East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 05, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    - f -7TT -3.',,
4 fl
Mint T.15IZI n Tr.i r: wm v k-
l inches In width, roihI heavy quality,
neat patterns; special fr t'rtday iml,
a nrl , lr
TOWIXING Vuion nli. II inches
In ntdtli: smooth, even urate: full
blenched nuil iuthlcnclu). Spiral lor
liklav only, a yard IKr
HICK TOWI 1 .1 N . 17 Indus in
width, gisul (ju.il.ty mil I very durable.
Spu-lal fur I rida Only, jiml t)r
111 t K TOWI I S HA inches In .si.-.
lic;u weight, well made, &h1 for hotel
use, SiKiial for lYiday only, rucli
ic, dorn . . C-.a.
JU Civ TOWI I S iflx.n Imlii-s In slm
good fur individual use. iil;in or finished
With red IhhiIits. gtHMl weight. Special
for l'tiilay only, enrli 18c, SJ.OO
satin m:i)sri;i:is i.Viy scallop
ed (Nltl's. Mf SOxllO ilH'lll'S ill llClllltll'llI
'raisvil iHHti-rns satin finish. Npit'lul lor
Friday only, nu ll SI.9S
Inches in sim'.
gend patterns,
cm 1 1
ni:i)srni:AHs 72so
soft finish, very durable,
special for 1'ridny only,
iiii:ii.A.M yr.M.iTY ih:d
KM hi ITS .Inst seventeen tlnien III the
lot, .-lo M!K liu-lu's good for both
home mid ImiU'1 lis!-. SH'clnl for lYIdliy
mil), each (. . . . SI. HI
1 Ml'llti: til I) Sill iri'S (.nod, mcdi
iiiii weight; smooth even weave; size
tilxIHi iiuliis. Special for I'rldny onlv,
cadi S1.8
womkn's m.orsi'. m:vs
Heralding tint New Mislcls Tlmt Have
Joined, the Assortments lit tins III011.su
A nlilimcnt of new Mouses luivo Just
arrived, and wo believe, that Home of the
prettiest models deserve special nientlon
fur the benefit of those women xvho ul-.
ways Otis! re to keep In touch with tho
very latest that conies from tho Fashion
centers of this country.
Imported Organdlo embroidered with
yarn iu Oulnty patterns. Tongue slip
over blouses,
yarn, bright
l'rlceil from ,
embroidered with
for sport weai'.
. . . $;..") to si j. .vi
Slil IC'li S HlxOO inches, cvcellciit
quality, siniMith, even nae and will
stand rough tisi. Smi lal for l i lilav
only, each 51. (HI
1'ILI.OW i l l!l(i "(.liiis ii of the
lion inallt, v, full bleached, even
weave, 42 Inches in width. Special for
Friday only, cucli Ulc
Children's Wear for
Spring Prettier Than
Ever Before
You luivo never seen such
exceeding prettiness as is re
flected in the dainty gar
ments for the little folks for
early spring wear.
Handwo rk, embroidery,
appliques, ard'a host of new
decorative ideas have been
worked into these quaint lit
tle garments to make the lit
tle folks a counterpart of
their elders in sweet sim
plicity. Ginshara Dresses $1.35 to
Lawns and Organdies $2.30
to $S.oO.
CASH 'SAVERS from Our Bargain Basement
We've filled a table full of a good sized lot of
very good corsets whose values originally ran as
high as $6.50. Sizes 18 to oG. Every corset a bar
gain -lSc
If you have no desire to save then this an
nouncement means nothintr to vou. Cut if it is
your desire to lay away a few dollars then
advantage of this sale
The heavy ribbed, elastic hose that
wear that vou would expect from a
These are real bargains but willl not hold out for
ever, so buy todav ' 19c
Again we announce a half price sale for Friday
and Saturday. Every article in Aluminum ware
reduced 1-2. These are the brands: Wear Ever,
Mirror, Vico, Quality and Great Northern. None
reserved One Half
Make Your Dollars Go Farther by Locking Out
for the Pennies.
