East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 10, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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LM!e.:Less at -The
pies Warehouse
fyality.Qonsidered '
WJomen's and GhiidrenfsNosiery
. At Money Saying PricesJ
Boys' Heavy Ribbed Hose 49c
Stury boy's hose, heavy ribbedbut very elastic
and are guaranteed by the manufacturer to give
Mercerized Lisle Hose
for Children 59c
splendid satisfaction. Sizes 6V to 1VA
Priced Specially Low, a pair
Women's Fine Quality
Extra fine ribbed, mereer-
ized finish hose for children,
colors, black, white and cordo
van, all sizes.
Priced Specially Low, pr. 39c
Hose 29c
These are guaranteed by. the
manufacturer to wear and to
give splendid satisfaction. Col
ors brown, black and white ; all
Priced Specially Low, pr. 29c
Women's Fine Cotton
Lisle Hose 39c
Women's fine cotton lisle
hose with the same guarantee
fpr wear. Colors black, cor
dovan and white, all sizes.
Priced Specially Low, pr. 39c
Children's Fine Ribbed Hose 29c and 39c
Ferf ect quality fine ribbed children's hose in white
black and cordovan. . They are insured against all
imperfections. They wear with superior resistence
find are made from high grade, long staple cotton,
dyed with the latest process; all sizes.' ' ; 1 : '
Priced Specially Low, a pair L . . . . : ; i 29c and o9c
Women's Fine Mercer
ized Hose 50c
.Women's fashioned mercer
ized hose, are insured against
all imperfections and guaran
teed to give satisfactory wear,'
colors black, . cordovan and
white; all sizes..
Priced Specially Low, pr. 50c
Women's Pure Silk and
Fibre Hose 69c ,
' These stockings " you will
find to be of superior quality,
and to give satisfactory wear.
Colors, clack and cordovan;
sizes' 8Mr ty? arid 10. "
Priced Specially Low, pr. G9c
We are Placing on Sale a small lot of . "
At this Exceptional Price
They're built of metal and require very little
Harry for the lot will not last long.
Come and See.
Is a Chief Feature of These Silk Dresses.
If there's.one garment that more than enhances the appearance
of its wearer to an admirable degree, that garment is a well made,
high quality silk dress. Never before have we been able to of fen
you such a wide range of beautiful silk dresses. Every style is ex
clusive, no two alike. And every frock is a faithful reproduction
of the latest and more costly imported and American models
Economically Priced at $17.50 to $75.00
a TaT 1
.ereopi&s Warehouse
TRA rF f-mVi
42 piece Dinner Set either in gold
band or Blue Bird pattern, set $10.00
Kleen Maid Brcad "Nuf sed."
Fresh Jersey Milk direct from the dairy.
Mr. Wood Was Veteran in Civil
War Having Served in tam- -
raous First Minnesota , Regv ,,
V ,,:c J
(KitMt lrcKOnluif Hro!ul.), '
W-ESTO.V, We., May 'l9-.l.uiwin
Suntoid Wood, hki'iI St. 5'lvll War vet
eran, u resident of Weston Mr th past
half ceutmiy, and plon'ocr postmuster
uf IhlN place, iliul fbdii.v at
lifter tin lllnesi f several" yi'I.
Mr. Wood ttai ioiii VuigUMt , J 7,
UJ7. In (.Union county, New Yolk
and his c.tiiy boyliood 'wiis ,'s.peiit In :
that stiite unit li'l Iowa and toliinesotri.
When (he 'tll Wnr bniko ' out ho
Erj Joliu'il thu ruiTioiiK 1 Knnt ' MlnnPHOln
ri'Klmcnt, 8:' pi-r font Of wliom wro
ktlli-il mill won ncluil . ut yttyHlurg,
the roKlmi'iit loalng more limn any
olh r In any buttle of. tlio Civil Wur.
Mr. Wood cHcapi'il nnwourf'ik'd from
thlH ami fiiini Hie liiodily t lialllra of
mill Hun. Uluft. flint llll, An-
liflam, linutow .Station, ftdwarda St.
Hon, Kri'di'rlMckHliiir4'nd tho alt'Bo
of Yoiktown, "
nmrriK ti Mlfti" FVinnH'ii C.
Uins-lali' of Wusi'Cii toutity, Mlnnemi
tu, ori tirri'd iil 1S. In 1S7 1 ho not
tied In Wralon and. BJiiwtJ.J farm
tnir until appnlntfd postmniiter In
1 NTS by 1're.ildent Haven. Thin pomI
tlon lie held for many year until bin ;
health prevented hl continuing the
work. ' i
.Mr. Wood In loirvlvod by his widow
and the following; Jhl.ldren: Clark
Wood, of Weston, editor of the Wes
ton leader. Alia. Warren A. Wood, of
Oolil Heach, Oregon, E. l Wood ef '
Wemon, and A. I Wood of Bpokan. ,
Mr. Wood wa n member of th Mn-
norisc lodse una runem ecrvice win
be held tomorrow at 10 4. m. In the
knll Olh U.H W H I
1 l.l-Mn ....dfrtt. i,r lh. Mf.thodist'
church, officiating. '
m ;;mWHpE IT PAYS TO T n AmmM. :
Ijinii liiitllliMmiiiH
Wonderful values.
