East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 06, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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    I H6E TEN
Otin(lniird from Pbb )
" TWELVE PAqgg ' r
1 1 1 Mill ''
tM-tltlnii lut 'mrcl
"A1mit (he lliim of the nrnilstlro.
Hill MoiitiMii'Bin, Htarvliie. kkK iiihI
iWlmMr'd, rritfti out ,f honnp itml
Ihuho, itcK'(1 nf nil It clothes ami
plirpp by fmir yciirM of Austrian ofvt'
patkm wan Immivllatvly tlinuifrti Imrl
tnnd ovrr to the Svrlwms ny a
nittll iiro-MrrMnn irout lwt y lUclo
vitch. "Th'lr poMHInn reinforced by tlv
APpfrbranrc of Serbian troops, the
l& X. 'VXwmillllaTVr'arar' M r aa aaaa
T s x y y
clocttons islilch were elections In name
only f re hold, the main question be
ing whether Mnntenecrft wouM sup
port the JuRnslnv lilca and Join In It.
Many deceptive practices were follow
ed to prevent the people from votinfr,
and some of them did not know of the
election until It was fifteen da past.
ItefuKoiR outside of the country 'who
liad been froed from Austrian prisons
nnd Were bcinn repatriated, who had
received a whisper of what was really
roinit op and who attempted to re
turn ut their native land worn held at
the. border by the Austrian until after
tha elections were over."
king Nh'boluK IX-posctl
"The pro-Serbian deputies w ho were
Ifcted immediately voted to depose
trn kin and join up with Serbia.
Theft the Serbian troops occupied the
country with headquarters : Cettinje,
th Montenegrin capital. Young Mon
tenegrins were recruited by force and
thn transferred, the plan heine to
nrnd them to Serbia and replace them
with Serbian troops. Those men who
Tefused to serve In the army and fled
to the mountains or the country had to I
leave their families unprotected and
incared for. Even the food- that was
acquired from America wax used as
Iropaitanda by the Serbians, it being
denied in some cases to those who did
not favor the coalition. Villages were
burned and many charKes of atrocities
have been made by the Montenegrins
lis A result of these cenditions.
"Every attention was paid me. in
fact, too much attention until I decid
ed to move independently from Pod
ftoriisa into the interior. Every ob.
1e was put in my way. and even
indirect threats of death were made. I
W"a warned that I would surely be
killed by bandits in the mountains.
Radovitch and the Serbian officers
Wanted to line the road near Xicthish
with soldiers and send a guard along
with me to keep me safe from bpn-
Hold by lJamlifs"
"But these bandits, so-called, were
the very men I w ished to see, after the
disclosures made by my investication
of the castle of Podeoritsa. so I pro
ceeded without guards. To make a
long story short I was held up by these
mountain men. They were a pictur
esque lot with their double bandoliers j
of cartridges and they were armed
to the teeth. I talked with the leaders
for an hour and a half in a hut out
side of w hich fruards were posted.,
"f then went on to Xieshish after
having arranged for a second meettne
at vhich time they were to itiva me a
careful prepared document as to Uielr
position, causes of it. their aspirations
ami what they would "assume as re
sponsibilities, k
"X returned a second .time, my car
passing iK'tween two ranks of about
100 men- I was presented with the
document which was a complete and
splendid exposition of the Montenegrin
nuttonalis-t position, and instead of be
ing; sigped by irresponsible briprands. it
bore the signatures of the chiefs ot
the seven clans of Xieshish. Amon
thi group were three orthodox priests
ap.d other reputable men."
Situ Other Refugees
"At San Giovanni de Medua, a little
Indentation In the coast of Albania
near the confines of Montenegro, then
Italian militarily controlled territory
and that too is another story I sought
out a camp of about 400 Montenegrin
refugees with whose leader I also con
ferred in the presence of them all,
seated on the barren, rocky mountain
slopes where they were encamped, liv
ing in any kind of an old tent and clad
mostly in old misfit, pkked-up uni
forms. The story of these three
Croups, the story of the leaders in pri
son, the men in the mountains and
these refugees outside their country
was the same. Serbia had usurped
their nationality and tried to absorb
them into a greater Serbia. This .they
were against, but they were not against
a Jugoslav state, but with an auianto
mou representation.
