pHJ4n-y"yt"fJlF"ii'""' sMr 1 f N i ' S '.'1. EUfttGi:?.- U. . 11 n m AOE TEN DAILY EAST 0REG0N1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 12, 1021.. OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE DAILY MARKET (NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Including Pendleton Pricet and Associated Press Report! ' II lTkT"! I'imImiikiiI (In l"wrtlnd Mnl Ui l j Fifteen londs of hvt-HlcM k were re- urtit In Iho North Portland iilli'VH nt I the olienliiir of I lie Weduexd.iy T 1 j and nil m nek ;m available f..r the open maiket. Moiilaim caille fe.nuied the trade. No iricr thanni'i imliratial. There vai a Rood bunch of Mon tana rnltle offered hy commission men nt North I'nrilanri Wednesday. Trade rendition were Ht mly w ith ii loon nn-t-hnnited for tho day. lii nvial cattle market ranu-iv Oiolce BteciH $ v''01i S.7.", Medium to pood uterrs .. 7.7.W Fair to Rood sUcra T.nosi ''ornmon to fnlr steers . . fi.OO'ir Choice cows, heifcru .... t.JtMi Medium to good i s and S.50 ;.oo hfifem S.tiOsi Fair to medium cows and 6.50 heite 6 00 COMMUNITY LIFE YUilk' tin- bank of Venice "as orvunlntl and doing hie.;tH's hwg before the Itunk of Amsterdam, the latter, wlileli Martini in loot. n I lie first orgiuii't. Him bi h nils more like tlie Imil'xs of today, ami the i-iniHikahle fixture to that this bank, vliile re orsan .el. ix still a go'ng coikxtii in AmterdBin, Th iiihiiiHuv f sm li a liank on fostering trade-and hnnniiis immunity I.lfe Is dlffleult to conjecture, but must lune betlt Inniclidoos. Vour .KT-otint Is invited. The American National Bank Pendleton. Oregon. 'Strongest Sank in Gastern Oregon' 5 tatS M.u!aa!a7iritiraiirinritiri7i Golden West On Hot Cakes The most discriminating taste is sat isfied with the delightful, wholesome flavor which Golden West gives to the breakfast plate of hot cakes. Remember that your grocer will give you Golden West Butter if you say the name. ' .V... !- ,J-tv.jt 'CBEAMEIUr The Whole&ome Butter luiaTM!aai!a!ula:uiuiaaZirutitu.aiUiaii'Ua.u Special:j Sale On Wilton Rugs Regular city selling price $35.00, Our sale price $67.50 Regular city selling priced rug 125.00; our price $77.50 Rugs that sell in the city for $150; Our price $87.50 All rugs 9x12, no discout for cash as these sale prices are for cash only. Cruikshank & Hampton "Quality Count" 124-28 E. Webb Phone 548 your Old IXirniture Taken in Exchange Part Payment on New Kacliishe Agents in lctidIeton for Aeroliu (No M'hip) 1'orcb hliades. Chiiiii.iii cows, heifer emmets Phulco feeders Fair t Rood feeder . . Hulls 4.50 f 3.00 M .25W 3 60M 5.50 4.50 6.75 6.25 6.50 Choice dall y rah on t'lime lisht dairy calves Med. ll(!ht dairy ralves. . Heay I'lilvcs'u io.r.0 ro -ii ni.oo 8.501(1 !.50 3.00 nt 6.50 gnlte a fair supply of Iiork reached the North Portland alleys Wednesday, considering the almost general lack of offerings of late. Trade conditions were steady around former prices. liem-ral 1ik market range: Kxtretne price $ 10.00 l'lime liKht , . 9.25 W 9.75 Smooth heavy, 250 to 300 pounds 7.50W 8.50 Smooth heavy, 300 and up 6.50W 7.50 Uomrh heavy S.oOJr 7.50 Feed.-r pit's 9.00 Hi 9.75 ' Feeder g 8.50 iff 9.C0 Stairs 4.00 Of 7.60 I Jimt a down head appeared In th heep nlleyt nt North rortlnutl Wed- nesday. These consisted of lambs and sold at the extreme price listed, (ien ral mutton trade considered steady, liencral sheep anil lambs ratine: Trime. limbs 5Hi Fair to Rood lambs Cull lambs Feeder lambs l.iv'ht yearling . , . Heavy yearling . . light wethers Heavy wethers . . . Kwes 5.00 '.i 5.00 itn S.OtMf 5.00 H 4.50 f.i 4.50 t 3.50 St' 1.00 41' 7.50 6.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 4.50 4.2.'