v " - ',1 A I, PAGE TWELVE DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 6, 19J51 TWELVE PAGES - OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL IneluJing Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports I Hails dominat. ,1 more than a scoia Itolmnilnn of 4 "redd btvn in Ikt i:t of Hi..- (.-sues ninm advances ot .M. .n.K. .m.iv ",.-- A. 1M - or... t.. rluh.lv more than 111 roe !.int Mori, K.I.-K vest. May were l.;.M.. t 1 ,, ,, ,,, ,,,1,1111 use, ' "" '''("I f ny session n any of the h ,v grade or reorganize. 11mm vcur. Tic .0 tiv iiy w.i a, cmpaii- .,.,,t,rK f ,iio w.siern and reilh Uii by gross ,,( one lo (no points ..i n di Isioiw. 111 i,-arl run iit..ii.T. Si, , Is .m,l r.u!vv.,v ...ni).ment de Among in, hi. hi., win, I, ;.,r!,.r.,t,.. ...i.liii.-r.r.l Uimii from the Vim til.' mhall.c ,V., Hi,. ..pi,,,,,,,,.,- II, M ,,, S;1i,.N S!,... iv;li,. out. Steel Colli of Govern,.,- Hauling of tin- l.d.i.il n, . ,ls ),,., a,,i,., pearly a,) "wni' '' '"' . onc-irrent ,, , , ostord.iv's m,.mmm, la on. not, 01 11, in I r. discount rale i..r hls vv..s shafod later. 1i,i,.iwoiii,. ' " ' I'1"' ''"" in I ho indep, udent stc-ls was 11101 Centrally Jntrrrrctril cs proof cf the substantial. i...... .,..1 01 c.,.ii,s, ilu- chief , .-'h,,its . idomlv deemed it advisable .....,. 1.1 improvement la ir.ui.' and tl. 1 n , 1 . their p,.si:U.n ia ati.l i.uiusuy for 1,. .n:h-. .iot,.i m the ..'aim. onfoicd pro.',- NEW WAY TO TRAIN DANCERS. ' 4 ' - t ,q ' ft;..,- . i5L 11 .. 1 - I Vy ercis nc: Willi (l is I.:, j hy hol'i to (U v.'li ) a pair t-tCiStis jjHlji.ai in 1-y the luio J ball m thf sole of her foot. Miss Janp! Miir f prof ioi, nit dancing tvel. That's one of the ex il of CasU school. Tan ytoivn-. n-H:ii!sr n. N". Y. THE UNFOLDING OF NUN riNis The laliy. the r'rlil. tlic Imy. tlie yo.iih. the man , thp mdilio n'il. til. 5 !!. Ilu uw th.- iirinii Mi-i- in ilu- iiufi.liliiiK i.t man. 'in his frlicu'ar way, !. i-l(?);ji'i ami colMna li s on 1 " 11! ar.tio, 111 !il Iho Srt'in i'l l '.. Ttirif ts tl.on always u story fall of 'M-ri'r h-i 1 holilinr a !i-m 11. It Is the I.KM-.ON' (JT Tillill T ami i-:.iriianis yo.i. n',: liaM- il:s:rtil !!. i'i woi-'k:, U eti n-iin u- and almu- all To SAVK. taE'.IIfUAliil.d'wa i 8 1 S IT 1 Joe 000 "l. Hie Amerfcanfeffonal Bank r it j rf y rencieion, ureon. w " 0sv-tf-tsc t 73 sink" in fcnQf&m Crtrionm 1 I-TT1Tim-Tniii I Will lllllllIM 111 Mil li I III II liMII I IHl HI 1 lllinir j I1 i'i I ll T 1 ! I ill till! i 1 ii' I " 1 1 1 :r : A Life reserver for Foods An Alaska Ftar refrigerator is .k'cidedly an econ diry. It pays for itself in the food it paves. This is true in wmur a. well as summer, for there ia no ilnK'd reason on food spoilage. The Alaska Star Reli iterator provides chili dry air ki'Pns fnd clean, wholesome, fresfi. Put this economy in your kitchen and make sure it is an Alaska Star. A large assortment of conven ient sizes. ANY SUIT CASE IN Ob'R WINDOW, $2.00 Cruikshonk & Hampton "Quality Count" 124-28 E. Webb Phone 548 Your Old runiiliire Takfn in Eii'lmngr ax I'arl raiiiclil n Xin l.xliisiM. AfiiiU In I'tiulliiini fur Armliix (No liii) J'onli SllUllls. niiro a.coiintivi for tin. strength of Khippinss, loathiM-s, i hoinii-als and io.hI issues, wlioi'i' loss man l lal (jams V I'l l' IVjtistiM'l'il. Tlit usual iiuasular cuhIHIihis r'ali'd n thi' inonoy nmiki't. call loans hol,l ns firm on tli , i'hall.i!i' at ( 'a pol 'out, with free offerings in the open nai