PAGE FIVE TEN PACES i M DAILY EAST OMddinAH.'pCHDLfiTOU, OltEfiOJT, Tt7trf!3AV EVENING, MAY 10, l02i. , People Here and There 19. M. Binlth of Weston whs hi' ro to- A. C. Olson, a proscription clerk, hug day. arrived liero and 18 employed at the 'i'liuiiiiiiu drug store. Mr. Olson fut- K. R. Moore of Mciiohiuu was liera luoi ly lived at Havre, Montunu. today transacting; business. Iu Ih u 1 - rancher In the Mcachum district. I 1 II. Koppel, a resident of Hoise, ar rived Id l'i'iiilluton this .niornlnir from J'ortluml. lie will upend a few duys here on business mutters. ; NEWS OF THE COUNTY nmnro AMn nrnnrno VI I IVUU I U1W VI I IVLIIj lILzr- ,.w i, -t , W, AV. Ilollons, superintendent of i the second division. (J). W. it. & N w.ih a l'endlclon business visitor yes. terday. Ills headquarters are in La liiuinlo. W. Sehwiirtr.enherg, formerly man ager of tho Pendleton ltollor Mills, now In the milling business fn Spo kane, returned to tlio Washington city yesterday after a business visit hore. Allen Fotwim, John Simpson, Claude fnow nnd Bin Hyeis returned yester day from Ihe Dulles where they drove aeveral Kords for the Hlmpsoit Auto Co. They made the return trip by train. HRItKkl THnitR ETAOI Willi n, Taylor wai here today from hid home In .Topi""'" transact Ilifr business In connection with the cluslng of his father's estate. - ' .Ylcrctuiiite ;. l'ino. J. .u. French, a stockman or . the i Andy II. Johnson on one count, and Ourdime dlirct, wan here today look- I llrinker and Johnsi n on two founts. I' ' '! 'r"n mallersr rl ricut- Milton merchant!), pleaded suilty to It. a shipment of beef cattle on charge preferred ngulnst them by ..... . , ...., .irt. Mate food and dairy Inspectors In the Chief Justice (Joes After Aul" Thief. Kheillf Koeth Homier left this morning for I .a Grande to get Jack Clarke, nrrosted there yesterday uflor- noon after an exciting; chaso In which he wna able to elude nivinburH of the sheriff's force, t'liirk was seen here Saturday nnd wan Riven. He went to Weston, tloulicd on hin trail, cut across by way of side rendu and wot lout. Precautions were taken by thii sheriff's office, however, to have officer In surrounding townH notified, and the arrest at I -a Crandc followed. Clarke Ih charged with the theft of a Maxwell cu belonging to W. T. IMckcr hoii of 1'reewHter. Dlckerson accom panied Sheriff Hauser to l.a Urandu und will drive the machine bark. .1 i e - let the Children in.too! It's no longer necessary to maintain a dividing fine at the breakfast table tea or coffee for grown-ups . no hot cup for the youngsters v j Serve 1 POSTUM to each member of the'fku ily, and all will be pleased and benefited by this pure, , . wholesome cereal drink. "Uteres a Reason for Pos turn Sold by all grocers Made by Return Cereal Corapari7,Inc: Battle Creek, Michigan. 0 Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court ' Phone 880 Tea Garden Syrup, gallon $1.65 Liberty Bell Syrup, gallon $1.65 Karo Syrups, light, gnlrn C5c Karo Syrup, dark, ' gallon 90c Golden Marsh n;e low, gallon $1.25 Log Cabin Cyrup, large $1.35 Log Cabin Syrup, medium 1 70c Avondale Molasses, gallon 95c Tea Garden Strawberry Preserves 50c Tea Garden Raspberry Preserves 50c" All other Tea Garden Preserves 45c Prunes, per pound 23c Royal W. Soap, 20 bars $1.00 M. J. B. Coffee, 5 lbs $2.35 M. J. R. Coffte, 1 lb....50c Jlills Red Can, 5 lbs. $2.35 Hills Blue Can, 3 lbs..,.95c Rice, 3 pounds, head. ...25c Beans, 3 pounds small white i .-. 25c Beans, 2 lbs. Lime 25c Prunes, 2 lbs. dried 25c Peaches, 1 lb. dried....25c Apricots, 1 lb. dried ....35c Sugar, per sack $9.00 Sugar, 10 pounds $1.00 PayCash Receive More Pay Less Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court , Phone 880 J, 1 t s a; A' I MoI Bir Alfred Lawrertce. 