East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 09, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Vou Cai .frays Eey w a Little Less at The Peo
piles Warehouse. Qua!iviflsideFd
Women's and Children's Hosiery
At Money Saving Prices.
Boys' Heavy Kibbed Hoee 49c
Stury boy's hose, heavy ribbed, but very elastic
Mmvrizcd Lile IIo?e
for Children 59e
Extra fine ribbed, mercer
ized finish hose for children,
colors, black, white and cordo
van, all sizes.
Priced Specially Low, pr. 59c
and are guaranteed by the manufacturer to give
splendid satisfaction. Sizes to ll'
Priced Specially Low, a pair 49c
W omen s Fine Quality
Hose 29e
These are guaranteed by the
manufacturer to wear and to
give splendid satisfaction. Col
ors brown, black and white; all
Priced Specially Low, pr. 29c
Women's Kine . Cotton
Lisle Hose 39e
Women's fine cotton lisle
hose with the same guarantee
for wear. Colors black, cor
dovan and white, all sizes.'
Priced Specially Low, pr. 39c
ChildrenVFine Tabbed Hose 29c and 39c
Ferfect quality fine ribbed children's hose in white
black and cordovan. They are insured against all
imperfections. They wear with superior insistence
and are made from high grade long staple cotton,
dyed with the latest process; all sizes.
'Priced Specially Low, a pair 29c and -39c
Women's Fine Mercer
ized Hose 5()e
Women's fashioned mercer
ized hose, ?.re insured against
all imperfections and guaran
teed to give satisfactory wear,
colors black, cordovan and
white; all sizes.
Priced Specially Low, pr. 50c
Women's Pure Silk and
Fibre TIoso 69c
Six Sticks Tied Together in
Tin Can Discovered While
Prize Fight is in , Progress.
These stockings you will
find to be of superior quality,
and to give satisfactory wear.
Colors, black and cordovan;
sizes 8!4 9, 9Y and 10.
Priced Specially Low, pr. C9c
Bargain Basement
Remember that the best bargain among all
the good things offered in this good shop is the
Half Price Aluminum Sale
offering nuumerable useful vessels and appli
ances of the best makes on the market. We
offer Wear-Ever, Mirro, Quality, Vico and
Great Western, all at HALF PRICE.
Spring Coats of Unusual Beauty
Come and See.
11 II &
To Fiv Atlantic IVCMV DHin DCDHDT
i . : ULLIVLI IVUrtU U Ull
Not only do these coats mirror the spring in all their freshness
and gaiety of color, but they .clearly demonstrate the new values
by their low price. Varied in style and distinctive in treatments,
tney possess that verve and chic appearance which place them in
a class of their own. They are marvelously serviceable, too, and
you can easily expect several season's wear from one.
$9.S5 to $75.00.
nePeopks Ware
A Feast of Values in Silks, Dry Goods
Cotton Goods and Underwear
A glance through our Dry Goods depart
ment reveals the fact that this department
has gone the limit in the matter of value giv
ing. We mention only a few items below, but
you will find dozens of others placed on our
Bargain Counters at extraordinary low pri
ces. You can always do a little better at the
Peoples Warehouse.
Wonderful values.
MKXU'Al.r, Lor" CAIift, May 9.
(A. I'.l Six MliliH f (lynamilp, tied
tiutrthcr In a tin run, Willi a biirnlnn
fuse 'iltarln'il. (!V Inunil luxt llliiht In
:i ti.iull mem In I hi' nlil Hwn Kumbl-
ll'H IlllllHi' lll'l'l.', nvtlllo II pt Wp flKht WH
In innnrt-Mu In ilu hnililiiiK.it wun an
niiiiiHiiil .vinicriluy by mivrinmont nnd
iiiuilii'i.Hl . i r 1 1 1 lain,
A Mixlran ln.n clothe iifflci'P
rouiiil the ilynn:uiti' ami ('xtliiKuUlifil
the turn'. Tim prize fiuht uh laiyely
n 1 1 f 1 1 it i 1 1 . many Am iiuum Iminn
(Ml. '
Minister Pleases " His " Congre
gation With Sermon on 'The
Greatest Mother in World.'
(Kxtrnrts from " m rnmn
iiiornlnit In -i (hi. First
( Imrcli, by t lio liilnlNter, W.
man, on the miliji'cl: ."Thd
A. (Irtiui-
XEW TORS, May 9. (Stephen C.
Mason, President .National Association
of Manufacturers. Written fcr the
Vnited Press.) The purposes which
actuated the National Association of
Manufacturers In calling a conference
of ambassadors and ministers on world
trade, were exemplified by President
Hurdins in his first address to con
gress when he said:
"Our obligations in effecting Euro
pean tranquility because of war in.
