TEN PAGES C3 cJ F LfiV3 ESl ism Notices, Business For Rent, Etc., Classified for Easy Reference. CLASSIFIED A I) VKRTISINQ HATICS B.t In t point Cuuntlnar "I or dlnary word, to the tin. First insnrtlon, per Una..... $.11 Each additional con.ecutive Insertion, per Una - .01 On. month, every lasue, each Insertion, per line... .01 61a month, contract, every l.aua, each In.ertlon, per lln. .................. - M Twelve month, contract. very la.ue, each In.ertlon, per line ..I .It .ii Ad. not ri n consecutively. each In.ertlon, per line No ad. taken (or lea. than 1 line. Minimum charge.. Tl I. 1IAVK YOU Out. ? TRIED Kerr'. Rolled FOR RENT S-room furnished apt. No children ilG Post 8t. WANTED Work Booking for crew Mr.. Flora Lore, 711 Lllleth fit. FOR HALE Furniture, etc., com plete for Mix room house, one buy ing furniture cun rent house Call 415 E. Alia. FOR SALE rnlversnl range, Sim mons lied, springs, mittlrehs and dresser. . First dims condition leaving town Phone 1051. AGENTS ll'H dully made wiling our new spectitl 83. Ti comblimtlon for 81. GO; agent's prlco 4c; sale, guaran teed; 40c soup combinations, agents price llc-loc. I'nlted Soap Works, 73 Park Place, N. Y. YOl'NO MEN, women, over 17, for Postal Mall Service. J 120 month. Kxnmlnuliona May. Experience un necessary. For free pariiculurs of In Btructlon. write J. Ifonard, (former Civil Rerrlca examined) !M Equitable HUlg., Washington, D. C. llnby CliicL. White Leghorns from the fumous O. A. C. Mruln. Mating 221-eng hens to cockreN from 300-ecg hens, $20.00 per 100. Rocks mid Reds 825.00 per 100. Order now for May and June de livery. Portland Seed Co., 180 Front St., Portland, Ore. REALTY TRANSFERS DLKIKi U C. Scharpf to Ed-ward 11. Lester 810.00. U)l 12, Illuck &. Pilot Rock. Wm. II. Hutchinson to Dorse P. Hays 81.00 SV 1-4 Pec. 22, Ti. 1, a H.l. John P. Ureiilif-h to l n. Matlock 81.00. J-4 Interest Mouth half It 6, Hlock "F" Reservation Addition, Pen dleton. C G. Matlock to John (',. Greullch 81.00 1-4 Interest In North half lot 0, ISlock "F" lU'fvi'vation Addition, Pen dleton. W. J. Furnish to. J. Mildred 81-00 SE 1-4 Sec. 15. Tp. 4, N. U. 32. J. 11. Wagner to W. I'aol.is $2",00. Lots 1 ad 2 Hlock "K" Vkinh W. I). Humphrey, C. Humphrey nnil Pert H. Humphrey to Fannie Ix'e 810. 1-7 Interest each In I-nt 4, iilock 4, Llvermyres Add. Pendleton. IVrfixi Safety Mother: your ball, window. Re careful how you throw Willie. You'll break that Willie: oh, that's all liuln; tho bIoks couldn't fly fur enough to hit mc. Judge. New Frelate? r -f ; . tt V... ? It - uil :tt Ji According to reports from Rome, Archbishop John Joseph Glcnnon ol Hi. Louis may succeed the' late Car dln.tl f:il,lMins na ntvhbifthon of Battl I V f I Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, NOTICES blown IWmmt Blmp Moved to Nye-Ward shoe .tore be tween Qeo. Iiacr'. and Tallman Drug Co. . Nollio Farmer. Let me noli you a enr of pout, direct from the wood. all post, are well sea .oncd. I make my own pout, therefore by buying from me you will save money. For particular, writ. Victor Enfield, Rochester, Wn. Oregon Cafe Jlermlston Good service and courteou. treat ment at all time, to the patron.. Open ing hour., 6:00 a. in. to 9 a. m 12 noon to 2:00 V- m., 6.00 p. m. to 8:0V p. m. until further notice. G. W. PATTERSON, Prop. LOST AND FOUND LOST Head bag with Red Cross de sign In Pastime Theatre Reward Leave at E. O. office. LOST Pair shell rim, shaded glasses In Alto, Theatre or on Main St. Ho ward Leave at this office. M)ST Cutaloguo case; Hardware. Fulllng-McColinan Co., Portland. Findeh return to Hotel Pendleton. LOUT Hlack chain between Nye Wifrd Shoo Co. and Uowman Hotel. Vuluablo a. keepsake only. Return to 11. Ward, Nye-Ward Shoe Co. LOST Tan leather .ultras, between