4 Cadi ' '' ,'4,, TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OHEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING!, MAY 4,1021. PAGE FIVE People Here and There STILL ANOTHER NURSE 13, Fields f I A Ornnilp Im the ad vance man of the "Dokhcy" irllm from 1lll vulon owniy nKregullon. He m-. rived luBt ntKlit on No. I!3 Willi nil the paraphernalia that will lie used here In HU! fllll-IIIUlllHlt tonight. Sir. mill Mi-M. J. (V liedll'i'r, Mm. M. 1'. Itedlfcr and I!. A. ninl 1.. H. ltodlfer, all of Itidmoncl, Were In Pendleton yesterday. Emll MuIIer, it resident of the Julm Day district mar Hitter, was transact liig business In Pendleton toMiiy. H. W. Jones, mi Insurance man of Portland, was hem today. Hubert KiiUIn, Iji OrHiide lawyer, lift yesterday evening for ti Ik home. 1I flan been here Court sessions. durlnir Supremo PANCAKES AND WAPHJM Kerr's Pancake Flour. from W. A. HorHtnian and J. jr. ltougland of Iji tirundc. who hero yesterday, .lack McLaughlin, special agent for the Illinois Central in tlio freight de- m itrrtfiit, was here toduy on business. He formerly was nwnt In IVnitlcton mid shook linnili with ninny friends. Ills lieu(1itini'tei't) now aro at Portland. "'n pair r f cyea an mm pair o; eara ftre, of necessity, suinclcnt for 111 lii-yes, 125 year old Indinn, and lib- vilfe, for clip Is deaf but can how wh Hi ll caiinol ken but can hear. The two, who aro Walla Wallu Indians and who reside. In Thorn llnllnw, nrn In 'en. die. on today for one. of their rare vis IIh, The wife Is about ZD yearn young er than lier hnmuind, and the. hand of Tune reeiiiH to have dealt gently with both fr they are In exeellent health. NEWS OF THE COUNTY ; OFFICES AND OFFICERS ; 1 r Free Painless Extractions By Specialists The Eastern Oregon Dental Society will meet in Pendleton May 9th. A few patients who need all their teeth extracted will be wanted." A rare opportunity. Thone at once to Dr. F. L. Ingram biiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiiiniiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiMi "-.Turin DialiKutc DKrlt. E J. T. Hlnkle, Hermlston attorney, S w as here today where ho appeared be S fore Ihe county court ill the interest , (.f the formation of a new drainage lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllll dijl rii-t In the upper cud of tho valley (above Stunfield above the present dls--:- jlnct. The petitioners for Ihe district. I which will be known an the Hopkins '' district ure .1. C. Hosltins. L. M. IiillK. i all Johnson, James .vi. Kyle i:nn Nn, A. T. Kaufman, V. 1'. Smith, I m ! ft J. r J I'alr Hoard JIitK 'J lie regular meeting of the county fair board was held UiIb afternoon In' the til flee of .Major Ixe .Mooi'iiuuxc at the court hoiiHe. Itoutlne hiiMmi.s wa. glv-n i oiisiilcrutiiiu. RECOMM IDS T1LAC Oreecn Woman Tettifie to Power of This Medicine Overcame Sufferings of Six Years' Standing and She Gained Forty Pounds. 'In n ame l.lii'nso. A lb cunt' to wed ha been loaned at ihe ol fiie of the county clerk to Theo. II. I'miml, u lelephone operator, mid Mary Vcrvna K. WlfiKvrt, a nurHP. Iloth are residents of Umatilla. Hold Special Iii.sm-m. i'oinoi'iow in a Hiieelal day In the actlvltliH of the Calholle church, be UK known an AHcenKlon Day. In hon or of the day two HiMcial masncs will bo olwerved by l'cmlleton Catholic who will attend maun at 6 o'clock and anain at 9 o'clock. Hcai-inic Set 1'uruuril, The motion of th altorney.i for Itnthli' and Owen, u hoxe appeal 'be fore the KUpreme court was to have been heard today, that the rime bi eoiiilnued until the coHrt l kittlnir a Salem, w.m Hi anted thin mornlnK. .May I 17 at 1 o'clock in the afternoon win the time and date Bet for hearing thi ease. The reason given for Ihe denlre for mi extension w.is the Injury of At torney Holin, who repreuentu the de-fendanlM, 'mdllion In Si-Hoiih. T. Jucknon, colored, who wan Injur ed yesterday morning when be bmt control of ihe bl.