Yolveuients are not less impelling: than i
our Dart in the war itself. This re- i
storation must be wrought before the : the
trained specialists, operating with the
ammunition supplied entirely by the
producer. ,
"I'nless the manufacturer knows
definitely and concisely the relation
which commercial stagnation through
out the rest of the world bears to his
own industry, he Is not liable to be vi
tally Interested, except in an abstract
manner. I believe. hown?r, that
when American manufacturers realize I
fundamentally important part
1 1
human procession can bo onward
As an organization comprising 6,
0('0 members, which produces approxi
mately 80 iter cent of all of the raw
and manufactured materials in the
I'nilcd States, the National Associa
tion of Manufacturers has determined
if possible to co-ordinate the re
sources of its members in an effort to
tabili?e social and economic condi
tions throughout the world.
Out of the conflicting desires and
need of the world today, two funda
mental necessities are apparent. They
are employment for the people, and
... !...-.,. V... Injn,i,v cnoh Hunsnri.
'""7-"u.ion will be present
the United Stales can provide. Pro
duction in the I'nited States today is!
liamiitrcd .because we have a surplus i
of raw and manufactured materials.
Production in Kurope is stagnant be
cause she lacks the very materials of
which we have a surplus, which she
cannot buy because she has not the
i-auj i"i ... lence. but I believe that If It does noth-
must solve and which we can solve
only by extending the necessary cred
its that will enable factories that are
now idle fur lack of raw materials, to
rcxuine production, thereby providing! !
employment for the people and pro- in every part of the United States
ducirig not only the necessities of life, lone finds manufacturers, both indivld
for which they stand so much in ' ually and In groups, who are vitally
need, but also a surplus w hich will en-; anxious to aid in every way possible in
iibie them to meet their obligations restoring the economic equilibrium of
nnd to increase their purchases of ad-j the world not only because they are
ditiuiial raw and manufactured mate- J anxious for the welfare of other peo
liala. pies, but also because they are dis-
li has become more and more evl-iur0ed regarding the welfare of their
dent during the last five years that no , owr) people. It is difficult, however,
f ectmii of the world can be socially or j for these busy men to get a clear and
economically independent. The t'nlt-1 unbiased view of the necessities of the
-! Hiatts, once regarded as the most . situati'm unless an organization such
which conditions in Europe play in i
shaping conditions in this country,
that, they will endearor to stabilize
them with the same degree of preci- f
sion, erertness and energy which
mark their conduct of domestic busi-
I It is because the National Ausocln-
tion of Manufacturers believes that its
I members can best be informed
through the representatives of other
nations just what conditions abroad :
are today, that it has organized the!
conference of ambassadors and minis
ters of world trade. The diplomatic i
tand consular representtaives of 34 nn- j
in New York on j
May 16th, 17th and ISth, and in con-
ferences they will explain to the exec-
utives responsible for the commercial
supremacy of this country, why thosoj
executives must co-oiierate with the
other nations of the world in restor
ing production. It is impossible at
this time to say what permanent re-
jsultn will be achieved by this confer-
1 -.1 r . I
s-... 4.;; .. .,Y..:; c: ' ( 1 1 '
C.il.iiiibi.-i riiver Highway (Pendle
ton to Portland) Pendleton ' to Ies-ciiiiu-s
river, ffiM.d gravel road. Ie.i
cliui.s to The Ii.ilbs, take ,i road.
i:oo. c. million The Dulles" to Hosier j h,.r K.rtfjo0,
inn n ;t'i lair, oving lo
MvS'er lo Hood Itiver g
.Mother In the World."' The text was
IProv. S1:2S, 30.)
I The American home of today is to
;a large degree dissolved. The dlveral
jly of Interest In the social and econo
i in io world makes u strong pull on
imuny inembers or the family, drawing
them away rrom the Intlmute bless
lli'igs f the home and fireside. For
these It mean "sink or swim, survive
i or perish.
I Notwithstanding , the strets and
strain, the stablllty'of home Is found
;ln mother. Her character Is the char
acter of the home, and the home. In
turn, is the character of the nation.
Strictly speaking, lis well ns in a unl
jversnl sense, the greatest mother In
the world Is everyone' own mother.
