East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 06, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Image 7

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    , W'is ,N Ml '
vV Ttmri r DACFQ
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TWELVE PAGES -I . tf A i, f
section two hHEawrcftonHnj
Vmk KAeninn World, who l n person
;il 1 1'li-iul if the champion, whic h may
cause him td be opponed hi the French
fold. ' '
Filll I ; ci i : ri perhupH Ih the least
:(iio ii of Ihc hckIi'I out of New York.
II.. I I ..l'..l.. ..III. 1 1 II '
T " i ' " I
I c .;M'm ii' c lu I ) rinir. lie is reported
I . Id he lidVci inir Miller's choice for thcl
j l-11 nil- (if 111!' IICW Hl.'lte llOSillK com-
Denipsey and Carpentier Have'
.Right to Select Referee
From List; Six Prospects.
NKW VOItK. May (I. With tho
nainltiK of the clt and the ilate for
tho DonipBcy-eai-penllor ttcrap, the
next Important detail Ik the selection
of H referee.
The champion and the chiilleimor
will he allowed to deride upon the
third man In the ritiK from a Hut of
nix prominent rlnu fiKitreK limed in the
oriKinal agreement.
p Jumefl J. Corbett, Jaine Jeffries,
.lumen Dougherty, ftobert I'llcren, (-,
to Kioto "ml Hill Drown comprise th
lint rit candidate.
Recently It him been reported that
lhlH lint Ih not binding and that Jim
t'offroth niliiht be name I.
The choice of the principals Is sub
ject to the approval of Tex lt.rl.aid. j
promoter of the bout. I
mission. The oilier candldal'M arc
well Uuov.n, but are not mo promim-nt. !
Any one of the official.1! nu;;e,cs(c.l
would be HullHfuctory to its," Jack
Kcari .4. miinaKei- of the champion,
1 lesc-imps itttl! tide I not known, but
ictur Hieyer, iilcknrd'x I'arin nfonl,
receml' cabled here that 1. -scamps
had HtiKftPHteil to him II would not be j Tcles-rapVc Snoot and the American
a bad Idea to have a Krenrhiniin for I Tiaiishootlns Association club slum'
of icisterc.l t.ar-els.
to bo Additional to
a Offered in Regular !
' Scheduled Weekly Affairs.!
A merchandise shoot will he h('ld !
aiiuin Sundav at Collins Park !u inn
Junction with tile Spoeesninu-IIoviev' j
one of the Jinxes.
t'ndcr the tio-declBlon regulations
which pre'ail in New Jersey much of
the responsibility will be removed
from the shoulders of the referee.
Jiiitvineut lu ( nttming and accuracy of
the eves In deierlUK fouls will be the
most Important reiils,tes.
Tli'n Time I ii "4 Venr.
Hi hupp Vtr e I he lieils five
bates In the f rit iilfiln.T. t'ill
e.llliatl Won J', to I 1.
The I raves and the I'hlls scor-
Whlle Itlekard has not opened his ' ed two home runs, a triple ami
mouth on the (pietnion. Il Is undeifitnod
be favoits Corbet!. The fotui r hiavy-
weinht ch.iuiiiii.n is very popular and
hasu In it nan.e In the sport ami h'sj
pieseiico In the rlnif wonhl lie a step
further In Hickard'n plnn to bake the
nhow the preitcst In history ,
t'orbett Is hlKh In the etteem of
Carpentier and DcMiiinps but this may ;
cause disftivor tn the iemoev camo. j
The same may be said of Hob 1M- ;
Rien. former sport edit, r of the New'
seven doubles.
The White Sox took the had
lu the Ami Heati League Irom
1 he I ted Sox.
Itrooklyn srored two run;1 in
the eleventh but the (Hants
counted three and won the game
:to (i.
Korlh.im scrrcd a pair in the
eleventh, batliK ltoston Cuilet?e
2 to t.'
