunch. After aupper the or chestra played and everyone danced and threw confetti. Everyone thor- eooklng. Tuesday' Walla Walla rtulletin con tains the announcement of the ap pointment of C. F. Morrow as post master of Walla Walla. Mr. Morrow was a resident of Hermlston for a number of years, coming here from Springfield, III., and is known to most of the older settler here. He was at one time cashier of the Hermistnn Bank and Trust company and inter sted in Innd holdings under the West-' ern Ijtnd and Irrigation company. THE OLD HOME TOWN. Iil IPI IMMA VTX HOME I -lWSn .zv, r-V.O IWN STREET THREE HOURS BEWXIe TME CiRKX'5 PKflA.DE WAS SCMPOUt-EP 231 TO TART. , . , J Armor Clad The Safety Deport Vault of the American National Rank is protected much like Vncle Sum's navy lxwits, linctl with Chronic Steel all around, thus making H as ncarl burglar-proof as such vaults can he made. ISesiilcs It is const rtHted to effectively resist fire nnd the elements. ' A slot ago box. In this exceptionally strong vault cm Ie rented at a cost of lens than ONE CKXT a day. Hie AmericariNational Bank Pendleton, Oregon. 'Strongest Sank in Cast era. Oregon' (East Oregnnian Special.) PILOT ROCK, May 16. Mrs. U V. Macken entertained Friday afternoon, May g in honor of her son Lawrence's sixth birthday. Thriteen little folk were present and enjoyed games and Ice cream and cake during the after noon. They were Max and Hubert Carnea, Oleta, Irvln and Raymond Horn, Paul Groves, Lawrence and Jean Macken, Louise and Jack Mil ler, Jimmle and Mary Truman and Josephine Schannep. On Saturday evening May II. a spe cial picture, "The Life of the Party," will be presented In Canes hall. This show is being put on by the Pilot Rock commercial association and the pro ceeds will go toward improving the city park. Admission will be 75c for adults and 25 cent for children. C. W. Depuy who underwent an ope. ration for appendicitis recently at St. Anthony's Hospital arrived home Sat urday. Mrs.' Levi Etridge has been quite sick at the home of her daughter Mrs. Grover Pound in Pendleton. A son was born Friday May 8 at St. Anthony's hospital to Mr. and Mrs. John Ross. Mrs. Paul Agidius and son Jimmle returned Friday from a visit with rela. tives at The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Reck have mov ed Into the residence recently vacated by the Macken family. C. J. Miller was a business visitor to Pendleton Friday. Mrs. John Royer and Mrs. Carl Stu art have been elected delegates to the Grand Lodge convention in Albany and left Sunday. Somewhere near sixty children be tween the ages of six months and six years were examined at the baby con ference held here Thursday and Fri day at the community church inder the direction of Mrs Edith Van Deu sen. A number who had registered were unable to attend. Dr. HI A. Schneider Is expecting visit In the near future from two of his sisters. Misses Eva and Elberta Schnei der, graduate nurses of Portland. Charles Horn, Xewt Royer and C. W. I'aulus were fishing on Bear creek Friday. Miss Bonnie DeVaul and Mrs. Storm of Portland will arrive in Pilot Rock soon to spend the summer here with their father Dr. Oscar De Vaul and sister Miss Helen Devaul. Fred Hascall was a business visitor here Saturday. Those who met at the church for .choir rehersal Friday evening were Mrs. Jean Kirkpatrick, Mrs. W. C. Stanley. Will Kidwell, W. A. Gilliam, V. D. Ragan, C. W. Paulus and Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Russell. . ill D HS.YJ!! 1 , I I 1 m vv i lj'.i I I R Sopte CMOViG-H THCKC'5 1 I g W I DON'T SC5-CH HOCv) X. L- N V a. rT33 V 0CSSS IT MS c .A y V peruse THer coop, c . 7 o much ALlKe ill ,fi i J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution Summer Underwear for in & Boys GET READY FOR THE GOOD OLD SUMMER TIME Preserve your Health Protect Your Family, buy them an Han Refrigerators IB llllial This refrigerator is seamless, porcelain lined, used In over a million and a half homes in America. The materials used In the Alunkan are sevi-n Mails of insulation, overhead circulation sys tem, cork filld and equipped with removable, rust proof wire shelves. No. No. No. No. 620, ice capacity 35 pounds $24.75 621, ice capacity 45 pounds $30.00 622, ice capacity 60 pound $36.00 623, ice capacity. 