Echo and Btanfield. Finder leave at Keeney. pool room at Btanfield- Reward. ! LOtTT 10 head of horses on reserva tion, branded C!2 on left hip 8S.00 reword a head Addresa "JI" thi. offlc. LOST last Friday Two horee. be longing to John Kanine near Cayuse. One wa. a .orrel, the other black with bald face. Last aeen near Helix. He- turn and receive reward. USED CAB EXCHANGE FOR PALE -Ford touring, good ehape Make roe an offer Phone 976. FOR HALE Cadlllao car with service body. In good cbnditlon. Phono 177. FOR SALE 1917 Indian Motor Cycle. Inquire S. B. Wiln, P. F. B. Co., Rleth. FOR HALE Paige light six, mechan ic. -illy perfect good tires, good paint Phone 80. r FOR SALE 1919-Ford commercial body A-l condition, new tires J25O.00. City Market, 109 W. Webb. FOR SALE One ton Republlo truck, 2-ton Republic truck In good abape will sell very reasonable Call Penland Bros., Phone 839. FOR 8 A LB Wa nave a few good used Ford, priced from $126. to $376 rhese are all worth ths money call nd see them Simpson Auto Co, Pater and Johnson 8ts. FOR SALE FOR SALE A 5 room house. Phone 610-W. ' 4 lota FOR SALE 4 ft. wood, 86.00 a cord- Ralph Tachclla, Phone 2F5. FOR SALE 32x4 new Cowan tire, $17.50 631 Johnson, phone 1032. FOR SALE Both alfalfa and wheat hay. Inqolre Grltman Brothers. FOR SALE All kind, of Insurance. J. II. Eates, 614 Main St., Phone 104. FOR SALE Beautifully trimmed bas sinett and wicker baby buggy. 71 Jane St, FOR SALE Peering harvester with motor. Only cut 800 acres. Phone 16F23 or we Louie Hansen. SEED POTATOES Burbank. $1.50 per sack. St. Andrew's School, Pen dleton, Ore., Route 1, Box 55. FOR SALE 5 room house sleeping porch and garage strictly modern at 709 Marie Inquire 713 Marie St. FOR SALE Hntcnlng eggs from thoroughbred .Ingle comb Rhode Island Reds 800 WWebb, Phone 884 For Sale Cheap Rent o I'R Want-ad columns are the meeting places for Mr. , House Buyer, and Mr.' House Seller. Here they dicker back and forth a veritable market place where ninny n sale Is in- uUKuratcd and cOUHumhinted. ! If you have a house or nn apartment or a tyt for Sale j j If you want to buy something j I In real estate, let us help you at j i a very, very small cost. j EAST OREGONIAN , FOR SALE 4V acres near Meacham 20 acre. In timber, 14 acre, culti vation good outfit, houae and furni ture. Address K. R. Moore, Meacham, Oregon. IF YOU WANT 160 or 100 acre, of first class wheat land, and on the easiest term, of payment you ever heard tell of, Kt R. F. Klrkpatrlck or N, Berkeley. FOR SALE or exchange 40 acre. good alfulfa land will take hone or cattle a. part payment, Geo. W. Elder, 818 Main St., Phone 893. , FOR SALE OR TRADE On. 14 H. P. Stover ga engine, mounted on wag on bed with wide Iron wheelai Guar anteed In first claa condition. Will trade for Ford. Simpson Auto Co. FOR SALE Modern 8 room houae. partly furnished, newly painted, good location, lot 76x100. For term, write owner. Box 4, Meacham, Ore. MARINELLO CREAMS and powders, hair switches, ear curl, and all round bobs. Trancf irmutlomt and wigs. Martnello Shop, - Association block, upstair.. PORTLAND HOTEUJ and Apartment Houses, Country and Reaort Hotel, for sale Have ome attractive propo sitions. Western Brokerago,Convpany, 817 Northwest Bank Bldg., Portland,' Oregon. ' j IXB SALE First mortgage, bearing 8 and 10 percent Interest. Abotracta, Insurance policies and a good attorneys opinion as to title, with each loan. 8200, 8400, 8500, 81000, 8H00 and other amounU. GEORGE W. ELDER I8 Main et. Re.. Phone 972-W Phone 903 FOB SALE 8 room house) east Webb, alio W. Alta. 6 room bungalow, north aide. g room new bungalow, north ioe. 7 room residence, north i'de, fine house. t good little house., very ta.y terms. 