-ycle he wan riding and collided with u moving truck be longing to the Rervlce Transfer Co., at the corner of Jackson anil Main, is re ported to be In a critliHl condition at the hospital where he w.ut taken shortly after the accident. Kye wit nesses declare he lost control of the wheel and struck the back end of the truck. "Although It lias been almoin two ears sim e Tanluc has relieved me of my troubles and built hid up womlcr lully, I'm ftill feeling fine and inn ten tify to both the immediate and lasting results of medicine," declared Mrs. 3. F. Melkle, 'jus Francis avenue, Port land., ore., n trained nurse of consld erable experience. "For six or seven years I suffered terribly from stimach trouble and rheumatism. After eating I would have heartburn ho bad that I could hardly stand it. and the gas in uiy stomach cnused awful pains. I under went nn operation for nppendlf-itU that left mu in such a badly run-down condition it looked like I would never r'naiii my strensilh. "Inflammatory rheumatism set In and my arms and Joints achefl dread fully. In fact my hands had to be put )n splints for about six weeks to keep from becoming distorted and growing i.ut of shape. My nerves were terribly upset, and at nicht t was so restless 1 could scarcely sleep. "After taking seven bottes of Tun lac I had actually gainer! forty pounds In weight and was enjoying my usual good health. The rheumatism left me entirely, my stomach never troubles ine and my sleep Is sound and refresh ing, r can certainly vouch for the merits of Tanlac, and a number of people have experienced the benefits through mv recommendation." Mother's Day Penny, Fred Fulton. James F. Ijine, Inland Irrigation Co., and others. l.iiK'H for .Milton. Fred Hennlon, county Bgrleuliure agent, is In Milton toduy to hold a poultry meeting. Nxt Sunday Is the day set aside to give special thought to your mother. Custom has decreed that this day be observed with the giving of noine gilt expressive of your love. Jewelry The Gift that Lasts Is most appropri ate for such an occasion. No mater how small your gift may be It will be symbolical of jour love. If of Jewelry it shows that you dsire your re mcmhianee to be the best possible and to be of en during beauty. aw tolled i toe, vernier T- It n rerwicxon v Ore. The Largest Iilamoinl Dealers in Ka'tcrn Orignn. Hell Cross Meerjitr, The board it directors Vf the T'mii- (Hast oregnnian Kjiec!al. ) j I1CHO, .May 4. Funeral services for' tilla county Tted Crosn is meeting to- i the late J. P. Hill, who died at 4 p. m. Jay. Tomorrow' a meeting of the ex- on ..lorn. ay, will be held c n Nednes-i cutive Imn rd will be held. A new I day at 10 a. m. at the M. H. churcn clerical sccreinry is to be chosen, as l!ev 1:. U Wolff will conduct the s.er- .1. C. Fennev Co..XNation'-Wide Institution .!r.. Ch.