To merit thin In the fullest sense, she
' must posKvMi four Ideal tialts. These
traits upproarh and pur take of the
( character of Jesus,
j The first la sympathetic love. It Is
! mother who best understands the
; child. In sympitthy she ullay the
liuis of the child, fears which to It
are real and far more fundamental
and far-reuching than the so-called
real troubles are to us grown-upa. Hy
1 1 his Hympa(hetlc-underntsndlnc, . h
Isecures the confld.cu of her children,
who. Is later-years, "rise up and fall
her blesHtd,'' Pj"OV. 3Ji2). Also,
she -believes In tind encourages the
child as (lid Jesus when lie spoke to
It he woniun: "Neither do I condemn
ithec, go and sin no more." )Ier heart,
too, is with the child a was the heart
of Jesus whin Ho said: "1 am with you
I 1 he next trail ,o tn true mother Is
She Is ever ready to
consirucilon. ,l..,ilv.. berKeir i.t (lie l,flVt-i.l on,.
forts of food and clothing In order
if 57
This gigantic triple trlplanc hydroplane, tlcslgrpii by Caorcni, is now having, trvouts at Lake "'ng
?iore, near Mikin. Italy, in preparation tor a t.-ans-Alluutic flight to t'l- Lulled Stares llm tumLf
The nlace 1I built to carrV 100 passeaer.
ing else It will paint the most vivid
land Intimate picture yet painted in
'this country, of the vast importance
I of the rest of the world to the "well-
j being of this country.
Local Trapshooters Bite Dust
Twice on Final Day of Big
Telegraphic Shoot Event.
Kclf-nuffRieiit of all the treat nations as ours undertakes to present to them
of tlie world, has discoered that she brief ly, definitely and concisely a sall
jiium not only have an outlet for her j ent presentment such as we hope will
surplus in the markets of the world, i develop from the conference of nm
but that she must be aloe to buy as ; basadors and ministers on world
freely from the rest of the world the ' trade.
Various raw and manufactured mute-!
rials nliiclt the iy.imi.ii, en or which go
into manufacture of her own products.
EvonoiutMs estimate that in IsiO, for
Instance, the lolal income of the coun
ty from all forms of activity was $70.
dVV.UUU and tl j.ddU.OuO.OliO of this
amount, uv more than 21 per cent.
.tins in foreign trade.
The finuncisl interest of the coun
try, whom duty M is to organize the)
ciiiHciiti'd mechanism by which) "Carrying coals to Xwcasttle" has
t atnmerc Is carried on, keenly real-j actually been accomplished l y a firm
m the neetty for adeijuale niachin-j t French exporters, who sent a direct
er' o mwt entirely new problems in I thipment not only to Newcastle, but
lntrrnatlorisl commercial finance. It I slso to Cardiff, the center of the South
i;xgim:i:is ro.wnoMi.SK
I OALVESTOV, May 9. fl. P.)
: The local branch of marine engineers
voted to accept a 15 per cent wage
cut, with a compromise retaining an
' eight hour day and other features ac-jcc-ptable
to workers.
SPOKANE, May 9.--(A. P.) Sun
day's shoot ended the Inland Empire
telegraphic trapshooting tournament.
Following are the scores of the double
St. Johns-Garfield, "a; Ellenshurg,
Waitsburg 71; Palouse-Colfax 75.
Sprague 73; Orovllle 69.
Yakima 75; Cheney 65.
Pendleton 70; Wenatchee 75.
Odessa 72; Kellogg 5.
AValla Walla 75; Coulee City 73.
Wallace 72: Lewiston-Pomeroy 75.
Second Half
St. Johns-Garfield 75; Iwiston
Ponieroy 75.
Waitsburg 71; Coulee City 73.
Sprague 73; Walla Walla 75.
Pakima 75; Ellenszurg 72.
Pendleton 70; Spokane 75.
Odessa 72; Palouse-Colfax 75.
Kellogg 65; Orovllle 59.
Wenatchee 75; Cheney 66.
hlioit-off of Tics
St. John-Oarfield 75: Spokane 75.
fit. John-Clarfield 75; Paulouse
Colfax 75.
Odessa 72; I-ewiston-Pomcroy 75.
Wenatchee 75; Lewlston-Pomeroy
PORTLAXIi, Ore., May fl. (A. P.)
It. K. llolinan, investigator of the
I'nited States department of agricul
ture, who visited a wool warehouse
nearing completion at St. Johns, Ore.,
a suburb, said the warehouse will
Pendleton to Pilot Keek good and fair.
Pilot Hock to II. ipner good dirt road.
H-ppner-lone to Willows on Colum
bia highway, good dirt road.
Plngh.iin .Springs Ito.-id Pendleton
to Cut-use. co.ul f.-n r- rti a
! through to lllnvham.
Pendleton to Cold Siirlnns I'.v
irolilmiui or South Cold spring dirt
roiids, good,
Pendleton to Helix Paved to Hava
na, gravel and dirt road in ll.div fnir
The scouring plant in connection to good.
with the warehouse will have the ef- - Nonh and South tlieliwnv tn,iin.
feet of saving fieiglit charires when i ton to Hums now passable. Good to
vooi in hMi.nici io eastern niargcts, I'liut took f ile i.. i-i,i,.i.
getting through to Burns.
