t ? PACE EIGHT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 0, 1921 TWELVE PAGE3 MOTION PICTURE NEWS i AIM'.UtK TOH.W l"UM m I'UTi ik( i I'll s i.i or ill ;: m -st Tlieh,,!c of Hie large-.! 'Murk puttf" itt ili vol l was u:ed in niaK lim "The-.I' viim Tr.Mi.vnilii i-! " Wtl h.'ttu J-'t-x pii'dmiM.n, uhieh. nines t-' thr ,Mv;n;e Theatre today. r-r tho loud. I ,.f iIimm- who find ii hard to I r rji np lit date (in sf.oliu lanjnll, 11 MnW hi- r- plained that a "duU Mae" i tei-callcd l-eeaubo it i u- ; dark at (ill. T!t: particular dark lai- on ihc liK lot at 11"1! vxoim! is an enormous 1 1 : 1 11 that would hold s.veial thousand pooplo. It is t-ig ii-amph l--r a hool In a Kif-at ci!y. If it uare a lecture llllll It wihiII 1-e i-lii' of tin- larjf. st le tore hnll In i hp world. The j.mm uti urity that makes ii ilii'i'-rout from -'hiMl!, anil Ircii-rc l.a'.is is iis roof, V )ll h in (li! (if (ilass. Hut must of ttic time this class is kept covered, td liiork the dayliplu out. Thai Is why it is a!id a dark staire there in little or no daylight. Itut there is MuuethiTi: ,1:ist as pood -in- (ilii(l. much lienor for studio pur pose. The whole Interior of this it rem "dark" s-lldio is flooded Willi liKht i from hiinilrids of vvpper Hewitt's and I Khi!f-lli'hts. duo iiilenntriK of tins j nrtiflclMl over natural lighting is In the j fact lhat it throws sharper shadow s. I The sreatoi advantage of all, lnn- I I n r. was expressed 1- a director who. w orklnjj on an outdoor scene, lamented lijs Inability to make the un slnnd still. h, for a Joshua:" he cried, us the sun sank Hehind a hill. "'ih, fur some i'oppcr Hewitts, you mean," s.il.1 William Farninu. The actor wan liiiht. The movable lithiK in the studio are much more anveiilent and luliahle than the sun lor film purposes, liy expert manipu lation liphtimr effects may be obtained which (laylifht never could give. 1 ,. kt V, 1 11' i,lV i 1 Mil 1H TtI)AY bQttertea Some tea is black, some tea is green -butifitsHMla qou can be sure its better tea. I'AUM'MN "V n.A" TK.KMS WITH .MTION William Karnniri pets away from the usual run of romantic roles In The Joyous Troublemakers," a new William Pin photoplay which was pre. svmed last night at tho Arcade Thea ;ie. heninnin:i a three days run. In - The Joyous Troublemakers" he appears tirst as a carefree youth, and later as a man who. taking life easily, defeats those who scheme against him because of his wealth and because of the girl he loves. It is a role us dif ferent fr m his superb Imn Caesar In "The Adventurer' as Don Caesar was from his splendid Sidney Carton In "A Tale of Two Cities." The only resem blance is In the fact that this new vole is as romantic as any he ever played. And It Is in many ways his most pleas ing performance. Laughs and thrills alternate from bestiritiifT to end of the feature. The opening situation is one of the most original ever seen on the screen, and it Icaife to a series of surprises culminat ing In a stair.ecrinor climax. Through out there is magnetic quality. The scenery Is superb and the di rection, by J. Goruon Edwards, is flaw less. The cast includes Louise Lovely who is as pretty as her name!. Henry J. Hehert, .Harry Pevere. G. Raymond N'ye. Clmance Morpar and Clare Dub-rey. 1 MAGNETOS ? GENERATORS 1 ELECTRIC STARTERS Or any part of the electric ye. em on jwur uar vicuwuicu nd repaired. Satisfaction suar-anteed. HARRT H. GRAHAU, Willard Service Station, Pendelton, Or. Thone tii. LETS GO! ALT TC1 V Tonight a box of Vogan's Brazil nuts Selected, meaty Braril iAits, creamy fondant, jackets of dark and milk chocolate. Wonderful candy this, thL will make glad .tha iuuxt any girL At better dealers everywhere MII.I.9WCJ AS MOONLIGHT' r oniuui . Sunt . Spokane . Ttcorns ---i"!,.---. f J-4 20 Reduction AND AN ADDED MONARCH TEN DAYS WE WILL BE PLEASED 5 For Cash . ON OUR ENTIRE LiNE OF , V MALLEABLE RANGES SALE CLOSES MAY 14th TO EXPLAIN THE SUPERIOR QUALITIES OF THIS RANGE. CALL AND SEE IT AT YOUR CON VENIENCE. 0 .