East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 05, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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'News. Notes ofPeiidleton
h, fa
.' Hay County school Orato
rical and Dtclaniatory Contest,
. at lpl school auditorium,
Miy 7 County achool track
,ri IKU iDNt at: Rouad-Up
1 May ji Mother' Day
May. U. 12, 1 Btat parent
Ttaaher Aanoclatlon convention.
Way 31, June 1 and 1 mat
convention of Oregon Federation
of Women'! club. -,'"
June a and 4 Twenty-ninth
Annuul Pioneer Picnic.
June H, 18, 1 tute con
veution of the O. A. R. '
September ti, 2J, 24 Annual
P4J Hound-Vp.
Judxe X.rar Hoeketa"
i Anyone appeal-In; - before -Judir
Thomas rlti (terald 6n a charre In the
future ehotild take advantage of a dl
overy that wa made tbl mornlna
Vhen Charic Bennett Hr. waa hailed
.before JBa ifondr with, drunkodnes
and . alnorderly conduct chalked up
,; iialnst him. After Chief A, A. Mon
th Jud(f assessed, ft' fine of .- $1S,',
Chief Robert atarted to lead the pris
oner back to Jail, but the dusky brave
grunted, went through nil pocxetn.
and produced)1 good money. When it
waa counted, the total wa found to be
Juat 15.. Judge FitzQerald merely
mulled and put the money In the
strong box. He's been guessing pocket
content for quite a while, and this
morning's episode gave proof of his
Unquestioned' ability. ,
Entertain Hying Squadron.
Member of the flying aquadron
who will arrive In Pendleton thla aft
ernoon for tlfo meeting, which la to be
held Uila evening, at ihe county 11
brury club rooms, will be entertained
ut d'nner thla evening at' 6:30 at the
'Hotel i'endicton. The diner will pre
sent an opportunity for an Informal
exchange pfiview of ev'eral matters.
In which the Htate; and local member,
are mutually interested,. The meeting
will b held at 8 'clock jhls evening.
Realdea the iirwatation- of victory
medala wiijfcn will be given to e-army
men who were In the .service during
the. war. .talk on, the aervice men'
bonus measure will be discussed.
uter will be pushed rapidly wa di
vulged last night ; by Ouy . Matlock
coi)ncll and requeated the use of Main
when he 'appeared before the city
street out to the first traffic white
line for a place to place brick, sand
and mortar boxes In order to facilitate
t)it work. The reiiie;.t was referred
to the street committee.
at '
Funeral of Mr. IVoebstel. ' .
The funeral of the late O. W. Proeb
stel who died yesterday In Weston
will be held (here pa Haturday at 10
u. m according toword Juat receiv
ed In Pendleton, Rev. Alfred Lock-
wood, pastor Of the Church of the
Redeemer, will officiate. Ilurlal will
be In the Weston cemetery.. .
1 trt told the court about the way Ken-' Umnt iU-qneet lnnann
1 ... h.. f,ch. ih officers last nlKht., . That work on the Main street the-
tiett hn fought the officers last nujht.,
4, -loiioi
-101-101lOl-lQl 101 101 101
Friday's Fish
TiSesiTch Wook salmon
fresh shrimp meat
steamer halibut
kippered salmon
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
1 301 East Court Street ' r
, ' Mraie Excbanga Coenwou BoUi DefawtmeaiU.
-loi 101 101 101 lOlrrip.1 101 101 101 , r
Supreme Court VFudgea Irave
Judges of the supreme court of the
state who have been fitting In spring
spMalon here during- the first three
day of the week left .this noon for
Portland after having completed the
hearing of 'canes that were , on the
docket. ' '
4 v
fib ( 'fa ts-
Caee Vnder Advlacnienrt
No decision wan made by Justice
joe. IT. Parke after the trial tblf
morning of J. XX IJilks, one of the four
persons taken, by. the sheriff force
Haturday night In a raid on a rooming
house. He wa charged with vag
rancy. Trials of the two women have
r.ot been held. The other man in the
case, pleaded guilty and paid a fine of
, I,1 - . . . " . . . r
m 1 mm m w
iT t... hi 'J si
i Yes, that is exactly where he put it Rather a queer
place fpr a fellow to put a new piece of Jewelry, eh?
