East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 09, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    AfcE EIGHT
-U ..JJAiH1 !, I'M')1! ,' J .'uuH .Si ".UH, 'I f
II K.S tt
map ininp ennu
rm f -w Tr "js. fvf cr-x m-mi trs.
1? iivfj;ipnr
CHKRE- Mid th Prince, waving
till hand at the loveliest little
peart aul diamond necklace. "1
cot 'Ai for th Queen, you know,
n honor of the Mothers' Day ce'.ebra
mn, and tr you wlIl be ,0 kind aa t0
frc;u It, Sister, I would be much
"tij.gfd. I haven't time myself. Count
"lily. who, by the bye. hasn't any
noiher to hve a day for: and J have
n enrngemen: to sail a new boat on
he pond."
"What a lovely necklace! And how
'houghtful of you!" exclaimed the
Prince?, -But I do think, really.
Mother would like you to give It vour
lf. I'm aure 1 would."
"Oh. bother! I'm getting to be so
'tr. you know: and then she might
nn rlsht before everybody. Dear
ne! Oh. pashaw!" And away the
i'rinee ran quite flustered even with
he Idea of being kissed before every
The Princess put the necklace In Its
'ot and fastened It up. Then she
-ailed her pet monkey. Jocko to fol
'ow her.
"It'a dreadful." she told focko.
'Brothers are queer things. One would
think he didn't care about .Mother but
if course, I know he does an awfully
lot I think Mother feels a bit sad
fcbout his prowlns up so and not kiss
In? her. I know I would."
Jocko looked Krav. whisked his tal!
Vnowln-rly as much as to sny. "I un
derstand." and Jumped around his llt
'!c mistress.
Out went the Prince Into the warm
r-ght parden and as he went alonr
ie of the paths he saw the sarden-r's
ny with a flower In his hand, talking
o his old mother.
"I w'sh I had a jrrand present to
-.ve you," the gardener's bay was say
ir, "but this little flower la from my
'.ry heart." And he kissed her old
"I wouldn't want finer present."
-aid the old mother. "There's no pift
weetcr to a mother than a loving
"Perhaps she would think a pearl
md diamond necklace better." thought
he Prince, as he went on and met
Count Billy, who was waiting for him
Tlth the new boat
It was a wonderful boat with great
alls and when the Prince and Count
tjllly fanned up a stiff breeze. It must
rave traveled enough miles to be al
"This Is a story of long long ago.
When fairies both helpful and kind
Soent much of their time on Us
earh. you know.
Soothing All cares they could find."
i HE bright sunshine and the birds
singing so merrily seemed to
mock at poor little Jeanne, as she
' lay In her favorite nook In the
woods. She was very sad as she
thought of her parents and tbelr happy
home tn the quaint French village,
where they had all been so happy.
Now all was changed. Here she was
In cold ugly England, her dear par
ents dead, and she had a home with
Aunt Elizabeth, a poor widow with
three noisy, rough children. They were
very unkind to her, these cousins, and
teased and mocked at her unmerci
fully; In fact, she wa3 the housenoid
drudge, and all the disagreeable Uiiluf
always fell to her share.
These woods were her refuge, for it
seemed less loneiy there, where the
bird's sang to her and the leaves
codded In such a friendly way.
If only she could go to this fete!
But ber aunt had raid she had no
money to buy "lallais" for her. espe
cially as Lucy and Jane must have
new dresses. The milady at the big
house had invited all the little girls
In the neighborhood to a lawn fete.
Her daughter, a delicate child of about
Jeanne's age, was to choose a play
mate and companion from among tne
guests, who was to go and live at the
big house with her, and spend the
winter in the South of France. "Ah.
what happiness! Perhaps she might
have been the chosen one! The tears
started at (he thought.
"Oh, my back, oh. my poor old
back!" she heard some one say. Sht
looked up ta surprise, for she had
never met any one In these woods.
There w as an old bent woman, pick
ing up sticks, ana groaning each time
the stooped.
In an Instant Jeanne was at her side.
"May I not help you," lladame."
fnuine Daiicrd Will) ttrlight
most to China when the cruise was
suddenly Interrupted by the little
Princess who came runr.lnt up quite
out of breath and sobbing.
"Why. w-what's the matter?" cried
both boys together.
"Jockoi" aobhed the Princess. "lie's
taken your present and oh! Pearlc
me! He's climbed to the top ot the
steeple!" ,
"Weil 1 never!" said the Prince.
"But don't cry. Sister. It wasn't any
fault of yours."
"Yes. bet Mo-mother w-won't pet
her present," the Princess wrung her
hands. "Everybody Is there, and
pear me!" said the Prince. "What
will we do?"
