PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. " FRIDAY EVENING, MAY fl, 1021 k TWELVE PAGES mmmma IIM if NEWS OF FARM AND RANGE BSHT TO MA 1 Jo. .- u Sen ice is that which every body claims to give but which you really have to hunt for to find. Hut at our store you'll not need to hunt far we'll guarantee that. 1 or the whole backbone of our business is S-E-R-V-I-C-E. Giving the best tor the price, no matter what the price, giving you the benefit of ALL our years of experience in making: the best selections from the country's best wares. If yjou are a regular patron of our big- store you'll continue so to be. If you are not then we ask you to visit Pendleton's greatest store Friday and Saturday, and we'll wager a dollar to a doughnut that you'll BECOME a regular patron. RK 1 A Feast of Values in Silks, Dry Goods Cotton Goods and Underwear. A plance through our Dry Goods Department re veals the fact that this department has gone the lim it in the matter of value giving. We mention only a few items below, but you will find dozens of others placed on our Bargain Counters at Extraordinary Low Prices. You can always do a little better at the Peoples Warehouse. Bath Towels, Saturday Only, Each 49e Summer with more frequent shower baths and swimming trips will call for an added supply of towels. Full bleached, hemmed and very service able bath towels can be had tomorrow at a very moderate price; sizes 19x38 and 23x44; our regular values to 69c. Sale Price Saturday, each 49c Japanese Crepes, Saturday Only, Yd. 39c Extra good quality and because they are durable and wash perfectly, these Japanese Crepes, in all the bright summer shades are especially desirable for houe dresses, smocks, kimonas and for children's dresses. Colore rose, shell pink, tomato, lavender, champagne, brown, copen, green, light blue and white. Don't confuse this quality with the cheaper nualitv crepes. It's our regular 49c quality. Sale Price Saturday, a yard 39c Cotton Cliarmeuse, Saturday Only, a Yard S1.19 There is nothing lovelier for slips under sheer dress es, such as graduating gowns or summer-voiles and organdies, than cotton charmeuse, which is a hand some satin finish; it's equally good for lingerie; 36 inches wide, colors pink, light blue and white. Sale Price Saturday, a yard $1.19 Flaxon, JLyk linen and Pearline Lawn, Special Values, a Yard 39c to 35c For graduating dresses and sheed summer frocks or blouses, children's hand made dresses and fine neckwear sets. These are ideal in quality and finish and are V.. A Special Values at a yard 39c upwards to 83c Sale of Kayser's Silk Top Union Suits for Women, Saturday Only, a Suit $2.49 Saturday you can buy women's high grade silk top union suits of Kayser's quality at a decided bargain price. Get a season's supply of these beautifully finished garments, shown in flesh and white, bodice and regular top styles, with tight knees. These are our regular values from $3.25 to $4.50; all sizes from 34 to 44. Sale Price Saturday, a suit. . . . $2.49 Ii f Remember that the best Bargain among all the good things offered in this good shop IN THE HALF PRICE ALUMINUM SALE Offering innumerable useful vessels and appliances of the best makes on the market. We offer Wear Ever, Mirro, Quality, Vico and Great Western, all at HALF PRICE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Imported Dotted Swisses, Saturday Only, a Yard 32.19 Every fashion review extols the desirability and forcasts the popularity of dotted Swisses in dainty colors for summer frocks. Extra fine quality im ported dotted Swisses in attractive colors with con trasting dots. Sale Price Saturday, a yard . $2.19 Have Yrou Seen the New Sweaters? Only styles which are new, correct and becom ing are given represen tation here, only color ings that are fashion able and desirable are -shown, and only quali ties that we know will give the utmost service and satisfaction are of fered. The gathering of these assortments of styles has meant extra ordinary effort for us, because of merchandise shortage and high pri ces. Nevertheless, here is a splendid stock for you, priced most reasonably. $7.50 TO $38.50 MEN'S BLUE SERGE SUITS Extra Quality $35.00 SmETtt3 GREATEST DEPARTMENT iTORZ it TaT 1 eopies Wcirenoiis WHERE RAYS TO TRADE Use