-irle.s Ifaynes lias resigned. We have some late model rebuilt Dodge Brothers cars that we sell with the same guarantee as new cars. You take no chances when you buy a used car from us. ELLIS - SCHILLER COMPANY. Thone 963. Department Makes (Juick Hun. s A blaze cauted by a defective cliim 5ney caused tho flro department to Sjnwke a run this morning to tho Mc S. Master apartment house on the cor E.ner of Itluff and Aura streets. The H fire was extinguished with a damage S.that Is estimated at t2'i to the house. SI Water was used only on top of. the E roof, the flames underneath being ex Extinguished by use of chemicals, and B i thin action lircvented a loss by wa Bter, which In small fires Is usually a ZZ i great deal heavier than tho actual B fire los.1. Tho department was on the B cene In record time. Xew School Man Sifiireil. A contract signed by F.lmer F. So idwin, of Cire.ibam, who will he su perintendent of I'nion school and the Milton-Freewater schools has been Igned and Is at the office of the coun ty superintendent of schools. Ti e contract calls for a salary of Jtu'il, one-half of which is paid by each district. NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON IndiuiM Are l'aiil. Indians of the Umatilla Agency are receiving their semi-annual payments of f jnds for the rental of their lands. Tho money Is paid each year in May i ' and October. vices, after which the remains will be taken to i'eiidteton for interment, .Mrs. I ia vis, national organizer of the Women's Home Missions, will W' In Fe'no Friday. May eth. .She will give two lectures at the M. K. church, one at 2:30 p. in., when the ladies of tho cliui'ih ttll berve a silvi r tea foi the benefit of ihe caus, and one lec ture nt ft p. ia, livery one is i-orJial- I ly invited to attend tlue lectures. I Mrs. Ildw.ird Llesegang is on the sick list this wo-lc. liaiph b'aylur of Hotter creek, left Tuesday morning fur a fishing trip. Ife expects to go to the head waters of flutter creek. Mrs. Ilavvley Pcan was a busine?s visitor here TiKsday from her home on the Meadows. Travis Hnskin3, for many years a prominent farmer on Hotter creeii, loaded two cars with his stock, farm implements, household goods, etc., for. Melrose ore., where he has pur has- farm of "7." acres. Mr. Hoskins Craifii-eiioe is Held. Mrs. Kdlth IS. Van Heuson, home demonstration agent and Miss Ijissie 1-ane, nutrition expert from O. A. '., are In Weston today to conduct a chil dren's conference. It will continue to morrow. !vlfe and little daughter, left by auto Wednesday morn:ng for their new lo- ! t cation. Their many friends wish them 'success and happiness in their new ! home. . Harry Fell and wife and Mrs. J. P. Pel! and children were business visit ors In Pendleton Tuesday. Sloan Thomson, prosperous farmer of Putter creek, was transacting busi ness here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Thomson and I Mrs. O. F. Thomson drove to Pendle- Our Special IN CANVAS GOODS , 10x12 10 oz. Tent : $20.00 7x14, 14 oz. Bed Sheet $8.50 Double Folding Cot $12.75 Other tent and tarps at comparative low prices. Regulation White Navy Middies $1.50 Officers' Drc?8 Shoes '. $6.25 Regulation Army Rufsetts '. $7.50 12 in. Hi Cuts $9.85 Regulation Army Shirts $2.75 and $4.38 Re.' O. I). Wool Breeches $2.00, $3.50, $5.50 Khaki Breeches $1.00 Gob flats $1.00 Army & Navy Sate CO. 546 Main Phone 861 Dokklc In City. The black and gold fez of the Dokklcs Is seen on Pendleton bLreets (,..!.. .... .Unnt Hill niflmlii.ra nf 1 lie order from Pendleton and out-of-town ' "V"" ''.e .-i.e. ... o are here for the ceremonies will take place this afternoon Wllicll ' Honor at a pioi.ee. oionei. and ' A. Ij- Jloney or rortianu. was in f.i ho i ueniny. -Mr. and Mrs. Hollcnbeck, of La '.month. Mr. Mr. ov'.iiiiM.,. . ,.imni't it In lie plvi'tl this I '... ,,. i,,..,, !,., i .., i,., , -Mr. and Mrs. Hollcnbeck, of i iii h' fn-,.,i in- n K.,.,.t iilrande, are hire for . ,. ',,. i' .. i,.i, llolleni'ccl: is associated with lUiiil'":. ...I.......":. ' "' t... - IM, . Iillti,.n l If, held. thel-""uV ... loi- inu, ...ice ..i..