TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OEEQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, . MONDAY EVENING, MAY 0, 1921. PAGE TUBES UiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii::iiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii iiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mmimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiMi News Notes of Pendleton ... I , . , , ' ., . ii bo I CALENDAR OP EVENTS May 11, 12, 13 Htat Parent 4 Teacher Association convention. May 81, June 1 and 2 Btate convention of Oregon Federation of Women'i cluba. June 3 and 4 Twenty-ninth Annual Pioneer I'lcnlc, June 14, 1C, H fltute con- veutlon of the O. A. It. September 22, 23, 24 Annual Pendle&aa Round-Up. It'll a Roy. Mr. and Mrs. John Ross nre the parent of a boy born Friday nlKht at St. Anthony's hospital, The yeting-' sler weighs seven nnd one-half poundH. Child and mother are gottlng along nicely. " , To Kliow Films Tonight. " - t Educatlonnl films and slides Illus trating the proper care of the teeth will bo shown tonight under the aus pices of the state dental hoard ot the county library. The public is given" a cordial Invitation by the dentists to at tend the- meeting which will be free. Two films of movies are included In the show and ICO slides also will used In tho. program. Irui1l Ganu' Tonight Tho Presbyterian team of the Twi light league will play a team from Ad ams at Hound-Up purk this evening. The contest is a practice affair staged for the purpose of providing some sport, and incidentally, giving tho Presbyterians sufficient nerve to meet some of their regular "enemies" in the league, To Finish Shearing ' The Cunningham Bheep Co. sent out six shearers this- morning who have started shearing the' bund of yearl ings belonging to the company. The oldor stuff wus all shorn several days ago, tho fleeces averaging between 12 and 13 pounds on a result of hand clip ping. Machines will be used In shear ing the younger stuff. ' Catch limit OH McKay. Oscar Hchultt' and J)en Kmlth were among the few fishermen from Pen dleton yesterday who caught a full string of fish. iThey ' left , Saturday night and established camp, got a lot of sleep and were up early Sunday morning working hard. The first one landed was the biggest of tho catch. 4, -1Q1 101101101 101 101 101101 101- p I 11 1 ., . ' RICH, CLEAN MORNING'S MILK Pearline Washing Powder CITRUS POWDER GOLD DUST ' " LUX . ; , RINSO Order your next week's supply. -"YOU CAN DEPEND ON 101" Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. , 301 East'Court Street , -101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 r meusiirlng a little more than 14 Inches In length. The rest of them ranged from eight to ten Inches. . filrwta Arc Dusty , Complaints are being made from various parts of tho city that the dirt streets are becoming dusty and house, holders are anxious to have street uprlnkllng started. College President Her H. H. Shangle, president of Columbia College at Milton, was here this morn ing enroute home from a trip Into Haker and Union counties In the Inter ests of his school. BUY VAT HOME m QUALITY SERVICE PENDLETON'S LEADING TORR BUY AT HOME KABO "The Live Model Corset' Official Is Hire " K. U Wright, of the Portland office of the United States Forest (Service, Is here today. . His worlc Is In connection With land exchanged and he will be here for a few days In tho locul fores try office. Weather Is Warmer . The thermometer reached "0 today and Major Lee Moorhouse says that If his weather eye does not deceive him, tho days will be fair for u while. The minimum last night was 37 and the barometer registers 29.00. PrpiMTlll KhcetliW 45 Cent. , Owing to a typographical error In the J. C. Penney Co. advertisement In the East Oregonlan 72 Inch bleached Pcpperlll sheeting was announced on snle at 13 cents per yard, whereas the selling price of that grade of sheeting Is 4 5 cents. His Hip Pocket Yea, that is exactly where he put it Rather a queer . place for a fellow to put a new piece of jewelry, eh? , But then men and women differ as to a place of safe ty, lie realizes he has some wonderful value. It was up to him to find a place of safe keeping. SAFETY FIRST! Now fellow townsmen, you have the same opportunity to take advantage of the reduced prices in our high grade Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, etc. All we ask Is for you to come in and let as show you the wonderful values. . . H anscom's Jewelry Store Gets Pretty Cati-h. , A catch of fish secured by Ed Peters In about two hours on Ujjper McKay yesterday brougnt rortn a lot or. ex cited comment this morning when the finny members were displayed In the window of the Allen-Knight Co. The catch numbered