kot at 6 an,! r. li'i- rent. Kx 'ii.ine,' on l.oiulon was barely steady, ait Fi'i-ncli. Mi'lsian. init. li ami Italian atrs .'omimual to siretijitlu'ii. even the ieiinan lenilttanie (.lio.vini; slitilit ini irovenicnt. Kails featured the bund lil, contru (iti!'le issues ei'.haiu'inii' yt'sterday'i Oiins. Imern.itiniials also hardened Inn liberty homls made only trifllnj tains or losi es. Total sales, par value, J 1 1 .lil'O.iMlll. HQ-Hum! SiP;L i r. i . " SUNDAYSCHOOLCLASS ! cMinvc riAvc nimup I I II II I I .1 MM I .111111 Mill lii;uiu UMI U VUIII1U I uonipl, v in, in Minus linTeasi n ti i tic April V ASH!Ni;Ti.. May 6. (A. P.) 1"ih niployinent Increased fmir-ttiths of one per cent il urine April, acoordinx in figures made pnhllc last nislit by Hie department of labor. A decrease of ;n.T workers from the pa rolls of 1:124 firths in tij princi pal iiuiifsiiial centers, normally eni ployins a total of l.iiaa.iluil, was shown.. Since January these firms have let out almost .iO.Onn employes, or '2 . per cent. The Pacific coast, the statement said, losi sronnd, inactivity in ship I'liildinv: and luinnerinir accounting for much of the reduction, in the iron and steel industries there was a de crease of iniploymcnt of 3ll.nii3. or ,. per rent, but automobile manufac- ""in.-, wncn snoweu tne nn;i:est sain in employment added, 331, IKS work ers, an increase of 2- 3 per cent. Automobiles, leather, textiles and liquors, the four industries fhowiiiR re coveries, took on 4 J,i53S workers. Anions the cities reporting largest decreases in employment were Port 1 and. dr.. Hi. 7 per cent: Seattle lti.lj per cent; dmaha 'll.S, and San Fran cisco 10.9. v Hies reporiiiv- increases in employ- no 111 inciuoe m-iiver 44.11 per cent nail Detroit :i. . ..,-0, on .10. nil. 'in M..s no:e. lor ,1...... 1, . XT ... . 1 . t.,iiL,i n ,-i.eeiai.i Montana. Idaho. Uyr.min, Colorado, j I'MAI'IXK, May 6.-O11 Friday aft .M'W Mexico I tan. Arizona and Ne-Umoon. Vincent hiKh school base bull " 01. i si i-iuisnnes's cnaracterized 1 ime inuii'.n.s in Washmston, Dre- A Real Breakfast One of the most appetizing meals of the day is the morning meal. To make it n rounding success, a real pleasure to the family, its preparation should be from light, yet substantial foods, easily digested, yet imparting sufficient energy to the body to main tain health and vigor for the day's work. KERR'S BREAKFAST FOODS (Kerr's Oats, Pancake Flour and Wheat Flakes) will make your breakfast a success. "THE TABLE SUPPLY Phone 187 and 188 739 Main Street on and California. .1.1 ....lo .i.,r.... t.,.i i... mi. I ....... . .... u, i.ni,,i ,, ..iiiioii r I it" , at.'r team at Pniaplne the score be- Ad'.crso CntiditHin KeMiHs ( iris' heat ;alns CIlTCAlld. May ft. (A. p.) i.pnarii swinss yesterday in the pri oi wheat resulted, larirely from ad verse reports of crop conditions in the southw.'st. The market closed strong. . c t. ' I!1,.' net to $1.44."i ins 16-6. The heme boys were not in I their usual form and many costly er- rors scored asainst them. Hooters j were many at the same from both tiisT towns. On Thursday evening the .Mclaiush lin hiKh school ilramaiic club gave their play Cousin Jc s:ah" at the t'manine hall. 'I h. t.io.'M.'.iu u'..rM ,n. holier, with Mayvided lutween the two schools after and July $1.14 to I exnenseu !..!.