our telephones, our post office dept., our rest room. Make yourself at home here. J DISTINCTIVE DRESS PUMPS Many kinds of pumps in suedes and kid in all the fancies of the season are well represented in our stocks. Here are a few which will be liked both for their desirable styles and attractive prices. Brown and Black Suede Pumps, French heels, in very attractive styles, prices $11.00 and $12.50 Brown and Black Kid Pumps, French heels, with straps, prices $10.00 to $12.50 Gray Suede Pumps, French heels, La Belle pattern, price $13.00 Gray Suede Pumps, French heels, flexible soles, one strap, price $12.00 Brown Kid Pumps, turn soles military heels, one strap, price $8.50 Black Kid Pumps, turn soles, military heels, one strap, price $S-00 White Kid Oxfords, Goodyear welt soles, military heels, imitation tips, price $12.00 White Rainskin Oxfords, Goodyear welt soles, mi- litary heels, price $6.50 and $7.50 White Rainskin Pumps, Goodyear welt soles, French heels, one strap, price $8.00 If your feet ache and pain, if you have callouses, if your feet tire easily, if you have fallen or broken arches, call at our shoe department on the balcony, we have graduate specialists to serve you. . JU Wr Pp Wt Cmli Z. FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SHOPPERS Strawberries, the box 30c Tomatoes, Fresh, the pound 25c Spinach, Fresh, 3 pounds 25c Cabbage, the pound 7c Oranges, dozen 25c to 90c Cucumbers, each 35c Asparagus, 2 pounds 25c Lettuce, Hot House, pound 25c Rhubarb, 4 pounds 25c Radishes, the bunch . 5c Green Onions, the bunch 5c Pineapples, Fresh, each 70c 1 pound box Chocolate Creams 69c Lunch goods for Sunday Fishing Trip or Picnic. Experiment Work of -' Interest to Farmers and Livestock Men to be Investigated. i Steers ran be finished ut half the list per pound by the uho of ensilage. This fact Ikih been determined at ttie I'nion station In Union county. Kvery week after Apill 15 that aurn mrr fallow In tliu Columbia. Hnmn In left unplowed, million the ylolJ uf the fnHowiiir ii op of wheat an average uf one bushel ppf aero for each week of delay, 'ihls fact his been determined hcyond iiucstion by the Sherman coun ty experiment station ut .Mum. Does it pay to chop nlfulfuii ileers in Kastern Oregon? for Does it pny to build shelter fcr win tering lambs In Kiutei'i Oregon? Does It puy to harrow full wheat In the spring? Doe.i It pay to prow green crops to Plow under on the I Ik lit Irrigated soils of l.:ist i n Oregon' irrigated districts? , Definite conclusions on theso ques tions also have been reached on trie different blanch evperimeiit stations in Kastern Oregon. , , The chancing economic f.ltuntlon hi nii'iig about serious conditions In Kastern Oregon Is cunning un unpre cedented demand for fundamental fuels In connection with agricultural praetiic In thin putt of the state. In order thai county ngtntg of Kant cm Oregon may have llrst hand knowledge of these facts to pass on to the mar.y farmers asking Informa tion of them, n few days in the early part of the week of May 16th have; been net aside for the purpose of visit, n? different stations. . Assembling ut I .a Grande. Monday, Way l'i, county audits accompanied by Professors Poller and llysdop of the Oregon Agricultural collene, will visit the I'nlon station where extensive feed ing tests are being carried on to de termine the value of different kinds of silage, the vuluo of rtiopplng hay and other feeding; practices and wintering ' methods. At I'nlon many variety tests or forage crops are also in progress. Kesults at I'nlon are In general appli cable over more than half the area of Kastern Oregon,. At Hrrmlstnn methods of handling irrigated soils will bo studied. " At Mom, In Sherm-in county, several results have established certain fun damental farts in coonectlon with wheat varieties and summer fallow harrowing, methods wbtfib tire appli cable In most parts ' i!t. Eastern Ore gon where wheat Is grown, according to dry land practices. Two days will 'jo passed in Sherman county. Ktperlmi nls Heth-Fnriher evi dence of community seivice as carried n by the nttrlculturul department of the I'nlon high school Is shown by ex periments now under way. Several diffirent poisons, and fertilizer concil iations arc being used on wire-worms. These are