'They wanted a fair election in
Montenegro under the protection 'of
Uritish or American troops, or both
with all Serbian troops withdrawn,
and this I strongly recommended in
by dispatches to the peace conference
and tho general staff. I also urged the
release under certain conditions of the
The Corn
and Callus
ThU C ora Rrntm Is Caaran'eed.
llellef from corn suffering follows
the application of ".JhIs-II" almost
quickly a psin follows the thrust of a
Do This For
THEmiMic should know that then
t a vast dtnerene in the action of
the virions remedie for eonetipation.
Some are "flushes," purees, physics.
They (tripe nd weaken.
For lasting effect use a laxative.
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin acta
Bently and mildly so that even a tiny
bahy can ue it with safety. It rs a
compound of Egyptian Senna and
other simple laxative herbs with pep
am and pleasant-tastiag aromatics.
A aixty-cent bottle will last au aver
age family many months.
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is the
mo pounlarof all laxjfives and more
is u?ed in American Homes than any
other. Last year eight mtlKon bottles
were sold by druugisls, the largest
tale in the world.
Srnd mi your name and address
and I u ill send yau a free trial bottle tf
mySynip.Pfpstn. Addnss me Dr.
W. B CaJuWl, j ii Washington
St., Monricelfo, J.'I. Everybody now
and then needs a taxumv, anil it is
urilroltnowthelxjt. Writemetoday.
irisoiiers in the Podijoritsa
liaibnlp h A Strons Sinn
The conversation turned from gen
eral conditions to the character of
Kitdovitch, and Colonel Furlonjr jtave
some of the impressions he pained
from the close association he had with
the Montenegrin leader during: his. in
vestigation. Kadovitrh is a man of many Rood
qualities and (Treat ambition for him
self politically, and for that part of the
country, the main contention of his
cause beinK that it represents the de
sire of a majority of the country and.
that Montenegro was too small and
poor a country to exist by herself.
However, it is scarcely loirieal to as
sume such a basis of areument when
little Montenegro, which had the first
Hate printing press in Europe at Uije
ka. has already evidenced that sh
could exist for six centuries as a virile
Independent nation, and in fact act
as, and maintain herself as an outpost
of Christian civilization in the Balk
ans." .Justice Due Country
"The tight patrol of the country, the
control of myself and Captain James
Bruce who was with me and the meth
ods used to control the country, the
subsequent antipathy toward us dis
played by Radovitch and the Serbians
when I broke away from that control
was poor evidence that the majoritj
of the Montenegrins desired to be ab
sorbed by Serbia and forfeit their sov
ereign rights as a people.
"The caso of little Montenegro
which has appealed through her cour
ageous esprit, kindly hospitality and
noble simplicity, particularly to Am
ericans, makes her one of the first and
most worthy countries to which Justice
should be done by tho (treat powers.
It ii. a pity that Serbia, one of the no
blest, courageous and country-destroyed
of all allies should have had this
unfortunate blot on her otherwise gal
lant and noble procedure throughout
the war. It would redown much to the
credit of Serbia should she herself
restore to little Montenegro complete
independence and later seek that union
through brotherly approach to this
courageous, undaunted people of the
Black Mountain Montenegro."
Patriots Shot Kadovitcli
''itather than irresponsible trigands,
all evidence would point that the
shooting of M. Itadovitch was done by
incensed supporters of the king and
near the very little village of Vieguse
where King Nicholas was born, and
coincidental!)', it has followed closely
on the king's death.
"This is not the first time that An
dre Radovitch has been shot at. and
even in the heart of Podoritsa in the
unpretentios little hostelry where I
frequently lunched and dined with
Itadovitch he was always guarded by
a ituard with fixed bayonet and by an
other at the foot of the well-worn
ricketv Htalrs."
O' ' fui c .iim
rln o knife Into III fbsb. Not only
rd .iii or oit i ..rn but evrry kind
,r com or cttllu wurr.'nnri to .tts
li" urrls riitbt off. It bin pjt a
fed seoio1 to .top the pain with two
r tbne liop. On to pw truuKist
.'. ;w a bottlr of "Ols-lt " t'oata
hut a trille nmnlirrr.' "ur money
hark IT not satisfied MM by T-. JJiw
aMC & . Chb ni:o. bold in IVndlc
.. by Tillnmtt (V Hi., Kioiiomy lrns"
v i.