"We havrnt time to do anything.
The gathering has gathered. Oh
deane-e-e me! That naughty Jocko!"
"So he Is." cried the I'rinee, "Walt
till I catch him."
"Hut we cant wait." said the
Princess. "The withering has gath
ered." She sat down on the grass
while the I'rinee and Count Billy
marched distractedly about.
Wasn't Lour Urforo Mie
fhs said. "pray sit duwu ou tms
tree stump while I gath-r for you
tne sticks."
Uusily she set to work, and suoir
collected a goodly number.
"is thai euuuea," sue aaij iooK.n;i
To her surprise the old woman had
disappeared, add in her place srood a
bniM little figure In sparKhna white
robes, with a glittering wand in her
hand while the bundle of s'irk had
been transformed in'o a beautiful me
lNSTKcTon..i;r,T cr v
llLJJ 3-
j r .
Q Hah oie
Par. ah Edcls '
lyHEt'.E are many types of broom ,
Holders on the market, some gooa i
and some not. This particular j
type has been made by the writer
lor a number of years and always with I
Kreat success, ror the broom Is nung
up handle first. This advantage Will
be readily recognized by ail
There is no particular order of pro-
cedure ihjt is necessary to follow. (Jet
out the plecs in any order desired.
Fart C calls for the drilling of two
holes at the top and the bottom to pro
vide a means of fastening the holder
to the wall or to w hatever sitsiport It Is
desired to attach it. No size Is given I should be made. From the note on
for these holes but from the no'e you the drawing It will be learned that
w ill learn that they are for nail" or i this part Is to be fastened lo C wlt.t
,-.u s. h' nee you should drill holts Hat head screws. A rather thin screw
suitable"-- the size nails or screws j should b" used for llrs to eliminate the
you will use. chance of breaking the ends of A. Pari
Fart E should be laid oi. ' v rare-! A should be placed la !'.t proper posl
fullv and cut to shape with equal enre. tim on C and the location f i;
I The imn'hnFM of oneration will de-l
I pend greatly upon how round the disc i
Ja. In the absence of a turning lathe, I
Kvi&w iKW ImS
Iff CrOCON HR WITH ROSe.S,KlS5 hcr and v&-n 1
"Can't you think of anything?"
asked the I'rinee finally of the
. Princess.
I "I could make a flower Wreath."
;sald she. "A very pretty one, you
Was Weaving In The Inst Hose
"1 .was the little old woman " she
-saiu siiiil.nt,' ut Jeup.nes suiprUe. 1
Kuew you w.ie uiii..ipi am w.si"J
o he.p uu, ua: v. ;.i -.. o il l
you were reaii to a-.Ms; o'i, t-i. 'it. I1
me nuw how 1 t..in ti.-ip
So Jeanne told hei ho.. ,inii py
she was at her aunt's. ai;U how nc
h:id longed to fro to th 'e. an I pr-r- j
haps bp chosen to e:o It.-ifk to h . r '
dear Frtnrs with Made n.oisolb: in:t !
. iv'ir,','P.
4 I J
4 U
lurH.Tfe.uwjKtt.v'trvVte School C??TS.9tT.
I5fi T 0 5J, 7"
FaSTLN A and
O To C With
F.H. 5CPF.WS ,
And O To A
With R H
S M j
7 I
-Off ill Hoiks fon
f lAti. 5 Oft 5C.PFWS
Maki Out
' Jf,
J ' L
o '-6"
the best method lo use in getting out
tft.s piece n to describe a circle wun
a pair of sharp steel dividers, scoring
the lines rather deep. This will pro-
vide a vi ry good line to work to and
witn care exercised in tne operation.
the result should be satisfactory. Aft
er the disc is made perfectly round. It
should be slightly hollowed as shown,
after which break the sharp edgea
with a piece of sandpaper.
In making part A. the stock should
first be squared to the greatest dimen
sions, then the locations of all holes
to drilled and bored In the piece
screws oeltrmined upon. Four should
t.e ued. Mark the locations ann i ticiti -i.rU., "'"V V; "d part
drill the neeos.--.iry holes. It must belD.
'Oo you think It would be nice
enough?" asked the Prince.
"It 1 made It, it mlalii." answered
his Mbter. "Go and get uie some Bow
ers." The Prince and Count lWly ran off
to the Hoyal Gardens to gather some.
'J lie i-niiitsa aal near tne pond uild
actually laughed to lioreii tin taougu
she Uud suuuenly thuusnt ut thj best
JoKe lmaginab.v. S.io luugned ao
Heartily that tne Prince and Count
Billy almost caught her al It. Al
most, I say, because, when they camo
back, they found her wiping her" eye.
iiow m leu to work ou uiu tluAcr
wreutli, and wuut eiever Imie tniBcra
slie had. It tun't long uctore she
was weaving in the last i ojj.
