fWW (llt-niMwryr y rOUBTEEN PQEI PAGE ELEVEN DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 14, 1021. ho tlio lmtcl iiii'ii Hay, American tour IhIh liave ('iiiliii'i'tl uial occupy It no that otlicrM of Iholr countiyniim wIhIi IiK to pet In must lie Hmkn for In mt vuni'6 or muwt piivo n Rnlilch road for tl)cniHi'h'(H In Mrutnit icH In hotel por ti'i'H uml rlurkH In oriler to gut a place whei'o to lay tlielr I'.eadH. "Sorry Imt we ure full. Dlil yon write uh? Ulil oii tili'Kiaiili In the coiiMtant cry of tlio f unctloimricH at the hotel. If one cannot answer In the affirmative, miry imlceil l their lot lor weary pIlKrlmaKcH from one hole! to another Ih the only alternative. - it i piw mar mm l'ii"JiW , ft.. . ,m . ; a i. i .t . 'Sorry But We Are Full ; Did You Write or Telegraph?' is Greeting of Hotel Clerk.' Ilii.MK. May 14. (A. .) "Trut liiK on llio tild cni Kroiiml," will lie tin- lot of Aiiii'i-lc mm running lulu Uuiiic. Komi Is full, full fur iiiluIIih, These lire Harvest Days roit Tin: KMAix iwixtoii 'I'lic whulu world Ih IiIiMIiik for money ut tlio liiulii'Ht lnti'iest mil' In nil hiHtoiy. Toilny you run isH H" ',n "'very $10(1 with mifcty on a icit.iin hidh-Krmle profnrrptl htink wlih valuable "rlKht." Write for Klniimiul Slutc ini'iit. Hunk lti'fprpnt'.i'H, etc j. i;. tuo.mho.v & ., 12(1 l.llioriy St., -w York A chance mlnht brliiK a room "Hcalper" to one'H anlHtnnce. Thin .coiihIhIh In offerliiK it room In a pri vate house for which the ilnily tliula tlon Is cnorinoiiN. There was one ex ainplc where an American palil JIU a nluhl for IiIh room In a private fam ily. The room was only scantily fur. nishccl anil not modern la Its appoint ments. . Aside from the scarcity of IoiIkhius Koine seems to have taueii on Its pre war tourist attitude. The same ven dors of cameos present, themselves to the American on his appearance in Itome. The same old faces are seen In the antliUe shops and the art show rooms. Thy same beKKarH occupy their accustomed places, while the Name old "blind hand' with Its full sighted "drummer'' of tourist shekels grinds out its uninelllKilile violin s'lucaks and clarinet groans. (al, drivers rule the highwavs, except fur a new auto-bus lino which has super- Oie Awning Season Is On Do you know c manufacture and install them? Phone "The House That Makes Good" 773 Pendleton, Ore 4 - - -H til jS 35- V i ' Vv7 J gja TTiff 'Most "Beautiful Car in Corner iccb Phlllppa do Laeey was found nt the Hide, or his dead mother wt the Ocrmui bombed Nancy. Kdith de Uicey, American nurse, adopts kirn. Xow he's In "Without Eincflt or Clergy," a moviu mude ttorr. Kipling's story. sorted the I'nibelto. .Id horse. line on 1hu Corso Trices have mounted ten ti, nenly times what they were in the old days. All tile souvenirs are : cent higher. The art ti'iui us have taken a "Iti hiiiK palms'' Mreet tourist at every nnxle. per thiito','iuil iciirKs atld au siioilar ion p. the American Hotel prices. iiivoitt i: ii:t'KKi; f.i:..M'i i. I.OXIXiX, May 14. C. 1'.) The; Duchess ol' .MarlliuroilKli. formerly. Consuclo Vainlerhllt of New York, oh- j lamed a final divorce decree. She ; i charted the duke with desertion and , I in fidelity. t even when transferred into Anierhan J miinor, are two or. throe times their j forna r level, A room and meals on l the Anioriirin plan costs at leayt J.", a I person whore it used to cost tw o. I .oi;k to iiovoi.i l l . SAN KliA.N'CISi'o. Mav It.