East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 09, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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People Here and There
C. L. llawlcy, atute dairy and food
Commissioner, wan orio ut the Urcgun
commissioners durinK thd exposition
t fun Francisco, lie Ih In the city
toduy on of flclul business.
Frnnk Kuykendall, known for
yearn hh "Cut-key," when ho wua cmv.
ductor on the O, V. It. & N., Ih now
representing the l-ortlanil I'nlon TruHt
& HiivIiikh Co. Ho Is In the city tndicy
on business.
Arm. Fred Adiinm nrrived Sunday
evenlnir from rorllnnd to Join h(tr hus
band who 1m Ihe window trimmpr nt
a laborer of Moncham and Clare E.
Hose of Pendleton. T!io prospective
groom In 61 and the bride-elect la fB.
Itf'oiitN DIxt'linrKO.
An honorublo dlmhurKC from the
nuvut service of tho United Stud's him
been presented at the office of the
county Clerk to be recorded by Clar
ence Karl Hoynlou. Ho wua discharg
ed September 0, 191H.
Timelier Get Iiicreiiscs.
All Kriidv ti'Hchcra of tho AdniiH
Bchoul district No. K." have been re.
Wign Neck
' 'hi A
The I'coplt'H' Warehouse. Mr. AdaniH tallied for tne cmiiiiiij,' year at Increase
hiiH been here a week. They will live I of salary anion nt i nit to J12o for each
in the Park View noiirtmenln. Mm. ! toucher per year. J. Allen Yeai-cr Iiiik
Allium wua formerly Wnlla Walla
William lti'lihiirt, who for a num
ber of yearn baa 'been local manager
for the ' A. C. Stevens Co., aellliiK
Haynea earn, baa accepted the position
of head siilcsninn with the OreKon Mo
tor (luriiHC. The OreKou handlea Ca
dlllaca, HulVks and Cehvrtdels. itelch
nrt Ih one of tho beat known auto
Kab'Hiiien In tbla territory.
been elected principal of the achool at
a xulury of JilL'tid, Frederick V.
Klcaktiey of Whitman ccdlcae will
teach In the hli?h achool at Adams.
It wiii hard to.net hi wife to come
to Orruon from their old home In
Milk Meeting Held.
C. I j. Huwley, Hate dairy and food
commiMHioner, lr. Frank Hoyden, city
physician, Onriie irarlman, mayor of
Pendleton, I'red Hennlon, county
intent, and a committee of dairymen
and coiincllmen are mooting this after.
noon to consider Ihe special milk ordi
nance recently drafted by Mr. llawlcy.
WaKhlouton ronnlv. Kims.., and now I ho ordinance met. with the approval
she wouldn't return to the old state j "f tlle dairymen at fx recent nicetliix.
for niiytblm: more than a visit Is the " -
atatement of A. F. .New. prominent
mini of rreewuter who waa here thin I
mornloK. The Ncv a moved out here
less than three year iitu for tile bene
fit of the health of Charloa James.
lrs, .S'pvv'b son. They will return to
Kansaa this summer for a visit. They
expect to have within about two
weeks. Another son ns lost In Jhe
Lehman Spring within the next
month should take out life. Insurance
and prepure to bounce over roads thui
would inuke uroiidf.ithcr'H old hickory
watmn think it was back in pioneer
da. Thut udvlce Ih what la handed
out by Pendleton men who mode the
first trip out there- of the year in a,
car the lutter part of tho past week
and returned Monday verilrik.
Iltlu-d Without IJcrnse. Cliarse. are very pretty once the trip ia made,
Found Kuilty on ft charge of rishlnK I tnW declare, hut to nuike the Journey
without a license. Hoy barker was i ' n car requires n real effort. Sevcr-
f ined 211 Saturday in the court of Jus- i head of Elk have wintered in the
J J -jr. ' mijA-i
lice Joe 11. J'urkea.
IVtitlon ('runted.
A petition from 8hool District No.
ti seeking to have, tho lapsed district
So. 3 added to No. 85 haa been train
ed by the district boundary board fel
lowing a meeting held Thursday.
Marriage license.
A license to wed haa been Issued by
the county clerk to John Doekweiler,
If Yea Have Hark Arhe
or If you ere subject to dull paina In the
head. dizziness, nervousneaa. are lan
guid and feel tlrd all over, frnt puck
age of the old rlialde remedy. Mother
(Irav'a AHOM ATlr-I.KAK. the plraaant
Medicinal T"a- We have mr-y tastl
monlala. Aa a gantle 'aiatlra It haa
no equal. Aak ftr li..-i -fray a ,w
liuit lr-I,f af at drurglata er sent by ranli
or CO rta. Mnnipla KI.Li:. AdJreaa,
Mother tiray Co., Lt Hay. S. Y.
puatureland, and tlle big- animals are
still In tho vicinity as tracks clearly
Indicated. The bottoms nro full o!
deer, too, many of them being seen.
