East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 05, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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People Here and There
V. C. Mi'Kciulo l imiyor of Hei
mlHton mut iiIbo In the liurdwuro lim
ine In tho went end city, Mr. .Mo
Kunzle iiiul Mia. Mi.Keiuln uiu Id I he
city today fur u aliort vlit.
C It reneo Wliltoiniiti left today for
Vi ntiin vh"ic lio wiim 'iillicl ly Hip
(InuUi of IiIk fallii r-ln-linv, (J. W.
proeiKlol. .Mra. Whltnnuin Ih ii iluugh-
Ur ol tho Imo .Mr. l'roclislol
IhTK I llllll ollll
VT. I'). LmipIuh, deputy mweMaur for
the Nolln diHlrlct, wan here today
checking over hln hookH with. It. O.
lluwkii, county usxemior.
Irl( Oiyoti Ofirriiifr
A now record fur coyote bounty
imymcntH to one man wan cntabltnhoi
Htcrday when Jim Hilly, an Indlun,
I renentel iht HcalpM of 4 coyote pupn
at the office of the county treasurer
und received In payment $132. The
pujiK uio worth $.1 each dead.
( arinlcliat I tunc on
Tlio flrnt coint Inning of tho Car-'
nilt liaiH dlvorco enne In whkh Muble
'nrniii'iiitel Ih ekli.q: to have the de
cree recently grunted (Jei.rajn H. Cnr-mlchiu-l
annuled whh opened thlH aft
ernoon In circuit court. The conten
tions of t'arniichnel'K flrnt wife la that
Kh wan coerced into agreeing to tho
action for divorce In the fenr that nho
would he iniHireutcd by Carnilchael.
Volumlnoun offerl.ma In the ahnpe of
affidavit have tcen filed ulnce the
cajte Kim Introduced and cnxatloniil
developments aro expected to result
frr-m the hearing.
WAU.A WAU.A, Wash.. May 5.
The proKrum for the dedication cere-inonli-8
for tliu new In-ldga ucroHH the
Snake river to he held at llurhunk
Kri.lny him hceii completed by Joint
i cnmmittcrH from pimco and Walla Wal i
la commercjiil cIuIm. and the r'niiiklln
and Walla Walla county cuivmiBmo
Approved sinus will direct Hie mo
torist to tho parking placed, acconllim
to the plan. TIipho will lie located
between the Hurhank hotel and the
river. Kiill detallH lor tho parking of
cars hnve been worked out by the
sheriffs of tlio.two counties.
The progr.-.m at the hridKc will lake
place following a parade whloh wll
stint at tin? Pairlmnlf hotel. It Includes
speeches by Covvrnor Hurt, K. V.
Ivuvkendiill, stale director of public
works; .lames Allen, Male hiKhway
commlsHloner; Dr. B. II. I l'enrose,
president of Whitman colli-Ke; I r. M.
M. Katon, pastor of the I'liseo Metho
dist lCplscopal chun-h;: K. J. C'anton
lne o the Walla W.alla county board
of commissioners: and It. I files,
rtnlrmnn of the Franklin county
board of commissioners.
,eaH lor lleiiiilHlon
Fred r.eiiiilcu, county UKent, left to
day for Hermlstoii where he will ut
tend a mei'liiiK of the Columbia liasln
Hay (irowers Assoeiatlon to be held
there Ibis eveiilnK. Hay Growers from
Umatilla and Morrow counties have
united In the forming Of the association.
I'cill loner In Haiikruplry
FrneMt iiarhor, I'eiidleton man, is a
petition! r In bankruptcy, and his ease
lias been referred by the dislrli court
to JudKe 'IhomiiM Fltz Ueiald lis lcf
ciee. In his petition Itashor (fives his
liabilities us I'.', 218. 78 with assets ut
$3110. His assets consist of household
goods and one milk cow. The hearing
bus been set for May 18.
Krr's Panes ke
On the covered platform which has
been put tip at the hrldxn. will he the
Walla Walla hich school K. O. T. C.
band of in pieces, which, with a quar
tet oC picked voices from the Whit
man college nle eJub, will furnish
music fbr tho occasion. The Whitman
quartet will sing through megaphones.
Plans for an airplane demonstration
are beiin? worked out by "Tex" Hank
in, Walla Walla aviator, who operates
one of the Curtlcs army planes. Hank
in will lnnpect the bridge alto and if
possible will pilot his plane under and
over the brldwe.