- (A. )'. I'eputy Slurilf irniM'.v of Twin j l-'atls 'oun'.v, Idaho, is here enro!ite to Honolulu where he will heck the ex- ' tradition of M'rs. Paul Vincent S'aith- ard, all ed -husband poisoiu r. The Qualities of a Champion Vrord's Championship form is the best guarantee of all 'round efficiency that the sporting world affords. ThM is the real significance of our great victory with the Paigu "Daytona" 6-66 model on January 21st. ' When this car won the world's stock chassis record by traveling ' "f 102.8 miles per hour it proved ifse-!f, not merely a fast car, but a superlatively fine engineering achievement. You can establish this fact for yourself by riding in any Paige -66. Then, at a mere snail's pace or with the throttle half opcy, you will sense the finely balanced construction and im mrre reserve power that is basic and fundamental. invite you to test the 6-66 and compare it with any other car scy price on the American market If you once know that exclusive power plant you will know the Paige $tory as no words can tell it. PAIGE-DETROIT MOTOR CAR CO., DETROIT AldMtsanrtri tf fttft 4 tn md Mm Truth O. E. HOLDMAN Phone 49 mil 'if . rmwtx Independent Paint Auto Painter? Corner E. Court and Thompson Over McClinlock & Simpson HAYNES FACTORY TURNS SWW Sh0D ouiaMDraDUcra a&iiaM i "This is tin tvi 'ri umjni .uL-iwi mm immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmumm im ill Phone 633 Our niolto is First Class Work. Get our estimates before you have that car painted. E. C. LESLIE R. R. PETTIT Successors to Clyde McKay greatest year the Jlavaos has ever known," states Alton C. Selliel'liir. Vice president and en- ral i usrr of The Havocs Autumn- i hil,. Company, Kokomo, 'ndiana. "It is far exceediiij. last vear and the year I j lad'ore, wlvn 1'i'od urt ion alone measur- I d the volume of Kales. That was 'l 'sellers' market,' and little if any Work I v.as necessary to m-11 a car. j "Today things are different. People j are scriitinr.inir tiieir purchases. Thev are insisting tliat every dollars shail I buy Its full value. CAN BE CURED ! I J. C. HtitZQH. K. K. Df.UGCl&T AH I nt if ynur nirtif an1 n'M-p t I run voi a free trial tifitment. I witi voit i lo try tins trratnteiit tlmt'i all Just try ft. UmtV no onl mrt.:ofnt. ('v' :cn i tl. Uvliil I)n.L' H;ilnw fnro y;ifs. I am Sfrrflrry oflhr Indiana State Bnard nf iinnot-y aud I rf t- int-rit f ti.r Retail DrucicU' A sun .at Ni'.irlv everyone in h'ort Waynf 'ion s me ;uu kiiowi :J.mi niv w'f-.Iui trHtment. O" 1 1 tcurtc'jn thousand Hve hundred Men. Woine'i nd Diil-Jit-n oii'inle of Kort U nh have. i.ctTnijic to ttjcir own fitateuicDU, been cured by til l tr(Mlr-r.t hwe I nr! nip thu ofler public 1 1" i on nave Eci.mi, Itch. Salt Rheum, Tatter t ever tvind hw lad my treatment ha cum the noi( tw t ever rw - giv me & chanca to prove my cUim. Send n' vour- n...t; aiitj addrt'sti en Xne ro'ipon IcIoh i nd pt tli? trial trealment