. Itenrish ,Sontiinciit Strong on Stock Market ' NEW YORK, May 12. (A. 1 '.) Announcement of Uermany'it accept ance of the reparations terms failed to stimulate the stock market yester day, prices of the more Important Is sues manifesting reactionary tenden cies. Steels and affiliated shares were es pecially heavy, falling one to five points on extensive offerinKS. These emanated largely from professional in terests which argued that home Indus tries soon .would have to contend with German competition. Other factors also entered Into the Incessant liquidation of steels and kindred Issues. These were curtailed production due to continued lack of demand and prospects of additional dividend reductions and suspensions. Similar consideration were operative in the Irregular reversals registered Jiy motors, food and miscellaneous spec ialties, while rails were under intermit tent pressure. Oils were relatively firm, with some of the tobaccos and metals. I'asstng of the quarterly dividend on Cerro Dc Tasco was one of the day's incidents but coppers were well supported. Sales 925,000 shares. The money market repeatel yester day's movements, call loans holding at 6J!j until near the close when it ad vanced to 7 per cent. Time money and commercial paper were unchanged on light negotiations. Dealers reported heavy coverings of speculative shorts in foreign exchange, especially Italian ' and Scandinavian bills. French, Belgian. Dutch and Spanish rates reacted variably. Foreign bonds were strong in con nection with the German settlement, but domestic Issues, including liberty flotations, eased moderately. Total sales, par value $10,850,000. Wlieat Advanrra .Mado on Crop Xcwh CHICAGO. May 12. (A. p.) In creased anxiety over crop damage re ports had a large share in bringing about a decided advance in wheat. The market closed strong, zy, to 6 Si net higher, with May 1.44 to 1.44 4 and July 1.16 to 1.1 6 . Corn gain ed 5-8 to 7-8, oats iyt to Hie and provisions 27 to 62e. Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Tex as, Missouri, and Indiana all sent un favorable news regarding winter wheat, and there was active general buying. The consequent upward swing was much facilitated by statements of Secretary Wallace favoring a higher scale of prices-than cfare the -warH Expectance that tho emergency tariff bill would be passed by the senate forthwith was also a strengthening factor. In addition, country offerings were small and gossip was current that the movement from first hands would decrease in the near future. Corn and oats were helped upward by the strength of wheat. Another bullish influence was knowledge that the bulk of the 1.2SO.O0O busheln of corn in jiublic elevators here has been sold for shipment. The German acceptance appeared to enliven demand for provisions and lard. ' Canadians Rush Wheat Into V. S. ' Dl'LUTH, Minn., May 12. f A. P.) Shipments of Canadian wheat are being rushed into the United States through Duluth and Ranicr free of duty by shippers "who anticipate the signing of the emergency tariff mea sure by President Harding, accord ing to the local customs office. The measure would impose a customs duty vofneM AR.e soon To lAfV.K. TOO '. IT IS vecc. rcc svr it's SIGHT Or COMPCAfNJlNQl AtdOUT XOUR eesi1.'. SST THAT POTATO 40 RING T tV2K H6R.S TO HCSjJC of 33 cents a bushel on Imported wheat. Approximately SI 6,000 bushels of the grain have been shipped through this district during the last month. Ordinarily shipments vary from 500, 000 to 3,000.000 bushels a season. Since September 1, 19',86322'bUsHeIS' have been shipped in. I Compulsory rooting .. .. I Issue In Amalgamation SI'ORA-NK, Muy-1?.