- ...,t n'V... i was nliout a sixty dollar one. Kev. McAffe Wilson is located nt I'.oudow die., according to Mis. Wil son who wroie her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Philippi at this plane, lioudmv is a coast town of about 3ou population. Kvery one is tonkin forward to a won rerflil day. On Saturday evening the fifith grade. was enteitained by the sixth Krade at it party Kiven at the home of ! Miss Pauline P.eck. The youtntsters ! t njoyed the names and refreshments which were served. Jack Harkness who was arrested In a raid fur moonshine on Friday niiiht appears before Justice Lanslev Frldav inoriiinu for trial. He is nut on bonii. Deputy Sheriffs riidsnvuy and Turner conducted the raid. U. S. INSPECTED MEATS CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietor The Sign o iMP aService .JP(; ' . ' and other Dealfi S 1-44 ' corn L'ai.'ied 7-Sc to I S.Sr outs 1 3-Sc to 2 .-S .and provisions l.'c to .',5 cents. A leading crop expert reported there was evidi nc if notable deter ioration in the -wheat fields in the southwest and that the -rental decline in conditions would be manifest when the wh-.-tt plant heads. liefore this news was received, the market had a downward slant, bet persistent buy ing by strong commission houses en sued, and with export demand appar ent both for wheat and rye the ad vance were rapid. Incidentally bulls put considerable stress on the stimulus .Much it was contended should result fn.m the lowerirg of rediscount rates at federal reserve banks. rrn and mih ascended w;ith wheat. The rise was helped by export sales cf corn. Iowa and Oklahoma, advices told of o.-unaye to oats. Provisions wi re lifted hy the prpin Hilge aJ'hoiich depressed at first by weakness in huffs. I (Fast Oresoniun Special.) f"l.l MHi, AI-iy P.. .Spraying for I I be coddling moth hai l emm ami fruit j nien are busy The Kreen tiphia ia no Itireaale th s year and spraying ia he jiiiK don- for that also. The pest Is i uiI-iiik its ai pearance on vecelables The Presbyterian Ladles Aid met j a a Weil as rises and shrubs, with Mrs. .Morrison on Thursday aad J A calf club for hoys and girls was accomplished much work." on this I "r; anizel last week by Fred iiennion. Thursday they will again meet at the j empty af,ri ultural .iKnit, In which same place for mure work. j Dorothy Priggs who won second prize on Friday evening .May 13th the:f"l stock judging at the state fair in first and second grades of the I'raa- I Salem 'Inst year, was chosen president pine school -wilt entertain the com- ' and Tallica Kali, vice president. With m unity with a concert. There will be i inch enthusiastic officers and sn,,.l wurkeia chances are tn.it more prizes j will be won by iki- calf club this vear I IliK I!i ml W heat Crop in ;ixsl Wiaix1. SPOKANK, M;iy 6. (A. P.)-Pros-peets for a bumper weiat crop in the V-iiZ J'enii country are better than in any spring of the last seven years ac cording to directors of the Washing ton Wheat i iron-era" Association, rep resenting the counties of Douglas Orant. Lincoln, Adams and Franklin. Winter wheat acreage is estimated to 1 e increased .-,,) ,,or t thp spring grain is slow-, due to backward weather. .More moisture and less frost ilanrtfue than for several years il ! 1 is re- C'ocm- d'"Alcnos Ind,. Hig Prof is in 20. S'POKA.XK. .May ft. A. p left mining companies in the d Ab-nes of .Vni'thern Idaho ) The f'oeur received pre, its in i:o'l lowirly double those of llipi. aecor ling t,, offieial reports filed today with the county assessor of Shoshone county. Idaho. Total prof its, exclusive of the Hunker Hill, which ,t i b.