DAILY EAST CPECOXIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 5, 1021. TEN PAGES A INDEPENDENT NEWS PATER. PuMlnh4 Daily und S'-ml-Wockly. at lVhtiMn, r'fton, by lh AST OltKUON'l.VN' lTm.lSHlXa CO. Enu-rril At the iot office at Pendle ton, or' roit, an rconti claa mail nm( tar. ON PALE IN OTHER CHTES Imperial Hotel Nwi Stand, Portland, OitmRn Purfhu, Vtv vmHy liullding. .-hint,-l'TJ, 1. t, Hurtau hi'l four l--til li Sir t. X, W. Member f the Aftoelntetl ! Tli1 AiM!Mtd l"r-c in exclusively nt i tied to the line lor republication ot 11 n-w a dispatcher rr'iitei to it or rot oiherw is- cr -tltted in thia paper fend alo tlitj local new a publicised here in. I SUnSOTUPTION RATES (IN ADVANCE) Daily, fna year, by mall I truly, nix montha, hy mm! ... Putty, three mtrnthi. hv mail Daily, one month hv mail OMIy, one year by carrier Onily, fix months hy currier irt'ly. three ironthtc by c.iirier lnilj. one month, hy carrier .... Semi-Weekly, one year by mall S. nil-Weekly, fix month by mail 1. 00 Semi-Weekly three montha by mail .CiO Telephone $6 OP ... 3.00 l.i0 50 1o S.ta ... .!; .(15 2 00 EVERY DOG HAS HIS DAY. 3St by Edgar A. Guest WK1 k3W OTIIKKS NVc nrod -the lives f others to nwiKe our ivn ci'tnpbte. It takes thp pniilcs nf neighbor to lipht our humKe stroet: And nil the ". wo treasure would cold nil nonlitl bo Vnless amubir v;titod to fharp our victory. Por on 9 desert iskiml where man must livo aloiio. Thoiiph heaped with Reld and silver which he could call his i-wn. The stuff would hiM' Its value and he would cease to care. And he Would sifch for sumeono with whom his wealth to share. Fame vcr an empty slorv without the friends who praise, Fr in others comes the. splendor wh.eh crowns the toil of days; T!iere"s none so vroat or huml'ie but w hat .at nieht must find That with the lives of many, his life is intertw ined. Hi1 j" We must have kindly neighbors. must have loyal friends. On them mid nil they itive us the of life depends; The thine called Pelf Is trifilns makes success, defeat; We iieefl the lives of others lo make our lives complete. it ! : II V' .." i- 1 v:';- V ... .. . :f .., ,h .-.- .; f . '1 -f II No Merchant Could Hope to build for the future unless it were upon the solid foundation of ' Quality Merchandise. That's what we are doing here, building for the future by of fering the best goods obtainable at a given price, and please remember that price is always the lowest because we buy for cash, sell for cash, have no heavy office expense or losses due to a credit business. The savings thus made are handed down to 6ur rapidly incre'asing'clientile. The phenomenal success of this store proves it. Just try The Crescent the next time you go shopping. (Copynsrht, il. hy Kdtrar A. (iiiest.) mi- es WHERE MONDELL WAS RIGHT v If . ... j ypn ty ls in .loss as well as new styles In colors have arrived as a result IN passing the $400,000,000 nuval appropriation bill the re-! r new wy.tte n oeeui.umH. tario the eoiiie now-ei- riuhti ome reigned publican house organiza'Jon under the leadership of Repre-' 5 'i"'1 '" i'ilf '" I'e-H tin- vomen r.ian (upper ieiw. ivte the Kun.nean sentrvtive Mondell acted wisely in turning down efforts to; irri'pl''Hl,,1,H,,i"f,",l',,e ;,r- ?p"i;"M':n";'s,,,p make the appropriation contingent on a disarmament confer- j u:,',wV;,!;;;o,vV", '..V .i,".VVrrc,;",.i' .'r.""1". (fence to be called by the president. j o-m-r. .. .iiv.::.ie.s n wn i..