Women's Canvas Cloves 1"h
lii to Sfi.50 Corsets l.l!t
I'ol 5;ii!; I.umii lioxos
give the
60e pair.
Meillcatixl Nest lias O.V
t.lass Percolator Tops Tin
(lass Measuring Cup;. 1,V
( lollies Lines , Ho
Steel lY.Wnir Tans l:lc
W illiams slimim; Sxin r .'c
liU'! Heaters -c
steel Wool , I;tc
Steel Mull Boxes
r.'aMk' Itemiiants One Half l'rice.
Wo bare a liberal variety of the MAIUM I I.A TOII.l.T I'Kl.I'A
HATIONS in Just the ones you use tlie most. All price ill the
same low way.
Suit. Dress and Coat Itnttons dozen I Do
Hair Tins, bi 1hx rc
Wonien's Coin lnies !2;tfl
(JimkI riilinblvs IW;
Tape Aleasmx's fto
Infants Hiiblw r 1'ants . . : .MK-
Slieir Hiimt. lilH-ral lot 10c
Thread, black and white, spool , !ti
Kiibbcr (doves .. . '!fc
Safety 1'ins IWi
I'eneil Tablets 4e
Soldi ri-,1 MilU I'alls
All Fell Slippers, one Knirtli ofr.
lanniNl Heat H'
I'tirUish Towels , 11o
lUiys' I nlon Suits 4ttc
Wonien's lii-st Knit Vests 10c
lHin't class youi-si-lfves nmoiiu the thrifty iHiinaiii hunters until
you have caivfully inspei'tisl these offerings:
Uiiis' (Jooil (ilimhanl I tresses 70e
I'aity ltresM-s, vulues t U5 . S.1N
Spring Coats, .sold as hiirli a.s $100 $i'i.H7
White Voil Waists, S5..10 values $l.8
Alway ITnPim ftr iti J CWsilinrti,
Extra Special for Fri
day and Saturday Only
For these two days only
we will sell one pound of
Oriole Hand Rolled Choco
late Creams for the extrem
ely low price of
Fresh Jersey Milk
Direct from the dairy.
KIcen Maid Bread
Extra Quality $35.C0
bopies tot
Use our telephones, our post office
dept., our rest room. Make yourself at
home here.
State Legislature V.il4B.'.. 'Com
missioned Him" Offlciar Sea- ,
lion Hunter ; fotf - Oregon.
I'OltTI.ANI'.. V"'" h Hr- V K
-William JU llunV'i. M . .(fjU'llmldl. .
OiPKOii. ban one of tliu i in'oai novel
jobs In the VlilUil. KlaV;.' ,.J .
The Hlata lejjHaluin liait lilft Coin-nil.-Hlnned
him olfieliil sen-llnn hunter
for ()rKu. llo V.'.'"' Y!'th lh .
stati' riah cmnnilwlon rtii fait, he's
I he rnnitnlKHlOii'H iieitiii'infis -to
'rid th ci!it r Oy -Vl),t"w"i'e
H'on menace, which iisiroys nune '
than all tint famed CiMpiyileiJ. or
dltilct eomlilnid ciiu 'liuik..
llnnler hii.s been nil til Job "'r
seven yciiis uow. aHhoutjh, hl huih-
nier tin maKC" iiih iieom as a .pno u
rielal. llei elcifnie he Jun' woi ljl for
the caiineileH. . Hi reiujirluOily uet-U-.
rate rifle has bromrht' hlift' .lloiintleH
in over ten thousand Kea-lliinn, uc
conllnK to the rannery ici'ordh, Hen-',
lions of the OrcKtm rw'fxt ruPKft In ale
from Hinall pupjilin to iO,niilor bulls
..,.iir),iii,r two tons and mora. Thous. .
anilH of tonB of ilmon "B'r)itroyel '
tinniiallj by t-h p ulai Innd-und-
water beast aalnKt wham imnier
waKCM mcieduM' warfare. AUIimiitH
thH hu!l.v u ; i.b-jipivr tn i:i
tremelv awkward.. .'J.Jis.Wi-',lHPuy
u'real ability ul, tlnrvti. Jl leor nai
been vieimriy uta. kwl bv cnrnir-d
cows more hal ulie,',?