Several c,oi;il firiczs have been off' r
ed by local mcrchai.ls. The Ielta,
(leorne dray, proprietor. Is giving rl
box of e.indy valued at H.on to the
second hih man In Class I. Crltris
Clear Store la offorlnif a prize for the
second hish man'iti Class 2. H s prize
Is a $4.(10 pocket knife. I (!. Frazier
of the Krazier I'ook Store, i. present
Ins lo the second IrKh man in Class ?,
a H im tiohl pencil.
These ..r'zos are offered in addition
to tlu-'troi Ii'es eiven by the AiueriiN.n
I Trap.-diocruic associiit'on for h.pli
i ntlltN In each of the differenl c'uee.-t
i 1t is (lie desire of those inter t-i e- ti
pl iti tl cse shoots that evt-ryoi e wloi
j can use a kuii be on hand S!iin!:iv be
tween the bottra of In a. in. and n j..
j in. for it is in Hits wav that money is
; be'r.'.' "o'e to build and nciint i ti the
I new clti'n house.
,(ll:e l-f the yri-titest butler ce
the world ! Cork. Iiela.cl. i 'ti
e nort i f boiler amounts to
Tun. win inns.
Saturday Specials
i ...
Mors in
i vearV. tum'wi
,1 ! I tl tile tei.f
.1 1 ; .rl ae.l tei
Beef Boil nctoSc
Beef Stcv . 5c to 8c
Pot Roasts
Cross Rib Roasts
Shoulder Slcak 20c
Round Slcak 25c
T-Bonc Slcak
Sirloin Slcak
Younj; Fat liens
Roast Pork 22c
Milk Fed Veal
Pork S teak 25c Pork Chops 30e
Fresh Columbia River Cinook Salmon. Pure Lard in bulk 21c.
can refilled for 90c; No. 10 can refilled for $1.80.
Your No. 5
Our Grocery Department is loaded with all the
freshest vegetables for your selection, including:
season s
. )
V ' ,'
- , 1 f
v t
r -
High Quality Low Price
Men's Keep Cool Athletic Union Suits $L00
Men's Pioneer Elastic Knit Union Suits in short
and long sleeves 1,00
Ladies' Fibre Silk Hose in gray, black and brown
colors 7,,c
Ladies' Pure Silk Hose in black and brown colors 98c
Ladies' Full Cut Aprons in dark and light colored
percales ,
Ladies' Summer Weight Union Suits 49c
Children's Dresses in sizes from 3 to 14. $1-49
40 Cash Stores
745 Main St
.1 i iuu..,1. no li.itiei having a roval court, finds real enjoyment j
roort. Me is pictured ln-ie with .Mile. Suzanne l-n?len. a French i
n s , hampton of li'impe, with whom he has played a number of;
picture was ta'ieo at ( annos. !
i n
of up-to-date pcrcelaln or enamelled
sanitary bathroom equipment, which
we shall be Klad to demonstrate to
you: Absolute whiteness and clean
liness at all times; beauty of finish
an ornament to the finest home; new
patented faucets that do not drip or
leak: no drains or traps to fill up and
overflow, etc.
807 Cottonwood
riione 484
' I
Oranges, (sweet and juicy), 3 dozen for 50c p
Asparagus (local grown), 2 pounds for 25c
Grape Fruit (Florida), each 10c
i ;
! i Kant Oresonian Special.
ri:::KEI,li.V. U'al., J, C. (A. P.) ATHIiX.V. May 6. A number of
-No official word retieiiril the fni- Atlieua JJeliekahs motored to Weston
v.-rxity of California In re to confirm ' Monday evening to attend lodpe.
,t,..i t',t,.iie pciKiTvn bitwceiii Those wno uent were Mr. and Mrs.
the I'tiiversity of tireifon and C ilifor-1 lir
nla are strained. Luth'T Xicholas. Cali
for' ia si .iiliia'e manager wild totia.