One of the youthful entertainers
for member of the diplomatic corps
in 'WHJhlnfrton la alx-year-old Cjr
riNU Inn, daunhter of Senor R. C
i-umilo Pmi, charjie d'iaftaiies of Ui
lloiidMlW lejatlPH,.
aaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaVamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a-att-. ,.,rt u'f..SMtM...V.. A.. . mmmmmmmMm
The Clouds of Doubt and Uncertainty
Have Rolled By
WE ARE emerging from the shadow and entering the Sunshine of PROSPERITY. We are
standing upon the threshold of a New Day. Out of imaginary chaos and temporary depression
come OPTIMISM and CONFIDENCE in the Future. Speculative orgies are rapidly being replaced by
.Sound Constructive Business Policies. Fictitious Values and High Prices have had their fling and now
step aside to make way for REAL VALUES based upon present Replacement Costs.
THIS is a Prosperous Condition and we are proud that our 312 DEPARTMENT STORES were
among the VERY FIRST TO LOWER PRICES and thus help bring about this new PROS
PERITY that promises to be SOUND and ENDURING.
Another consignment of those mighty good Cannon
Brand Towels, direct fre.-n the mill with the attendant
savings this quantity buying affords.
Values better than ever with even more tempting
prices. ..' liir
Bleached Bath Toweis, 14x29 inches, each '. 12Vac
Bleached Bath Towels, 18x32 inches, each 17Vac
Bleached Bath Towels, 18x34 inches, each 23c
Bleached Bath Towels, 20x40 inches, each 29c
Heavy Bleached Bath Towels, 20x40 inches, each 39c
Heavy Bleached Bath Towels, 21x42 inches, each 49c
Extra Quality Bleached Bath Towels, 26x49 in., each 59c
Extra Qualitv Bleached Bath Towels, 24x48 in., each 79c
.Unbleached Bath Towels, 20x29 inches, each 25c
Rarber Towels, 14x24 inches, each 08c
Fancy Self Bordered Huck Towels, 18x36 inches, each 15c
Huck Towels, red border, 18x36 inches, each :.19c
Fancy Huck Towels with initial panel for embroidering,
19x36 inches, each 23c
Fancv satin bordered Huck Towels, 19x38, each 25c
20 inch Bleached Terry Cloth, yard 29c
. 22 inch Bleached Terry Cloth, yard ,....35c
17 inch Cotton Huck, fancy strife, yard 23c
17 inch Cotton Huck, fancy stripe, yard 23c
18 inch Cotton Absorbent Cotton Crash, yard 19c
16 inch Heavy Absorbent Cotton Crash, yard 19c
16 inch Unbleached Cotton Crash, yard 18c
17 inch Unbleached Cotton Crash, yard 19c
18 inch Linen Finish Glass Toweling, pink or blue
check - ... 21c
16 inch all linen Bleached Crash, extra quality 33c
16 inch Stevens all Linen Bleached Crash, yard 33c
18 inch Stevens all linen Bleached Crash, yard 35c
16 inch Stevens all linen unbleached Crash, yard 29c
18 inch Stevens all lirfbn unbleached Crash, yard 35c
20 inch Stevens all linen unbleached Crash, yard 35c
Packers Tar Soap : 19c
Cuticura Soap 19c
Pebecco Tooth Paste 35c
Colgates Tooth Paste 19c
Prophylactic Tooth Brush 33c
One button strap, brown suede pumps, 'brown kid inlay,
close edge sole, fiijrh covered heel, plain toe. AAA
to C. Pair : $9.50
Two strap buckled black suede pump, high covered heel,
close edge sole, imitation tip. AAA to C. $9.50
One button strap, black satin kid, suede inlaid vamp, per
forated vamp, high leather heel. AAA to C. Pair $7.50
Two button strap, soft brown kid pump, satin inland
vamp and perforated strap, high covered or Baby
Louis heel. AAA to C. Pair 7 $6.90
Two strap buckled black kid pump, flexible-sole, imitation
tip, covered Cuban heel. AAA to C. Pair $6.90
Two button strap, soft black kid pump, satin inlaid vamp,
perforated strap, baby Louis heel. A to C. Pr. $6.50 ,
Black kid pump one button perforated strap, flexible sole,
high leather heel. Pair $4.98
Two button strap, brown- kid pump, flexible sole, military
heel. Pair $4.98
Brown Satin Kid Oxford, close fitting six evelet style,
Goodyear welt soles, imitation tip, Cuban heels, AAA to
C. Pair ..v ; $8.50
Same style as above with high leather heel, AAA to C.
