East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 09, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Fitted Knees
1 sm
a srwmM rAeyL
Published Ill? nnit Semi-Weekly, at
Pendleton, Oregon, by the
eAT oiiKcoxtAv rrw.isinxcj co.
Entered ftl the post office lit Pendle
ton, out, iMi, as second clasa mail mai
Impirinl Hotel Nma Ktsnd, Portland.
N I II. i: AT
ChlruRn Itiircnii. St. Security Building.
aemngioii. n. i, r.ureau 01 Four
teenth hirect. X. W.
NfMbpf r I hf Arlnlrd Press,
Tin Associated Prii-s is exclusively
entitled im the ue lor rrpubticatioii ol
41 nri dispatches credited to it or
rcrt otherwise credited in this pnper
arui also the local news published herein.
Dal I v.
U.i H v,
ono year, by mull
i months, by mail ...
ilirce months, by mail
one month by mail
one year by carrier ...
11 x months by carrier
I'miy. tlllfe Ic.uiths iv carrier 1 !.
itiil, ,me month, bv carrier '.;
Si iiu-Wd kl , una year by mall J 00
s. nu-Weckly. nix months bv mall l oo
Sinil-W eekly three nioulha by mail .SO
,..$. 00
... .50
... 3.7n
Ttliajhons ...
by ErigaiA. Guest
Both Outfits Emersre From
Dust Day With Victories' to
Credit; Pilot Rock Strong.
'h. my little laddie, as you're. cannot hour me ill
romping at your y I am always there to help you every
There's an ..Id heart riiimlni: with you ' time you chance to fall;
every minute of the day; j I am wHU you in the school room and
.And though you cannot see me when j I m with you on the street,
you're wrapped up in a g; me. (And though yoti may not know it, I
lint its I that am beside you in om j am dottgin? tit vour feet.
striving just the same.
U s oh. my little laddie, all mv life, be
lt la t.h, my little laddie, there is much j limits to you.
you cannot know. All the dreams that I have cherished
"'-: . through the years depend on
But it's I t:at follow proudly every
where ytu chance to o;
There's a hand upon vo ir shoulder
w heresoever y ou may lie
That would help you out of danger,
ami that hand belongs to me.
It Is oh, my little laddie, though you
And thoush now you cannot know It,
you shall some day come to see
How this old heart loved t hover
round a boy that used to be.
(Copyright. 1P21, liy Edgar A. Guest.)
IV ndletoh schools carried away the
hilt end of the honors in the annual
track and field meet of Iniutilla coun
ty held here Saturday when In ihi
high school division the local thinly
dads annexed M points out o( (he to
tal of 12.1 for their events, and the
grade schools took just half of Hie
points oil which they contested, their
score being !'!.
In the hiiili school branch of the
meet the 1'ilot liuck district, which
represented Division ,1. was reudle
lon's closest competitor with a total
of ;io points for which Uracher broth
ers and youm,' Jordmt were responsi
ble. Division 2. in which was includ
ed the -Milton-t i eewater and other
schools of the east end, was second in
grade honors, forty-four and one-halt
points being rolled up by them.
The meet was attended by a larue
enthusiastic1 crowd that enjoyed itself j
in routing for different favorites. The!
girls- minuet (lancing and the grade
girls' dashes were among the most
picturesiiue events of the afternoon's
In the high school section. Division
No. 1. Pendleton scored SI; division ,1,
1 Hot KiK'k and other schools of Me
south end, 30; Division 2, Milton
Fretwater and east end schools, !!;
Division t. Echo, Stanfield, Hermiston
and I'matilln, ,1 points; ;and Division
3, 0.
In the grades. Division 1 scored 99
points; Division 2, 4 1-2; Division 4,
30 1-2; Division ,1, 16 points; ;and Di
vision 5, S points.
. . ! w ii
i It will iay you to shop at THE CllESCENT wheni" Quality
SS A! 1 1 11. T .! 11 k3
iieri'iiaiuiise is sold at Lowt'Sl l rices possible. if
lliili Sc1kh.iI.