"Ut course, uu will havtj to glv It
yuurbeit. It would eununeo tne gift."
said ine Princess. "Vtouiuu't It.
Ceunt Billy?"
"luiinetieiy," agreed Count Billy.
Sj the Prince took the wreath and
th children went to the green where
a great crowd siood about the (Jueen.
Ther were mothers of all kinds ubJUl
r.er. uid' mothers. With their grown
up sons and daughters and young
mothers with tiny babies in their
arms. Tney all looked at the Prince
ind Prlnceju and cried.
"Here come the P.oyal children.
Make room for them."
The Queen sat In state, looking a bit
sid. but she brightened when she saw
"You shall h ue a dress," said Fairy
Aid. "Take this rose." picking one j
from the fuiry bush. "When you want I
your dress, ju-it scatter the petals over
he one vou have on. and seo what!
happens. If you need me again, just !
-ome here and sav:
"Fairy Aid. Come to m?.
F'or I now have need of thee."
Hiding the rose In her dress, she
iiisioned home and went up to her
rii.jni. anx.ous to teat the power of
. ho in jjtIc (tuwer.
RTUterine tho petal ns d!rpctcd.
.-h-1 ff-i" Immodirttr lv dresed In filmy
a -
I A 1 It l
LBofil j Hoi is
kept In mind that the holes In A
should be only the nine of the diameter
of the screw at the bottom of the
threads. As part B is also to e fas
tened to A with screws, round head
as noted, the location of these should
also be determined upon at this time,
and the holes drilled. Bo careful In
making these locations that the holes
are not exactly opposite the ones bored
for the screws that are to hold A to
C. After these holes have been drilled
the holes may be bored, after
which cut the piece to shape.
In assembling the pieces, it will be
a very good Idea If glue Is also used.
This will add greatly to the strength
of the holder. v
To operate, the broom handle Is
thrust In the opening between B and
D, forcing the disc upward. When the
broom Is at the required height from
the floor, let the handle d.'jp down-1
wariT asnilp. The broom will tyrz e
1.7 .
. ,K I - '1
her children.
"Dear mo!" thought the Prince.
"What a poor gift for a Prince to bo
giving. Hardly better than the Gar
dener's son!" And that mado him re
member what the old mother had said
so he went straight to the Queen with
his wreath of (lowers.
"Please accept this humble gift tha,t
is from my very heart," he suid and
kissed her.
What a happy smile camo over the
I Queen's face. The diamond and pearl
i necklace could never have brought It.
I When the i'rinee saw the smile he
couldn't help but kiss her again and
again, and, as what royalty docs la
fashion, everybody kissed his mother.
And twien tne Princess kissed the
Queen, every daughter followed her
i example.
And It has been the fashion ever
since becuuso the royal children have
never stopped kissing their mother.
And Jocko? Well, the Princess
never told at all how she had let tho
old fellow run away with tho necklace'
ecept to her most Intimate friends,
and 1 suppose that Is how the story
leaked out at last.
But the Prince had his secret, too.
For after all, you see. It was tho gar
dener's son who started tha fxshlon. If
he only knew It. Of course, he never
did know It because ho'd never think
of going without kLssin; his mother
anvmore than ynu would. ,
wniie jace. with a blue sash, and on
her feet were dainty slippers laced
across w"h blue ribbons to match,
h danced with delight,
Hearing a sound behind her. she
'urtled n " her cousins staring ai
Pfn-mouthed. They rushed away
uui aoun returned wun innr Moincr.
'Where did you get ihut dressv" slie
askrd harshly.
"It was given to me," answered
"Vcs, I daresay! Off with 1! at on.-e.
it will do for Lucy to wxar at the
.Meekly Jeanne look It off and saw
her aunt carry aw.iy ail the pretty
thlnfr-s. She tlir. w lierscif on the liuor
I weeping bitterly.
Suddenly she thoushl of Talry Aid's
promise. Si pping quietly down stair
5he rin baek lo the woods and re
pealed the nuiTic vorse.
Imiiiediately Kairy Aid stood before
her. '1 know your Iruutjlc," she .sa.d.
smiling kindly. "You should not have
icatiered the leaves, till it was time
to wear the dress. Here Is unother
rose. Do not use it till It Is time to
.;o to the fote. Fear not. 5'ou shall
be the chosen one." Again she dis
uppeard. You may be sure that Jeanne fol
lowed the d.rections faithfully, and the
second dress was even prettier than
the first.
