, tf:v.in-a-i) -t u t if . i ,,., i.iWbwhii-i n mi ,mn- vt .!' i"i n t r irt.ii.rvi.'-rT r"'rT----" PAGE THREE TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY EVENING. MAY 12. 1021. ..I- I .. 'JU.-I '. News No tes of Pendleton IIIMIIIIIIIillllllllUIIIIIIMMIIMinilUllinilMllilHMIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIinilllMIIIIIMllllllllllllllll CAI.KXDAIt OH KVKXTH May 12, 13 Matt Parent Teacher Aaxoclatlon convention. May 26-27 Pendleton Mer chant' and Manufacturers' Car nival. May 31, June l and 2 State convention of tn-egon Federation of Women' cliibn. . June S and 4 Twenty-ninth Annual Pioneer Picnic June 14, IS, H Btnte con vention of the O. A. H. June 27-AuguHt 6 Summer Normal School. Beptember 22, 23. 24 Annual Pendleton Itound-Up. McKay Creek illBtrlct, Ih confined to. for an old fine 8t. Anthony's hoapltol on account of xpeedlno-. Infection In hlH hand. The wound wuh , , . Inflicted when he was unloading a grain drill from u wagon, und he doc tored the member himself for ubout a week. The brulHe rapidly grew worne, however, and he was compelled to come to the hoHpitnl. Mr. Wynn hits only one hand, and he Ih anxloUH to vet the wound cured. of 15 aeHHed for A Me. TV liPuve llmpltal T. JackHon, negro whoxe jaw war broken about two weeks since when he lost control of a bicycle he waa rldlnir and ran Into the rear end of a truck at the corner of Jackson and Main street, has so far recovered that he has left fh hftntfnl. Th 1a w Is In B planter cast and will not be healed for . lulled to KeglMer Propcrtf. a coimle of weeks, it is thought, lieorge De.Mott paid a fine To CJo to I Grand Mr. and Mrs. H. C. rlrady will leave noon for I-a '(Jrande where they will make their home In the future. Mr. !nidy, who bus been a conductor on the Pilot Itock run, has been selected to have charge of the O. W. n. & N. clubrooms at Ia Orande, and he will assume his duties there May 28. lie has served as a railroad man for about 12 years. Mrs. Grudy will remain here until June 3sln order to be present un til their nephew, John 'Henderson who makes his home with them, graduates from the high school. Hand Is Infilled John Wynn, stockman of the Upper of 25 thla mornliiK In cltv court for fnlHn-r to record second-hand property fcUf chased by h!ni. Clyua ........ u j, 101101101101- I -101101101101101 RICH, CLEAN MORNING'S MILK Order Your Fresh fish From PENDLETON'S CLEANEST MARKET. Salmon Halibut Salmon Trout Fresh Shrimp Meat Fresh Crabs INCLUDE A HALF DOZEN LEMONS WITH YOUR FISH ORDER. "Waste Less Buy t!:c Dci . Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. 301 East Court Street New Membemhlp ards Out New membership cards for . the Commercial Association have been secured from the printer, and they are being filled out as rapidly as possible. As soon as the necessary clerical work can be done, the cards will be distributed. IVtrmnl Opening Saturday, John I), Ankeny, president of the Firht National Dank of Walla Walla, was here today transacting business. The Walla Walla bank has recently completed a beautiful building which will be formally opened Saturday, The pubullo has been Invited to at tend between the hours of 4 to 8 in the afternoon and evenlnir. Ship Sheep to Raiwu. Klilpmant of sheep to the summer ranges In the hills and mountains has been begun by Pinythe Bros. Kheep Co, Bheep are being moved from the camps