Some cattle nave nlready been ta
ken to the range and more will leave
shortly. The roads are described as
very badly. The purty of men that
went out Friday were the first over a
part of the road. They declare that
Ihe road from Pendleton to Pilot Hock
Is bad; that from the Klnier Snyder
corner to the turnnff la a lot worse
and tho private road twenty miles long
back to tlm springs Is too poor to be
traveled. Four windfalls were chop
ped from the road, the cur detoured
around four more. Snowdrifts were
also shoveled out In two places. A
cuHert over Hearwullow creek is not
open for traffic.
The grass Is green in the r.nre
country and cattle are being moved
out rinht ahum now.
'hi A V i
S'1 i
hrA is
Ncv Wei! end Sfrcng Again
Me ay Tanlac Has Made
,,a New Man of Him.
(Kuat Oregonlun Special.)
IIKHMIHIT'J.V, May . At the an
nual track meek held here last Halur
duy H'ermlmon came out in the. lead.
A large crowd witnessed the meet and
saw thirteen grade pupils and nine
high rchool pupils win places whlrli
entitled them to represent the Her- !
inlHton school at the county meet in j
Pendleton. The partU ipants w ill be j
arrayed In new suits w hich the Com- ,
merclul Club has purchased for them. ;
The score of the meet by school Is as;
follow: Hermlslon, 10.1; Kcho, ri 1 ;
I'matllla, H: Columbia, 13; Kt.inlieid,
11; W'estland, 7. ' i
George Creasy returned from port-
land Wednesday morning to visit his j
w ife and daughter' and look after real- j
estate Interests. I
' eat f k iffrred and 1 felt perfectly mis
Mrs. Cathryn Henley of Hitl.er who ,t!l,(. u ,)e tj,n,., f waH habitually
lias been visiting with Mr. Henry N-,i?. conktipjf.-il and constantly taklnp.
"J simply cannot fully ("ascribe what
I suffered for five years from Indiges
tion," but I now feel like a new man
and rive Tanlac all the credit for my
relief," said Carl (risen, a well-known
mechanic of Woodluirn, Oregon.
".My stomach was in such a disor
oered condition that nothing I ate
nuri ed with nie, and if I ventured to
i at rci tain e;etaliles or anything sour
or highly seasoned, frriH formed and
Idoitled nw uii until I nearly suffo
cated, and I had such pains in my
stomach I could hardly stand It. I
rot to whore I didn't know what to do,
for if I ale 1 suffered and If I dion't
and family left Tuesday morning for
The VIKM Af fV i.. .
Mil, m boem in tt. eow ,
however -.n'r The ""'Vea,
rJ2ir"maJn da"yin any-
C?.ti"T houJder ""d
Portluiui where she will make her fu
ture home.
Monday, May 9th, Is the date s t for
one of the blgxest shows ever cjven in
the play house, necording to the com
mittee In charge, and they want every
body to lie there. The show is under
the auspices of the Commercial Cla'o
and is for the purpose of raisin. funds
lor the city park and camp around".
The committee In rhurge of this work
have done splendid w ork, a concrete :
canal for ihe purpose of irrigating li."i
heen contrructod and 2d trees have
hcen planted. ,
A special meetinfr was held last
Wednesday nlnht In the llhrarv by the
Hermlston Post of the American Le
gion, and '.II memhers of the local post ! in pr-iist
and a good representation from Stan-; me back
field attended. The meeting was call
fd to greet the "Flying Hojiiadroii."
They are making a tour of the state In
the interest of matters concerning ex
scrvlco men. K. J. Kllvers rave the
aiys a wonderful talk on Ihe Orcnon-
tubing sr. up. thing for that as well as
lor indii'esiion. but nothing gave me
any reliif. I was as yellow as a pump
I'in, my tongue was al'vvays thickly
coated and I woke up in the mornings
with n m an. Hickenini; taste in my
"I had tried so many tilings without
irefi'r-.- any help Ilia. 1 almost despair
ed of i ver heim: well iiuain. but after
takinu' Talon-- 1 wa.i soon on the road
lo hi ult h. So I Jus' kept on takinc it
and !-ept on Improving until now I
am eutire'v free from indigestion and
can eat last anjlhlng I want. My com
plexion h o" cleared up and I no long
er have a bad tate in iny mouth: I
have gained ten pounds and feel fine f
all th" time. I jam can't say enough
of Tanlac, for it has given
m' he:!!Mi, which I thought
one for good."