I want to end vr u J i.t. Tin- wrmlc ' a jcomnl isned m vour ow n ras w!l te proof. MiniMit.tiiiM CUT AND MAIL TODAY laMiMtaBBBeaeae.MoaaaMat "QUAUSY" If You Use GATES TIRES You Have No Tire Trouble Gertson & Marty 639 Cottonwood Street Phono 595 ''And tw!:iy tlif sales uf H;ivns f.irs nr. cxoMMlinK" those of Lot yo:ir 1v oiif-lliiffl. Tin.' V(dMMif- f.'f s;ii's is per rent of any previous ye;tr. S arvnt ix thti (InnaiH) for tlv llayncs lh;it tiiday in nr Id.; fiicloi ics at K" koinii wo hi! riitpl'iyini; I; per i''iit ni'it nit-n than rvr lt fore, even in Him Id-; rush of year and tho previous oni'." I. C, HllTZZLL, Druggist, 3604 West Main St., Fort Wayne, rieae tcud w itiiout cost or oMipatJtn to mc your Free Proof Treatment. Ind. Kodak Finishing WARD STUDIO You take'em We make'em Name , Alt., turret and Si. Pf liUl Mr. Car Owner The business of E. T. Walker Repair Shop will be known in the future' as Walker & Oeker Repair Shop. Mr. Oeker, well known mechanic, takainjr over a half interest. All business will run in the future as before. Catering to all automobile labor. Washing. Greasing, Repairing and Storage Walker & Ocker Repair Shop Service Car Day and Night Shop Phone 415 Residence Phone, 350 717 Gaidm Street Tin limlm ist i h h;i'l 1 . is ;tsolme t:mk filled dilay, if he is m the ol w ins ea"h, ni;ol t tie eh i ruik' itiseovei-y th;it (he man at the service sl.ition eliatei) rum tv eenls less n pallon th.m lit- had lu-en ehartiinjr. A iT'tuetion of two eeuiN went into I'ffeet t his lnorninL: a uitnr retailers. Hie rninrtion following a drp 1:1 wiio(s.ile j. rices, and now Mr. Jnivcr j of the ear. which in this ease is he I ultimate consumer pays 'Mi cents in ' sti-ad of :S that has prevailed lot I some time. The I'.iisd'tn Oicuon An1 cluh has j heen fihliim far a four-cent reduc tion, hut the action of retailers favor el the Iwo-ecnt drop at this time. ! 1 (.aMdine liop. l'i HITLAM', May 1 . (A. 1.) - A i I wo cent a Dillon red in 1 ion in t hi price of ptsnlme was annoum-ed today ! following a similar cut at San l-Yan- eiseo. This makes pnsoliiic lie re ''S cents, including two cents a gallon stale ta. t.a Lower. Too. J' HiTLANM. Mav I t. - (A. 1M A Aiiolher 1'iduitioii in tras rates, to 1-e added to a red net 1 en a nnon need May 5, was ant.roiiH'ed toflay ly I 'oil land t ois and Coke com pa ny t otlow iny a further nit nf twenty live ceiiis a bar rel oil pi i. e. This lads! redindion com Id lied with reductions announced in March and .May .. blinds the total savin- to con-iimers t. S:;:.e.i ;m- nur,lt. This newest reduction will he effective about -luue .'t. MimmmimimiiHmmmimiiiiiiiiiiM I ANNOUNCEMENT I Of Closing Hours 1 Our'iilaee of business will close at 2 p. m. on Sundays. Hours will be from 6 a. m. until 2 p. m. I White's Doughnut Lunch f 123 West Alta I'llllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIu Get a Farm from the T' ,l.'i I s BirMI M Canadian Pacific Railway TUB r.rnrt.nn Viritif Bilw olT.ru rmi grcM wporlnnilt to on a farm horn.. M.rv of in-i- f.rmn h.t. omd f h.minMs w.th the nrsl iron. Out of it li bi block of rewtv furm l.mlp yon en boy yoor f.rm op lpr n pln of lonu term paey pay mort. thnt .. rmirkbl. m th. hi-tory of f.no invc.tm.