at Arlington. They go to ranges In Northern Idaho, Meachum, Wlllowa county and to Kloan. Next week the Pendleton Sheep Co. will slurt moving their flocks from Echo. -101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 Film to Arrive. ' A forest service film, Ulustratin? the grazing Industry of the national forests, will arrive here soon and will be shown In a local theatre, says J. C. Kuhns, Umatilla forest supervisor. The office is making plana for bring ing before the people the need for for est protection, and this will be launch- s ea in a campaign miring me ween oi Mny 22 to 28. Wrlta For Data A letter has been received at the office of the Pendleton Commercial Association from the Chamber of Commerce nt Marshfield asking for data on the help that is rendered hos pital work In Umatilla county by the county court. A 3200,000 hospital is In prospect at Marshfield, and the aid of the county court there Is belns sought In the financing of the plant. Take Kxccption to Trace, A petition protesting decisions made . by Tracey Baker In the Pilot Rock- Pendleton game played here Sunday !n which Pendleton emerged victors v. hen a run waa scored in the ninth inning has been received by President S Harry Kuck of the Wheat Belt league. S The Pilot Itock officials want a hear- ; ing before the board of directors at a meeting which they desire to be held at Pilot Hock. Four decisions are nuestlcr.ed. A Pot of Gold AT THE END OF THE RAINBOW Did you ever try to find it? Then follow the trail that leads to the Ilanscom Jewelry Store. There you will find all kinds of gold made up into all kinds of tokens. GIFTS THAT LAST Should you not see exactly what you want then they will make it to your liking. Trail right along to the Hanscom Jewelry Store. Ask Ilanscom, HE knows. Fishing Tackle That Brings Results How About that Winchester 22. cal. for Squirrels? Gunner Pctcnton Returns The hearts of Pendleton baseball fans were cheered this morning by the return from Portland of Gunner Peterson, captain of the Bucks and catcher on the team. He was called to Portland last week by the serious illness of his mother. Her condition is much Improved, and "Pete" will be able to accompany the team to Pilot Itock Sunday whero the league trailers will attempt to get even for the defeat suffered here Sunday In the only close game the locals have played during th Wheat Belt season. T Winners of the American Trapshoot- Ing Association Club Shoot and the merchants prixes at Collins Park last .Sunday May 8th were high gun in class one and winner of The American Trap- shooting Association Medal, Hay Span gle with a score of 49 out of a poi- j ble DO targets. Dr. F. L. Ingram was second with a score of 4 8, winning The i Delta prize of a 34.00 box of candy. High gun In class 2 was Earl Coutts with a score of 45, this score entitles Mr. Coutts to The American Trap shooting Association medal. Geo. C. Baer finished second In this class with s score of 40 winning the Griggs cigar store prize of a 14.00 pocket knife. The Pendleton Rod & Gun club has been informed by the American Trap- mooting Association that only one 1 medal will be allowed for every ten; shooters nnd with the number of shooters who have been turning out E each Sunday the local club is only en- E titled to two classifications and two trophies. At future shoots there will 5 be two classes, class 1 for shooters S over 92 percent and class 2 for shoot- ers under 92 percent. In The Spokes- S man-Review Telegraphic Shoot, which Js ended last Sunday the following scores Is were made. Ray Spangle 24, F. I... is Tngram 23. H. J. Stlllman 23, Lee Mat- 5 lock 23. Following are the scores S made Sunday: s . . . ? . . 