A watch makes an ideal gift because of It. great
usc-fulne-f.i and permanancy.
Our display of these dainty watches la most Inter
esting. Kviuialte , design, varied in assortment,
accurate time keepers, and above all. not too hTfch In
A watch from Sawtfclifc's ia the best possible.
r Pencfiton
v ore.
The I.nrR fct Dlnmnu.1 Dealers In I jistcrn OtM-g-in.
iloofs ar-- open that the audience is
not laughing at some droll stunt or
funny antic of the t-rcat army of co-
Honus bill which comes up at tile June medians.
election, and which the people of Ore-
Camp Equipment
Have vou seen the new CALIFORNIA CAMP
' STOVE at the Army Store? Some stove! It folds
up flat pipe and all and goes into a canvas bag,
.making a package an inch thick, 12 inches wide and
21 inches long. It can be set up in a jiffy. For a lit
tle additional cost there is an oven, which also folds
flat and packs in the canvas cover with the stove.
Drop in and see this and decide for yourself that it
is just the thing for auto camping trips.
And say, we have Tents, all sizes; Canvas Bed
Sheets, made like a sleeping bag; Mess Pans, Gold
Medal Cots, both double and single, and all kinds of
Camp Clothing. Remember, it's getting to be that
time of the year vhen you should get your camp out
fit all in order, for the good old summer time is al
most at hand.
Army . & Navy Sates CO.
546 Main Street
PayCash Receive More Pay Less
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court
Let Your Dollars Do
Their Full Duty .
Money, when applied on cash purchases, will
still buy the amount it did in pre-war times. A
careful comparison of our prices now will con
vince you.
Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court Phone 880
gene, May i. ( K. O. Special.) The
$3110.000 Womnn'e Buildins of the
t'nlvemity of Oregon was dedicated
re Saturday with morning, afternoon
and evening exercises.
The program Included, in the morn
ing, an Inspection of the building, se
lections by the f ntveraity glee clubs
and un address on. the Uclatioii ol
ihyijical Kducation and Health Fro-
i-rum to College. Work oy nr. Amelia
il. itelnbardt, president of Mill's Col-'
lege and a leader In physical n'.uca-
.lon mid health for women.
In the afternoon addresses were giv
en by (jnvcrnor Hen V. (Jicott. Hishop
Walter T. Summer, K. K. Urodle,
president National Kditoriul Associa
tion, Judge J. Y. Hamilton, president
of the board of regents, Homer Angell,
president of the I'nivcrsity alumni ns
Hoclulion. Frank t'hanibera, of Kugene,
and by 1 "resident 1". U Campbell, Dean
John Ktraub and Dean K. K 1-awrence,
of the l'ni ersity. The evening was
given over to a concert by the l'ortland
Symphony trehesti n.
The dedication of the -Vopian's Me
morial Hull ut the rniversity marks
ttie completion of a very remarkable
eaiupiiif'n conducted hy the friends ol
tho University, headed by Mrs. ueornc
T. GerlliiKvr, a member of the hoard ot
legcnts. The idea of a beautiful home
tor the women of the 1'niversity ol
i 'regon gives renewed emphasis to the
value which tho state is filueing on the
education of its women. Coeaucntion
is a fact of tremendous significance in
the history of civilization. Men and
women are eipial In the fields of intel
lectual siriviug, and In the suta nvstem
of education, equal opportunity is
rightfully provided for both.
Tho Womnn'e Memorial Building
marks the beginning of a new vpoch
in architecture on the University cam
pus. Jts cost has been more than dou
ble that of any other building, and it is
by far the best planned and equipped
for tlle purposes for which it will lie
used. It is the first building to which
tho citizens of the state have contribut
ed by private donation, having given a
full third of Its cost. The standards
set in architecture and in equipment
will be powerfully felt as a reflex
throughout all departments of the Uni
versity. Ail work will be tho better
for it. Students cannot escape the in
fluence of a noble piece of architec
ture. The Alumtfl ot th? University and
many generous friends in all parts of
the state have contributed to the suc
cess of tho campaign for funds, and to
them the University makes its grateful
acknowledgements, tlreatest credit Ia
due to the loyal devotion and untiring
energy of Mrs. (leorgo T. t'erlinger, of
tho board of regents, who for mnro
than three years bus been laboring
unceasingly for the completion of the
fund. She not only personally solicited
tho greater part ot tho gifts, but also
appeared before the committees of the
legislature and presented the cause ot
the women of the state In asking for
substantial appropriations. Her col
laboration 'with the architects in every
stage of the development of the build,
ing has also proved invaluable.