"It 1h a pe.Tlrir .itn.it'an vrt vrr. we
man ulone, with n rlflrTn the
major factor, In 1 he milvatlon)f Ore
Kon'.s crnr' nilmdii parking Ind i
trv." wild Call I"). Khouiimtoer, c re
tary of the tnlo fish oirniLwIon,
commentiiiK upon Hunter's npioii.i
ment. . J
Thin, hewever. Is xactly the situ
ation that exIstH tmly. Our wtlnuitos
based on careful survey, snow u,ui
lurlmr the U.7 ikiys which couiitltulo
Die open seuiion. and (luring which tbe
merles are ullowod to opcri.e. i-e
li. his a)onif tho coatt consume 4 l.f ''0,-
rounds of auburn.
"I f the dinners could cato'i a': 1
puck that much In tho samo period.
Hicn'U be wealthy itnd tfterc would b.t
plenty of canned salmon on tl u Ayi
mleaii market for cviruody.
I'ompclltlon with the urmv or e-
llons, however, In n Hit too Bi'ii-K. so
the Mate o oritur! lias ifnmils-;t ir.-' I
Hill' Huntur and his rifle to mcdy
the situation." r. "
In Adition to Typhus Country
Ha3 Been Sweut by Cholera
During Last Tt.o Years.
NEW YOHK. May 5. (A. P.) '
More than S.9'!iv:0'J cases of typus
have rpcently been reported in
soviet Itussia with a mortality as high
as 51) per cent in some communities.
said a report by Dr. Harry I'lotz of this
city head of a Jewish medical unit op
eratir.s in Poland, just made public
by the American Jewish ISelief com
mittee. In addition to typhus, the report
stated that RiiKsia has been swept by
cholera during the last two years. In
I'etroerad there w-as a total of 12.000
ases with a mortality of 40 per cent
ajid cholera has broken out in pome
parts of Poland after the entry of
KiiF.-ian refugees.
Dr. Plot?.' report dealt particularly
with health conditions in Poland
the approval of the Poli.h rovern
inent, for reestablishing public baths
throughout the country'.
great vehicles loalel taming tons cf
copter coins.
Nearly liU-separate bus-lines thread
their way throtiKh London, connecting
the busy downtown sections with the
suburban residence sections, and in
terlinking the various suburban com
munities with one another. Some (116
miles of road are "worked" it this
Kccently some marked improve
ments have been made in the type of
'jinnibuses used. Today the popular
"S" type carry in? 54 persons inside
and ont. f whi h a large iiifmbrr are
opt'iatinir, is a fur cry from the firt
horse omnilju.ses th.at ,start:il operat
ing ninety years ai,-o.
' The onniiituses in operation
today under one management repre
sent an amalgamation of the numer
ous smaller lines that were in exist
ence some years bark.
1 Knpland has awakened to the fact
that country Itav.-i by .motor bus is
VS'iii t ' :n rai irn:n! i ra vd. where
fore flocks of specially chartered om-
inn ,t.- .i-.i'i -.
motor bus known as the "charabanc" t
, cover the coui.iry and s uhie every
week t-nd.
' London b:i:--rs ar operat' d on a von
i accommodating program, Jf you live
'five or mx milt-s from ti:e th';ttrc dis
trict you can chart. r a bus, Iu t.owr
for dinner, and ride liorrie after i he j
show, together with .VI neighbors, for
a total cot ffr trie lot or about Jl.
Ordinarily us frrv-i are compara
thely cheip, even Thoir'li tiiiy were
advanced Ho per cent last Sfptjmhf-r.
Very short rides en.-'t about 3 ecnts in
I'. S. money and the usual .suburban
fares average aj-ound a dime. A two
hour ride into the country eo.sts about
25 cents.