"become pia tieally a wool bank and
ifs receipls currency. Wool In the Pa
cific Northwest will have a defi:i!te
grade nnd he acceptable as colabTal
for bank loans when stored in a fed
eral licenstd warehouse such as ibis.
As a result there should be u. large de
velopment here of the textile industry."
C'ld Oregon Trail (Pendleton to Salt
LaI.ei l'endl,-oii io U-i (irainle fair to
ercellent, except one mile east of Ka
mela bad mud, assable. Iji Gr.i.ide
lo H.ikir good to excellent. Baker to
Huntington detour to liurkee good.
1 his'.lng in ilurnt River canyon delay,
dig traffic, lpinlington lo Salt Ijike
clear, mostly nod.
( iregon-Wushimtton Highway Spo.
kane to Walla Walla good by Colfax
and Central ferry. Lyons ferry road
alno good
he said.
I that her child have no luck, while In
spirit she says with he Muster: "I
: have meat that ye know not of." In
u social matter, s):r Is willing nnd
i leiuly lo stuy at home with -grand-'
father In order that the cludd might go
! to a picnic, and In words of quiet res-
lunation she says she does nut care to
, go. I.lko Jesus, she. can dec lare from
In r heart: "1 am not alone, the Kath
i er is with me,"
I The greatest mother in the world In
; also a mother of prayer. J.lkq the
1 tool her of Samuel, the tiwifttei- of John
Walla Walla to Pendleton I , he ,;ptit. the mother of Jesus, her
pin Mrs limy pMiineate tho life of her
child as the blessings and benediction
of heaven. x.
Finally, and best of ull, tho truest
mother Is a christian mother. As
such, her example, nnd pmcept brine
best results, while her tiwn joy and
strength of character find their hlgh-
ot plane
Too often it is only when we ai
far removed by dlsUuice unci time, and
unable to make amends, that we real
ize how littlo wo appreciate the roal
greatness of our mother when we were
with her. The finest respect and
honor that anyone can now render his
mother Is to live a faithful and fruit
ful Christian life.
Curs now
Most Beautiful Children in Paris
1 HUtHRrcnr that in order to mMt them
tht thorough cooperation of the pro
duct of the country i nec'wary, be-
tAUbe alior uH, fmtiicicrs r mere!' cool strike.
Wale coal field. The coal was w?it
In reioni to a dem-ind by Knlmh
lnduB'ne Bufft-rinic ut account of th
A concf-rt sunp by mmbf-rs of the
fhica:o firand opera i'ompany 1 1 t
a wirelyi telephone at Sun Francisco
wtn he-'-rd ,-is far f-ftst a Halt Lake, as
f.ir r-'ith a K"iith'rn Alaska, as f-T
v et hh Honolulu and an f;ir nouth arf
Tolnt JVmia. close to the Mexlrnn har
der. Si!p nn the I'.iHfic within o
rmliUH if fif""! Jiuntti''d milcn alH'i
heard the concert,
2 - j
4k 11 U '. m
' r -
1c l.S
- r
These rhililrr-n have been chosen in a contest as the most beautiful in Parl. One of them Will bo
lecien as ine 1111 mmii priie ueauiy io ue pilUM agauut mo Wit CDOlCfi 01 Otner t rSBCi CJUCa, U) find ;
"They don't bring it ull here."
Once in a while circus aiccnts hear
this statement from townspeople on
the route of Howe's Great London
Circus and Van Amhnrg'i Trained An
Iniais. The aKents smile, because it Is
one of the oldest misconceptions that
the public has about the circus and
One of the most ridiculous. No circus
ever splits.
The Teat is utterly Impossible, when
It Is understood Unit It costs a stnstBer
inff sum to get one compact, efficient
organization over the rood, tho folly
of earrylnjr a duplicate set to uplit the
show now and then will he understood.
When the Howe-Van AmburB circus
comes to I'endlelnn Monday, May 16,
you'll see that every man hits certain
things to do vltnl to tho Job of Ret
ting the show throuBfi its cUiy of move
ment, putting tipm the lirt. parading
and exhibiting. Thero are no drones
hanging around, walling for tho show
to 'sDlIf so they may earn their sal
aries. N'o, Indeed.
And again. Could any circus afford
to carry u double set of ticket wagons,
baggage wagons, extra horse, rook,
shop, horse, side show, and menagerie
tops? of course, the big show carries
emergency canvas, but H's for use
only In case of d laiister.'
The physical task of splitting the
dIk show on the mini is un Impossible
one. The cost would be prohibitive,
eei If It were possible. And where
In this dny of the big -toy game, when
agents and bosses are short, would yen
et the needed' men of rnerienre?
Oh, It has never been done; ;lt Isn't
being done, an. It will hover be don