Many Itiiilillnir Penults.
Applications for building permits
during tho month of April aggrenated
a total valuation of $212,MU, the re
poit of City Keeorder Thomas Fitz
tleralil, gUeu last night to the city
council, showed. Fines collected
amounted to $431. r.O. Twelve burial
penults were ginnted. and permits for
the const ruction of 212 feel of side
walk were (jranlcd.
PayCash Receive More Pay Less
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court . Phone 880
Watch Tomorrow
Night's Paper for
Saturday Prices
Pay Cash ' Receive More Pay Less
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court Phone 880
Children uiv lOxjuiiiiicxl.
Seventy-one children were examin
ed at the children's conference held at
Weston dining the past two duys. It
was discovered thill III many cases
children needed a doctor's care. The
conference was conducted by Mrs.
Kdlth C). Van Deusen, home demon
stration agent, an) Miss l.ale Iine,
of O. A. C, nutrition expert, the fol
lowing doctors being prejent: tr.
Smith, of Athena; lr. .'.icKlnney, of
Weston; lr. C. O. Walnscott. Lr.
Johnson and Dr. James llest of Pen
dleton. Much of the siicccsh of the
conference was due to t:,e woi'.t of
Mrs. L. 1. O'llara, chairman, who was
assisted by Mrs. W. M. Peterson, Mrs.
Newton O'llara, Mrs. C. li. Fisk, Mis.
W. H. Price, Mrs. Albert O'llara, Mrs.
Kinury Slangs, Mrs. Josoph Wuntcr,
Mrs. James King. Mrs. Charles May,
Mrs. Frank Snyder and Mrs. Good
win. One hundred fifty people were
present and so eir.'.iiislastlc we they
a1 children's clinic will be held In the
fall. Mrs. Van Deusen and Mist I-anc
will be In charge of a conference at
llermiston tomorrow nnd Saturday
and conferences at Pilot Pock May
12 and 13.
NK'vV yOltK, May o.i Hurujd D.
Jacobs, V. P. Stuff Correspondent.)
"The devil Is working 3H5 days a year;
ih church has iiot to work to be;it the
Uevll," Itabbl Aaron Klseiiiaii dechu ed
in an Interview with the I'lut-d Press.
The young rabbi, who recently stir-
red New Vork with a sermon In wnlch
he (lei lin ed "our noidal environment Is
rotten'1 and characterized vampires hs
"siio dev. Is," sumnied up present con- ,
dlllons as follows: i
"Uellflon may be regarded as p:-ic
tlially a failure, unless It gels down !
off Its pedestal and miuKles Willi the
people on .1 common ground.
' The church must be liberated and !
humanized, mid Its representatives
must firc.uh less along doctrinal ami i
theologli-tl lines ami more upon every
da life.
"l eojde are turning away from Jhe;
church ln'cause It is loo undcinui.Tn'lle. ,
and because it lives too much 'n past,
centuries, rather than the plescnt.
"Clean and wholesome pleasures I
and recreation should be encouraged
by tl. chip-cli. The people are going
to d im e, play cards jind attend the
inowes anyway, so why not give them
ilieso things v illi the sanction and su-j
IKTvision of the church'.1'' i
ltabbi Eiseman declared there Is but ,
one solution to present ouy moral la.-
ity religion and Us attendant moral
training. Pe mid he regarded the;
great numl'er of divorce sciind.ils as
the worst of modern evils, with Im
moral d.ihclng, salacious movies, im- '
modest dress, gambling and vmnpireij
both on the screen and In real life
v:lo-r behind., ;
"The world apparently has made no!
moral or Intellectual progress over the !
and ut E,; pliiins and Assyrians,'1 he
Evening Gown
J " l 1
I ; ' r
i . ' . '
.v t; s - ,:
t' , 7th l VI
' 9
Mother's Day
Ne.t Sunday Is the day set aside to give s .eel
thought to your mother. Custom has dec.eed that
this day be observed with the giving of ' Wit
expressive of your love.
lewelry The Gift that l-ists-Is most appropri
ate for such an Oceanian. So mater how small ,o,.r
Sift may be it will be symbolical of your love.
if mf iwlry It howa that you desire your re
membrance to be the best possible and to be of en
during beauty.
n Pendleton
The Liir-jrst Diamond lH-alcrs In Kot-rn
'Louise Du Pre ot the Fan Film
Corporution has chosen for her Lu
, die evening gown tones of gray
The lace la silver, the foundation
silver cloth. Crystal shoulder sirapa
and panel back and front la used.