Reports show that of the French centa&e of effectives an.d the increase
military class of 1921 more than eev-j is attributed to a decrease in the use
enty-five per cent consists of youths : of ilcohol, the improved living condi
twfnty years of age who are fit for i tiond on f-rms and the spread of sports
military service. This is a high per- in Franc.
Here is welcome news for
all tire users. Just when
ycu ase ready to replace your
eld, worn-out tires -with
new ones, Diamond answers
the call of the times xvith a
enerous & Sweeping
Reduction in Fiices
' of "al!r'' : "..
cHiese splendid high-mileage tires are
now available at Ike following prices-.
30x3 14.00 2.75 2.25
30x3t 25.S5 16.60 3.20 2.65
323 34.15 21.00 3.40 3.00
33x4 44.75 29.40 4.25 3.85
34x44 51.55 39.C0 5.50 4.90
in iti
Strong Indications That Italy
Will Enter on New Era; De
vote Time to Reconstruction.
ROME, Way 10. (Henry Wood, U.
P. Staff Correspondent.) With the
new parliamentary elections on May
15 there is every indication that Italy
will enter a new era, where freed
from the menace of radicalism and
voluntarily giving up her past policy
of territorial expansion, she will de
vote her best energies to international
reconstruction, both materially and so
cially. This is the electroal program out
lined by Premier Giolitti at the mo
ment he dissolved tho last chamber
and there is every indication that the
country responding again to his states
manship will return a chamber where
in there will be a big workable major
ity for carrying out the internal re
forms which now constitute Italy's
crying need.
The convening of this new chamber
on June 11 will mark an epoch In
Italy's history from several points of
view. First of all, the number of
deputies increased to 635 by reason of
the newly acquired provinces, will give
Italy Its first chamber representing
Italy as a unified whole. These f35
deputies will come from 40 different
electoral districts, whereof half a doz
en were created out of newly added
provinces Including Zara. Parenzo,
Oorizia, Trieste, Bolzano and Trent.
In the second place, the now cham
ber will mark that definite epoch
which has already been passed by 11
of the other allied countries, wherein
Italy can be said to take, up at last
the new life created for her by tho
By the treaty of Rapallo, Giolitti es
tablished not only the last disputed
boundaries of the new territory ac-
ltadlcalism is no longer a danger In !
Italy and this problem has been set
tied precisely as It was settled, only,
more quickly. In France and the
northern war countries.
In the new, elections. It Is expected
that both the socialist ani popular
parties will lose heavily. From the
154 deputies which the socialists elect
ed In tho 1919 elections the number Is
expected from anywhere from JO to
100. ,
Thje broad lines of Italy's Internal
reconstruction program are the read
justment of tho budget so as to wipe
out the four billion deficit which still
remains;, th reformation of Italy's
Present bureaucratic methods, of ad
mlnlsctratlon; . legal reforms; educa
tional reforms, including not only a
greater extentlon of public education,
jbut the changing of present prescrib-
,,nir,i v.v ltniu ihmit-h the wnr. hut eu courses lo mcei uie necus oi moo-
established likewise final friendly re-1 em life; agricultural reforms. Includ
Iations with the Yugoslavs. Italy I 'ng the solving of the problem of the
thrforo h:, npmilred the natural "'g e"i.". wiiitu uui jei
strategic frontiers which she has al
ways insisted, were indispensable to
her national safety and she hi estab
lished friendly relations with nil of the
under cultivation, and, finally, labor
legislation, that will permit of the full
est productivity between labor and
capital. Thl.f latter includes Giollttl's
states outgrowing from the breakup of j famous project for tho granting to
the Austrian-Hungarian empire, name
ly. Yugo-slavia, Boumanla, Checko
slovakia and Poland. Giolitti also im
posed on Italy the giving up of all
plans of territorial expansion in Al
bania and along tho eastern Adriatic
coast generally.
Best in Southern Roles
?,-.' .H ''rV V: V. .
Now is the time to invest
in Diamond!
' cAhjonOKio
i 4 . J , '
i'yi i i-ji -.i j..
14 ' 7 v Kf
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e. t r , J ,
:. . -j .....' :,-.- A .n
f- , w
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V - i
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C 1 v'fti
H fed
i." I '
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workmen of the right to control or an-
diting of all the leading industries.
Without question? King Victor
fmanuel will confide again to Giolitti
the task of forming the new govern
ment. At whatever time his govern
ment may fall, however, Xlttl will
without question be tho statesman
most In view as his successor.
WASHINGTON, May 10. (A. P.)
'resident Harding yesterday reviewed
a parade of Shrlners hold In connec
tion with the 10th annual convention
of the national leugue of Masonlo -dubs.