Cal.fi'ruiti does not want to break with i
("ii-oaon. Mr. Nit hols declare,:, audi
ho! rs the i't ot rts ere i'.iIm'. j
The reports, which came from En- ;
pom-, where ll-.e titeuon school Is lo-
citud bald me if the principal r. a-t
s o,- for the strained relationship was !
the fact O.iliforiva is -ndins 'Is first i
i.triiiK track team t" t'.ie Inter-c.dU'Si- I
ale Amateur Athletic association of
A nicr. ca til meet at Harvard univer
sity May ;.2s instead of to the Pacific
coast conference meet at Eugene, May
lire' on. it was sa'd, was n- t
pltas' d h.y califi-rira's plan and would
n o we'e. the Pear second team,
which the local ttuthor.lies of fere;! to
If it's on the market we have it.
cN-p'.aine.l that falifor- i
the I. A. A. A. A.
least once every two years in
i keep its membership-in the
ion ami tlvs year's team is
at be.aut-o it has made a i'"t il- i
; and litis .an excellent upper- j
I i b'.'ili'-' hish. California, be i
mild like to enter both meets.
such a feat is impossible because
. -,r. i-tny a v,c i( ap.irt and are
iS be' 1 on opposite sides of the
Mr. Nichols
iva i'i'i: t e .1. r
lllci t
hut i
,Xilt ioM WsMi iiiafr atVt-J-at-Tl Ai't'l-f"-' v -3
Some FACTS About
Tin: rMvr.ns.u, nit
Here nro authentic flumes from the Ford factory at Hctroit.
They show you just how many Ford carti and trucks have been
built each month since .(unitary I, 1 i 2 1 and how many have
been sold to retail Customers, in the l niled Slates.
KKHltt'A It T
Trod need
lielivered to
lietail Customers
Totnl I'loduction nT.IIT-l Total lietail Pales L'(IS,H3-'
showing that actual sales for the first three months of lit:'l ex
ceeded production by SO.iUiX Ford cars and trucks!
April requisitions already t-peclfy 107,719 additional cars and
trucks and tho estimated Api 1 out put of the factory and assem
bly plants combined calls for only iin.tma!
These facts clearly show that the demand for Ford products Is
(trowintt much faster than inunulacturiii," facilities to produce
and wero it not for the dealers' limited stocks, which are now
lielnR rnrbllv dr pined, many more customers would have been
compelled to wait for their curs. It will be only u matter of
weeks, therefore, until a blit su. plus of orders will prevent auy
thlnK like ronipt deliveries.
if you would be sure of hi. vim; your Ford car or truck when
ynu want it, you should plate jour order now. Kon'l delay,
phono us or drop lis a card.
Simpson Auto Co.
Phone 408, Water and Johnson Sts.
lil t; 1 I I MM HMIH-.
fc; OAM...VI. Cal.. Ma-' . (A. V.I
$ fi on .tme.it" hit "1'por
ported I'lfciy m 1 ne
I'fiill Sill Franc's o.
.-a. iutii; ti'.e c as: 1c.
K.il'oll's tr'p'.e i'i '
Pvt.n tii-d i rr id
win. JlcCafiiiran s
t c. S. ten. i n o- i
v an 1 sup
se. i inniim
:l to 1. and re
sue le.idcrsh'p.
tc e slith scoted
etl'.e! i""" to
:,i:fieed Fllie-tt
; time double
5e.Ws?4Vifa j la: s v.-eie un o:t tii 1
Pf-fiW- ' ' - i cat.y siycet, tc n.oil i a'l-'e.
of f is: -.- V -'
I " -...ic.y
the One tiro, (
ir. ad handled j
t Zerha Mrs. l.illa Kirk. Miss
Merle Heulenrich, Miss iris Fowther.
Mrs. 10. A. Fen net t, Mrs. Fred Gross,
Mrs. S. S. Unit. Mrs. U. A Thompson
..Irs W 1' Uttlefoh:!, Mrs -M. U Watts
ami Mrs. T.b-yd Mitchner.