78, haa auc ceeded Lord Reading, tho new vice roy of India, a Lord Chief Jtutica of England. court of Justice Joe If. I'nrke Mon day afternoon. C'hailcM AlHmh, He lix merchant, pleaded eiiilly en two charge. J. x. Ktone, also from the east en'l of the county, pleaded guilty. Nominal fines of $15 and 110 were .1 Hnemed auaiitat the merchants. The cliaixes were brnusht a a result of inHpcctioiiM of milk and cream made by members of the Htate'lnapccinr'ii of fice. 11lni iuil of I'klali ' Mrs. W. W, Slanshler, the present principal of the schools ut rkiah, li.i filed her contract in the office uf the county superintendent of schools to teach for another yuar at a snlary of Sl.tiU. Tnls is an Increase over her salary for this yvixr. ,She has been with the I'kluh school for aeveral year. Willis H. Taylor, formerly a me chanic In lSatttiy I), HSlh F. A., has presented his discharge from the army to the county clerk. for recording. His record shows that he enlisted May '21, J HI 7 and was discharged at Cauip Iwi June 2S. lli. He pariieipalcd In four offensives. Money to school school districts in the county will be sent this month on the two mill tax voted last year where by each school district is allowed $jO0 for each elementary grade teacher. The tax yielded $30" per teacher. The first Installment of MSise will soon be ready to send to tho district!. Si-hool Vari .Members hern John tftirrlaon, lx-rward Hwrison. Charles Michael and H. W. CUlllnnd, members of the board of Kehonl Dis trict No. 8 7, of I'llot Hock, were In rendleton today. ' Co to HiittiT t"re k. 1 Members of tho county court were in the Putter creek region today where they made an Inspection of road condition'). Mothers! Give The Little Ones Syrup Pepsin They Ua Dr. Caldwell'!, and it quickly , relieve! their constipation and headache!. DnGIN to tench the child regular daily "-' elimination as young tut possible, and much constipation will be avoided later in life. The most convenient bour throughout life if immediately upon oisinp. It dot not then interfere with play, school or work. , When in spite of your effort! a mem ber of the family becomes constipated, give Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin fn the size dose directed on the bottle. It is a mild, gentle laxative safe for young babies; effective for grownups. It is the brgeftt selling liquid laxative in the world, end mast economical as a sixty cent bottie vill last you many months. ' For your Information, Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is acompound of Egyptian tienna and other simple laxative herbs with pepsin and pleasant-tasting pro- Send me your name and ad matics. Look on it as a good family dreuaniluiUsendyouafrte ineiui, usi.'iui to relieve constipation TRYITFREE and symptoms like headache, bilious ness, colds, fever, bad breath, loss of appetite and sleep. It is no exaggera tion to snv that millions of families are never without a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, itsnfeguarastheu'health. tridi bottie of my S-mip Pr tain. ' Adlreu me Dr. W. B. OM well, J u Washington Stmt, tlonricelln, lllinnis. Every idy now and then needs a laxaiivc.and it huvll to know ihe best. Write me today. NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON 1 1 1 Children Examined. One hundred fourteen children were tested at the child conference held last week at Hernilston by Mis. Edith C5. Yuri Deusen, home demonstration agent, and Miss Iawile Lane, nutrition specialist fruin O. A. C. This week conferences are to be held at Pilot Kock. Women to lie ltcirvciitcd. The club women of I'endleton are to be represented at a coming meeting at which the proposed milk, ordinance will be discussed. At the meeting Saturday. It was decided that Mrs. Ed ith G. Van Deusen, home demon stration apent, mt with the women who will probably choose one dele- ate to act on a committee composed of Mrs. Van PeUsen. Dr. Frank Roy- len. Mayor George Hartman, Fred Hennlon. county agent and a local dairyman. The ordinance will be thoroughly discussed by the commit tee. " MARINE STRIKERS STORM CUSTOMS HOUSE LOOKING FoV PARTY OF NEGROES MKX AUK. IXUMI til 1 1. TV. CHli'Af.O, May 10. (A. P.) Two of the three officials of the upholster- rs union on trial charged with inciting slugglnss. bombings and other acts of violence during 191S and 1S2 strike were today found guilty. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LtiHT Motometer from Studebake: cur. Phone 1(103. Upward. WANTED Cook for ranch reason able "wages and smal) crew. Phuiv: HFt. FOR SALI-7 line 2 story frame house with bath room must bo moveJ from lot at mice, Innulre ut.ldS W. Jackson or Phono 9S6-W. cw l"iirnltiiro Storo I have opened a furniture store 3(S V. Webb. New and second hand goods bought' and sold. Come and see W. 15. Fisher. Phone 1 WS. I1AI.TIMOKE. May 10. (A. P.) Three hundred alleged marine strik ers and sympathizers stormed tin customs house today to reach a party of negro strikebreakers who had fled into the ftderal building for protec tion. Heveral negroes were severely beaten before Ihe iolc drove, off the rioters. CONTRACT LET MONDAY FOR $200,000 UNION HIGH SCHOOL AT MILTON Contracts for the erection of the fipiO.OOO union high school at Milton were let yesterday by the board of directors who in consultation with It. YV. Hatch, architect, opened the bids and passed upon the same. Alloway & Oeorg of Spokane have the general contract nt a price of J I fin. 000. William O'ltourke of Walla Walla has the heating plant contract und W. S. Fleming of Portland, the Two States -LCtW--- ' rrzr: . ST v V. Xl if . i 1 DAINTY WATCHES FOR THE GIUL GRADUATE A watch makes an idei.l gift Wtt use of Its if rent usefuluees and permanaiu y. Oui display of these dainty watches Is most Inter es ing Exquisite in design, varied in assortment, acturttc Ume,keepers, and bove all. not too high In price. A wateh from Buwtcllc's Is 'the best possible. Saw Inc. -cJeujeleiy Ure. Tins f-arsest Itiumimd WeuU-rn in avtern Une-m- f 0 ' - III iv-rr-w ; i 5 ILLINOIS i zi i i I 1 J V MISSOURI i i i Division of Illinois into "North Illinois," consisting of Chicago and the seven counties near by, and "South Illinois." is the object of a movement led by State Senator J. T. Denvir of Chicago. It's because of of "downstate's studied unfairness to Chioaep," saya Denvir, SQ Annual Irot Arrives The proof i for the material of the high schqol an- j nual which is now dt press has arriv- i td nnd is being read and corrected by numbers of the staff. The book has i turned out excellently and it Is expect- j cd to rival any high school annual in j the state. The copies are expected to arrive for distribution May 29. The j untiring efforts of the staff and the j cooperation of the business men of the j city have been responsible for its sue- ) Style Show to !! tiiven. Members of the Domestic Art class under the di rection of Miss Kate Voorhies will to morrow afternoon stage in assembly a style show. The show will consist of the clothes made and designed by members of the class. The girls have done excellent Work in this subject this year and it Is hoped thattfhe fash ion revue will Inspire more girls 'of the school to take the course. All those oliimliinir work. The total cost ! interested .are mvitiai to attend. of the structure will reach S200,- OHO and the hulliling is to be completed by January 1. 4. East Depends on .Tryster "1 k I TRY OUR . Merchant's Lunch , . .. ' , from 11 to 2 P. M. . - WAFFLES ALL DAY Fresh Doughnuts and home made pies. Special tables for Ladies. Home cooking our specialty. 'C' . Open from 6 A: M. to 12 P. M. IS 2 jj White's Doughnut Lunch i 8 8 123 West Alta. I?? , jrV"r- Si s i f , I- I -' iM 1 i ' !' " ' " x X -if N if W. "V . IHiital l.cxtim' (Jiveii Yesterday afternoon pupils of the grades and high school of the city gathered nt the high school auditorium to hear a lecture on Dental Hygiene by Dr. J. C Jones. With the lecture were sev eral slides and a two led picture. The lecture was repeated nt the county li brary for the benefit of the townspeo J. CPenney Co' A Nation-Wide Institution j - tIn Terms of Economy . New shipment 36 inch Dakota Percales, a well known standard brand, light and dark grounds, yard JJC New patterns Merrimac Percales, one of 'the finest qualities, full 36 inches wide, bright cheery patt3rns for skirts, blouses, house dresses, etc., plenty of dark patterns too if von nreferi tfard 23c Japanese Crepes just received, the colors most j - wanted m this popular ana practical iau ric, 30 inches wide, white, salmon, light blue, canarv and l:.v?r der, yard -. 9c Many nev patterns of voiles have been added recently, full forty inches wide "in conven tional and floral designs,, light or dark grounds, yard ....,.... 