'I ; rTTtTJ'TTTT; fV 'V.-f' f'f 4 ,fj'i VA l'.LvvT, FA.VSI.S TWELVE PAGES PADS SIX DAILY EAST OREG0NL4N, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 6, 1921 .serai. Social and Club News j i nrni l-lis iii-M;i..;i ti:h. till" I. T. V ! ! flirt. Ml I I- deni ttf 'hi- I 'imhi ii'i mi ; iin' m m I'hib nt 'i nil '-tit e i-ti'ii' i iifiiMii.'i.i' t;i the lil'i'.-m i ln!i ii'mn mini- m, chew-n Wfl-i Mrs. .1. 1 t:ii h-tin, litft Vice president, Mrs. .laims .l.ll;.- i Kerond wit' it esident ; Mis. 1 1.. Iii.t.'1't i. riM'ii! itiiii; siift;al, .V t: i. , .Mdttlll, IOM f'SjHITllllIU ('! 1 (' I 1. i' , Vis ,1. It. 1'ony trcisorer; Mis. .l-e K. It. Ahlrioh pavo an Interestini; ;K mi ttii commission fi rm of rov D'lii iil. l'.e explained the coninrs mi Intf.i ami pointed out the various l'lONKEK I.AHIKS MKKT. i'be days of til It) IVinlk'trn are ro oi.'li'il I .vhs Sharon, formerly of Hits c.ty .ml one of the early pioneers, in a Mter loieived by the 1'iomer Iji- t .dure such t'nv and '1 1 an il. I) .liliitt is. .government !vlsio:il ;noiram consisted of two l-Vis'iu; siilns, " In n l.on Planted n !:'." an. I "Wliii',. My t,araan Has k.su.i." finiR by Miss Muriel Hnmp- t .n with i;ann aceompa niment M.ss Uu;h Hniainin. In- Wli ti 111, I ' C- .lent. t hi .i nr. I- l hll t first a ii.it .1 loir ilc t f m cvoept :i. il ..ff c, nil. AM' p ptvi l'lied. .' flt ! r.-(l. I v ,11 l-t, .1 f r It'll! Vl! a intt'i'rst timing l . i n -vi llle scornik ol si ff bread from local an.) bakeries, rcsuilmi; 1 1 it .It n loaf of l'cn.lli't .in broad, points, was the best product. After the jutlK-nv the nit'inhcis of ilit- clnh i irfR.-.i- tin. O,iiuon Ilia! lire., 1 , A liroftlslon of frauranl the .lft.'f 't'il o.a'fs Port la ml oisii.ti that with ssi should Morr. liicht r than Nt n;;t of po'.i.liKt inn points and that the lVn- Hrton hoiiscw'tp is entitlf ' as so.M a lonf as can bo Viasr... Trie onH'n Kci.i also that consi.itTinp tht price .f viia', hrpa.l should he lower than IT. cents a loaf. Dunn.; the luisinoss session, the chili v.ite.l that one htin.lroil tlollars he ,lo iiate.l to the f'.nitl tor furnishing the lii'iary niitlitorinm. Community siiik in a ot the "IVn.l'.i'ton Sl.njan." "l'eait t fill Atnciita." and the trci,'oi! state sonsf was id by Alios Alary Voo,yar.l. Hostesses for the nfteinooii were Mi-si Tlionns Haiiiiton, Airs. R. I. Keator, Airs. J. B. AloCook. Airs. 11. I,. Johnson Airs. W. r. Armintrom, Airs. Al. S. Kern anil Airs. 1, A. Aid 'Untuck. lilacs, artistic- The i ilics c iuh Hiitl reail at their meet iiK or T.tpi. a,.- afternoon In ;h lihiar chili loimi, with Airs. I!. Rnymoml, Alls, jl Rogers, A'.rs. J. Sloclitn u; A! iv .'.l'..'iha Tt rney. Airs. Will In gram. Airs. R Wells, Airs. J. H. I'arkes, Mi i lUaheth Shllll. Mis. Kll.i X ilklll st m am' .Mrs. Al. Al. Wyrlt k as hostess es Airs. Sharon, who is S.', c:us chl, la '.v ,cs:,ies In Pennsylvania lint she has tt foiifotten the early days when Pendleton was only a small yillase containing but few residents, she was l-'iidt- an honorary member of the club. (liter numbers enjoyed at the club tvr.i'.i.'i; rttis a talk by rolor.ei Charles mien Furlong, who urse.l that ally nrraiijied in baskets and In clus ters, were used in decorating; the club rooi.i ami the same lowers were used at the tea table where Airs. K. J. Kurchiil and Airs. i". s Tcrppiiing pre sided during the tcrvins of refresh-ner.ts. il O I'I'S I I' h T A IKS S II o I FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Silk Dresses Special $19.75 Taffetas, Georgettes and Satins, Values ranging up to $33.00 Sizes 16, 18, 36, 33. New Sport Skirts fust In. 