V, 'But then men and women differ as to a place of safe
ty. He realizes he has some wonderful value. It was up
Whim to find a place of safe keeping.;
SAFETY FIRST! Npw fellow. townsmen, you have ,
the -same opportunity to take advantage of the reduced
priced in our high grade Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry,
filverware, etc. All we ask is for you to come in arid let"
, as show you the wonderful values. ' ' ":
Hanscom 's Jewelry Store
Tadde '
About that
22. caL for
Kcom Card NuggeaUNl. ' '
' At the request of the Tcndleton's
Woman" Club, Mrs. Edith ii. Van
Ueusen has suggested a score card for
use In judging bread at the meeting
of the I'endicton Women' Club to
day.' The score allows 10 points each
for crust,' shape and . smooth nesa
Thirty point are allowed for the
crumb, five. for color, It for texture,
10 for elasticity, JO for flavor and 10
for keeping qualities.
The babies haven't been' forgotten as a visit to the Infants' Dept. will show. Here in this store you will
1 find the daintiest of new spring clothes that will make the "sweetest" baby even more winsome.
Infants' Cashmere Coats, long or short, size 6
I Baby hand made and machine made dresses 98c to $15
Install Marble I la sc.
An improvement for their candy
case was installed today by the
Charles Co. In the form of a new mar
ble base. The improvement is In line
with the recently announced policy of
the store to enlarge and Improve the
candy side of the business with the ad
dition of the full line of candles man
ufactured by the Walla Walla candy
tlant which the member of the firm
recentlypurchased,-. ' . , ;
tabor MeeUnc Friday ' . . , . t
Consideration of problem that con
frdnt laboring men will 6e'di8cusaed
friday at a meeting to be held at the
labor temple when laborer not or
irhnited will be special' guests. Deci
sion to hold the meeting waa reached
lat night at the regular weekly meet-,
mg of the labor couhclk Several talk
are qn the bfagrart). and an informal
dlscuaslnn Will probably be. held 'iri
which the meetiitg . will be thrown
open.' . '' :- ; .t" ,
Miw. Wvkhoff Die ',';
" Mrs. S. W.'Wyckhbff. of Toppenish,
Washington, at one time a resident of
Pendleton, and a daughter of Mrs. .
P. Hutchinson of this city, died ytx-U-rday
at St. Anthony's hospital. ' She
wa 40 years of age and was born at
Tort Scott. Kansas. She is survived
by a daughter. Florence, and two sons,
Bryan and Ralph, the latter being In
the navy and stationed at Norfolk, Vii
ginla. She Is mirrlved also by a broth'-'
er, Everett Folk and a sister, Mrs. T.
Yate. of Stanfieldi .,' . - '
Variety (n Signs. - tv ',
Ah. ordinance o make It legal frtr1
bi.ainess houses to use more than the,
one kind of display street signs now
legal will be passed by the oity coun
cil soon n a result of a discussion
l.i Id last night at tho regular meeting
"The present ordinance provides that
ai letters shall be composed of ele'c,
irje light bulb.- Merchants want more
rletv In their signs, and the new
.i.ta.iure will make other styles legjil
in reudleton. ,r ... .-. ,'' . ,
New Policy Planitvd ' ' '' lt
- A new general financial policy for
the Umatilla county Red cross was de
cided upon at. a meeting of the di
rector yesterday -afternoon. ' It was
.decided that no branch should expend
money unless authored by. the chan
ter. Irtrectora present" at the' meeting
were -Mrs. ' Margaret Bunch, Mrs. F.
McKenzie, Mre. James Idling,' Mrs.
Johnson, Mrs. Roy Raley, Mr. Victor
Mason, Mr. Evan, Mr I. C. Sander:
aonvilrs. Mil'c.r, Mr. Aheairn, Mrs.
VVIIllams, Mrs. Thomas Hampton) Rev.
George 1 Clark, Mrs. R. C. Todd, Mrs.
Penlahd'and Harold J. Warner, chap
ter chairman. ' . . . . -;
Infants' long petticoats, hand and machine
made I ..;,........... .. .... 49c to $9.50
Infants' Crepe de Chine Coats in flesh and white,
sizes 1 to 4 years . 39-95
Infants' Hand Made Bibs
$1.50 to $3.50
Bunny $HppersV trimmed in pink or blue. .... $1.98
1 Pique Shoes, trimmed in pink and blue cross
months to 4 years
Infants' Bib in Turkish toweling in sky, pink and
white, price 19c
Infants' Vests in Vanta, P.eubens and Wrapper style
in cotton, mixed cotton and wool, all wool, silk and
wool and all silk, prices from 49c to $3.50
Jiffy Pants 50c
stitehes : . SI-""
Oratorical Contest Will be
I Held Friday Night and Track
(Meet Staged Saturday.
Where your dollars do
double duty. The most
for your money on every (
Fresh milk
each morning.
and cream
Phone 871
Th Moat
in Valu .