As Fairy Aid had promised, she was
chosen, and went lo live nt the big
house, and spent the winter in her be
loved France.
"Ilcnv happy I am now." she saf
irratefully. "thanks to milady, Fairy
Aid, and my dear playmate."
(The letters taken off the words ar
ranged in order will form the uame of
a season of the year.)
Behead clever and leave a trading
Behead recreation and leave to de
posit. Behead a place to skate and leave a
writing fluid.
Behead a high principle and leave a
Behead at no time and leave at all
Behead to develop and leave a
means of transportation.
(1) (2)
A floter. A flower,
A town In Nevada. A trap.
The aborogonal Feruvlan Extent.
race. Apparitus.
To fly upward.
B mart
P lav
R ink
1 deal
X ever
Q row
1 2
1RI-XC rLA-0
S 0 A R O E A ft
FOLD-VP PVZ7.LE--Cut out the
,7aare carefully along the dotted lines.
Snap oft the tough ends of two
bunches of apurugus.
Wash and put In a tall, narrow pan.
Fill the panjialf full of bulling wa
ter aud boil for twenty minutes. (By
this method the tips cook In the
steam and are very delirious.)
While the asparagus Is cooking,
melt 4 oz. of American chee.se In a
saucepan over n very close fire. It Is
best to tiso a double boiler for this so
the cheese will not scorch.
Add 1 tahlespoonful butter and
ii cupful of milk and stir till
When the asparagus is done arrange
the stalks neatly on hot toast. (Two
jT'' FRUIT.' fcj
y H The fruit of labor none may reap, J.
f H At least the kind that grows on
t- 6 trees fwh
'- ' I n!ess a steady watch he keeps, 1 It k
J Who knows his orchard ene- E' M
f -3L mies- '
W The cherries blacken; pears turn xftti'M
$.-S$Jir:? And apples spotted grow with tyWita
fcar- 'Wm
When monsters clad in bristly wll
teWp ' mail ( W
;'-3 wtrtfM Are seen on every side so near. 'W-Cch
illi lender regard for Mother
makes the whole world kin. It Is
so universal this love for Mother,
that when Miss Jarvls, of I'hil-
aueiphia, proposed a number of years
ago. that one day In the year be set
aside for Mother, men and women all
over tho country camo to her support
and urge their Stato legislators to
piss a resolution making Mothers'
Day a holiday In this country. At
first Uie different States look up the
Idea and separata resolutions were
it j.
Sec If jiiii can fold up the square
I tin gli- beast.
Then locale te center of the tquare
by drau inc 'nt. diifonM. The place
where the difuv"i itI meet Kill be the
center. Then ,'! a pin through the
paper and yoiy ill oi the center oj
bunches will serve alz small or four
generous portions.).
Pour the hot cheese dressing over
the root end of the asparagus leavlnf
tho tips uncovered.
Garnish with a dash of paprika ana
serve Immediately.
This Is a very nourishing dish for
What is that that baby gives
And takes that always pleases?
It makes a little cheerful smack!
Followed by little squee7.es.
pa.sscd In tho different States, but In
1SH, Mr. Wilson, who was then th
President of the United Suites, paused
In his many labors to tssue a Procla
miitlua making Mothers' Pay a Na
tional holiday. On the second Sunduj
in May, therefore you will sea many
white carnations worn by those sons
and daughters young and old whole
love for mother Is always with them .
inspiring them to live good aud upright J
lives. '
Hut It takes more than a white car- .
natmn to make Mothers' Day fulfill 111
real purpose. A kind word, a thought
tul act, a good deed In honor of moth
er should be performed In apprecia
tion of all the many kindnesses that
Mother has dune for you. A visit fb
Mother If you do not share her home j
a letter, if she lives too far away
or a gift to let her know that she la In
your thoughts- - ,
Mothers the world over and since '
time began are noted tor their unfail
ing love and self sacrifice. Nearly all
great men have said: "I owe all my '
success to my mother." Is there any
girl or boy who cannot think of hun
dreds of ways In which Mother baa
made home and school life easier and
mote pleasant for them. Ia It too
much to ask that on one day a year
you, boys and girls, should devote
yourselves to Mother? Make the sec
ond Sunday In May the happiest and
proudest day In Mother's year, and
make her know that the heart beneath
the white carnation is full of true lova '
and appreciation for HER,
in aucli a way that you will bays
the tquare on the other til of th
paper. Then fold each, corner, tack
until it it exactly fa the cenUr on, tha
reverie tide of thfy papers VottjkTtM J
have a picture of at elephdjtt, .
. ) raj!