-fr uie pi,s,-iit Ht h.B!tI. - The subject of disarmament is at present in a nebulous stage. , : : - a The American people by rejecting the League ot .Nations helped , rvi rvr rnif I ITrf) I ny bring about this condition of affairs. The situation may be eor- T K fKAKl rected 'under the Harding administration. The opportunity will ; I lLU 1 Ll be open to the president. and he will have the country behind; him if he wishes to undertake something real. But we will not; get any where with such a move unless we are ready to go into' the thing whole heartedly and in good faith, willing to accept: cur responsibilities' as well as demand our rights. ( Meanwhile we have a possible quarrel witn japan ana mei Anna Korpella, Verletta Done, Thelm.i j Pollock, Hertha Wyatt, Kdnr. Porter, i l'mily sttilililefleld, ilenea Jlouston, ! Hy die lloylen, Garnett Wajtner. Volma Smith, Willert Horn. Hersehel Wldkell and Homer Uinders. riaylet, "Five Cups of ChnenlaJe" Velina lioyer. (iladvs I-litcher. Itnth ( Kast Ciw eonlau SpeeiaL) t"let( her. Kleanor Haseall ati'd Hazel 1'II.OT l'.lit'K, May 5. Mrs. Edith ! Warner. administration at Washington is pledged to repeal the Panama I Van ix-nsen. county demonstrator, was ; vcai s.do rain stantop. canal tolls act which will seemingly be in conflict witn an im-j tt"h Sh""' Ca"""-":u"'"or portant treaty With England. e do not know just What is ! NV,n he held In I'llot K..k Thursday! Famous Suns and Their Comporers ahead Of US nor does the rest Of the world. j "d Friday of next week, May 1Z and ! Ted Koy. Victor Hracher, ueorge Under such conditions the advisability of a stronger navy) -Mrs- Van i'v advises that! Jordan, urn Kidweii. should be plain and it is obvious to most people on the Pacific j "s, charso r"r cor,ns a ' vJZTv" i''"' coast. Having rejected the most ambitious plan ever offered i Lorena nym rpent the week-end 'statuon ' "' "s ,tcur for promoting peace the logical COUrse for this country is to keep i in Pilot l-.oek visitinc eornelia Klridee. j lliadlnp Cladvs Hutchinson. its sea strength up to date, particularly so when England now j a mm.i.. r of were bidden tu( stunt win kmwcij. WTi Kmitht t"a tbp rmstf-rv and lanan is building at a lively rate To stop ' ho h''"' "f Mrs- v L- S:ltul-: ""h eurrm, uwiai.t Behannen. i:d- tas tile master ana japan IS DUllCling at a meiy lcUC, 1U -P ; day fiern....n to spend a few hours war.l Ness, llilmer Horn. I.esteY lort- our naval betterments now-voulo be like letting lire insurance i socially. The afternoon was snent e.- i,, nnlirtps Iansp fitter havintr taken all tne wneelS Oil me lire w"h needle wont, mnwrsiium aatl truck. Night Cowns and E n v c 1 o pe Chemise made of long cloth, nainsook and seco silk prettily t r i m med, your size' too, at 98c to $2.29. ' Bonito Hand Em broidpred hand made gowns' and envelojje chemise are' very pretty and service able. . Prices from $3.19 to $6.19. New Dress Skirts. ; some very smart styles arrived in sports models, white serge and poplins, also pleated skirts in the darker hues from $3.75 to $10.50. ' " Our Curtain Nets and Marquisettes are proving very popular inasmuch as the merchandise is well selected, the patterns are good and the price is low. Priced per, yd: 19c, 28c,' 42c to $1.95. ' ! 5 " Curtain Machas, a heavy' quality in brown and rose, 3G in. wide, yard 98c A New Lo't of Taffeta Silks and Soft Heavy Satins arrived yesterday in the shades of navy, brown, new zinc grey and black. Prices ' range from, yard . ; $1-95 to $2.9 Marseilles Bedspreads an excellent showing of new patterns in scalloped or plain hem, priced fully one third less than you were offered them for a few months ago ; from $4.00 to $8.5u Colored Bed Spreads, 'imported English make, satin finish, colors are 'bink. litrht blue and yello'wV Priced at; $8.19 ' ' Rain or Shine Silk Umbrellas, bought on the new low price marets. All silk with new handles of bakalite. Colors of green, gray, brown, navy and black. Priced . . .