Pair $8.50
Fine black Kid Oxford, six eyelet style, close fitting round
the ankle, Goodyear wplt sole, imitation tip, high
leather heel, AAA to C. Pair $7.50
Good quality black Kid Oxfodds, good weight sewed soles,
military heels. Pair $2.98
White Canvas Oxfords, Goodyear welt soles, stitched tip.
enameled leather heel. Pair $4.50
White Canvas Oxfords, medium weight sole, stitched tip,
enameled leather heel. Pair $2.98
White canvas two button strap pump, flexible sole, plain
toe, high covered or baby Louis heel. Pair $4.50
White canvas plain pump, Goodyear welt soles, enameled
leather heel. Pair $4.50
No. 60 Berkley Cambric ".. 19c
42 inch pillow tubing, good quality 39c
45 inch pillow tubing, good quality 39c
40 inch pillow tubing, good quality 35c '
o? inch pillow tubing, good quality 33c
36 inch bleached Indian Head 23c
44 inch bleached Indian Head 33c
90 inch unbleached Pequot Sheeting 59c
90 inch bleached Pepperil 59c
81 inch bleached Pepperil Sheeting 45c
72 inch bleached Pepperil Sheeting .13c
36 inch Hope Muslin.: 13c
36 inch Lonsdale Muslin ." ..19c
36 inch good quality house lining 7 l-2c
Pequot Sheets, 72x90 '. $1.49
New Era Sheets, 72x90 $J.2S
Pequot Pillow Slips, 45x36 43c
Pequot Pillow Slips, 42x36 39c
Devonshire Cloth, 32 inches.wide 29c
36 inch Comforter Challis, good quality 15c
Meritas and Sanitas Oil Cloth for table or wall, 47 and 50
inches wide, yard 33c
36 inch English Long Cloth 19c, 23c, 29c
40 inch English Long Cloth 29c
27 inclTAmoskeag Apron Checks, yard 12c
32 inch feather proof A. C. A. ticking, yard 29c
32 inch Art Ticking, dainty floral patterns 39c
40 inch Burlap for draperies, upholstering," etc 19c
30 inch Jap Crepes in popular colors t 29c
White Kid Pump, flexible sole, high covered heel
- $5.90
Same style made up as an Oxford, pair $5.90
Men's Khaki pants, good weight, belt loops, cuff
bottom, pair ....i $l.p,g
Men's heavy khaki pants, cuff bottom, belt loops, pr $2.49
Men's heavy khaki Riding Breeches, lace knee, double
seat pair $3.49
Pay Day and Underhill, union made bib overalls, heavy
blue denim, pair $1.19
Four U Bib Overalls, fine tightly woven Massachusetts
denim, the best overall that ever came to Pendleton.
Compare it with any bverIl at any price you can buy
ariywhere, pair '. : $1.39
Shanhouse Motor Suits, extra heavy khaki colored ma'- .
terial, liberal size, all pockets reinforced, suit ....$2.98
Medium weight khaki suits, each $1.98
Good quality blue chambray Work Shirts, each 59c
Blue or gray chambray Work Shirts, sizes 12 1-2 to 18
each 69;
Boys or Men's Canvas or Jersey Gloves, the
. Pair 10c, 15c, l?c
Leather Faced Gloves, gauntlet or wrist length,
Pair 23c
Boys' Overalls, sizes 3 to 10, pair 89c
11 to 17.... ".!Z""""'98c
Children's play suits of heavy blue denim, narrow tr.m-
mind of white braid, suit , g9c
Children's play suits, extra heavy denim, red trimmed,
liberal cut, 4-U, the suit 98c
I An f?i:'i-".l
lb II S W If II If II
incorporated WE SELL
Opposite Hotel Pendleton
Pendleton, Oregon
1 1