The winners;
Mile run Hailey Dennett, M. War-
riner, w. Colte. Time 5:32 2-.r.
Uroad jump (Jcunte Jordan. l
Snyder, W. Rees, 19-1.
j 220 hurdles George Gordon. I).
Warner, Loy MeGee. Time 28 3-5.
High Jump Ivan La Hue. Victor
nrarher, Huell Wilcox. Dis., Ti-1.
100-yard dash U Warner. J. Saun
ders, Victor Bracher. Time 10-2.
Half milt Eamhart, Bennett, Law
rence. Time 2.12 1-2.
Shot-Fut P. Krncher. W. Kramer,
Jens Tergeson. Distance. 3S-9 1-2.
Javelin L. Warner, Victor Bracher,
R. Lawrence. Distance, 141-6.
120-yard hurdles H. Warner C.
Saunders. J. Hall. Time 22 2-5.
60-yard dash A. Snyder, George
Gordon. L, McGee. Time 5 1-5.
Discus J. Tergeson, W. Kramer,
P.exniad. Dis. 106-3.
22-yard dash L. Warner, J. Saun
ders, V. Hracher. Time, 24.
4 10 run P.. Lawrence, V. Bracher.
G. r.igby. Time. 56 1-55. j
Pule vault Tie. J. Saunders, I.
La Hue, V. Brnrher. dis., s-6. j
Baseball throw James Wilson
Jlikesell, Charles Peterson. Dis.
Something new in the way of uits
for the little lad is this overblouse
with trousers which Rather Into the
viiling habit knee. These suits comb
in all tones and tints. The one
shown Is of light blue, embroidered
In' yellow.
Division A Girls.
Baseball . throw T. Bensel
wud, Eleanor JIcKwen. 129.
25-yard dash M. Hannan, Beth
Division 11 Girls. .
Baseball throw lilanche Xorton. c
Hall, Esther Musty, if.'.
I fio-yard dash X. MeXaught, Dor
I othy Bartell, tie; ;Anna Murphy.
I PMslnii ' (i ris
j 0-yard dash Mildred Wyrick,
I Baseball throw Mildred Juanita
Perkins, Alloe Arms. 163.
Division 1) Girls.
I "o. yard dash T. Thomson. E.
Cook. C. Wisuer. and E. Perry, tie.
athlpen McClintock, F. Hodgen
SIMULTANEOUS action of all heavy tonnage producing in
dustries of the Pacific coast in a drive to obtain lower
freight rates has been concentrated in a gigantic "Save
the West" movement, officials of these industries say.
Producers of fresh fruits and vecretahlps declare tbov nr
fighting to save the industries from destruction and the only
hope is reduction of the present rail rate. Amendments to the
transportation act of 1020. which caused the last raise of o3 1-3
per cent in freight rates, will be the first objective. "
The assailed act guarantees a net annual earning of 6 per
cent upon the value of combined railroad properties in the
United States.
C. C. Teague, president of the California Fruit Growers
Exchange, says that by this act the interstate commerce com
mission is charged with fixing rates on the shippers of the Unit
ed States which will produce an earning on billions of dollars
of worthless property railroads which, he asserts, should never
have been built will be kept out of the receiver's hands through
tne b per cent they obtain on their holdings. At the same time
the growers of California organized to battle the legislation, the
growers of the northwest, including Oregon, Washington and
Idaho, and the producers of Arizona and Texas, were starting
similar campaigns. These actions have led to a concerted
battle for lower rates.
That citrus groves are being torn out in Southern California
t-ecause each crop of fruit shipped to eastern markets under
the present rail rates means a dead loss to the growers, is the
S.tfltpmAnr nf rho PQlifni-nio Fruit ni-nti-oi-u Fx-eVi o rra
Th L A " V Y ... . . " ' , .Pn 1 enlaml- jlonging to the biggest Japanese com
juiiitrcii uuimicu tms 01 apptes ate ill sturagt; ai laKima.j "! nunen -Alien, Ken- parties which are under obligations.
ine proaucers reiusing to snip at a total loss, according to U. C. I " 1,1 neicner. because of subsidies, to the
oois, secretary ot tne lakima Commercial Club.