-I.eved will approximate J2r,u,l 'bin. are reported to be J 3. T3T..7 66 inaliing a total prof t for the district f f6,"2.1.-,.7C6 for the year. The ma' t- 'el was ::. 27.1,1 23. I ioik dancing, uramatization, ames. songs etc., and the program promises to be exceptionally good. The pro ceeds will be used for a Victiola anil books and the Mice of admission Is put at 25 and 50 cents. i;veiyone is invited. Mrs. McDanicl and ..Mrs, Stockton are the teachers of the. grades. On Friday evening the dangers I gave a private dance in the hall. A I large crowd was out and enjoyed the ! evening. Refreshments were served j at twelve. Carl Bean haa rented the pool hall from Claude Heals. Mr. and lira. Fred Rennion of Pen dleton were guests Monday at the home of Mr. and Airs. Dan J. Kirk. They also visited the fichool in connec tion w ith the Hoys and Girl's Club. Hoy Records and Claude Heals have been elected delegates to Grand Uidge which convenes at Albany this month. They are delegates from the I'mapino bidge. Lane Homi has been elected district deputy. On Saturday afternoon, Pansy Wil son entertained her Sunday school class at a picinc over on the creek on the r. o. Sounders ranch. They all had n good time and a fine dinner. The Vincent school Is planning and working on a May Pageant -which will be given the last day of school. May 26 bv nil the pupils from the lowest gradft to the highest. F'dk dances, and hum orous .'.Ketches of interest will he given at this event. No pains are being spared to make it the crowning attrac tion of the ent're y,ar and Goodman's Grove, on the old Historic Hudson Pay lanrh has been chosen as the site. Kcrsting wire dinner guests at the home of Mrs. George lt, blow Sunday. I Many friends and neighbors regret I the accident which befell ihe young-i est son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Held last week. In alighting from the j school bus he slipped and fell, ihe ve hicle passing over one of his limbs, ! crushing It badly. It is hoped the ac-1 cident will not Inconvenience him greatly and ho will soon be in school - again. Mrs. Susio Hoyea will spend the week end at the home of tier niece. Mis. Walter Pleasing of Hcrmiston. Mr. and .Mrs. Gus Under and .Mrs. Susie Hoyea made a round trip to Pen llcloti Satniday. Hoy Challia anil wile and Mr. Henry Summers, wife and baby, visited the coiintv seat Saturdav. So Natural "'I don't see hmv you allow your rook to abuse your husban.1 that wny." com mentnl a caller as an angry female voice resounded through the house. "oh. he dosen't mind It," answered the hostess. "Von see. he's a baseball umpire and he isn't working to-day anil I was afraid he wouldn't nppre. ciate his afternoon off." l.ti.' l-irl t..r.. I.-. Mm .'chool alien lance . on- .,rs. n,.ls. p,-,,-,,,.,, Salunlav' of last : woiked out by mother' i v ,.it . ooiiooia .-.uuiiuy scnoo). The' b'Hders of the two sides in the contest ! -V test I: unoto boil!' re l,iun Pt.ipos and Gladus Whit set,. Ti.c side failing to secure the largest attendance for two Sundays serves a picnic dinner the Fourth of July. The girls have received many promises and it is expected there will he many out to the cnurch e.K-h Sunday for the future. Charles Webber, employe i" the ex periment farm, was in Columbia Tuesday and Wednesday irrigating the alfalfa checks on the different farms he nas taken over for the summer, aisi ta mng camples of the soil for exper.menlal purposes. A