"Wo a; living in a enem:inn Just
as :nnn,i'-mitd and material as ever;
a generation perhaps more sensual
iban ever, because it shows its sensu
ality in every form. It is displayed
in the craze for immoral dancing; ia
iho dc'iuind for Immoral plays and
movie.'; in the lack of modesty hi cm
duel, dress nnd demeanor, and in the
panned, powdered, roui;''d, kalsonnn
ed and van !:;hed facets of our wor-iei.
mid girls.
"This ii an are of vampires. Theiej
arc countless she dvils who t;o about government bur.ni for Oie extension
i seeking to destroy homes and rojblnps mil exiinnsloii or foreign trade was
wrmen and children of their husbmulri siionsnred by J.. Walter Drake, ot De-
am fathers Een our i .onversalinr. troit, In an adilress today neiore ine
eventuallv becomes salacious. Among I national foreign trade council in an-
our women, among our girls of 1 j nual ciuiveniinii here. Mr. Drake said
who knows more about life in their 'in pfrt:
adol escence 'ban our giandmothers j "The w.-nkest .'it in America's in
did at ;) -this lias become an ac- , flustrial de eloiinenl is foreign trade,
cepted fact. ! 11 iH unforinnalely true that relatively
"From ton to .bottom, through and ! only a small proportion of American
through, our socnty is loiten."
l-semari pointed to Ihe S:ilval:or.
LO.VDON', May 5. (A. P.) Sir
James Craig, premier-designate foi
I'Ister, and Professor Kamonn Ije
aler:i, the Irish republican leader,
had a conference on Irish affairs In
Dublin today, it was announced officially.
Full SAI.i: Two horses, weight 1250
each. Almost new hack, two seat
ed; light wagon almost new. See at
Matlock Ilrldge, red barn. Will sell
very cheap.
FOR SALK 1920 Dodge touring In
cond shape new tires Wallace
Fi Ml I IK XT Nice bedroom,
side, close In Phone 776-U.
; producers have realized the vital na
jture of foreign sales as a balance
I wheel for domestic trade. The result
j of this Ins been that in a natioanl way
I this country has not developed an es
I tublished foreign trade policy.
I "The bu.siness can no more contin-
up without government participation
! than could a private business abolish
! I'm; sales organization when the sea
son's output has been sold and trust to
I finding a new market each year for
Ills product without sales service and
! effort. There must be a single depart-
mem o," '.lie government in charge of
jail foreign trade service. There
should be established a government
iiiainini: academy which would rank
Fsciit'als. 1 Willi West Point and Annapolis, to be
"Hiram." said, Mrs. Corntossel. j devoted exclusively to the preparation
"have you m:ie improvements in the j and education of men lor the govern
pHce so's to render it attractive to the j mcnt foreign service,
summer boarders'.'" , "Today, as we face Ihe competitioi
"All the improvements that are nec- ! "f Kuropeun countries lor the foreign
essarv" replied Farmer Corntossel. : market of the future, which to them
"I've bought a lot of jazz records and ; means almost life and death in their
the phono-1 national existence, it is impossioie i
I ignore the perilous situation in which
Army as a religious organization
vliieh "gets results'" through hard
work and democracy, and cited Pilly
Sunday who is not afraid of courting
ridicule to "save souls."
"The trouble with must of us is that
we are too timid." he said. "We are
afraid of rolling up our sleeves and
doing something that might be regard
ed as undignified. True religion al
ways has dignity, regardless of what
t?!:ise il Is in.
"The oevil is working all the time.
If we an going to heal him we have
;;ot to work Just as hard, or harder."
some new
Cl.KVKt.AND. O.,
Establishment of
I this country finds itself in respect ol
ithii oigamzation and equipment de
jmanded in such a competition,
j There is only one way in which this
j situation can be corrected. A proper
hind adeiiu.ite organization of the gov
'crnmcnl service is vital and, if neces
sary such a bread general measure put
Ion the statute books as will serve as a
i ,;lsi.s tor a full and complete organ-
jlay p.) ization of all government activities in
an independent foreign trade.