The Beat
in Quality
one except contestants and officials.
The officials for the meet have been
announced as follows:
i Referee. Fred Bennlon.
Clerk of course, Guy Johnson with
Eva Hansen, Sanford Sisrist, O. C.
Halley, Howard Drew end L. Macken
as nf.ftHtants. '
Starter, Jame Johns.
Judges of finish, Fred Schmidt, L.
Abbott, C. K. Cranston.
Timers, Harold Maloney and John
Field Judges, W. W. Harrah, James
W. Maloney, J, M. Corlenison, L. C.
Scharpr, Rev. George U Clark, Alger
Fee, C. C. -Proebstel, XI. Beauchamp
and F. Hodgen.
;s Announcer, H. Morris.
- -' Scorers, Hkirry Kuck and Joe Harvey.
' -The cream of I'matlUa county's tal
nt from the scnools in ueclsmation,
oratory and track athletics will com
iiete for honors In two of the big af
fairs of the school, year which are to
he held here Friday night' and Satur
day afternoon, i. :, ' ,. .
;. The declamatory and eratorlcai con-,
(est will be held at the' high school
rS-lday evening, beginning) promptly it
j:30 o'cloek.-. The traek-'meet -IU be
staged at Round-Vp park and ' will
taft at 1:30 Saturday aftemoori.T -
1 The same ticket will admit to both
affairs, and the cost to adults for the
Joint ticket .will be. fifty. cents,, with
twentw-flve -cents as the charge, for
Children. The ticket will be punch
ed at the door at the contest- Friday
evening and they will be taken up at
the gate Saturday afternoon.
!' . ' , Band Concert Feature
'The 'contest Friday evening will in
flude more speakers than have ap
peared In any former affair of this na
ture. The contestant have had to
fight several times for the. honor of
representing their schools in the coun
ty contest,. several eliminations already
jiavlng been held, and the competition
promises to be keen. A band concert
(n charge of A. W: Lundoll will precede
the evening program, and" at its con
clusion at' S o'clock the Division D
Speakers will compete. -
( A break will occur at the conclusion
of the offerings of this division, and
several songs will be sung by third
grade pupils of the Lincoln school,
which will be followed by the appear
ance of the Division C contestants. An
other musical offering in the form of
(wo songs, "Chorus of pilgrims," by
Verdi, and "Rolling Down the Rio," by
Edward German will be given hy the
boys of the sixth and seventh grade's
ft the Hawthorne- school. v , ,,,
'' Following tne iiivlHlon, B speaker
a.-song, "I've Got a Pain In My Knw
itust,:' will be given by the girls of the
fifth and sixth grades of the Wash
ington school. The division A speak
ers will then appear, and following
will come the decisions of the. Judges,
all of whom have been chosen from
the faculty of the Walla Walla high
lUg Track Meet ' .
J. Thirteen evonts will be staged at t
me irai'K meet ana iiw numwrr in en- i
tries assures the making of litifh rec- j
crds to secure coveted honords. In the
grades there are 146 entries, and the
number in the high school division will
probably reach 75. According to the
rules, no more than two Contestants
from the same school can compete In
Hair wf
ALONES Ur4, fittl
pAV steppea. a
- -MU(Od. M ft f
0t full hot (
mtr drusfUfft. Or
wnd It ta, iilTt
r timap. lot
i moo v box u
mnnmm w mmm iwrm, n. J,
Grocery Specials
Fairy Soap, 2 large bars, or 3 small bars for. . . 25c
Puffed Rice Pancake Flour, package
Extra Good Minced Clams, 3 cans
Tree Tea, English Breakfast or Ceylon and Java
blends, the pound . ......... 50c
Fresh Country Butter, 2 pounds
Country Bacon and Country Shoulders, well cured
and of extra good quality.
Just to Show You How Much
Money You Can Save
75c Ladies' Hose, plain and ribbed tops at 32c
75c Children's Hose, coarse and fine ribs 23c
75c Ladies' Rubber Gloves 29c
Best Quality Children's Hair Ribbon, yard 26c
Good quality Ladies' and Children's Handkerchiefs 7c
A large assortment of Plain Glassware at, each 39c
You can save 33 1-3 per ct. by buying the following needs.
Dishes, Glassware, Enameled Ware, Tin Ware, Rubberized
Aprons, Stationery, Notions, Hair Needs, Hats and Hat Trim
mings. All lace is just one-half price.
Perfectionette Hair Nets 10c; 3 for 25c
any one event. .
Knarlul milieu will be on dutv to. aee
that the circle ia not invaded by any-1