'relics t-i' pioneer ilays hi prcNprvnl and thitt Oto i-uriy historv of the O'ium'v be rocordod. Plcasiiifr musical nunihoi ( "T.i'fii of l wo solos, "Tho Kitliiyj JV'i't ." mill "Tlio Twins," sun liy Mrs. j W. H. Mays, with piano acctuiiiJaiii i m'iit ly Mrs. C. W. Phelps, mul tin n ! sM 'imprliil trio by It. Y. I letclu-r mivI ichiUlrcn, lHll'te ami Florence Klt "h j er. MrR J T. Pt-rry was in h.irce nf !tho procram and Mrs. Faker of the 'sorvin t-f i pfrt'hmenEs, lecorat iotl el l.tvuitiful lilacs, tulips nmT narcissus were used and -Mrs. J. l Snow and Vis. FT. J. Hurt-hilt presiiled at the tea uMc. OFKIOKUP CHO.SRX. New officers ot the Presbyterian Missionary Society are president, Mrs. .1. K Akiy; first vice president. Mrs. H. K. Mel.tan; second ice president. Mrs. Jessie Hiestand; recording secre tary, Mis. Myrtle deist: corresponding secretary treasurer, Mrs. S. K. Nord hoff of Milton; secretary edtication, Mrs. J, V. Maleney:; swrotary of lit erature, N!is. S. Poardman, of Poard nan. ;WsTminster 'Inild and jmini; I ei pies secretary. Mrs. H .1. MeT.ean. n Tu stlay evening members of Metft man chapter were hosieses in It tif Mi-j Pintphor T inn of Pnrf. ! and prominent In the work f I he tTian chiiti-h, and Miss Helen !,;r uni.ri, Miperituinb nt of th llar Icmi tv.unty Cnmmimiiy IJfo school. j i 'it edi.esoay, the '.wo visitors ad- I drt:-nl the loeal society, during an all J (i iv conference held at tre church, j Luncheon was served at notm and 'h uriclin- was o; decided interest. j Home Cooked Food Sale Saturday BY LADIES OF THE METHODIST CHURCH Lartivst, most complete stock of high grade Groceries, Fresh Fruits and VegetaVles in Eastern Oregon. f Right Prices Fair Dealing Bring us your Eggs and Butter Gray Bros. Grocery Co. 3 Phones 28 Only 1 Quality the Best 11 Women Run Kansas Town i THE SHOP OF BETTER V. I, V E S For Sale We deliver' free anywhere in city limits. CHICK FEED, SCRATCH FOOD WHEAT ALFALFA SEED , SEED CORN OATS, BARLEY, FEED CORN CALF MEAL, LAMB MEAL UMATILLA FLOUR & GRAIN CO. 1300 W. Alta Phone 351 OFFICERS KLFCTKD Mrs. Margaret Hoover was chosen president of the Missionary Society of the Christian chnrth at the meeting held yesterday with Mrs. Manuei Friedly as hjostess. Mrs. Record was chosen vice-president; Mis. J. K Sharp, secretary, Mrs. C. A. Patton ! trcasurerer; Mrs. Karl Williams, li-J brarian; Mrs. Frank Oreulich. literary! secretary and Mrs. Margaret Hoover, junior supervisor. j For a short program, Mrs. Georze Wallace conducted the Bible Study and Mrs. Harvey MeFherson read a paper. The members joined in the singing of several.sones. Cl.Vn HAS MEETING Mrs. lister Foyd, Mrs. W. A. Gress man and Mrs. H. If. DeHart were hos tesses last evening for a meeting of the Who's Who and Why Club, which was held in the reception rooms of the church. Games and music -were en joyed during the evening and later re freshments were served. Wild flow ers were pleasing as a decorative note. Harvey McPhersnn has been chosen president of the club and Mr. Holmes vice-president. RECITAL TO RE GIVEN Miss Barbara Edmunds, p'pi of Mrs. Charles