-Mir- 1' ?!,, ' ( j t i,,i ?, IV. mini; today to the Alta theatre for a run of two days is the latest Selz.nick feature picture starring I'laine Hammerstein, and entitled "Pour Dear Martraret Kirhy." Kathleen Xoi ris. a ithor (f the story, is known as one of thf most brilliant! and forceful writers for the nationally known fiction mnsaxtnes. Miss Hunt merstein is seen in the role of a popu lar socifty matron, a charming and noted hostess, who lives only for her society activities, pne- to business trouhU-s of her husband she is forced to turn her famous hme into a board in?-hoine. To add to her difficulties her husband, through nn abortive at tempt at suicid', is a helpless invalid, who is confined to his rooms. Hoar ins the "boarders" enjoying them selves, the husband who is not ac quainted with the drastic nature of his business failure, misunderstands, and frequently upbraids his wife. Itefore. the happy endintr is reached Margaret Kirby suffers the torture which comes from unfaithful frit nils and scandalous tongues, but ehe is prtnie all the way through and her detractors are suit ably punished. , ' . Supporting Miss Hammerstrin are William Davidson, Warburton (Nimble. Kllen Cassldy, Helen Lindroth and TomBrook. The direction of the pic ture was under William P. S. Karle. As a result of many years of study, j a .n:iohino hn-i bi-en developed in I .von ; Prance, to make raided embroidery in ; uold and silver. Ttie stitch is a copy of an ancient form of embroidery and pives an impression of handwork. The j machine uses the metallic tlirer.d. ARCA DE TODAY Children, 10c Adults, 35c ALTA TODAY Chiidjra, 10c Adults, 40c VAUDEVILLE LE ROY AND COOPER Two Boys and a Piano HONEYSUCKLE AND ViOLET The Sculptor's Drearn A farmer in Saskatchewan has found clay deposits on his la ml from which he has bien manufacturing firelighters on a small scale. The lighter is in the form of a ' ln-ick. If snaked in kerosene a few minutes and ignited, the brie!; will burn for a half hour with a steady flume and when exhausted can bo replenished with kerosene and used indefinitely. LEWIS J. SELZNICK presents Elaine Hammerstein IN Poor Dear Margaret Kirby BY KATHLEEN NORRIS Scenario by Lewis Allen Drowne Directed by William P. S. Earle Social po.-it.ion, wealth and all .it could command were Irts anu i hen came the crash. But Margaret Kirby did not give . She assumed the burdens of another, and titcp by step won her way back to happiness and love. A Photoplay You Cannot Afford to Miss OTHER ATTRACTIONS Fox Sunshine Comedy DOGGONE WEDDING More than 100.000 volumes 'and thousands of pamphlets on the Great War have been collected by the French government. The collection of manu scripts, photographs and war records is appalline as to numbers and a building will be erected having five miles of shelving,. Princeton Univer sity and the ( niversity of California, in this country, are especially strong on war material. Wedding Halted ' i'J," ""X r 4 r X , ; rA - V ' if "Ht , 7" " - f 7 -? - -i'--?V ; . ,v t- y ff . ? William Pox presents WILLIAM FARNUM m US story of battte iarold and a maid Qnfory Jackson Directed bit J. gordon dwards PATHE NEWS ERAY PICTOGRAPH m L-('V 'Vv v 4J V' -' The Brightest Kitchens arc those where motherly geniality is never clouded because of being constantly over the kitchen stove.. It is home in the full meaning of the word where they use a TheStey Sarisfocrory'Ronqe Duplex Draft Gives You Perfect Heat Control The Taylor Hardware Co. Shelf and Heavy Hardware TWi DR. a H. DAY ptiyslrtan aim Siirwcoq Osteopath looms 21 and 25 Bmltb.-Crawfor4 j Buildinf. 1 TlDhon 11 - e John Keatlni? and Iith Barrett of Toeka, Kait., wcro engaged. I!ut the wedding w.!l never tp.kit place. John wan golnit to Wa: -hinglon L'nl-vt-raity, St. lyouia, and was paying Ilia nay bywo'lclii nights at u gas. (illimf ma l ion. When bandita lii-d lo rub the station he drove them uff. but fa aiMtt dwid lu tb dueU PASTIME Tody Children, 5c Adults, 20c A REAL WESTERN The Country THAT God Forgot With Tom Santchi, Mary Charleson and George Fawcett Comedy THE DODGER 1 1EF of Pendleton Crn)ERAL nrsEHvr Stops' Y S T E Mi I L Offers an unexcelled banking service to in dividuals and corporations; transacts a general banking business end maintains snecial departments with facilities of the highest character. ' PENDLETON, OREGON J.