100 Dound $41.75 Other styles moderately priced. Cruikshimk & Hampton "Quality Counts" 124-28 E. Webb Phone 548 loor Old Furniture Taken In d change Part Payment on New niHuslve AjpiiU In Pendleton for Acrolux (Xo 1Up) Porch Shades. (East Oregonian Special.) ATHELVA, May 16. The Lmapine high school baseball team was defeat ed Friday afternoon at Athena by the Athena high school team, 6 to 4. J. F. Herr and O .H. Reeder were Walla Av'alla visitors Saturday even ing. Joe Bannister of Stanfield was In the city Thursday. The Pure Food Grocery Store was entered Thursday evening or early Friday morning and the till of the cash register was rifled of $12.45 in change. Entrance was gained by breaking the glass of the front door entrance. An unsuccessful attempt was also made to gain entrance to the Athena department store. Miss Bessie Andrews was a Pendle ton visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Proudflt and daughter Mary were In Weston Friday evening. C. L. McFadden attended the, con vention of druggists in Seattle last week. Mrs. Jack Chapin was In the city from Weston Wednesday. Sam Spencer was a visitor in Pen dleton Thursday. Miss Fay Muir of Portland Is visit inr at tho home of Mrs. W. K. Wall line: Mrs. Charles Dudley. The Eaccalaureate services for the graduating class of the Athena high school were held Sunday at 11a. in. ir. tho Christian church. The Bacca laureate address was given by Rev. I.cllen of Walla Walla. Mr. .in" Mrs. E. A. Dudley have re turned from California where they bpent the winter. O. II. Reeder was a visitor in Pen dleton Saturday. Two cleanup days have been an- iiounceu for Athena. One by the Civte Club on next Friday, May 17, in the City irk. The business houses and store will be closed from 10 a. m. un :!l 1 p. m. At noon a picnic dinner v ill be tnjoyed by the workers. Wed nesday, May 25, has been set aside by .Mayor Earrctt for a cleanup of the ntri'et", vacant lots and alleys. j PIi'I.t Murphy was a Pendleton vis itor Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Stewart were visitors in Walla Walla Tuesday even ing. Mrs. Ellylott of Walla Walla is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dnvld Stone. Chris Thoeny was In the city from Weston Saturday. The Athena high school commence ment exercises will he held on Friday evening nay z'nn, in tne nign st-nooi graduating class are: Miss Edna Pinkerton, Miss Hilda Dk-kcrson, and Miss Mildred Winship. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Danner of Mil ton, who have been visiting Mrs. l)an ner'a sisters, Mrs. W. K. Wall and Mrs. Charles Dudley, left Thursday for Portland where they will make their home. Jack Chapin was in the city from Weston Saturday. " h! I. Watts, Richard Thompson, Sam Pambrun and F. S. Le llrow left Sunday for Salmon river on a hunting trip for two weeks. S. S. Hint was a visitor in Pendle ton Friday. The teachers of the Athena school and the high school students spent the day at Bingham Springs Saturday. M. L. Caskey of Denver, has arriv ed in the city and will visit his daugh ter, Mrs. F. K. Russell, during the summer. ,for Misic week i ii:vi:k DENVER, May 16. (V. 1'.) All Denver, Is whistling, humming or singing, wherever possible, this week Denver's Music Week. Beginning today, thirty-four sepa rate types of concerts will be given In the city auditorium, the civic center, churches, theatres and clubs. High school orchestras and glee chilis, ani'i tour nnd professional musicians and community choruses will combine to make this Denver's most tuneful week. Community singing will be held In factories, stores, city fire stations, mu sic stores and charitable Institutions. A municipal chorus of 300 will sing ".Martha" two night at the city auditorium. Mrs. Lilla Kirk left Saturday Albany where she will attend the grand lodge of the Rebekahs. Mrs. Josephine Belt was a Pendle ton Saturday. A good patronage was given the circus which appeared in Athena Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gross nnd Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson left Sun day for Albany where -Mr. and -Mrs. Gross will attend the grand lodge of i the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson will visit friends! at Brownsville. ! Dick Winship left Friday for Salem I where he will visit his father, .William i Winship, for a few days. A Louisiana negro convicted of mur der in the first degree, will serve a life imprisonment sentence instead of hanging. The sheriff forgot the date' of the execution and the board of par-1 dons contended that the negro's life had been placed In Jeopardy once and commuted the sentence to life imprisonment. A meeting of the W. C. T. V. wa: held Wednesday afternoon at the; home of Mrs. F. Ei Russell. I Members of the Etude Club met at the Ix.me of Mrs. W. C Emmol. Mrs. i A. A. Foss and Mrs. O H Reeder were hostesses, serving dainty refresh ments f D. Scott Fisher left Saturday for I Clayton. Idaho, where he will visit a brother. M Miss Iris Lowther has been confin ed to her home with a case of chick en pox. Mrs. Lenler of Wenatchee Is visit ing her sister, Mrs. Markley. A chair made from a rib of one of the first American warships, the Re venge, Is to be presented to President Harding by fellow publishers. The Revenge was