E. Heard, ass:sted by Miss Wilma Wade, pupil of Mrs. S. H. Forshaw. will be presented in recital on Monday evening at 8:15 in the Presbyterian chuich. Miss Edmunds Sh a talented young pianist and Miss Wade is possessed of a sweet soprano H w " I ) THE THOMAS SHOP May Blouse Special I-ot One Beautiful line of Georgettes and Crepe tie Chine, blouses all beautifully made to sell at pri ces that will please everybody . $5.8- Lot Two The new white waist for spring and summer are wonderfully attractive in style and ma terial, at the same time being very reasonable in price. Dainty voiles and batistes, manv of them ela borately trimmed. This lot $2.50 and $2.95 Women akmo run the town of Thayer, Kas. They were elected lastJ fall and hare Just taken office. Mrs. A. H. Forest (center is inuyor Tho others, all councilwomen, are: upper left, Mrs. Ualsy Savage; lower k'ft, Mrs. Ina Craig; right, reading down. Miss Alice UimU'ruwii. Mrs. Eunice Rash and Mrs. Iva Cross. ' voice. Roth musicians prtmi.e and friends art their appearance in reeii show much intiTrsted in A. ed food sale tomorrow at Gray's groc ery. The sab- will open at 10 a. m. PAXrr; TO RE GIVEN Active members and alumnae of the Rhoenix Club wMl entertain with n dancing party t morrow eening at the : fate hospital a udi!oriu in. MISS WILLIAMS H; N' "tKO Miss Marjorie Williams, whoo en gfiirement to )or.;.ld Uo!nori was re cently announced, was hinmrcd yf-tor-day at a. luncheon for which her sister Mrs. Benjamin j. Humuighs, w:is hostess at her home on east Jackson j MR-. TFMRRE TO RE HOSTESS street. Tulips in coral shades, used I I. V. Temple will be hostess for with brul.J wreath. wtTi ebavmiiiirly j a meeting of the Current Literature used as a cent'Tpb'ee and covers 'w ore ! chib tonmrron afternoon at the librarv laid for sixt -n. I .'RS. HAYS EXTE'ItT.UNS. Mrs. Alice r,. Hay wa,j hosters tlrs ! ift Trunin tor an informal party in ho.:..r of : l rs. W. J. Rerzcr and Mrs. Collins, visitors in Rentl!-ton. Guests were inviied tv the honir cr rdi. tl- laic F(,:im. 'Satigbler of Mr. JUys. Hi boors wre sprnt in sf .ving and bitc j refreshments were served. Jbos and f narcissus w re prettily used in c?peo- j rating. nr.) room. ia mi! !M mi Saturday, May 7 One day only, the lnggc.-t shoe bargain ever offered to Pendleton people. Women's jrcnuine liand turn, black satin one strap pumps, full Louis heel. for tl us day's selling at per pair $5.00 All sizes and widths. sfOBSfos-sftvci; Thip isi rheumatism of the muscles of the back. It comes on suddenly find is fjuite painful. Bvery movement ag gravates the disease. ;o to bed, keep quiet and have Chamberlain's Imm inent applied and a quick recovery may be expected. Mrs. F. J. Dunn, Brockport, X. Y.. writes: -I can hon estly say that Chamberlain's Liniment! cured mo of lumbago a year ago last summer. hen I be'an usin it, I, was flat on my bark in bed and could not turn to the left or right. I had a bottle o,f Chamberlain's Liniment In the house and this was applied to my back. It promptly drove away the pains and aches." Whooping Cough This Is a very dangerous disrase, particularly to children under five years of age, but when no paregoric, (odeine or other opiate is Ktven, is eas ily cured by giving Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy. Most people believe that it mufct run its course, not know