-(A. P.) The; Washington and North Idaho Wheat Growers' Association In convention here yesterday voted to unite with the I'nited Slates Grain Growers' Inc., providing that the national body ac cept for membership In Washington und North Idaho only members of the two associations who are signed ,up on the 100 per cent pooling plan. The Northwestern contract, which Is retained in the agreement, will pre vail until January 1, 1924, unless the directors agree to allow the national contract to be used In sections "where the present contract Is not used. Thee representatives of the I'nited State?TGrain Growers, conferring with members of the association here brought . about the affiliation. This committee left lust night for hearings at The Dalles, Boise and l'ocatcllo where efforts will be made to bring all northwestern grain growing associa tions Into the national organiation. OFFICE CAT BY JUNIUS COPv.iCHT 19?1, BV COCAR ALLAN MOSS. TRAOC MARK REGISTERED U. 8. PAT. OFF. Julck Watson, the Kxtraetors Dr. J. C. Jones, dental expert who visited Pendleton recently, says that while we are forced to be content with CUT THE BONDS. Go tbAcvc itfro Thc TO WUCH about timc THay t 1 i the head, hands, feet and other mem bers Vouchsafed us, thank Heaven we can pick our own teeth. Ouch! The bug house now holds Mrs. Pratt. She's nutty, there's no doubt; . Sneefiiiilged her mind so often that She wore the blame thing out. Caruso refuses to sing without wine, eh? Oh that some of our vocaliier bftd temperament than temper- j aece. . Henry Chllds remarks that bablcB don't know much but that you never heard of one calling for father when II was hungry. , Signs of Spring The (. C. notes that the Hot Stove CJub has adjourned to open air quart ers on the bench adjacent to the Snow & Dayton office. . Why'Is it that the man who wears kltchyi glasses always parts his hair in the middle? 1 Anent Jhe Pendleton lady who lost hep ring In the. bathtub. Jack Dolph states that he knows Just lots of peo ple who leave a ring around the tub every Saturday night. , - , We know there must be some teach ers among the delegates to the P. T. A. convention for we overheard a lady Who was looking at a dress In a Main street store window remark that "it wouldn't be practical." The. Story of Ab Gone from this lifo . Is Abncr Beck; He asked his wife To shave his neck. Ode to C. . Vou're brave and bold. Oh Charley Vinler, Uke knight of old. There's courage in yer. With Spring's first days A "straw" you're wearing Chills us Amaze Alone you're daring. London Wool Sold at Firm Prices .LONDON, Muy 12. (A. P.) There were 77S6 bales sold at the wool auc tion sales yesterday. Tho selection consisted chlofly of medium grades, which were Quickly taken at firm prices. Queensland scoured sold at 34id. ' Soap Special ' A big shipment of White Laundry Soap just received. While it lasts WHITE LAUNDRY SOAP 20 BARS FOR $1.00 : "THE TABLE SUPPLY Phone 187 and 188 U. S. INSPECTED MEATS -CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR . Proprietort STI LL OKI! j EiLiLlD L . .' if i ID MONARCH MALLEABLE RANGES The Taylor Phone 87 hifom hard Naturally, your boy never worries about hii thocs when he's tkyUrlcinf tround the gar den, or playinc ball, or doing a hundred and one pranks that are hard on shoe. But yu . needn't worry if you buy him "l-iltle Pats." These juvenile shoes are built to withstand , hard knocks, abusive stuffing and strain of all sorts. Many mothers in nor city bavt become advocates of "Little Fall," lor these shoes meet every gruel lint orHard Use and Abused LittlePals u. y s o Gar Performance Makes Car Divideiids1 BUIGK Oregon Motor Garage Distributor BUICK, CADILLAC AND CHEVROLET Phone 468 739 Main Street J I 20 Reduction an an added 5 for cash on our entire line of Hardware Co. 741 Main St Jhey'vt mad their way by the voy they're made ' Zfan (ten MWCi Pcnl1m' Leading Store. JUVENILE FOOTWEAR . Think of an automo bile aa a productive in stitution not merely an expense. You buy a car because it will render certain valuable ser vices. It pays dividends in contentment, recrea tion, quick transporta tion. Car performance is more important' than model" or name. ' Car performance depends upon the' dealer who sells the car.