I Hiring the war London's bus traf
fic wax suddenly knocked out. when 1,
;;o of the bis vehicles were bundled
off to France to haul soldi'.rs and
help block the great German advance.
A N'pw York parage owner whose
siifv had been cracked twice improvis
ed a shrapnel shell, consisting of a
lienil charge of uunpowder and buek
: ii'ii. lis placed this in the cash box
of th" safe in such a manner that upon
opening it the charge would detonate.
Following a loud rejiort the watchman
Tmi nd the charijo exploded and blood
on the floor. The burglar had escaped.
(liast Oreironinn Specinl)
I KOllO, Jltiy 5. Jliss Estufenia S.
' Pilva and John t'orrea were uuiteil in
J marriage by Father Butler ut the
Catholic church Wednesday morning
' at H o'cloc',.. Only relatives were pres
jent at I ho weddintr. A lovely wedditiB
I brcalit'.ust was served Immediately
after' the ceremony by Mrs. Joseph
Cunba. .'-'t., at Hie Cunha home in
Miss Hilva has only been in the
("nited Ktates about four or five
months, she and her brother, who Is
now working for Joseph Cunha, Sr..
havinjr come to this country with
Frank Correa and .Mr. and Mrs. Jesse
t'orrea when they returned from an
extended visit to Portugal.
Mr. t'orrea is a nephew of Mrs. Jo
seph Cunba, Sr., and has been a resi
dent of Echo for nearly fifteen years
the greater part of the time beliip
spent working with Mr. Crnha. Only
!a Bhort time ago, Mr. Correa. pur
chased the Elder farm near the .spike
,,-rove where the future home will be
made. The newly married couple left
on train No. 17 for St. Johns, Califor
nia, where an uncle of the bride re
sides. The bride looked charming in a
beautiful going-away suit of navy
blue tricotine. with hat to match.
Mr. and Mrs. Correa expect to be ut
home to their friends by the latter
part of May.
First Picture Carl's Return to Exile
(Cn:ted Tress Staff Correspondent.)
I.ONIKiN. May 5. Millions of Lon
doners start week-end trips lbese(
days, using the greatest city's greatest .
transport system the omnibuses.!
Kveryone scrambles to find a seat ''on j
L'norrnons week-end traffic and ex-i
tension of bus-lines into suburban
mens has increased bus business until,
Koine amazing comparative Ktatistlcsj
are possible. For example, the I-on-,
don omnibuses today carry far more)
passengers than the combined sub-i
way and furface railways in the Ixsn- j
don district. !
Official figures, showing the total ;
number carried daily by both lines of!
tiav l, are as follows: I
Musses, J.rifui.fum persons. I
Combined si'.bway and surface liner. I
3,0l,(i,firifl persons.
Wherefore London is rejoicing be
una. these figures ii.dica'e the bus,
business has more than nuained pre-
war volume and eff ioiency. :
Incidentally, the Londoner today j
ran bop a bu at h: very doorstep j
and ride scores of miles Into ihe v.-rd-
out ountrside far from the smoke i
and grime of tlie oit .
My making a couple of changes M r.
lindoner cm ride ail the way to j
Itniihtou and sp" ml day by the sea. ;
Hut its the fifty odd excursion bus
ruiiK-s i hat form tbe muln-stuy of Ibis'
treat basin,-: it's the steady day-in-
und-day-out volume of millions of i
worker poing to huolnc every mor- I
iniE nod 1 returning at ni"ht and i
DnonijTi of shoppers that keep I be I
El1" .
if -i
7" i
w; v! '- ?
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Cook of Helix,
were guests at tho home of Mr. und
Mrs. H. W. Drew Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Johnson mo
tored to Tcndleton on business Wed
nesday. Mr. and .Mrs. W. K. Jewitt and fam
ily expect to leave Echo Saturday to
locate near I'orlland where Mr. Jew
ett has purchased u blacksmith shop.
J. T. Hinkle of llermiston was In
Keho Tuesday, transacting business
vV. T. . MeFcrran and daughter.