rc-enrd of the amount of water used and the amount of hay produced will be made, the same as has been done in the past at the government station, to detcr mltie the r.mount of moisture neces sary to he applied to the soil. Young ..eiiner nas completed a four year j course at O. A C. and seems well -j v. i-si d In soil fertility. t At ihe track meet In llermiston Saturday Columbia pupils carried , away some of the honors. Martle jilannon. winning first in hall throw ,ing. Gertrude Hall and Wllma Wau ganan winning second. ' HerbertJlr.il, j Columbia resident attending Hermls ton Hitili school, won first prize In sev eral entries and Claude Maddux win ning second. Many parenls attended ine meet and took great interest In toe spot t. .Mr. Wm. McQueen and .Miss Clare The Neighborhood club will meet at the home of Mrs. August Under, H ednesday, May nth, east of the Krie Oregon fruit farm. It Is desired that there be a large ntlendance. A searchlight, sixty Inches 111 diam- bervices eter, will be Installed on Mount Tam- alpi.it, near San Francisco, to Illumi nate an "amusement park on the moun tain. The ravs of the senrchligbt will pic,( up a baltleship twelve mile;! ut sea and is five hundred tlnii-s strong. er than n locomotive headlight. For Coated Tongue Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Bloating, Gai, Biliouincis, Sick Head ache, Indigestion, Comtipalion, lake the always reliable FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLETS They dear the boweli, weetcn the lorn cb and lone up the liver. Do ool gripe. J E Colver, 103 Libor Temple, LoeAncelee, Cal - "Alter 56 yean' etpentnc with alt torn and klndi of cathartic remrdiea, I got wlte lu folar Cathartic Tableta, aud ihy are lb be I ever uaed." FreclileFace Sim nnd Wind r.rlng om i'gly Spoln. How In Itrinoic Fnslly Here's a chance. Miss Freckle-face, to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable concern that It will not cost you a penny unless It removes the freckles: while If It does give you a clear complexion the ex pense Is trifling. Simply get nn ounce of Othlne double strength from any druggist and :i few application should show you hmv easy It la to rid yourself of the homely freckles and get a beauti ful complexion. Harely Is more than one ounce needed for the worst cane. He sure to ask the druggist for the double strength othlne us this strength la sold under guarantee of money back If It fails to remove, freckles. rhon 607 Hours t a. ni. to 6 p. m. DR. OIIMART Modern Dentistry In All Itrahclica. First Picture Goldman and Berkman I ' : 1 I i J'.'-:'Kv.qjfW Mipk 'lUliHIIU -' fw r r i ' i-Vk"' VV - i' . pr" " it v i (A V",i-''- v J . , J '.i, y5ni? , f j lUi wiW WWaaaMt &jJ.lMi.A..i, IW.jr.it T!- ...ammiKft. ,-- -n,u i I II This is the hist picture to arrive in ine I niteu States sboAing the acllvitlea of linma Gold,..n n and Al- xandir Heikman CI in Jiussia. They huv Ucil aidii.t' iu piopasaniU woik fur the soviet koveiiimeni. ani uiv khuwn hem ul a coa.ii.uiiiit nieetuitf. j Car Performance Makes Car Dividends' BUIGK Think of an automo bile as a productive in stitution not merely an expense. You buy a car because it will render certain valuable ser vices. It nays dividends in contentment, recrea tion, quick transporta tion. Car performance is more important than model or name. Car performance depends upon the dealer who sells the car. Oregon Motor Garage Distributors BUICK, CADILLAC AND CHEVROLET Phone 468