ten. a majority of which were 12 to 14 Inches long. They were all rainbow trout. He Pleaded Guilty It Is not so very unusual for Dock Rudd to get pinched and fined. for be ing drunk, city officials declare, but for him to plead guilty after tho charges are preferred Is something out of the ordinary and that Is what he did this morning when he was haled Into court after having been picked up Saturday night.. He ;aid $10. Jack Nelson contributed $25 on a charge of being, drunk, and disorderly. Irvine NieakVi Tomorrow . At the monthly meeting of the Com mercial Association to be held In the Klks lodge room B. F. Irvine, editor of the Oregon Journal, will be a special guest of honor and will give a talk on "Improved forms of city government." Mr. Irvine Is an excellent speaker and an enthusiast over betterments in city government. 'All members of the as sociation are asked to be. out for the meeting tomyrroW night. . , . ' SELECTING THE NEW CORSET Nothing in the entire list of feminine require ments must be so exacting as the corset; for no mat ter how perfect your dress, how fautlenss your suit, the effect is not what it should be unless the corset is correct style and properly fitted. The completeness of our stocks assures all proper foundation for their summer outfit, and our corset ierre will glady show the most correct way in which to adjust the corset to give proper poise and freedom llooth lias ttone Homo R. A. Booth, chatrmarl of the state highway commission, has returned to his home In Western Oregon he has ndvlked In a wire to Secretary P. I. Rarr of the -Commercial Association. The three members of the commission were at Baker Saturday and It was de sired to have them stop off here en route home. It is possible that Messrs. Yeon and Barrett may be Induced to make a stop here. However there has been some difficulty about locating them today. Fishing Tackle That Brings ; Results 'v':y How About that Winchester 22. cal. for ; Squirrels? Where I toes Tho Oup Ik-loiur? As a result of the victory of the grade schools of Pendleton In winning their track meet Saturday In the coun ty affair, Supt. II. E. Inlow is -In a dllemna as to what disposition to make of the beautiful loving cup which wus presented to the grades-as a result of their athletic prowess. Just where should that cup be placed? There were four schools who were entered in the meet, and it can't be given to one alone. In an effort to give a bit of the pleasure to everyone, It Is prob able that the cup will be In each building for one week until the end of school where It will he locked up for safe keeping until next year. KA130S 2099 a junior corset of white coutil trimmed at top with embroidery, very lightly boned. Medium high above the waist, with short skirt, ideal corset for growing girls $l.7o 3118 A junior corset of pink coutil with elastic sides and very low bust $1.75 3096 This is an entirely topless corset. Made of batiste and has two elastic gores at top $1.50 4041 Is made of coutil trimmed with embroidery, back lacing corset for stout figure. Front clasp 11' inches, length of back from waist down 15 in. 4057 Splendid athletic model of pink coutel and elastic. The entire side sections are of elastic, $3.00 5032 Silk striped batiste With two gores of el astic, shirred ribbon trimmed, for medium and slen der figures. 6049 This couset is in pink coutil, high bust, small hip $2.50 6047 A good, practical coutil corset at medium price, extremely low bust. The elastic top is finished .with overstitching in blue silk $3.50 6041 Made of white coutil. Excellent model for stout figure, graduated front clasp. Has wide woolen silk trimming at top, 3VL in. bust height, 11 in. front clasp, 14 in. hip length. Price $1.75 7553 Pink Broche in slender and normal figure. Price $3.00 7559 Sport model in pink batiste and elastic, new model and moderately priced $3.00 9047 A successful model for the tall stout figure. Made of coutil and finished at top with embroidery and narrow blue ribbon. Has low bust with very high back, long skirt, elastic at bottom and back sections $3.50 9048 A good looking corset that will give good lines to average figure. Made of pink silk broche. Price $3.50 9503 Elastic corset, very low bust line and long hips, a very popular model $4.00 5045 Back lacing corset for stout figure, made of white coutil, six supporters $4.50 6039 This is a Kabo Comfort Top Corset This special, feature was designed to meet the corset re quirement whom have complained of the constant pressure of the ordinary corset at the top of the front steel $4.50 7075 A good model for the usual well developed figure. Made of white coutil, has low top and long 5kirt $4.50 3 Is 3 a of movement. tiintHmiHinMiiiiMiHiinimiiiiimiiimit -i- plnnning a meeting in Stanfield Fri day and another at Butler Creek Sat urday. -. . ... KnllWa In Marines. - Xorvell Sunde, of this city, enlisted today In the United Slates marines. He will leave this evening for .Portland to take his final examination. He is the third recruit to Sign up for the marines with Coruoral Shelby A no way, who is here on furlough from Jlare Island. lecture Tills Evening-. A lecture on dental hygiene, open to the public. Is to bo given this evening at the library auditorium by Dr. J. C. Jones, under the auspices of the .state board of dental examiners. this Will Confer With Offlelals. A. L. Larson, president of tho Ore gon Hay Growers' Association, and Don Campbell, secretary of the asso ciation, nre In Toppenlsh, Washing ton, today to confer with officials of tho Washington growers' association on matters of co-operative marketing. Tho Oregon body, recently formed, is Dealers Get Fines. - Vinos of t2o were imposed mm-nlnir on restaurant keeDerS. gro cers and confectioners In the court of Justice JOe H. Parkes when charges preferred by the rooa ana oairy in spectors were faced. Those fined in cluded Andy r Johnson, L. White, Charles DeSpaln. -Pete Pakos. I.. Pa pas, Tom Ocncck and Gus Excdes, J. I'ozegar and George Swartz. two counts, John Lund, Otto Hohbach, N. D. Swearlngen, J. E. Piiison, Eng I.uke and George Gray. ' F. W. llergendorff was fined $10 pn each' of two counts. WHO W ANTS TO HE KICH iHipiW WIUl,. MM" His fine was less than In the other cases on the recommendation of leni ency made by the deputy inspectors. who completed the big program of the school year in the matter of oratory, declamation and track events when the track meet was finished Saturday aft ernoon came pretty nearly breaking even when all the events are consid ered, it was pointed out today by a school official. Pendleton's division took very nearly the whole show In the afternoon's meet, but at the decla matory contest held Friday night the other districts scored victories which made honors about even. The first division got a first and second as did the second division. The fourth divi sion secured two firsts and one second, so everybody has some victories. Schools Divide Honors . The various districts of the county FOR BURNNGECZEMA Apply Zemo, the Clean, An tiseptic Liquid Easy t9 Use Does Not Stain Greasy salves and ointments should not be applied if good clear skin ia wanted. From any druggist for 35c, or S1.00 for large size, get a bottle of Zemo. When applied as directed it effectively removes eczema, quickly stops itching, and heals skin troubles, also sores, burns, wounds and chafing. It pene trates, cleanses and soothes. "Zemo is a clean, dependable and inexpensive antiseptic liquid. Try it, as we believe nothing you have ever used is as eff eo tive and satisfying. The E. W. Roee Co., Cleveland. O. jJHICHESTER S PIL1 boo. setlcd wiA Bin b.-j V . I T.k. . mw. Inwm, Vr 'KlTS-CP KILB PlUAfcF il sou fiUufrsn fsm. & em MAGNETOS GENERATORS 4 tOJLL.lKlU 51AKIEKS . Or any part of the lectrle system on your car overhauled and repaired. Satisfaction guar anteed. HARRY H. GRAHAM. Wlllard Service Station, Pendelton, Ore. Phone 684. LETS GO I KERR'S WHEAT FLA ICRS cook in; ten minutes. Champ Kid Swimmer of Movies Oh f HI ik M$h Richard Readrick. three and a half, is another film prodigy. HkJ temperament was shown recently when he was rescued from "drowning while making a picture. It naturally riled himbecaus hc'5 champ JiW Don't Let Opportunity Knock You Down before iu attempt to embrace it. Your money should be worth ns much to yourself as it is to others. Therefore when you have n opportunity to get more for it at this store you should take advantage of the privilege. The Bee Hive Prices are usually al ways a trifle lower than elsewhere and' many times the savings to be had here arc decidedly surprising. The Pee Hive cus tomers are satisfied, customers because they get their nionc's worth always. The same opportunity is yours. PROFITS SLASHED ON THESE Tumblers, good qual ity, clear glass, best shapes, at 7c each. Thin blown tumblers, and sherbits, clear, best of quality, at 29c each. Ladies Hose at 32c pair. Children's Hose, 29c pair. Flesh colored Braissieres, front and back fasten, strong, durable and very neat, at 39c each. SPECIALS Perfectionette Hair nets, fully guaranteed, at 10c each; ;$1.00 the dozen. whim: THKY LAST Boxed Stationery, white and colored, best quality linen. 5!K' a box. MAW A HAN K Al'COl XT lias been started with the savings made trading at The Bee Hive. This is real thrift SPK.xniXU MONEY WHERE IT BCYS THE MCT. SPECIALS Our Summer under wear is selling at just one-half price. Your saving is immense. . THE BEE HIVE "MORE FOR LESS" PENDLETON OREGON