-..uri. Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court ' ; ' phone 880 FREE We will give one $3.50 Percolator with 5 pounds Steel Cut Coffee, Perco lator Blend, for ; 1 33.00 , Pay Cash ' Receive More Pay Less Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court . Phone 880 For Middle-Aged rr Men and Women It in't Ny on-coming old ge that ciunei men nd women in the middle yrsrt of life to ilow up and frel lost of ambition and energy. Weak or disordered kidneys do Dot filter watte matter and impuritieout of the blood si thrr should, and back ache, tired feeling. lamenen, lliff iointi, toft mtiselet, rheumatic patni, bilioumeii, irritation of the bladder, puffincsi under the eyei or other ymptom or ailment appean. SHE WAS GREATLY BENEFITED "I f.el so much batter than I did btiorr I lot Fol.y Kidney Fills. Th.y are hne and raumar uaemy namaiayottrailvertiaenient, am iao lo heir you. as your medicine helped me (really. I truly hope some one also who needs it mltto Borneo! yourraeditine. Yaur Kidney Fills are wonderful, I cannot thank yeu enough for thesn." Laura Peiry, 1$40 Iwiaas Sc., Auausta, Ga. Foley .Kidney Pills strengthen the kidneys, stimulate the bladder and tone up the liver. They help the kidneys remove the accumu lated poisons and soothe arid heal the passages. 1 When the kidneys and urinary tract are doing their work perfectly.the whole system is benefited and restored to health and strength. Why auri'er when a reliable remedy can be so easily Sad9 eaaaaiBBaaamani ' a Sanitary Grocery Where your dollars do double duty. The most for your money on every item. Fresh milk and cream each morning;. Phone 871 The Mort in Value The Best in Quality i.tiini.i work being by the famous l.a Grande itwo Kemlemen drove from Ia Grande loam. PXKl'MOMf I'l.AM K IZ.WiES. WASHINGTON, May 4. (A. P.) A serious oui break of pneumonic plaiiuu at Vladivostok, Siberia, is re-jii'i'ied. and report the roads lo be in very bad I condition. j .Mrs. A. I). Thomson and Miss Elna i'l'l'iinisoii veic in Slanfieid Monday to ! vie-'it Mrs, Thomson's mother, Mrs, II. Istanfield, whose home is in Portland, 'but who is visiting relatives in St.m- field. Mrs. Slanfieid will visit in Echo (East Oregonian Special.) OIKHOX, May 4. Miss Irene milen arrived here Tueadny morning to spnd the' summer with her uncle L. A. Hulen. Miss Ilulens home Is in Lewis ton, Idaho. Evalyn Wayne nnil Hurnel Williams have just recovered from the measles. L, A. Hulen speht several days last week in l'endleion. J. A. Hiolady was a Pendleton visitor Friday. Eldon, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Dolf Thompson has been quite sick tho past week with the measles. P. P. Hruce spent several days last 'Week in Pendleton. Henry Thompson left Friday for Athena to bring: home Mrs. Thompson and bahy who have been visiting there the past two weeks nt the home of Mr, and Mrs. .1. E. Jones. The baby is just recovering from a weeks Illness. llck English left Sunday for his home near Weston. He will return Monday evening. Miss Esther iCinker arrived here Saturday night from Pendleton and will spend the summer nt the ningham Springs Hotel. Mrs. It. S. Gray was a visitor in La Grande last week. Mis Cora Sayer and Mrs. Petroskv of Pendleton spent Sunday here with Miss Saver's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Sayer. Martin McLaughlin of nun can sucnl Saturday here at the J. F. Thompson home. Mr. and Mrs. Lee McAtcc and chil dren of Pendleton were among the many visitors at l'.ingham Springs Sunday. Floyd Fox of P.askct Mt., near Wes ton was on (he river fishing S inday. Mrs. Mary