That the vegetable acreage of California will decrease 50
per cent this season because stilling railroad rates have made
it impossible for growers to operate except at a loss, is the as
Jiertion of Thomas O'Neill, president of the California Vegetable
Union. ,
Potato and onion growers of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and
California recently notified all railroad Systems that they were
facing bankruptcy because of the rates now in effect.
fruit and truck growers in Texas will not be able to ship
this year's crop because freight charges exceed the value of the
products, declares Ben E. Keith, of the International Apple
Shippers Association and the Western Fruit Jobbers' Associa
tion, i
- "Three thousand cars of vegetables have gone to waste in
the Rio Grande Valley this year because they could not be ship
ped at existing rates," asserts U. S. Pawkett'of the Rio Grande
Valley Growers Association.
When the freight rate on a product exceeds the value of that
product, some times many times over, it is time for the producer
to take notice. There are faults in our transportation system
and these faults are not all in one place. One weak spot which
is seldom dwelt on either by railroad managers or union labor
officials is the use of expensive coai when the northwest has
latent hydro electric power awaiting developments.
Pure Handkerchief Linen
in white and peach color. The
yard ,..$1.50
Pretty New Percales in f lor-
g al designs and dots, high grade
hest quality, yard 21e
White Pongee Silk, extra heavy
quality for suits, coats, etc., yd: $2.G9
Natural Pongee Silk, heavy suiting
weight, the yard , . , . $2.39
Silk Tricolctte, for blouses and
dresses, lock stitch, navy, brown,
henna' and copen, 36 inch, yard $2.25
Paul Jones Middies, with detach
able collar, made of French .serge,
misses' sizes, each : . . . $2.38
A Beautiful Lot of Pretty
Plaid Ginghams
Made of the superior quality M. V. C. 11
Gingham, at the yard 2.1c H
Lace Silk Hose at 32.10 and
Colors of black, brown, white and
gray, very pretty new designs, just
the thing for wear with Jow shoes.
Boston Bags, made of all leather
split cowhide in black and tan, at
$3.49 to $3.69.
Long Kid Gloves, 16 button length
in white, tan, brown and gray. The
pair $6.00 to $7.50
I ;
jS Spool Cotton fS Spool Silk jj
'--,IJ,LmTIISOyNllIE R Doris Leads' 1
p. .". v i
l.OS ANOKI.KS, Muy a. -If. I'.)
His sentence nhurtened four years
because of exemplarly conduct. John !
McN'aniara. one of t tip dynamics of
yin Xoreen, Italph Longhorn. Dis. I
livi.ion I lioys !
440 relay Pendleton, Hermiston,
Pilot P.ock. I
rcKi't), (liy Mail to V. P.) Ureal
i shiploads of machinery and various
'other material for the great fjeet
which .Japan is prepurinjj to build nre
jcontinually arrivinc The newDpupers
I say that while Japan received no auu-
marines beyond those which arrived
I last yeur in the division of spoils from
I. Kiennnuy. such are cotnim; in con-
179. i stantly in take-down form, beimr ship-I 'he l.os Anneles Times buildlm? n
ipul throiurh luitch imrts in order toi'i'11. 'i'l he freed from Sun Qurntin J
avoid the attention of the allied repa- j pviitittntiary on .May J 1. . I
Ed. j rations commission and no vessels be- .lames 11. McNHiuara, brother of j
.lohn, who was Kiven u life term, will
not be pardoned, nor can any reiluc- j
tiun in his iniprisonmitnt tie granted !
on account of good behavior, it was !
statwl tiy Warden James J. Johnston.
In lieceinlier, lsll, John Pleaded;
Kuilty to conspiracy in the dynamit- J
iiiK of the Llewellyn Iron works and '
his brother entered a like 'pleu to it;
murder charge. John wan Ki'iierul j
secretary of the International Ahho- i
elation of lltidKe and Mtructural Iron-I
workers. j
For the past two yours the McNa- ;
mitru brothers have been workiiiK in '
the bookbindery at Han Qiientln. They
served an "apiwentlitship" iu the iuti.i
mills, when they first gave up their j
nain for numbers. j .
