PAGE EIGHT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON,- TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 3, 1921. TEN PAGES Sanitary Grocery in a ftore whore economy always rrifrns uri"ome. Wealw strive to give you the fullest v;.li:e fur your money. Auk about our many ppecials for this week. Phone 871 MOTION PICTURE NEWS i:c.i!: TODAY roi! the j.ovi: or (.im. porlniM young temU'iuoot actor who suddenly finds himxrlf tli .vntral fls j uro In n l,,t of hntr-ralxiiijr. uncumfurt :nhle unit h:ghly :unuslm; idlv enturp In j Montana and all for the love of a K 1 1 ! U s a l:isi-a'lion comely drama 'written in liyron Minimi well Known , enntrlluiior lo the Saturday KvonliiK t'oft. J .ALT A TOHAY In ' A in-... 1 1';. mil, .n . Tlv .tr, tlw.iy rl.,.y U, ,l,so l'allle ii'at'nv ;il tho Ai '"'"V. Wii;,m ), sm,,n,l VllTs WOltTll Willi. K.'" (AX YO ANSW l it OM IIWl). If yon wore asked " nut's worth The Mot in Vlu The Best in Quality Wwfcm By wlille?" what would your answer be? In a vusiio sort of way yon have nl wnys tolil yourself that you knew, but the chances are that you have never Kivcn tho subject ncrtotm thoUKht. Telling yomni'lf a thing la easy, but how would your thoughts on this sub ject sound. If spoken'.' If you were to keep that thought YVbjl's. Worth While" before you. dissect It and then practise It. you'd . never have cause to any "I'm sure unlucky," and when your day's Work Is over yon 'would know It had been conscientiously done and your n'ulu's sleep would be sweet. Louis Weber lia adopted the llu.utiht "What's Worth While" to the rvroeu and It's not a sermon, but a pic ture of Krippinj; heart Interest from stem to siern, in which this prnducer illteetor has wn fresh laurels. "What's Wort II While'."' will be shown at the Alta llu-atio today. Claire Windsor uud Louis Calhern have the lending roles. Olliers In the cast In clude Arthur Stunrt Hull, Mona Lisa and Kdwin Stevens. P AST1 ME TODAY Children, 5: Adults, 20c RUTH ROLAND IN RUTH OF THE ROCKIES MARIE WALCAMP IN THE DRAGON'S NET COMEDY STUFFED LIONS aiiy times you have passed som cm on, tltc street carnjinq home a bag of qround coffee. The luonderful aroma it qave off made ijou, hungry for a cup of it too. That uas the flavor, the real life of the coffee, passinq into the atmosphere. Think of it ' paying a good pries to qet a qual ity coffee and Ihcvt losina rr.uch o ixjhat uou pau for jlarjor'simplijf because it is not packed right. IHUs Bros, "Red Can" is vacuum packed xvfv'cn insures you of coffee that is as fresh and fiavory as when it left the roaster. Aid.' Rod 6. aJJ ' MM TacK, I Hills ires. Can EC U.S. PAT FFEE PACE FOR JAP S FLEET TOICIO. May 3. tl.'. I'.l The ses- j sion of the Japanese diet which Is now idrawlnir to a lose, has been remark able mainly for the passing of the tre mendous buduet whereby half of the country's funds will be spent for the army and navy. .The navy program went through without any preat trouble. The house defeated u resolution to cut It, and the peers only attached to the budget a mi 1,1 warniiiK that in .future more I rare must be exercised in the way of economy. A few business men, of what may be called the second rank have prmested at the folly of Japan's I spending her money on a futile naval race with the I'nited States, which can afford to outbuild her hopelessly with out greatly feeling the strain, while Ja pan, especially during the present tie. presslnn, cannot possibly bear the bur den of further taxes. The few big business houses which control Japan's commerce and indus tries have, however, not been heard from regarding economy, as they are the oiips to profit greatly by the ad ventures in foreign lands, such' an Sug hullen, Knantung, Manchuria, which Japanese militarism makes possible. Cntil these business heavyweights take a hand, the voice of the lightweights will remain feeble, significant only as a forerunner of thought along these lines. As tho great naval program in volves passing of appropriations until 1928 before its completion and after that for renewals,' it is however, quite possible that growing realization of the fact that Japan is biting off more than she can chew may curb the navallsts. The responsive newspapers speak hopefully of a possible reduction of ar menients by agreement between Am erica, Great Britain and Japan, while the Jingo press continues to harp on the danger of allowing America to act as "the bully of the Paciflcc." The navy department has let loose an inspired, but entirely unauthorita tive statement, lo the effect that it is willing to consider reduction of arma ments if other powers reduce arma ments also. But in all this it is plain that they expect the other powers to reduce to such an extent that Japan will have a fleet out of all proportion to I he position it now occupies In com parison with America and England. JI!IIIIllllIIIIIIIilllIIIItllI!III!IIi;i!ltlllIlftlI!III!!:i)l!IJiIt!If llll!ff!!1in!!lf linUlllillltllilHif HIIIU! IlinUIlIIIItUIIIIllIlllUIllIIIIIIIU I ARCADE r TODAY '"v s'.. Children, 10c Adults, 35c I PIER NO. 3 AT PORT Of Ckarm of Motkerhoo rTlJinRIi arc many homes once child less that now are blessed with healthy, happy chil den,' because Lydia I:. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound restored the mother to a healthy, nor mal physical condition. The following letters give the experience of two young1 women and prove the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in such cases. k'-rs I mm ('"lonpo. 111.-" I was nlwnyt tired, my head ahvavs aclinil.and mv y ni'l'wl mini I ;mill l wily stand the j.iiiu. I dnctoivd for youi-s, and 1 lie doctor said noilimif but an oix't-atidii would help mi-, and that 1 could inn UiHU I IUKllt'll. - II U'llU nski'll 1IU to trv I vi a ! I lit- ,,i,V V, ,,,..1.1.1., t'omiioiind. 1 took six littles of it and it UclM im wonderfully, and I limv huvn n Ann I, tun- 1 1,.,,, 1... ...I. .. . I : !. J .""" ". " .. ..... w... j u.v , u,,uiu iv n.iuii JOIU- UlLMIU'lllO Ul(l lor IIIO in lt'- PtorniK iu hcHltli. I can liiglily rfcoimncnd tho Comiround to all women who sullcr from female ills." Mrs. Wji. llxis, m Willow tit., tliicago, 111. arinette, Wis. " I was in a very ncrvoai condition, was irreiriilar and iT could not have any children. I took doctor's medieino without suc cess and he advised au oiicralion. .My husband broujrht me one of your booklets and usked nio to try Lydia E. I'iiikhaiii's Vcgi'tablo Compound 1 soon felt Irenetlttcd by its use, U-eame regular, and now we have a lino baby girl after having been married nino years. I am always glad to recom inend Lydia K nnkham's Vegetable Compound to my friends who suffer irow8Uoatroubka.--.Mrs. II. 15. 1IEU, MO Jeffioiiit, Alariiiette. Wis. Thee letters ihould induce others to try' . Lydia E. Pinkham's Ifedetatle Compound MEDICINE LYNN, MASS. QUALITY PRINTING at Reasonable Prices East Oregoman Printing Department. ' ALTA !!!I!ll!IBi!tB TODAY Children, 10c Adults, 35c 1J r 1 1 6 '5.., t 1, J, - : 1 'iff, ' tit 'rih I V '.WW ASTORIA. M.iy 3. ( V. p.) l.Nm- strnctiiin of Pier 3 'f the Pert of As toria ienniniils h:i.s been comi'lt'to. piv inir to the nnitliwrst the Pt-cnnri larK i'St pltT in "America nnd the largest freiiflit warehousr on tho continent. Third and larsest unit of the Port of Astoria terminals, this structure was built at a cost of JI.UO.OUH. It is rated as the finest and most modern piece of terminal engineering in the world. It is 1.750 feet lonir, 4r,6 feet wide, and has 3,880 feet of berthing space for vessels. A warehouse over 150 feet lonif will accommodate eiKhty thousand tons of freiKht. I'ier 3 is the latest unit of the great shipping center that Astoria is build ing for itself. Pier 1 contains an im mense freight shed, the largest bulk grain elevator on thePacific coast and a flouring mill capable of producing 4000 barrels a day. I'ier 2 has a fully eriuipped marine repair shop which supplied heavy fixtures for vessels during the war, and whih is now en ganed in manufacturing road-making machinery, as well as extensive coal bunkers and storage. In Red Hat s s X I X&; J&f; $r t u&hr:fr& 'Mt : s ' h ; A MANHATTAN ACTOR A MANHATTAN MAIDKN lr'OOTLlGUTS AND SAGEBRUSH - NEW YORK AND A MINGLING OF BROADWAY ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND THE STAR LIGHT CF TEE PLAINS WESTERN PLAINS 4 5 A LAUGH FOR EVEARY HOOF BEAT MADE EV OUR HERO'S SPEEDY STEED ! : I Comedv "CUT FOR THE KIGHT" iHiHnuiuuutiuiiuuHiiiuiHiiiiiin:iuuiiiHii;iu;iiiid!i:aiiiiii:ii:i!i:i:::iiu;iii:i!ini:iiu:in:ir.::u:iiiiu 7 1; in is the first picture of Denis, ?oi,llnal Ixjut'herty, weiring the red n!,.robc and ring bf his oltice. It vas taken ut Philadelphia, when )ar :honer call'il to congratulate ir-n on hlf ccvatin to 4ic tuiUI-.aUte. r ... .. ... : ' (' a - mil V.'. , mfm v II JbisWber ar , .vammnum -1 Qicliwej Wttlle What wan in her mmnn'i Jieart that cried for the love of this uncouth man of the plains? A man she win nshamed to introduce to her cultured friends! And yet, )n his presence, every bar rier of birth and breeding was swept "way. She only knew that he Was her male her master! Come and see what Destiny did with their lives! With CLAIRE WINDSOR MONA LISA PRODUCTION Comedy "BETTY'S HUSBAND" BMMlllllllt IIIIIIUIIIII, wnadk