Tire Prices Drop
Ve are pleased to announce to the motoring
s public that
m imaKe I5esi mend, She Says
j' f . ! i ; r , '
' This ia not a cut sale but a bona fide tire reduction. Cheaper
labor and rubber prices has made this possible. The same high
quality still in every tire.
'This means quite a saving .to you on nign-graqe tires.
. 'I ,
Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co.
305 E. Court St.
Wholesale and Retail.
WM. DUNN, Mgr.
Phone 135
s- f-"&; iv ? o , 4
m af . v TNrs ;
T."C7Fenney Co.. A Nation-Wide Institution
; 6
; c
; c
bi. iTj . iAt t it m: tr i r-rr -x
'V' -T-AVt-i.iaar
i i i -
Mill Shipment
Esmond Crib Blankets
' Wonderfully good looking are these soft
fleecy blankets from this mill of national rep
utation for quality bed coverings.
Dainty pinks and blues are the predominat
ing colors with patterns to catch the eye of
wee folk, bunnies, teddy bears, kitties, birds,
flowers, etc.
30x40 in. size, lock stitch binding, each. . 79c
36x50 in. size, lock stitch binding, each. $1.19
36x50 in. size, wide binding of mercerized
cotton all around, each $1-by
45x60 in., an extra size blanket of unusual
attraction, satin bound ends, lock stitch
sides, each " i vj
Large fleecy batts, 3 pounds full bed size,
72x90, pure white new cotton, stitched ready
to cover, each ,
Our best stitched batt, full three pounds
72x90 of pure new white cotton, light,. soft and
36 im Comforter' Challis in pieasing patterns
and colorings, yard 15c
40 inch Voiles, unusually good for fine com
forter covering, yard ijc
e i
n i
O ;
T" r I'ennev C o.TA Nation-Wide Institution
may the
r Mother s Pay l'aie this '-
, i,i.-h tills vear is on .-u.uiu. -la .
XJLri on, to tak- the place of
flowers worn in the vast
11OTU,lu.vl,a0uehasaxvhue c rn-
,;;,v international Assoea.tion of 1 hil
;"K'"'h'u' soeieiv will be
,iri' in conneoti"ii u"
l-lehration of .Mother's Pay.
;so.i or ordain.-."""
,f .Mother's lK'.V r us ceie
rir inT nart of ths lectrlo
ystem on your car overhauled
and repaired. Satisfaction juar
anteed. '
Tlllard Servic Station,
Fendelton, Or.
Phone 84. LETS CO!
Any JHseil
the l" me
! 'n ation on printed
!;vI I-
.Ov' :l T .
is. and emh
,v for
;lirotit;h them
!.nrinB to oi'tain tnon
oaarities or auyimm; ,
;hould he Uisroumeo-
Hirieo to i
i l.v ihe inihlie and
tin- proper authorities.
Mmtn Hum- SiisiMVtod It.
iminy Krissnuis!" e.iaculaled Pp.-1
hear that woman o.n --
Mie ivih..".j
her huslmnd to talk like
vins. "Ju
I over ith 'dj'
I must lov
i,h''vou don't Ket her." '-id Vivir
.She1, nnt talk,.. ahout lwrhu,ln.!.
!-!.. .lim-uina her Airedale. Wn-
niond Times-inspau n.
Is "A snake Is your host friend." lays Miss Elisabeth Retr.insfoT. of New,
3 Tclrk. member of tho H ptile Study Society "With only two exceptional
the timber p.ittlennake and the copperheud therf tim't a annke In AnK'ri-,
5 m that can Mte you or injure you In any way. A annke will eat the ver-
ln on a farm without louehlntt areen tbinira: he will kill every ml and
3 House In the roll;,,', he will uuxk well of infivtion ami will prole, t
H." ..... K,..,.MK..I.I .,1 m.Ni !iv ilplvii aw:IV iliMiMv n..lfl V..v..r kill uuiL."
lniyslclan ajut Surgeoo
Itooma 21 and !S Sralth-Crawfor
Telap'iotit 70 I"
I a. m. to S p. ra.
Modern Dentistry
In All Pramhea.
Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee
Chronlo and Nervoua lneaae an
DlMUM of Women. X-Ray KlectrH
Tampla Bldf. It
Phona 41
Plum 510-W P. O. tt '