Gladys, expect to leave this week to j
make their home at Olympic. Wash- ;
ington, where it is jitce.-iMtry for .Mr
McFerran to go on account of bis!
health. :
.Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Drew have;
rented the Scholl property on Dale i
street now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. '
J. F. Waller. The Drews expect to I
move Into their new homo about the
first of June.
The funeral of the late J. P. Hell
was held at the M. K. church, Wed
nesday morning at 10 o'clock. The
services were conducted by Rev. K. L.
Wolff. Interment was mad) In the
1'endleton cemetery.
Fred Lee of Mutter Creek was in
the city Wednesday atlendin ; to busl
ners affairs.
Echo's high school team met Stan
field's team on the Stanfleld diamond
Wednesday afternoon and was de
feated with n score of fi to II.
Stanfield'a line tip was, Frank Ward
Half McCoy, Mill Iteese, J-'red llesser,
J. McCoy. Lowell Maker, M. Lowrey.
Fcank Morton and T. Yates, while
Keho played their regular high school
The winners from Echo at the wrsl
end track meet held at llermiston last
Saturday were as follows:
Clasa A Hoys' 26 yd. dash Uoberl
Thomas and Hodney Esselstyn.
Class I! Hoys' 60 yd. dash Gusla
vus Gravcllo.
llroad Jump --Max Mleukney.
Class C Moys, 60 yd. dash. Guss
Hardin; high jump. Gns Hardin and
Joe Jefferson, broad jump, Guts Hur
din and Joe Jefferson.
Class ,1) Girls' 160 yd. dash
Ethel Merry.
High school Low hurdles, Homer
Sallng; high hurdles, Homer Haling.
The winners of this track meet will
compete In a meet to be held In Pen
dleton, Saturday. May 7.
dollar. Exclusive of tTs.tiOO.OOO
worth $f silver dollars ia circulation,
which are Hot Included in tho small
change total, the nation's entire stock
of Biher and copper coins could be
packed hi a box in feet deep and 6"
feet square and delivered In your front
Mud any fine morning, along with the
morning paper and the bottle of milk.
Theenure sum would not be a large
fortune, as fortunes now are rated In
the rnited States.
The smell i!ruu:e total Is a com
paratively insignificant sum If there
is taken into consideration Ihe entire
amount of money In circulation In the
Culled Stales. This totals $t!,093.., 00,
x'K of which 1.7r(3,47!i,!9 is token
money. Token mnney'incans gold and
silver certificates. Treasury notes and
note Iss led thrciigh the federal re.
serve bank rysteni and by the National
batiks, all of which are promises to
pay Issued by the agencies named.
Were all the holders of these promises
to request Immediate payment, the
government ami hunk tellers probably
have to suspend all other business. for
n month to count the bills' offered.
Taken by volume, however, all the
monev iu the l uited Stales makes a
rather Insignificant showing. It
could all be gathered together In r.n
ordinary office of son rooms or so.
Any building of six stories with a five
foot frontage mid a bout the same
deplh would store all the token mon
ey, while four men. one at each cor
nor, could easily guard II.
Too Late
It took fwmer Emj'wr Ct.rl of Hungary only a few short days to koin that tho people were not clamor
biff for a Jtlnsr eipecially a Hapsburg as he thought. At left, Carl is shown on his arrival at Rieinamanger,
Hungary. .' become kit.g." At the risht, UddUitf farewell to friends when Hungary orde.cd: JT k to exileT
WASHINGTON", May G. (lUlph
Ford Couch, llnited 1'ress Staff Corre-
ispondont.) "Small change" in use in
the United States nova amounts to
HJ02.8SV,il), according to an official
I statement of the treasury department.
I or tl'.4 3 for each resident. This sum
! represents the total of all the pennies,
nlekles, dimes, ipiarterH and half dol
lars which are being carried around In
pockcthook. in hreeihe pocket and
I which are kept on hand by stores and
;baiil.s to make change.