The building is declared to be the
most complete of Its kind in the United
States, and places Oregon above nil
states In the I'nion in what it is doing,
at Its University, for the physical edu
cation and health of its women.
gon are required to' vote on. The
meeting was a decided hiicccsb anil the
bovs gained much info: nintion.
The Monday Uriilge Club held its
regular meeting at the home of Mrs.
Curl McXaught on Monday afternoon
With llr. Al Rohb and ilrs. D. Camp
bell as assistant hostesses. Progressive
suction was played at eight taWis. De
licioug refreshments were served lie
the hostesses at the close of the after
noon. Mis. Pat Mooney went to Walla
Walla the latter part of last week to
visit friends and relatives.
; D, t:. r.
bur:; have
clown acts
world hive
nl s of the How
orginat' -I all
that people II !l
laugh'-d at for
--Van Arn
te I "st
or-r the
the past
half CMltuiy. As usual, this season
they l.a.e an entirely new array of
imiiHiiig skit.--, i-atuomiriuH, bur
lesques nd travesties. The arena
swarmt v.ith mei ry ''lows, each on
the alert for in'whief. They are the
delight of the children, and grown
ups who en,. not I.iukIi bad better see
a doctor.
From Kuropo has come an espec:.-:l-iy
comic bund of f inm'alicrs. whose
ordinal and fantf-stie make-ups and
.i'.a;nt drollery are not lo bo resisted
by man or ihil.l. Fvery place that
tile show hr-.s exhibited laughter has
been the predominaing feature and
a burles.-ue on prohibition, the fun- '
ny aeroplane scene liiid Krotefque li'ii
taming specialty have l-een received
with shouts of merriment. :
X 0. Penney Co.. A Nation-Wide Institution
i s
, Fifty of the world's best ami merri
est clowns are largely responsible fcr
the attractiveness this year o the
combination of Howe's Oiroat 1ondon
Circus and Van Amburg's Trained t May 14.
Wild Animals. There is not a mo- I Two performances will be given
meiit during the three hours that the,' at .' and S o'clock p. m.
The Howe-Van Amlurq combined
shows will be in Pendleton on Monday,
Fresh From the Jungle)
V ", i
1 i V i- ; -' ?o' fill
UlA . ir '
4 ?
ifsn j
Standard Quality
Work Clothing
Economically Priced
Tay Day and Underhill Union Made Overalls,
heavy blue denim, bib or waist style, the
pair . $1-19
Four U extra quality denim, no better Over
all at any pi!:, pear . . . '. $1-39
Shankoi-.e Motor S.:its, extra heavy khaki,
liberal size, all pockets reinforced, suit $2.98
Medium weight motor suits $1.98
Good quality blue chambray work shirts 59c
Pay Day Chambray Shirts, blue or gray,
each 69c
Genuine Amoskeag Chambray, gray or blue,
,f ast colors, each ... 98c
Leather Faced Canvas Gloves, gauntlet or
wrist style, pair 29c
Canvas Gloves 10c, 15c
Men's Harvest Shoes $2.49, $2.98
Boys' Outing Shoes. . $1.98, $2.25, $2.39, $2.69
Men's Heavy Work Sox, pair 10c
Men's Work Sox, black or brown 10c
Painter Overalls or Jumpers, each 98c
Carpenters Heavy Overalls, pair $1.49
Boys' Blouses, assorted percales, blue cham
bray or khaki, each 79
Boys'' Shirts just received, each 89c
Children's Heavy Denim Play Suits 89c
J. C. I'enney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution
London s latest immigrants arc these two natives of the Sudan
Godfrey Archer, Governor of Somali, captured tem f'or ki"T"
parents, and sent them by a Somali keep to the London ziia' "
Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee
Chronic and Nervous Diseases un?
Diseases of Women. JMiay Electrit
I'tmplo Bld. Rooro 1!
Photi 41 s
Pheme 210-W P. O. Box S.V
l'liyslcian nuut Snrciim
a. m. to 5 p. m.
Mxlcm Pcnfl.try
Iu All Branches.
Kooms 21
and 25 Smith-Crawfori
Tplphon "1
WANTKD Woman to conk for mnn '
on r:inch AtWmw Vox lit IVinllo-l
I ton, Oregon.
WANTKH Boy with vhcel New- j
some & i'i;nimiii!T. 701 V. Alta." i
Kerr's l'uncake Flour, '
2 Reels of Moving Pictures 150 slides E?
Under iusj)iees Oregoti Hoard Dental Examiners.