I livid I'aplan and Miithew Schmidt, !
iilso connected with the ease, were j
Division A lioys
2'-yard dash James Wilson,
Onpenter, Ralph Penland.
.In 11:1 nese
j-i.i-ioii n ikijk. government.
Hich jumii Delbert Taylor, Forest , Great interest is being taken in u
.Myers. . M aterson. Marge number of airplanes anil one
P.unning broad jump Forest My- , Zeppelin, which Japan is receiving as
ers, Delbert Taylor, F. McKivan. , her share of the Herman spoils anil
l i-G 1-2. which arc now arriving in considerable
Baseball throw Forest Myers. V. numbers. ' Japan is making strenuous
Waterman. Hob Eagteton, 2ws feet. i efforts to latch up with other n.-itious
Division V Boy. ; in development of her air forces.
C'1-yard flash G. Harvey, Oscar which are without doubt the weakest
Partridge, Herman Bookout. i part of hi r defense. In addition to
High jump Harry O'Connell, Her-i the airplanes eeeeived from (lermany,
man rookout, Manford Butten, 4-10. she recently bought n:i macliiiics from
Proad jump Gale Harvey, Francis ! France.
Poller, Tt. Longhorn. Dist, i .
PaseViall throw Francis Potter. Ir- ;' JAI'.W psi.; I'lilXCF. Ill HOVOItr.l)
P.) lie! ween five und nix mil-
lion pounds of wool will be sold
by the ' ar depnrtinent at a pub-
lie auction in ii('iu ulMiut May
-it'h, Secretary Weeks annuiinc-
ed today. Additional miles may
be authorized If the first Is sutls-
factory to reduce the eighty mil-
lion pounds Jhe army has on
LONDON', May J.--(A. P.) King
leorge has appointed .(Town Prince
Hirohito of Japan an hoi.orary general j convicted end sentenced to life
Doris Kenyon. She's leading wo
man In "The l'oniuest of Canaan,"
Thuuias .Melt hall ' latest photoplay.
In the British army.
Entertainments in
honor ff the
High Jump Dale Temple, Willie j prince, who arrived at Spi h'ad Sat
Xewtson, Wilbur Harden, S-I 1-2. urday and will remain in England
Broad jump Harry Crawford, Wil- I until the end of the month, when ho
lie Xewtson, Walter Jones. Ills. 1 fi-i proceeds to .France, were held today
11 3-4. Labonrd the Queen Elizabeth, flagship
100 yard dash W. Harden, M. Wil- of the commander in chief of the At
kening, Willie Xewtson. i lantic fleet.
piisonment for havlnlt purchased the
dynanihe ued in blowing up the
N Eastern Oregon sunrise is thus described by a writer in
the feunday Oregonian:
FJaming out of the east, the winged heralds of the dawn were plant
ing their banners on distant hill and mountain top! The shadows of the night
with lances broken and trailing in ilie somber mrsts. were scattering before the
cohorts of the sun. Ime shafts of light, now gold, now purple, now amethyst,
touched with magic wand the brow n hills, and lo! they were temples of glory,
where fine might bow down and worship! Soon appeared the upper rim of the
fun. The river became a sheet of gold, flowing out from the portals of the
morning a river of life that .injured from the everlasting gates of glory! The
ciear. fresh air became warmer. From campfire and chimney-top arose
spirals of incense that gave grateful thanks for peace and plenty. Forgotten
was all save the glories of the noun t he awakening of sweot-voicerl day!
Fine work. A man who appreciates our sun rise so much!
should be invited to stay for breakfast.
Having gotten the separate peace treaty through the senate
the administration now seems to want it held up indefinitely in
the house. It is a trifle hard to keep up with our present day
foreign policy.
The East Oregonian knows of one mother who was enter
tained so much by her children yesterday that before the day
was finished she wished it was an "ordinary day."
(From the F.