$6.19 and $9.49 Pendleton Woofcii' ' Mills' Pillow Tops in beautiful new color combina tions, bound with felt to match de sign, each $1.50 ''Baby Blankets, scalloped and print ed in kindergarten designs $1.19 to $2.19. ' ; Pendleton Go Cart Robes each $4.00 Pendleton All Wool Tlaid Bed Blankets for full size bed, pair $12.50 Phone 127 for courte ous, quick service in delivery or otherwise. Only the better kinds of merchandise are found in .this .stock. ARE BUSINESS MEN SMART? DR. EDWIN L. THORND1KE, the Columbia University psy chologist, has devised a system of intelligence tests in tended to ascertain the mental abilities of prospective col lege students. Ihey reveal.not knowieage, understanding, dux.; postponed until Thursday cvenimr. tnPTitnl a1prtnps. nnVk wit.'nerceDtion. Recently he gave these ! cwin to tint fact that -the huh tests to fifty leading business men ot an eastern city, lhe results were astonishing. Not one of the business men was up to the average of the young students entering Columbia. And the gen eral average of the business men was still further below that of the college students. Yet the business men were all regarded as the highest type, conspicuously successful. What does this in dicate? I. frankly, do not know. It is not easy to believe that successful business men are less intelligent than college fresh men. Yet, perhaps, the affairs of this workaday world do dull our senses. I wonder if it isn't alarmingly easy to go to seed. And does proficiency in one special line of thought tend to rob us of our aptitude for everything else? Are we as smart as we think we are? Fred Kelley in The Nation's Business. ud (lalhreath. Tom Stanton. Ted music, followed hy a dainty two course Koy. luncheon. The invitation list included. Vocal Solo ZiHa Johnston. Mrs. Jean P. Kirkpatrick. Mrs. I V.j lieadlnu Ijilian Crnmli.' ',. Slacken. Mrs. Albert Uoylon. Mrs. I Stunt. "Trials of a Manuirer" Vic James Truman. Mrs. ti. K. (Jill. Mrs. j tor Itrarhor, Cenrse Jordan, Klla Stan. Robert rtoylcn and Mrs. C. ,T. .Miller. ton, Kleanor Haseall, Albert Pollock. The meeting of the Women's Com-' snB, "Auhl Lane Svne" Ko(etv. munity Club fur this week has been chool liter.tr' urogram is to be pre sented on Wednesday evening. This w-ill be a social meeting in chante of The health commitu". 1eleates to the annual convention nf tin Oregon Federation of women's clubs to be held in Pendleton May SI, .Pme 1, ', and X, will be elected at 'this meeting, alt members are nrsyd to be prtit-ent. Following Is the histi school literary program which will be presented in the auditorium Wednesday ' evening, May 4: Chorus, "fries of the City" Mau rice Pollock, Paul Eracher, Raymond Anderson. Lila' FW tcher, Hazel usg. . I.. V. Macken moved Wright properly Sai- Over at Seattle a man who was a war time investigator for the government was atatacked by some I. W. W.s who stripped their victim and burned him with a torch. The poor fellows were perhaps drunk and merely meant to kill the man, so why should the department of justice worry. Umatilla farmers are right in moving thoughtfully with ref erence to a new selling plan. Most anyone can see that a ca pably managed cooperative sales plan can accomplish good but there is such a thing as getting fromc-frying pan into the fire. ( If the fruit growers of the Salem district are not expecting .'too much they may have their hopes realized this year Salem Statesman. The nearness of the penitentiary evidently makes Salem editors guarded in their remarks. The French are not moved by German wails of poverty. The French had an experience they have not forgotten and who can blame them for demanding that the invader pay the damage bill. If Union and Umatilla counties work together the problems regarding the road over the mountains can be solved. The sub ject is of sufficient importance to justify real attention. i Owing to a fisherman's strike they are not catching salmon on the Columbia this season ; maybe this will help out the mutton market ...... ' With wuges coming down the worker is entitled to reduced living costs. . Struck Out 20 28 YEARS AGO U-Yom the liaily May :,. Kast 1S'.'3.) t in poplar. Columbia river and are owned by Kwitzler lirotlrers and other parties. ' John M Kochern Is here from Helix. 