ing that the time is very much short ened, and that there is little danger from the disease when this remedy is given. It has been used in many epi demics of whooping cough, with pron ounced success. It l safe and pleas ant to take. KtllH of Constipation Perhaps the most serious of the dis eases caused by constipation is appen dicitis. If you would aviod this dan Kerous disease, keep yot;r bowels regu lar. Kor this purpose Chamberlain's i Tablets are excellent, easy to take and mild and p?m!e In effect. liaintx rlajr-'s Tulilits arc Mild mill c;mtlr hi Kfr.--t The laxative effect of Chamberlain's Tablets is so mild and gentle that you ean hnrdlv realive thiit it hits been j WKDDIXi, IS sm.K.MXIZKn i Miss Lndon.'t M. Mynn the bride of I ituvmond J. Star k a" a certnonv at tho Christian church r sterday afternoon with Rev. W. A. ",rcssma'i of;iciating. Mr. and Mrs. u. K. Rockwell aitVnderl the couple. Mr. and Mrs. Stack will make their home at McKay. SAI.K Tfl r.B WVA.T) Tlie Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist church will hobl a c,ok- I.'iS AXCKI.KS. .May f,. (V. I'.) Sn-.ea homes in the fashionable Wil Miiro ilistrict ar-e without roofs ay the res'ilt of rbe v'sil of a small typical inid-wtterri "uvister.'' The little ci.,l,,ne hit the district when- m.'iny of tho city's elite and members of the motion picture colony lho. Xo one 'Was seriously injured. The roof of the A. E. Meeker home was carried away late at night while a nu rry party was In progress, the rain pouring in to the dining room, drench ing the guests wilh h"avy losses to their party gowns. Vest Pocket Kodak Special Small enough to wear Focusing Model Pictures, 1 5-8 x 2 1-2 inches New goods from the Kodak City are no sooner in troduced than you find them here. For example, the new camera in the V. P. K. size the focusing model of the Vest Pocket . Kodak Special is ready for your inspection. It is a splendid picture-maker in every way. The lens is Kodak Anastigmat f.G,9 that means speed and sharpness. Through a distinctive focusing ar rangement, the Kodak may be brought in sharp focus with the subject only three feet away that means "close ups" with the regular lens equipment. , PRICE, $21.00 And of course there are the other models of the V. P. K. at $8.00 to $21.00. THE PFNDIFTQN QUALITY PRINTING at Reasonable Prices East Orcgonian Printing Department A Picnic For Two BIG DANCE COLD SPRINGS HALL Saturday. May 7 Good Music Good Eats Good Roads Jms? X7h ?f V f j i jp f ('. ... ; . . i , . 'v. , ' r ' t'; Step Inside for a Nice ice-cold drink Ji &';lr 1 hmi) I Little Margaret j'etcrg ol riumiy nniuea r.anen isiauu. mh vui-h. ! divided her glass of milk with Toby the lamb of I'nwpci t Par1', ilrooklvu. ' -when rark Commlaeloner Harman took her and !M other hildn n (ron. i4 Island for a day's outing. As far as Margaret urnl the lun.b wvi" co(icrod It vu " plcoie Just (or two." We are demonstrating the porcelain-lined water cooler in the famous Automatic Refrigerator. This cooler lies right next to the ice, between the food and ice compartments. Requires no extra space or ice. Your ice does double duty, cooling your water and refrigerating your foods. Can be used with or without water bottle. Have you seen the food-saving, ice-saving, health saving Automatic? It's a wonderful refrigerator. I FORD F III 0 103 E. COl'UT ST. l'lIONK 408