40 acre alfalfa Unit fer city prop' erty. 86 acre, near Pendleton, fins loca tion. GEORGE W. ELDER 818 Main St. Ra. Phone 97J-W Office. Phnna 991 FOR RENT waptJiJC'8i 1 1 ROOM3 FO" RENT 407 W. Alta. AITS. AND ROOMS iltA APTH. FOR RENT Furnished Apt, Phone 216-W. ROOM AND BOARD for men only 403 E. Webb. FOR RENT 2 suite office room In quire Penland Bros. FOR RENT Nice bedroom, Bide, close In Phone 776-R. north BOARD AND ROOM in prlvati ily close In Phone 743-J. fam- KOOMS WITH BOARD If desired 210 S. Main Phone 657-R. APT. AND ROOM for rent with board Phone 300 rarkview Apt.. FOR RENT Furnished Apt., with f,a; call at White's Boughnut Lunch. FOR RENT Small cottage. 620 Spruce. Inquire before 8 and after 5. FOR RENT 2 room apt. with sleep ing porch Phone 289-W, 807 Aura. FOR RENT A sleeping room for two men modern 813 Mill or Phone 246-J. , FOR RENT Two room downataira apartment 807 Aura Bt, Phone 289-W. FOR RENT Sleeping room for gen- tleman close in 307 W. Court Phone 268-J. DOINGS OF THE DUCTS motherT I WANT 50ME , ALL RIGHT, SOM IN JUST A MINUTE! MOWE TOAST ! r IT' (COULPNT YOO MAKE j IP ATTA &OV 5LAK IT A LITTLE MORE RACKET OUT WO W ! "'i il MISS EATOJ ? J t- -'"I . Wfwfi -&L Handy Business Directory Thia Directory la MPeclallr handy for the out-of-town reader who may want tha nam and addrea of rpownbl bnalna me h nptm, the following llneo. All are reliable, re.pon.lbl. bo.ines. concern, who itand ready to glva you prompt aerrlo. FOR RENT 2-room apt., Phone Sj4. FOR RENT One of the large apt.. In Security apt on cround floor. Phone 23 8 -W. FOR RENT Well furnished front sleeping room, on north ilde. Phone 248-M. FOR RENT Two 3-room apart ments furnished complete close In, newly papered and painted. Phone 604. FOR RENT Furnished bed room In private family furnacod heated for one or two gentlemen. Inquire '90" thl. office. FOR RENT 600 acres of well fenced pasture land on McKay creek, good grass and plenty 6f water. Inquire Grltman Brothesa. ( - FOR RENT Desirable downstair. 4 room front apt. suitable for 4 adulta-very close In Inquire 777 Thompson. Phone 248-M. FOR KENT Two three room fur nished apt.., with bath one with gas close In. Also furniture for sale and house for rent Phone 369-J. PASTURE for horae., mule, and cat- tle 82.60 per month mountain range, good grass, water and salt will get. them and deliver them. Ad dress E. B. Kidder, Gibbon, Ore. WANTED WANT TO LEASE 5 or 6 room house Phone 799-M. , WANTED Large house to rent by the yea Phone 204-R. WANTED GOOD CLEAN RAOB AT The East Oregonlan offiea. t , 1 .1 1 .JVim vwv. - '-a Cafe, Hermlston, Apply at once. WANTED Woman cook. Apply Rail road, boarding house at Rieth. Ore. WANTED Job taking care of chil dren, also day work. Phone 204-W. WANTED A competent cook and housekeeper on ranch. Phone 307. CAPABLE WOMAN would like to do j work by the day or hour. Pnone 720-W. WANTED TO RENT 4-room modern houe, inquire R. A. Marcum, 635 Main St. LADY WISHES POSITION as cook Large crew of men preferred Apt. 5S Golden Rule Hotel. WANTED To rent unfurnished housekeeping room and place, for car. Address "IS" this office. ' MAN WISHE8 WORK Care of lawns, carpet beating, yard clean ing and odd Jobs Phone 358-R. WANTED Competent cook and house keeper for family of four adults. Address P. O. Box, 679, City, YOUNG LADY wishes position a. stenographer or bookkeeper in of fice or store. Address "22" this office. WANTED to rent a 6 or 7 room house by June 1st. Reliable tenant, long lease. Address W. F. Power., care the Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., plant depart ment. WANTED Responsible roan or wom an to represent ua in various parts of this state. Full time required. Steady congenial work and, substantial returns assured for Intelligent effort. Full particular, on application. Oregon Nursery Company, Orenoo, Ore, . MISCELLANEOUS MRS. ADA FIELD Phone 324-W. -Spirella coraettere Address 614 Jane. ALL KINDS of patient, cared for by experienced nur.e 800 W. Webb Phone 884. NOISE IRRITATES T0M- K?1 PU KlEXT STOP-NirJTH JLTL J vU J SWEET-CHANGE FOB J I OON'T HOLLER UKeI 11 EAST S'PE- JT-fll i -r. .a-s-i i in raj JATirz-rn s .i Tl.ME CARD Wcaton-Pendleton Auto Stag Leaves Weatun for Pendleton at 7:80 a. m. and 12:48 p. m. Leave. Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Iave. Adam, for Pendleton at 1:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leave. Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. Store) for Weaton at 10:08 a. m. and 4 p. m. O. H. McPHERRIN, Prop. TIME CAIID Pilot Rock-Pendleton Auto Stage, Leave. Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 9:00 a. m.; Leave. Pilot Rock Hotel 8 a. m. Leave. Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 11:00 a. n.; Leave. Pilot Rock Hotel 11 a. m. Leave. Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 2:80 p. to.; Leave. Pilot Rook Hotel 1 p. m. Leave. Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 5:00 B. m.; Leave Pilot Rock Hotel 1:20 p. m. We carry parcel, and .mall express. FANCHO 8TUBBLEFIELD Pendleton-Umatilla Leavy Pendleton 8:00 Echo 9:15 Stanfield 9:39 Hermiston 9:55 A. Umatilla 10:15 ' Leave Auto Stage 12:00 1:15 1:35 1:5a 2:16 4:00 5:15 5:35 6:65 8:15 Umatilla Hermlston Stanfield Echo Ar. Pend. S:00 8:20 8:45 9:00 10:15 12:00 12:20 12:43 1:00 2:15 4:00 4:20 4:45 6:00 6:16 Two Trips Sunday Leave Pendleton 8:00 a. m. and 4.00 p. m. Leave Umatilla 8:00 a. m. and 4:00 p. m. Office Motor Inn Garage 722 Cottonwood St. Phone 808 rn.L & daw sox Parcels delivered tp all way points. 4 4- 4- Walla Walla Pendleton Auto Frcieht Service 4- Round Trips Daily Leaves Pendleton 2 P. M. .Pendleton Phone 225-W. .,,4 4 HOUSE AND WALL PAPER clean incr. trpo trimming and window I washing odd Jobs Phone 381-J. Plant Dahlias Now If you want showy fall blooming flowert. plant Dahlias. Big collection of fine varieties at Forshaw's. RAG RUGS and carpets woven. AIM first class crocheting and embroid ery. Ail order, promptly nils' 'wheelers, at 1300 W. Railroad, WE WASH and clean the finest, rug. satisfactorily. References given. We make fluff rugs from old carpets. Walla Walla' Rug and Carpet Cleav ing Co. phone 1677. AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS WH REPAIR anything electrical on aa automobile. W. E. Chase o. AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CYCLE CO.-'-AJax, Re vere and Savage tires. S28 E. Co art Street. L. S. BENTLEY & CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tire. Tire service, oils and accessories Alta and Garden Bts, WALLACE BROS. Flak tires, cord. or fabric. We do our own adjust' Ing. 808-12 Johnson St. 87 A.LLMAN of Pendleton GERTHOM tt MARTY Gate. Buper Tread tires 6.19 Cottonwood. Vul- 4icanizlng and repairing. PENDLETON RUBBER SUPPLY CO. Barney Oldfleld. Goodrich 811 vertown Cord and Pernaylvanua Vacu um Cup 205 E Court. AUTO TRANSFER C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at GriggT Cigar Store Phone 1075. FOR QUICK SERVICE. Call Bad Cornfield, Phone 62, Crescent Clg.r Store. Residence, Phone 1068-R, AUTO REPAIRING FORDS overhauled work guaranteed- -509 Market St.--F. R. Hadiey. AUTO TOPS GADWA'B AUTO TOPS, 4lats Glass, Backs, Bide Curtains Ml Court St. AUCTIONEER 'COL. W. F. YOHNKA Auctioneer, I Call at Sturgis & Btorie's Implement Co., for sale dates. ATTORNEYS QEOROB W. C0UTT8, Attorney Law, Room 17, Bcnmidt block. R. I. KEATOR, Attorney at Uw, Room 24, Smith-Crawford Building. CARTER A SMTTHE, Attorneys at Law. Offices in rear of American National Bank Building. FEE A FEE, Attorneys at Law. fices in Despain Building. OI- . A. LOWELL .Attorney and Counsel lor at Law. Office In Despln Bids;. S. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law, Federal Building, VETERSON, Br.HOP CUkf at torneys at Iw. Rooms a f Minih-Crawford l.ldg. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor Hardware Com pany. RALEY, RALEY & STEIWER, Attor ney, at Law. Office In Amencma National Bank Building. , FRED H. SCHMIDT, Attornsy at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Bhig. BATTERIES PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for 18 months. W. E. Chase Co., 320 B. Court. Telephone 269, Pendleton. FREST-O-LITE BATTERIES Best by competitive test. Service on all makes of batteries, guaranteed. Prest- O-IJte Service Station, 0f K. Court Phone 864. CATERPILLAR W0RK CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gas en gines, automobile, and general blacksmlthlng. Round-Up Garage, Parks & NebergaU, 212 West Webb. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER A BAN FIELD, Designing, Engineering, Constructing, 1 years experience In concrete and brick con struction. 4 Et Third St North Port land, Oregon. CLEANERS AND DYERS PAXTORIUM Phone 473 CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS & CLEANERS Pressing and repairing. 804 W. Webb St. Phone 321, Pendleton, Ore. EYE SPECIALIST. Mill; Good Cooking: Apples, Give the children all $1.25 box the butter and bread . they want, as it s very cheap food just now. 0 Golden West Butter Oranges, Small Size, 40c pound. 23c Dozen Butternut Nut Bread 13c Del Monte Pork and ix THE MEAT DEPT. Beans, 10c tin Prime Steer Rib Rolls Veal Roast Assorted Jams Sfor Roast- 13c tin . ing The Dean Tatom Co. Meat Dept. Oft . Grocery DepL fiOQ Phone00 . -I"" Phone000 and Vicinity FARM LOANS SNOW DAYTON, 117 E. Court It, . Real Estate. Fire, Inauranoa, Farm Loans. Sea u. about a loan. DENTIST Dr. H. M. HanT Dentistry Room T, Cmpla Building. Phone 371 DRAYMEN WHO MOVES TOU J )ut aa Import ant a.' where you move. We alio pack or .tore good.. Wa do country hauling Call 839, Penland Bros. Transfer, 114 W. Alt. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING t tba 81nger Sao Mall orders promptly Attended trv HEMSTITCHING Mail orders Mr RaiDh Hassell 4iT Bush. 995. I LAUNDRY EVERT Article Laundered FertesUj There's an agent In your tswi Tray Laundry, Ml Garden St. DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 401 B Ooarl St., Phone 00 We maintain a som plete mendloj department. MADE TO MEASURE Franeeeo, Elks BlOg. OSTEOPATH DR. G. E. HOLT Osteopathic, pnjat clan and Burgeon. Judd Bldr. wI- phones, office 508; Residence 888-J. PLUMBING SHOP 705 LEWIS STRKBTB PhOSJS) 722-J. Alex Burt. JOHN T. GRISWOLD Plumbing and steam fitting. Repair work a spe cialty. Shop 107 W. Water St, Phone S73. P.esldence phone, 242-J. Painting and Paper Hanging PAINTS, Wall Paper, Picture Fram ing. L. J. McAtee, ths Practical Paint Man. Lews Bros- Paints. RADIATOR REPAIRING 4.LTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street. All makes of radiators repaired. Work guaranteed. C. Ilia berg. Prop. RESTAURANT mm THE QUELLE A good place to sat. SECOND HAND DEALERS V. STROBLE, dealer In new and sec ond hand goods. Cash paid tor second hand goods. Cheapest plaoe to buy household goods. 210 E. Court Phone 271-W. ' SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC DR. J. M. CHILDERS, 208 E. Bluff St.. Phone 282-J. THE most up-to-date effectual lead ing science practised,!! F. Gissow P. S. T.; N. D. Room 12 Peemer xmus. Phoiograoner To Introduce our kedak work s will flni.h Free one roll and one print each. Ward Studio. TAILORS 847 Main St. phone Classes Crouno to Fit Your Eves Lenses Duplicated on Short notice AMERICAN NATl.BANH BUILDING, PENDLETON. Phone 609 Carl E.