-iw. Th. ...intrj ''';' muM frmin .i.l cram urowiIlB Lutr. toe Bmo I11M' run b.' hc-Wnl of If from fyimt. Sili-SnnJ will be higba. Mew xain in North America mil firm lands bo olTrrcd I pncfl bo low. , Your Last Big Opportunity Until thu 'nnt dispowd of tbm Canidmn Parifie Railway nffrr ymi tba mont wr-wieriui oppor tunifv in thr world to own afarm. ri'.-h in Wt'Strrn CatiBitn. It offer Catliaa Uloniiitie tn n!1 von (rm lami 1" the rih ThCan nn lrific R.il- 0..n ptnirif? Rnd Irrttle pHrk 7fwR" But tiff I'M IHSITICI- "I M-nilU Alhort ami Saskntrrtpwiin or in Mnnitobn fur an avarof about flh.00 an norp. Twenty Yean tr Pay U You Wish Tho Canadian Pariti' offers flifa lanrt umtrr a rlan of or rf, f,.nv Mmrnh. You Ph dnwn 10 inr rent, mm tou nnvw uucexic. no pavmpntd on thf pnnc-ipiil un til ihp end of tti fourth ytir, thf. Piitern nnnat pavment.. I"lrcpt 19 fi per emt in wntrai Ss"liat.-hrwn SfRpt'r WhtM-lor Br.-w thR worlfi'a prw i' wheat World prixa oat werp grown at Lloydminfter. No Taxes on Improvement Thre ia a umail ta on the land. bit (hra ure no tatt- on your liv stork. b nMiB ,hiproemci.t, im.ilpmenU or p.'wual ffn'ta. (-hvI mnrkew, modern actioolf. roiida, churciidi. airuwiDanta. make (mj UMttrpnl nh th Ui't IrfrtriTialion on Mrr' of nnrjirt I o rhftrsa nr otirat' n attarhna to itm '" of (t Wrn er t U. Hm(t-iii k( Cansd'-u. lr rnrmatir-n at Ka1 (intarift Strrt. rtcairo- IV. 0 i-r'!. Nw Yrrk -r w w.nl lt tatioa, Huatrtjt, 1'. Itfs H-fimMa nM atfrartiTa. IIt you can achiew indfpe:d No Sale Without Investigation Tnp Canadian PnnfV will rt pB .oo a (arm until you nav in-r-.-ctnl it. Von miiat betvatint A rvory qi:.ftinn aiswcrwl ire takins up your homP. Invcptination ia invito and mda euv. t'.in t rt--iar your invrr-ri-esTim Thii annminrfme nt call anenti.in to the I"1-' trrfat hlork or Canadmn I'aciflc Kewrvi Farm Larvig. Special Rates for Home Seekers And Full Information SprHn' railwnr rati- fT homrreker maka insptvtmn cv tfend nw for fr I'loa frntod piMnpt-.fffa anerm nil queationa ard attipp fortti liiiurpa about 'and alua, a-r.',,iT volda. climate, opirtuniiics, aie, U not dtlay. rw I0UAV. Peterson Bros. PLEASURE CAR AND TRUCK REPAIRING. Gulden and Water Sts. Formerly Phone 177 Oldfield & Peterson ir . v. uoswor.rii Jit. i:oln-iiltle T(l." Simi;tic Ao.. SiHkiinr. Waliinsnn aSFtrWTimilTgfflilUUlUlllUi JIHIIIII llli:i!lllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHH 1 CASTLE GATE I EGG COAL r-r -' ' VhONE 'j FIVE j FOR j FUEL 1 1 w Don't fret and sweat from morn till noon We'll put the old car back in tune. Wr know liow to iriair uutomutille.H you tlun't. Avail yuurnclf ol' our t'xiHTt sitnii-cs. Wlietlu-p your nutrhini' 1m ."OifCcrtiiK; from l.irk 01' ail lis: mom or is intri u.illy um Infoi nally ywk. we'll cur lis iillincnts in 11 hurry. As for tho lull you iht'Ihi worry about ri.o of It mean. RUDY TANNLER THE RIGHT SIZE FOR THIS WEATHER I CLEAN AND UNIFORM : ! B. L. BURROUGHS-He Has It! ijl!llllllllllllli!lllllllllllllllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUII'illUUlllllllll NonUv ( up Uay hih! l)clit Shop phone. 870 518 Willow J ' I :J j"1