3sSdof.v rTan g.ts. . S. A. R Rny Spangle !i0 24 F. U Ingram 60 23 Karl Coutts 60 21 D. C. Bowman ... .60 21 I.ee Matlock 60 23 Marlon Hansell . . .50 22 Marvel Watts ... .60 18 Geo. C. Rncr 60 21 J. R. Daley 60 17 C. S. Bradley ; 50 23 It A. Schaffer 50 19 Omer Stephens 50 17 W. I). Miller 50 22 Chas. Hoagland ..50 22 John Peterson 50 22 Chas. Hamilton ... 50 22 L. A. Smith 50 IS Rudy Tannler ....60 21 K. Rlnnchett 50 15 C. Bishop 50 11 ETAN B T'tl. 26 23 24 23 21 44 23 19 23 17 20 22 16 16 16 15 19 15 14 4 49 48 45 44 44 44 41 40 40 40 39 39 it 38 38 37 37 36 29 15' PRISONERS MUTINY, GUARDS ARE SHOT AND CONVICTS MAKE ESCAPE HOUSTON. Tex.. May 12. (U. P.) Mutiny In the state penitentiary nt Huntsvllle, In which SO convicts es caped after shooting several guards. Is ! reported. Sheriff Rinford assembled S the deputies to go to Huntsvllle. Is Many of the convicts obtained guns, i; It was said. They fled from Hunts-1 vlllo toward Phelps, a railroad Junc tion a few miles from the prison. KERR'S WHEAT FLAKES BUY AT HOME MAY WHITE SALE QUALITY SERVICE rEMJLCTON'S lEAMNQ STORE 1 BUY AT HOME MAY WHITE SALE NOW ON Runs About One Week MAY WHITE SALE ESPECIALLY PREPARED FOR YOU! TO SAVE YOU MONEY ON TIME LY WHITE GOODS. Here are white fabrics and materials reflecting the styles of the season. Most at tractive selections are here for your choosing. Buying your White Goods needs now during this MAY WHITE SALE means dollars saved. May White Sale Organdie -Beau tiful imported Swiss organdie, for Graduation Dresses and ' summer wear. 85c Quality, May White Sale 69c $1.35 Quality, May White Sale .... $1.19 $1.50 Quality, May White Sale .... $1.23 $1.75 Quality, May White Sale .... $1.39 May White Sale Lvk Linen May White Sale Table Linen 95c Qual., May White Sale 79c $1.25 Qual., May White S. f 1.05 $2.50 Qual., May White S. $1.9.1 $3.50 Qual., May White S. $2.95 4.00 Qual., May White S. $.1.45 4..'0 Qual., May While S. $3.95 $5.00 Qnul., .May While S. $4.39 $6.50 Qual., May While S. $5.85 $7.50 Quul., May Willie S. $6.85 40c Quality, May White Sale 31c 50c Quality, May White Sale 39c 65c Quality, May White Sale 49c -75c Quality, May White Sale 58c May White Sale Poplin 50c Quality, May White Sale 43c 65c Quality, May White Sale 58c 75c Quality, May White Sale 69c May White Sale Nainsook 25c Quality, May White Sale 19o 85c Quality, May While Kale 26c 40c Quality, May White Sale 31c 50e Quality, May White Sale 40c 5e Quality, May White Sale 53c May wmte sale L.0112 t-iotn 25o Quality, May White Sale 19c 35c Quality, May White Sain 20c 40c Quality, May White Sale 31c 50c Quality, May White Sale 40c May Wliite Sale Pique 50c Quality, May White Sale 39c 65c Quality, May Wliito Sale 49c .Tw Quality, Mny White Sale 58c 85c Quality, May White Sale 6"c May White Sale Waisting 75c Qual., May White Sale 56c $1.00 Qual., May White Sale TTc $1.25 Qual., May White Sale 98c $1.50 Qual., May W hile S. $1.19 May White Sale Skirting 50c Qual., Mny While Sale. 39c $1.00 Qual., May White Sale 69c 65c Qual., May White Sale. 49c- 125 Qual., May WlUle Sale 