1 A. J. P' ric arrived from Portland I last n.cbt. ! Mrs. J. p. Itobinson and Miss Susie . Frnnim? will leave tonitiht for a visit vuth friends in Portland and Astoria. Itave Adams is In the city from his j " mountain riih near WeMon. H- re- ! To produce the body of a murdered) ports n immense amount of luojsture tp-in at cort an evidence, a. Canadian there. Northwest Mounted police officer j "iHMslH-d' by lor team four hundred A Ids romid-op " started f" in ; mi,,K gouth to the nearest Justice n fmatilta mi Wednesday. There were roBrt on ,,, s,,v .ivr producing the beut t horsemen in the putty and . body at the trial of the murderer w ho they wttl e.ither nonie tyi,n nor e f wa, captured detp in the northwest (bat raiiie on the iiurtlt cide -'f the i nildvrnvk. i" i ' f - - J r- Misa Victoria I'lazii, of Pasnaae. N. J.. hurled a no-hit fame, struck out 'JO of the 2'i batters who faced her and allowed but three to reach firjit tjaee In a contest between Pa3 ulc and Kast Kulherford, N. sclUKiUiiri tuuiu, Scur Z U 1. Mr. and Mr into the Davi urdav. The opening honr for Sunday School has been channel from pi:3n to lu;tio o'clock. Church .services will begin at eleen. Mr. P.apan of ChieaRo is ex pected here May s to occupy the pulpit durin:? the summer months. Mrs. Uo.ssiu Humphrey and children end Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Miller and children were dinner Bursts ot Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hays Sunday. .Mrs. i.ieiirude Wilson. toa her at H rd school and Mr. Charles nrown ot Pasco were married in Pendleton Sat urday April SO. Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Chamberlain of t'klah visited friends here the iat of the week. Among the local Masons who at tended a special meeting of the Mason ic lodire in Pendleton Monday even ins were K. B. Casteel, W t). staver, Lr. Oscar Ie Vaul, Dr. H. A. Schnei der, C. W. Depuy, Merwln Gilbert, Henry Casteel and Orant Chittenden. Pat froherty and Charles McDevitt of (Jurdane were business visitors her Monday. School closed in Harmony school district Friday April 23. A short program was rendered and a picnic dinner enjoyed by teacher, pupils and natrons. Miss Kha Carter, teacher, left the dame evening for her home at Lebanon. Mrs. K. L. Wright vias a visitor to Pendleton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. ?. M. Hcst. Mi.s Alta Kinith and Mist Verona Ktillenwider enjoyed an outing on .Stanley creek Sundjy. Mr. and Mrs. Jean Kirkpatrick en tertained the following tit .dinner Sat urday evening., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs. j. O. litis sell. Elmo Russol and fleorce Jordan. -Mrs. Twig IJinklo and Miss Orace Hinkle were shopping in Pendleton Tuesday. Mrs. Carl Jensen, Mrs. Pessle Hum phrey and .Mrs. C. J. Miller.Motored to Pendleton Tuesday in the Jensen car. Mrs. Steve Done of Seattle, is visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Done of this city. Mr. and Mrs. if. II. Klndorman mov ed into their new home last week. Mrs. Frank Cable visited several days last week at the home of her parent, m,.. .,n( jirSi YrcA Haseall. Fred Fletcher was a business visitor to Pendleton Tuesday. Miss Helen e'aul and Mrs. Al fred Westiintc were visitors to Pendle ton Monday evening. Mrs. (Mis Jones who has been quite sick with smallpox Is better. Her sis ter Mrs. tjurton of Pine Cruve is car ing for her. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Carnes made'a trip to lhe pine tirove neighborhood Tuesday. Little Pyrdette liyrd. small son of Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Fiyrd, had the misfortune r,f falling Into Birch creek recent! y from a bridge In the Pyrd barnyard. Ho was immediately rcued. His face is Ulte badly bruis- td, othei wUib he wan unlojufed. Nearer the Top Bach dollar raved is another step higher on the lad d rrof future JnAtpendence. . . . . Any mar cm earn money, but only he who can save Is the nuc - ssful man. No nia'.tct how small your first deposit might tie, you owe it to yourself to mart raving' now small be-Bir.nliie-j become big endings and we welcome your account. We pay 4 per cent on Term Buvlnga Ao comi'.i and .the Interest is paid yemi-anniially. Independence is what onr forefat tiers fought Tur n's what you should ave for get a Liberty Hell linnlt niul start today. TIlG Inland Empire Bank Pendleton, Oregon Which Paint v Costs Less? . .aw r 1 NOTE liov7 tbe best paint spreads easier and covets mure square yards thari cheap paint does. Figure in the extra gallons of cheap paint that you roust buy and the extra cost of appli cation. It means that cheap paint costs just as much as good paint on the house. The best paint then gives five or more years' protec tion to your property invest ment. Cheap paint on the average, starts cracking in twelve- months. Which paint costs less? 72 Years' Experience The house paints we specify for your home are the result of 72 years' experience in making paints and varnishes for every purpose. Made to stand" the J peculiarities of western weather. The best material PIO NEER WHITE LEAD, pure linseed oil, zinc and color are combined with long-time skill, in scientifically exact propor tions. , ' t Our white lead base must pass through a silk screen with 40,- 000 meshes to the square inch. A patented purifier makes it "whiter," so Fuller paints are exceptionally e'ear-toncd. The paint when finished and applied on the house ii a beautiful, elas- -tic, tough, protective coating. 1 Such paint costs but a trifle more to buy per gallon and is five to ten times more economi cal in service. Don't allow surfaces to rot. It costs leif to paint them. V lers SPECIFICATION House Painfs f Phoe.-ix Pure Point vPur Prepared Point Manufaciuitd by W. P. Fulle & CL 7l PAINT I for house Daintinz. C. r I nd you hv lilt btt "Per Prerired" tnd "Phee- ni" r rullir ipecinoaooni THFM. These piintt are lm toant to you, to it's important to ro to tin right stores to fet theffl. Agente names and ad dressee are printed in the memo, coupon to the rierht. Cut It out and put it in yoor pocket now. For All Kttcrlnr Jobs of Palatini It Is Advfeabte to Secare the Servient of a fciaxtrr Painter Get ciiher that anyone can malta lonft-aervica paints. WIIET.E TQ BUY Free Advice on Painting ASK. our agent for our free ad vice. He will show you a color. caru wmcn snowarj.; hades of this desir able paint. ! We have a Fuller Specification Depart ment which will tf II vou all about the most desirable color schemes, color har mony and those other details vou want to tnow. J.i J Take advantage of Fuller House Faints. Take steps to paint now. Don't let weather depreciate your investment W. P. FULLER & CO. Pcpt. 6. San Francisco Pioneer Manufacturer ot Paints, Varnishes. Enamels, Stains, and PIONEER WHITE LEAD for U Years Established 1049. Brandies in 16 Cities in the West- Dealers everywhere. Also makers of Rubber Cement Floor Paint, All Purpose Varnishes, Silken white Enamel, Fifteen4or-(1oors. Wash atilt Wall Finish, Auto Enamel, Barn and Roof Paint; Porch tmd Btep Paint and PIONEER WHITE LEAD. . SAVE THIS (Cut thia out and piste it In your note book at a memo.) My houst needi painting. Puller's Specification Hout Ptintt art aoltt by th following Agent: ' MURPHY PAINT CO. Successors to Murphy Flros. K. Court ft. ; , rhoneSll