23c, 39c, 49c Another consignment of that justly popular Hickory Elastic direct from the mill insur ing fresh stock full of "snap," black or white yard, 1-4 inch 6c; 3-8 inch 7c; 1-2 inch 8c; 5-8 inch 10c; 3-4 inch 12c; 7-8 inch 13c; 1 inch 15c; 1 1-4 inch 17c. Hickory Garters made of the same high grade elastic, for boys' and girls' from 2 to 17 yrs., white or black, pair v . .19c Genuine Leather Boston Bags, fine for shop ping or a general utility bag, two handles . sewn on, buckle and strap fastening, em bossed grain split cow hide, soft and pliable, " brass studs on bottom corners protect the bag, brown or black, 14 and 15 inch sizes, each $2.98 Plenty of hair nets now in stock, the popular Duro 'Belle, double net, cap shape, made of human hair, hand made, gives unusual wear, each 10c Meritas and Sanitos Oil Cloth for table or wall covering, white and colors, 47 and 50 inches wide, yard . t. . 'i . . .'.v.v.'.v. 33c li W JbSi, DEP.AKTMENT STORES J. C. Penney Co, A Nation-Wide InsUUition MOTHERS Wm For Expectant Mothers Osed Br Three Generations Witl PO SOOKLtT 0 HOTHIIHOOD US TM MAT, MIS buoncu Risuutei Co., Dipt. 5-d. Atusta. e AMliASSADOIt 1UC lli:s KNtiLAM) SL-UTHAMtTtiX, Kng., May 10. U l'.i Colonel (George Harvey, the new American ambassador to Great Britain, arrived on the Ao,uitania. ' Harry Payne Whitney's three-yrr-old. Tryster. will be the tirnln r- llance of the east In the famous Kentucky IVrby ot Churchill Downs, louisvlllc. Ky.. fny 7. lonardo II, who ran a record mile at Lexington recently. 'will be Tiyster's chief livjl In the Ociby. Trjster has tmncn ioHj suced wid gival !amiii . ... . - - , , .... ATHENS, Slay 10 (A. P.i Ilus- sian officers formerly vf General Wrangle's army, who were brought to .Greece when the Crimea was eva cuated and who have found it impos sible to secure other employment, have turned their hand to domestic and household pursuits. Recently one of them was seen on the streets of Athens wheeling a baby carriage. He was a handsome Cos sack colonel and his sturdy build, martial air and fine features made him a conspicuous figure. -His charge, a rosy-cheeked baby belonging to a wealthy Athenian family, took evident delight in Its stalwart, good-natured nurse, who shved the youngster ns much care and affection as the most devoted mother The servant problem does not exist in Athens. At least the Greek house keeper has no such difficulties in this respect a her sister In America, for she can always fill the place of maids, cooks and kitchen hands with former Russian soldiers and officers, of whom there are thousands In Greece. FK.WKl.lV K. I.AXK lMI'KOYKS UOCHESTEK. Minn.. May it). (A. P. ) Franklin K. Lwnc, former secre tary of the interior, was greatly im provedtoday following his operation of last week. His physk ians are con fident of his recovery. Be Slender S immmiimmmimtmiiiiimiimmimiii For a Real Smoke J Buy Bugle Cigars I Now 2 for 15c a, ... hAin tlsnilir. aatlfK healthy, is now youi. tii piur; ib hadowy tte to fiv you Mm ot aue bion reduction M iht Kn i.rTtn. or tedious IXWf''' tia H.-Min nth aalta. teeu no f' thyroid, do low ot tim. Jut tnl a thm so molt. MSV KOriH sytm ind rduo 10 to 60 pvumis Vf VOU BOd to) under money-rwanc tu-i-aalM. Safe, Mtablf, tanded by fibysicians. Add to your capability ia1 ebarm. Amiu all bo know ycu. Bo coma Knhlcr In st0. vounflOf t appermncs, attraotivo, (tun id RMitn, yentoyourUloI Taka your io3urmnw nd wif ht ottta and look at yoorscll at mirror to know tho tral benefit. tVa't km any mon tin), ttrt oo nd oniey the trnl! ot tcomint deader. Ak tor bos ot KORCIM T A BULKS (proooonod coroaitl M any drus tior. Accept m auhctitutaw Or mail $1.00 to na for box; or wtito lor frea broehuro ttreti U, W-H, Statiw JL ttv Virt, K. t. UiiuiiiiuiniuiiiiiiiiUiiuiitiiHiiifiiiiiiiiu DR. C 1L DAY Pfajalclan aiul Surs;eoa Osteopath Itooms 11 and 2t Bmlth-Crswfor Bulldin. relephon T0 Km. T4t-R Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee ; These ex-militarv men are willing to Chronic, and Nervoue Diseases anf take up the most humble calling If It Diseases Of Women. X-Ray Electrsj i will brin them bread and shelter. Therapeutics. Hunreds of them are now acting ns Tempi Bldf. Eoom 1) ; .1 111 waiters, butlers or cooks in titers - i llousehoMa mid tesiaiuaiit. I ywf 310-W ... .(w- V; Fhont I0T Hours t a. m. to I p. m. DR. OHMART Modern Dentistry In All Branches.