' county schools.
ij .Mrs. H. Bond li ft today for Astoria
;(tn attend the slate convention of the
l: W. T. I'. Mrs. Bond is county pres
ilident and a member of the state exec
. ! utive 1 1'ipniiitee.
A Chinaman who died this morning
in a Ciittiinv. i.od street v. ash house will
be mined tonight with customary ce-
1 Ici'iil rP-s.
win ileal is lure rrom La Grande
j Mrs. A. Ij. Ulilllnan is ill at the!
Mmiiiois f unic (o tin- Mil fa. v in the home of her mother, Mis. .Mary Dis- !
ftprlnu as ill no oilier season. The. ' onay.
don't run tin iiim le all off that way. .. . j
liowcvcr, but mostly remain in the ss-j A bill imposing a. fine on landlords
tm. Hood s S.-irsparl!!a removes ; who refuse to admit temw-'n with chil-'
litem, waids oil u iiic r. m ikes good dren bus passed the N. York As-j
lifxUiti iure, jsoml'ly, I
st Orcminian, May y,
1 .2.)
A. Waugh is lure from Binh creek
Miss Woodruff, school superintend
etit ti.is returned Iiniu a visit to tin
ail 5VIS
Cllli'AOO. May . (I '. P.) A jail
should be a "thing of beauty," If nut
n "joy forever," In. the opinion of
Nicholas K. Ftoerloh. Pimsliin iiainiee
VAXCOl VErt. May 9. A leading j wl,osc MM 1'ung In the art.
sportsman predicts that, on account of Koerich iiellevcs that ir crtmlnuls
the extraordinary open winUr here and other jail binls" look at real art
the gr.szly bear shooting is going ft be j, lay after day. they will forget their
ver.V good. . mUl wavs and lurnnu ..,
"Jails should be rilled with beautiful
paintings and objects of act," he said.
"If the niturn of the spirit is to win..
beauty must Invade new regions, reg
ions when? now there Is only ugli
Members of the county board of
commissioners, who are considering a
new Jail for Cook county, doubted
whether appropriations will be avail
able to decorate the interior of the
bastile with "high art.''
"It Is possllle that the inmates
will be foi ced to worry around with
whitewash and painted walls for a
time." said ono offlctal.
Civic organizations nave attacked
the present county prison as "a dis
grace to civilization."
This is a rheumatism of the muscles
of the back. It comes on suddenly and
is ipiite painful. Every movement ag
gravates the disease. Go lo bed, keep
I (inlet and have Chamberlain's Lini
ment applied and a ipilck recovery
'tunv h ptnected Ml-. R .1. Ilunn
Urockport, X. Y., writes: "I can hon
estly say that Chamberlain's Liniment
cured me of lumbago a year ami last
summer. When I Iwgnn uslnirjl. I
was flat on my buck In bed und could
not turn to the left or right. 1 had a
bottle of ChanitN'rlaln's Liniment In
the house and this was applied to my
back. It promptly drove .away I bo
pains find aches."
hooping Cough
This is a very dangerous disease,
particularly to children under five
years of age, hut when no pureirorii',
codeine or other opiate Is given, Is ens
ily cured by giving Chamberlain'
Cough Hemedy. Most people licileva
that It must run its cour. not know
ing that the time is very much short
ened, and that there Is little danger
from the disease when this remedy Is
given. It has been used In ninny epi
demics of whooping cough, with pron
ounced success. It Is safe und pleas
ant to take.
Fills of Constipation
Perhaps the most serious of the Ui
fases caused by constipation Is appen
dicitis. If you would avlod this dail
eerotis disease, keep your bowels regu
lar. For this purpose Chamberlain's
Tablets are excellent, easy to take mid
mild and gentle in effect.
hamlx-rUHu's Tablets are Mild and
;rtiti in rlffift
The laxative effect of Chamberlain's
Tablets Is so mild and gentle thst you
can hardly realize that 11 has been
Merchant's Lunch
from 11 to 2 P. M.
Fresh Doughnuts and home made pies.
Special tables for Ladies.
Home cooking our specialty.
White's Doughnut Lunch
, 123 West Alta.