Mrs. Cr.ffin Alexamlcr has returned
front Hoi Lake.
Mrs. Ralph MeFwen was a Pendle
ton visitor 1 nesday.
Mr. ail Mr". William Harder, Jr.
"f Milton were visitors Sunday at the
iioine of Mrs. llardt r s parents. Mr.
and Mrs Frank Fe Freeco.
Mrs. W. P. Counter and small son,
'.'irtfil were Weston vis. tors nednes
:i;l. M'-:-. Davis, nationil orsanizer o'
The Women's Home Mission:, pave s
i. ctme U'e luesday evening in the
Metilod'st church.
Mrs. Henry Thompson and baby of
-libl'on who have been visiting Mr. and
Mrs. J. E Joins, have returned to
their home.
Mrs. Flint Johns and baby were
vYe.non is. tors Tuesday.
Mrs. Orel McVhcrrin has relumed
hor-e af'er a short visit with friends
.it lloldntan.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Davidsor and
small son Donald were in Weston
S S. Hntt made a business trip to
'.Yalta Yi alia Wednesday.
Mr. ami Mrs. Hump Hoolur were ir.
the c.t.v from Weston Tuesday.
Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith were in
VYoton Tnosib.y.
Mr and Mrs. Charles Dudley were
Milton visitors Wednesday evmina .
T cnl TI!IW V K1' V
I TAO 'MA, Wash., May 6. (A. P.)
1 Mir ev n u lied cvcclb'tit ball a. la I lie
iT.s.rs batted hard Taeonia trilnmin
: Ya-inia. 6 to n. Flliott. Yakima short-
stop was chttsed by t nipire Held in
ItlK- fifth intiins.
iTii't-mti 1" "
Quaker Quakies Corn
Flakes, package. 10c
Mothers Wheat Hearts,
use it place of Cream
of Wheat, pkg... 30c
Asparagus, lb 13c
Green Onions, bunch 5c
Radishes, bunch 5c
Good Brooms 90c and $1
Large Pineapple,
3 cans 95c
Jelly, 8 oz. glass 20c
Strawberry Preserves,
glass 40c
Van Camps Pork and
Beans, medium, 5
cans 95c
Chinook Salmon, 1-2 lb.
tins, 3 for V.. 50c
itandard Grocery Co.
230 E. Court St.
Phone 96
C. L. Bonney, Pres.
QUALITY PRINTING at Reasonable Prices
East Oregonian Printing Department.
UK "'!' v'"' lil! 'Hb
flll .' A rc tin y ; till send-
up; I licit- picture tn.-ij.ae.es '"
the oraill wilh the same clear
ness they d:d y, an. as" ' if nl
you should have col l ei live Blass
es prescribed for them.
hen you conic here ?v. 1 1
rare -s ecei c sed in in ikies tic
.'--im.naiii as and w hen u lasses
in ,., edc.l th. y arc i:roi:tid to fit
'll-onah'c Chai'cs
fi ifHl.tHH "Ta? 1
' Jl
' ' s
, r.
e ".
"Afraid o' UinJits? Humph I" savs
Miss Lillian lhandt of New Tor'.
When one snatched her han.ibas con
t.itnhiB a JluOfl payroll, she dash. I
.lfier him. yelling at the top of In
voice. A crowd stoi'lcd the fugitive.
NOTE the new
Diamond Crown
in this late style
McKibbin now
shown in all
the late colors
at the best stores.
Bulter, pound 40c
CRTSCO, 1 1-2 lbs. 10c! 3 lbs. 70c; 6 lbs.
We-on Oil, pt. 35c; qt. 65c; 1-2 gal. $1.20
Aunt Jemima Ruck wheat, pkg 10c
Tomatoes, 2 cans 25c
Rest Crepe Toilet Paper, 3 for .... 25c
()lie Oil (Reimbario) pt. 80c; qt. $1.50
Large Pineapple, No. 2 1-2 tins 40c
Le sure when you buy to receive the large size.