The treasury department supplies
the answer to the oft repented specu
lative question as to how much one's
fortune would be were he suddenly to
become possessed of all the coins in
the country under the value of one
uP " '. -"
Iff- tir""ri
Miss Alyse Cunningham of Lon
don urrlved Irt New York too lab
to save the life of ".lolio Daniels.'
her J3O.0O0 circus gorilla. After h
Hold him to Murnuni and Halley
the gorilla begun to pine and lo
spirit until a hurry call was ee.
for his former nilstitsj, '
(East ircw4u.jr,3l. "'
westland-minni;haha; Mar 5-
Mr. .Opal' jtoHrtW. whh- h been '
visiting at WestlHinl fvfCflunduy, after
noun on No.. 17 lor -Ijer.Uioiiic near
Nolln. , ''
The' Minnehaha ' rehortl- n -tho
Westland sehnol wre bol It represent
ed nt the track met held In Hermls
tmt last Katnrdny..''nie ; .Westland
School was repreaeniwtiy ljuni When
mid Harry ami. flnnuld lifliHy. Oarnltl
Shipley was tweoinf 'in tlw'-roiV dash
and Harry Shipley knoond In the
high jump.- ttotlt hop e.tpect to go to
Pendleton n falilrdoy to take part in
the Hack mcol there. 'The team from
Minnehaha was compiwrd of Georgia
Thorn, Lls Jnckii, Virginia Roddo,
William I todda.. ibi Lorcn Jackson.
I. C. Quick has sold his farift near
here lint expects to rtjmaln aomewhero
In this nelgnhurnoini fdrthti present.
James Ware -"lout I a' vtiUiable five
year old niarn the bust oheiweek. Mr.
Ware started to itn Wlth'bis team,
both horses ifecirhie ittcft oh lh road
to town nnd one Jjatl U. lis. left by. tho
roadside. Tho truiiblp was said to be
due to overfeeding' arid duck of exer
cise. ' .y
Trim faniily o Jenv Haney- who aro
ipinraiitlned for Hmall;uox.arc.convals
cent nnd expect to no' released from
ritiarantlne' in a dayor to:'
Miss Irene Hhea was hostess to a
pleasant tlanclBWr Wjrlsj'hjM In tho
Mutter "reek dance hilft ort Saturday
night. .
Dr. o. C. (billion of Kwgno who i
a largo stock holder lit-th Kugeii
Manch came nr KiHd aB4 will r
main at tho Ware home throughout
the week looking after business inter
ests. . .
'A. Fumphrcy ia sick at his home
Hoy Attebury after a recent llln'ss
Is back on tho ditch.
Mrs. S. It. Me Fall Is 111.
Miss Georgia Thorn spent tho week
end with Miss IjiSs Jackson.
(East Oregoniati Spefilnl.)
JIOAHD.MXn, iDre., May 0. May
Dny exercises wcrrt held In the Board
man school auditorium yesterday aft
ernoon. (jueen Mildred w-ns escorted
to her throne by .the master of cerei
monies miilV attendants following
which there waj;oniinunity singing,
weaving the May poles by two groups
of girls, a wand drill by the boys and
ajniig by the , primary department.
About fifty visitor were, present and
a picture of Thriiv(Vy aJikcu.., A
meeting of tho I1. T.A. 'vrnHhen. call
ed, the occasion ttelng an address by
Miss Helen C'owglll of O. A. C. on
Club Work Deb gales were chosen
to the state meeting of the P. T. A. at
Pendleton. May 11 -LI. In addition to
tho president, Mrs. J. C. Mallanger,
Mrs. H. H Moardtnan. Mrs. C. V
lllyden, Mrs. Ijiriu,- Wle.k lander, land
Mrs ICarl Ifnrper will aKIend. Mls
Cowglll spontriirsday. wltfc tMe Board-
rnap r.cbools.ln fbs interests ' of ths
club work and left In I he flernoon for
I'emlleton nnd liilheur County.
Tho l!imrdn.ali,'hool baseball team
will go to Hermisloh.Tor a game with
the Herniinton Rhool on Friday, ThH
county athletic meet has been called
off for this year hut the declamation; .
contest will be held at lone on th
1 3th as J'lannetl,