Several thousand shrlners filed past
the executive offices In automobiles
and on foot. Two cars collided oppo
slto tho president, but, there were no
' Hmlllnglv the nresldent declined tho
! Invitation shouted at him'tn ''come on
and Join us," hut ho deuvi lis! rated his
familiarity with the rites of the order
by giving thi- grand salaam In answer
to that extended him. A Shrlner seat,
ed on a camel almost lost his perch
with his approving cry of "ut'u boy,
Mr. President." , '
Strikers and Strikebreakers
Were Surprised When Halted
More Than Block Prom Dock
BUKNOS AIRBS, May 10. (James
I. Miller. V. !'. Htaff Correspondent.)
Mounted police, heavily armed, arc
guarding nil approaches to the docks,
to prevent clashes between tho union
and non-union workors. Tho port Is
so tightly sealed that recent arrival
are unable to claim their baggage
frofn the customs offices. Btrikers and
strikebreakers made their way as us
ual to tho dod(s today, but were sur-
pnscu wnen tney were halted mure
than a block from the waterfront. No
effort was made to break through Ih
police cordon.
AMCANTK, Spain. May,10 (A. .)
An airplane carrying mulls between
Toulon, prance, nnd" nrfbat. Morocco,
ten into tho buy here yesterday In
flames Just sfter, having delivered a
sack of letter. The pilot was burned
to death and the plane was wrecked.
Conic. May 10. (A. -4'.) J. J,
Walsh and Llam KofNtle'' Sinn Fein
members of parliament,' Mls Mary
MacSwIney nnd Lord Mayor O'Callag.
ban are announced as Klnn Fein can
didates In the Cork parliamentary
The raising of mushrooms In beer
vats la becoming such an Important In
dustry that growers are calling for
tariff protection.
The stained glass In Kngland's beau
tiful cathedrals Is being attacked by
some mysterious disease which takes
the form of minute holes which In time
deepen, causing the glass to flake. So
far no remedy has been found.
Al Ilollister was born In Massachusetts.
uccesa.'ul on the screen In portraying southern charactera. I'e
production Is "A, Wise Fool," ?ilc4 at tho movie version of Sir
Parker's "Th Ifonov Mn.i,- v.v wi &if
But sne has been noit
r latest
LONDON', May 10. (A. P.)
Blind persons will now be enabled to
read their favorite dally newspaper
along with the other members of the
family, according to Archibald Barr,
einctitns professor of engineering at
Glasgow university, who In an address
described tho mechanism of a British
Invention for tluit purpose.
Tho lecturer explained that the
reading was accomplished by produc
ing In a telephone receiver a series of
musical notes representing the vari
ous letters as these were passed over
by the Instrument In traversing a line
of printing. The sense of hearing.
therefore, Is employed instead of the
sense of sight.
At present the cost of the I'ovico Is
almost prohibitive hut it In' hoped
soon to make it available to tnc 'lioti
sands doomed to durkness th.-ot gh
loss of sight. ,
AHTORIA, May 10. (U. P.) The
fishermen's strike, which paralysed
the salmon tanning Industry since
May 1, will end Wednesday. A com
promise was agreed on at a mass meet
ing of 10"0.fiherment
So easy to drop Cigarette,
Cigar, or Chewing habit
No-To-Bac has helped thousands to
break the costly, aerve-shatterlng to
bacco habit. Whenever you have n
longing for a smoke or chew, Just
place a harmless No-To-Cae tablet In
your mouth Instead. All desire stops.
Shortly tho habit Is completely broken
and you are better off mentally phy
sleally, financially, it's so CIJsy
simple. Get a box of No-To-Uac and
If it doesn't release you from all. crav.
Ing for tobacco in any form, your
druggist will refund your money with
out question.
U XIJtt M Mil-: XFAV
"It is now five months since I took
a course of your lprdldne for gas and
stomach trouble nnd I am feeling en-,
tlrely well. My friend all tell ma I
am looking twenty years younger and
I certainly feel as they say. I "am
recommending " Xlayr's Wonderful'
P.emedy to all ailing with stomach nnd '
liver trouble." Jt Is a simple, harm
less preparation that removes tho
catarrhal mum from the Intestinal
tract and allays the inflammation
Which causes practically all stomach,
liver and Intestinal .aliments. Includ. '
Ing appendicitis. One close will con
vince or nioney refunded.-Drugglst '
everywhere. . ; ; ,
Mew hair
for You?
Hatrbas been grown sgaln, after bald
ness, In nunjr cases. This If now scien
tifically proved. Yours may be an amen
ablecssei bul you haTenot been nsing tli
proper relict So do not delay to apply
ing Kotalko. The producer are to con.
Bdent they offer you antiifactory hair
growth or your money-back. Get a
mall box of KOTALKO at any actW
drug atom. Apply KoUIko aacfc day
watch yemr mirrorl Do kindly act,
show bald friend til aaVtrturmrst.
t' ed in the donga of this
famous home run swatter.
Will ho break his record of
a year ago when he clout
ed fifty-four home run
drives? ' .
Read all about Ji'tm on the
Sporting Page. V Read
what the other-feftows are
doing in baseball, in ten
nis, in golf, on- the cinder
track. You'Uiijny read
ing a live, up-to-the-minute
paper on Hporting