sunk in Lake Chamlain by the British In 1776. In 1309 it was raised from the lake bed and the hull is now at Ticonderoga. OFFICE CAT BY JUNIUS COvICHT 1921. BV COGAK ALLAN MOSS. TRADC MARK REGISTERED U. S. PAT. OFF, Believing that the heavier-than-air machines are capable of performing any feats formerly accomplished by the dirigibles. Great Britain has rele gated her enormous fleet of dirigibles to the junk heaps, planning to replace them with airplanes. We noticed a man yesferday who wore his -wile's picture on the crystal of his Ingersnll. Wondering If It was a new Idea and thinking the matter rather foolish on the face of It, we asked the reason why. He replied that It was symbolic of the little wife -"Always on the watch, you know." Ho hi! m. A Referendum My advertisement of February 24 was an error. I will he responsible for my wife's debts. )etrol( Free Press. Who RemenilM-r? Who remembers the old fashioned Bohne Fills Groh's Shoes 190 to $2.98 Genuine Sealpax Unions made of fine cross bar muslin in regulation athletic style as pic tured, closed crotch and elastic waist band across the back, suit . . 9Sc Boys' Athletic Union, made along the same lines as the suit above, each 79c Boys' Rib Knit Unions medium weight, white or ecru color, short sleeves and knee length, suit . 49c Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, shirts have long sleeves, drawers are ankle length, garment 49c Men's North Star Ribbed Unions, long sleeve, long leg, closed crotch, suit 98c Boys' good quality ribbed unions, short sleeves, knee length, closed crotch, suit.. 79c Men's Mesh Knit Unions, Warner form fit ting kind, short sleeves', knee length, suit $1.49 Boys' Mesh Knit Unions, Boy Scout brand; closed crotch, short sleeve, knee length, the suit 79c closed $1.59 closed Men's fine rib knot unions, Warner crotch, short sleeves, long leg, suit . . Men's fine rib knit unions, Warner crotch, short sleeves, ankle length, flesh col or, suit $1.79 Men's extra fine pure white mercerized unions, elastic rib knit, short sleeves, three quarter length, a very fine garment, suit $2.98 W WJLju DEPARTMENT STORES J. C. Penney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution girl who woro so many pins In her waist line that you took chances with lockjaw every time you hugged her? It Is said now and then you find a family who consists of a wife, a dug, and a home brr-vv machine. Two South Caroline editors are call ing each other "pole cat!" The dis tance Is, too great for us to Judge; any way the wind Isn't In the right direc tion, but doubtless they're both right. One of our most patient readers and most prolific- contributors brings this one. a gem that has been moss-covered for many years and hidden in a coun try burying ground; I'nder the daisies Vnder the leaves, Here lies the body Of Solomon Pease Pease Is not here: only the pod; Solomon's shuffled home to his God. Typical Thcntr-r I'cst The hick who considers a bovine smacking of the lips during a kissing scene as the very ultimate In exquisite humor. After serving eight months-of a ten month's sentence for a $!IOn,000 swin. die, a New York broker has been re leased. Still, when you come to think about It, 1 1 2,500 a month Isn't such I a poor income, even for a broker. Ami Then Some Our observation has been that the happiest homes are those In which the wife thinks the husband knows every thing. Never ask a stranger his stand on the liquor (itestlon. Ho may be u bootlegger. In that case he doesn't stand. He lies. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Beware! T'nlrss you see the name "Ilayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for twenty-one. years and proved sufe by millions. Take Aspirin only as told In the Bayer Package for Colds. Headache, Neural gia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago, and for Pnln. Handy tin boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of As pirin cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mounncetlcaehlestcr of Sallcyllcuold. Sammy Bohne. recruit third baseman from the Seattle club of the Pacific Coast league, is filling Heinle flroh's shoes for the (''inrlnnatl Reds this season Omh Is still holdout. Bohne la measuring up to Orob's standard both tu a fieldv and a hitter Making Dollars "Go Further" A dollar invested in an automobile Is Invested In miles of I ravel rather than In a piece of personal property. The service rendered by the dealer afler the sale, and his constant interest in you and your car measure the miles of your satisfaction. We make every effort to see that you got the full mileage out of every dollar spent here. Every Speedometer is a Cash Register Oregon "Motor Garage Distributor! BUICK, CADILLAC AND CHEVROLET " Phone 468 auditorium. The member of the