95c 75c Qual., May White Sale. 56c 15c Qual., May While Sale. 63c $1.50 Qual., May White S. $1.10 May White Sale 45 in. Linen Tubing $2.50 Quality May White Sale $1.75 May White Sale Bed Spreads $2.00 Qual., May White S. $1.79 $2.50 Qual., May White S. $2.26 $3.00 Qual., May White S. $2.69 $3.50 Qual., May White S. $3.15 $4.00 Qual., May White S. $3.65 $4.50 Qual.. May Wliito S. $4.05 $5.00 Qual., May White S. $4.65 $6.50 Qual., May While S. $5.95 $7.50 Qual., May White S. $6.95 $8.50 Qual.. May White S. $7.95 $10.00 Qual. May While S. $9.25 H2.50 Qua. May White S. $1 1.45 May White Sale Towels iSo Qual., May White Sale 20c 35c Qua., May White Sale 26c 40c Qua., May White Sale 32c 50c Qual., May While Sale 41c 65c Qual.. May While Sale 56c 75c Qual.. May While Kale 67c $1.00 Qual., May White S. 84c $1.25 Qual.. May White S. $1.10 HI. 50 Qual.. May White S. $1.28 May White Sale Laces and Embroidery lc Quality, May White Sale 4c 10c Quality, May While Sale 7c 1 2 lie Qual., May White Kale 9c 15c Qual., May While Sale 12c 10c Qual., May White Sale Kle t.V Qual., May White Sale 1 9c 35c Qual., May White Sale 26c 40c Quul., May White Sale Sic 50c Qual., May White Sale 39c 5c Qual., Mny White Sale 49e 75c Qual., May While Sale 58c 85c Qual., May White Sale 08c $1.00 Qual., May White Sale 73c (1.25 Quill., May White Sale 9 No $1.50 Qual., May White S. $1.25 $1.75 Qual.. May Wliito S. $1.45 2.(M) Qual.. May White S. $1.63 12.25 Qual.. May White S. $1.95 $2.50 Qual.. May W hite S. $2.15 SS.00 Qua!.. May White S. $2.45 $3.50 Qual.. May While S. $2.95 $4.00 Qual., May W hile S. $3.35 $4.50 Qiuil.. Mny W hite S. $3.95 This is the store that has the CONFIDENCE OF THE PEOPLE. QUALITY GOODS at lower prices. $10.00 Qual., May W hile S. $8.50 $12.50 Qual. May W hite S $10.95 $13.50 Qual. May W hite S $11.35 $15.50 Qual. May W hite H $14.25 $16.50 Qual. r.iay W hite H $14.25 $20.00 Qual. May W hile H $16.75 $25.00 Qual. May While 8 $21.50 $30.00 Qual. May White S $25.50 Ahtne Price I'reiail mi Kapkins. Gowns! Gowns! Gowns! Gowns, emb. trimmed, empire yokes, short sleeves, Nainsook, price $2.98 Pink Batiste Gowns, cream val. ribbon roses. . $3.98 Philippine Gowns, hand embroidery and hand sewn seams, price . . $3.98 Combinations $1.93 One Special Lot of Combinations, made of finest grade Nainsook, val. trimmed, emb. trimmed, ribbons in either pink or blue, French ribbon roses, sizes 36 to 44. Nemo Corsets Special lot or odd sizes, Nemo $1.29 May Wliite Sale Specials Infants' Outing (imvns .' 79o Tiny Tot's Tah Hands, 3 for $1.00 Tiny Tot's Vests 39c Hand Matleria I'illnw Top . ' $2.98 Organdie Tea Aprons trimmed with medallions $1.1$ Turkish liihs lie White Bungalow Aprons, Umg sleeves $1.79 Nemo lliavsieres, 3U to 50 $1.49 Paul Jcnies Middies $1.98 Ladies' Muslin 1'ants, enih. flounce 98c Children's Organdy Dresses 2 to 6 Dainty Organdies in white, lawns in white with pink or blue dress. L0T1 $2.49 LOT 2 $3.49 Special White Shoe Sale 84.85 White washable kid lace shoes with medium Louis and military heels. These are Smaltz-Good- win shoes, which is assurance that they are qual ity shoes. Anv one desiring a white kid lace shoe will do well to come in and examine these. This is a store with GROWING GREATER, at lowest possible prices. a vision ALWAYS Quality goods offered a sum-juuuiiiuuumiiiiiiimmimmimiiimiiimiM rs a s X 3 mer Breakfast Cereal.