Hoch arrived here Mon day evening from Portland to spend the summer at Hingham Springs. Two small children in the home of I Mr. and Mrs. George Gray are ill with ! the measles. ! ltalph Tucker and Hill Singer of I I Weston were on the river Monday j i looking nfler their cattle. I ' Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Thompson spoilt i ' Monday In Athena. j Mr. and Mrs. George Brace went to' ' Pendleton Tuesday. On Wednesday ; Mr. Hrace will go with Forest Super-J ivls.vr .1. C. Kuhns and Plstrict Hunger I Keatley over a telephone route neiir) Weston. They expect to he gone sev-1 'era! davs. Mrs. Hrace will visit friends I In I'enUletoa whilu they are away. before returning home. A. J. Abernathy was here Monday from his home in Irrigon. K. C. Case, H. P. Slin!t7.. and H. L. Crabtree of Los Angeles, were here this week post in? bills for a circus to be here May 10. The children will be delighted, as well as many of the old er people. It. A. Wood, or La Cross, Wa. Is here viiting at the home of his brother-in-law, Mr. Heese. John Mcl.auglilin of Pendleton, was here on business Tuesday. Mr. Mc Laughlin is a former Echo boy. George Warner was Jiere on his way from Seattle. He is going in the auto truck business in Montana. Mr. Ward was in the employ of the KVho Auto Co. for fome time. I Men's Athletic Unions JTOCmjETOCLASSIFY nANCM Ti "NIGHT at the Liberty. Hilly Hoffman's Dunce Specialists. Genuine Sealpax Unions made of fine cross bar muslin in regulation athletic style witW closed crotch and elastic waist band across the back, suit . . .- 98c Boys' Athletic Unions, made along the same lines as the suit above, each 79c Men's North Star Pubbed Unions, long sleeve, long leg, closed crotch, suit 9Sc Boys' good quality ribbed unions, short sleeves, knee length, closed crotch, suit.. 79c Men's Mesh Knit Unions, Warner f oral fit ting kind, short sleeves, knee length, suit $1.49 Bovs' Mesh Knit Unions, Boy Scout brand; closed crotch, short sleeve, knee length, the suit 79c Lien's fine rib knit unions, Warner closed crotch, short sleeves, long leg, suit . . . $159 Men's fine rib knit unions, Warner closed crotch, short sleeves, ankle length, flesh col or, suit $1.79 Men's extra fine pure white mercerized unions, elastic rib knit, short sleeves, three quarter length, a very fine garment, suit $2.98 Jk-312 DEP.TMENT STORES j P n i 3 i 3 a 9 J. (J. Penney Co., A .Nation-Wide Institution FOR KENT -A sleeping room for two men modern SI 3 Mill, or Phone 24o-J. LADY WISHES POSITION as cock' Large crew of men preferred Apt. 56 Golden ltule Hotel. WANTED TO KENT at once A build- 1 ing to make a modern paint shop. J Call ii!t! .lohnson er phone HKi-. 1 1 Thou 607 Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. DR. OHMART Modern Dentistry III All Itruiii-lii-a. MAGNETOS GENERATORS ELECTRIC STARTERS ' Or any part of tho electrlo sjystem on your car overhauled nd repaired. Satisfaction guar anteed. HATinT H. GRAHAM. vTtllard Service Station. PendeltOD, Ore. Phone 684. LETS OOl KOEPPEN'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE A. C. Koeppen & Bros. The UruR Store That Serves You Best. DR. a II. DAY i Physkisui suit! Surgeon ; Osteopath Room 21 and ii Fmith-Crawfori Bulldlnx. The Great Thing of Life Health The Greatest Physician ' of all I Gocd Light EDISON MAZDA LIGHT J. L. VAUGHAN ELECTRIC STCHE Phono 130 2O0 K. Court Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronlo and Nervoua iJUeaaea sis DlseMAes of Women. X-Itay Elect raj Therapeutlcav Tempi Bids. Room 11 Phone 41 ej Telephone 704 Rea. T4I-B Vboue II0-W p. a Bos tv. I ranmi rn ii . a .