applied in varying amounts ind on different crops. Some eight or ten Imported pasture grasses are being slven a trial on several different types of local soils. Two new varieties of field rorn are being given a trial, with the Idea of using them for silo corn If 'hey are adapted to local conditions. ; -beaus are being tried with yellow dent com for use In the silo. A R suc c tent crop for rummer feeding, a combination of field-peas, noy-beans, and corn are being tried together. SAVANNAH. Xiav C M I') Several shot" wee nred ut the ship-piou- board officials as they were ar lam.;ng to put strike-breaking xeamen n!...ard 'he steamer l a ilstn. None was Injure 1. liriclw were thrown in toe fiehl. K"iue IJucmniKC'iiKMit A news Islory from Salt Iike City to the ef fect that the lioblera ul a 100,000 wool t pool have refused Sateen rid three- fourths ceii's a pound offered for their wool Ih encouraging to V'niatilla coun- toen just this far it shows of Aiptil' 1 also of vi tality, vi-ror. tone. To recover appetite mid ilf- I- st take Mood s Katnupwilla that ptreiot'lieiis the sfmach, perfects digtl"n, makes eating a pleasure, it n'so makes the blood rich and pure, end teaiiies the nerves. Bowman Studio IVlldli-tOH. Oregon itnmurrs lt)ST CAUDS Kodak films for sale, fihus de- eloped and ty sh that sonir men nave tjen approached to sell wool. Few offers are being made here. A report that could not be verified ban it that one sheepman whose flock Is purebred Itambnuillet stuff was offered 20 cents for hia clip I MKf.Fr, tne otner day. . atcyipt UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPT MADE TO ASSASSINATE FORMER PREMIER NITTI at i; Italy, May 6. ('. I'.) An was made to nsxasslnato for mer premier Nitti. Three shots were fired ut the automobile In 'which ho was supposed to be ruling. Nittl, how over, whh in the second machine. Friends In the first car were injured. hood ; u.;i: jinsxs HOOD KIVKK, ore., .May ii. (!'. I'.) The I'atc Oarage burned to the ground in a spectacular 30 minute five today. ,Seven new cars and one truck was lost. The loss Is estimated at $30,000. Weren't They the" Handsomest Kids? All Famous Now! if v 'V;J ' - u t'f tf K : H V s- i? 1 ' . Si: - r's, ix-. - r 4 J - ' II ' - A ti Kler of Gertnaay. 1'iWiient HardlDff. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. Thvi Orepon-jMontaiia Rig Visible at Wimiett The Oregon-Montnna Oil & Gas To. will drill on the western end of the Klatwlllow structure. A standard Tex as rig is now being built on section 20.14-26 and they expect to spud In by May 10th. Drilling will he done by Stew art & Stewart, who have a con. tract to drill to 2,500 feet if commer cial production. Is not secured at a lesser depth. I'roductlvo sands In tho Oregon Montana well arc first exnerted nt about 1.200 feet, and with a guaran teed dt-illi'ig depth of 2,500 feet, this noie will tie watched with much Intn.-. est by all oil men Inasmuch us It will penetrate all sands to the quadrant, anil will be a Vomnleto test nr tho structure, which has been missed un- on by competent geologists and Is be lieved by experienced oil men to offer exceptional possibilities for a large field. Incidentally, this rig Is visible from Vlnnctt, and will probnblv he the first objective to visitors to the Wlnnelt fields. Stewart & Stewart are competent and experienced drillers, having operated In Wyoming, Oklaho ma and Texas fields. The Oregon-Montana OH & das Co. i is financed ulniost entirely by Oregon capital, i no company owns 80 acres in feo simple, and loo per cent of pro duction goes to the Investors, each In vestor receiving a conveyance of in terest by warranty deed, similar to a royalty conveyance, this method posi tively assuring each and every Invest or the receipt of his pro rata, share of production. Tho Klatwlllow anticline begins n section 30.H-25, and extends in nn easterly direction to about tho center of township 14-2D, whero It merge with the Oat creek anticline. The Ore. gon-Montana property lies on the apeg of this anticline in a doninl structure : known locally its the Klk creek dome. and 2.600 feet of drilling guarantee a complete and thorough test. .- -' Our lots are fifty dollars each end our Pendleton Office U at DuduIi CI Klnf Ceorgt of Engiani, gar Store. Adv. '