East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 03, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    '"'" if " m n
. 4. 4 . .
i i:Ti' ..
A birte number of il li'Mito will
prol.nl. attend ihe i wcntv -fn-t nn
Illiul convention of 1 hi- Hninii IV ler
( al'l'll of Women's Clubs 10 be held
h'-IP May SI. Jump 1. ; atnl 3, for cnrh
chili of 1 w cut i-f l o inimteis i ' r Irs
li. t'l 11 ' eil In the l-'e.!cl ation Is entitled
ill tWO dcleil.ilcs. one el whom viil la
the presi'b rvt or her iippoinloe. Club
in llfo are i-ntith J lo three delegates. !
Ko,- each additional lifty members, j
i I ilm mo entitled to one. adilMuui.il
dclegalc I-; I CUV, count or lils-
Itiet I'cocral tun having ten. clubs Is i
tntirlt'l Hi two delegates, one of whom.
vo, ,o ,,.,,, or .or
mm ounce km one a.miuoiK.i u. -lotiau-
tor rveiy :'u niiitiuoniii cmiis.
onh one Keileration w 11 !x rccoir-
iiIkoiI In ihe iit. county or ihstri. t. Xo
I'el. Kate mav renresent more than mie 1
re than i.ne 1
xote. The
st 1'resi-
tub nr hao more than on
(VloifHles. eec ullr board
(lmits and chaiiliii n of NtandiiiK eom-!
mittees coiistliiile the Noting body.
N. OF W. To mki:t.
The Xei;hbii-s of W ooib raft
meet this i vi mm; .in Kaule-Wood
liall f.ir h husim'ss nn-etin and
w ill
11 O 1- f s, I 1 j, .V 1 U .S 11 1) 1-
Novelty Wool Skirts
f ''ill i 'j I il
ML 'W4-.
-mil in An--t- j hi ,- j
Another shipment of Novelty Sport Skirts comprising
woolens, plaids and stripes, also silk models.
The No. 2C Autographic
Equipped with Kodak Anastigmat f. 7. 7. lens and
Kodak Ball Bearing Shutter.
Takes a picture 2 7-8 x 4 7-8 inches, almost a full post
card size.
The Kodak Ball Bearing shutter has speeds of 1-25,
1-50 and 1-100 of a second, has the usual time and "bulb"
actions for prolonged exposures.
The No. 2C Junior is covered with genuine grain
leather, is finely finished in every detail, is extremely sim
ple in operation'and is "Autographic."
liidcM?ii(icntx ii, wluit our
ftHvfntliiiK fought for
It k lmi pill sliould wiic It
H L.Ihti) Ih'U Lank
and Mart UmIh.
and Club News
KNTl.K Xol'S CLl'lt MF.KTS.
.Mr .i ii . Mm. ):. I-.. Aldrch ami Mr.
n, hi Mis. L l. ldlcmnn were hosts
List evening for a meeting of the
Km re ..u bridge ,lub, the husbands
I it. members being honor guests
l.il.o s u i
attractively used ns a dec
uration. IhirliiK tho
h:h sroio iv.is won
evenimi's play
ly Mrs. K, .1.
MathoHM.n an,l U K HoKors Huosis
oil, rt than t-Hih niomhris wor.. lir uml
Mis. 11. 11. llattpry. Mr. ami Mrs. V.
.!. Clarko. Mr and Mrs. !: K Avorill.
Mr ;iiil Mt- l'..i.l l r.,n.....
iW .-sloy M HIo. k and Mr. .,! m,.
Korliort ;rt :i.
...... ,
I 1 ok-k uoss was nostoss on
' Sa,,,r,,.v wnll for n siirinise"
; "" P'n at the home of Mrs. 1
1 ''l,,rsi,ii. honorniK Miss
' "onoruiK .miss Jimmta
?r" '"' Thelma lo Yuung of
'-""S I'emh, California. The even-
ins was in Barnes and dancing
atior nu n dainty refreshments were
served. The Riiests were Oladys Snei
dor. Violet Williamson, Hiith Taylor.
Mary Kdilh M'inters. Uirene Kins'.
.niantta Urown. Thelma ih.Vm,.. !
Cora Clark. lKirothv Creweii Hoio1'' '" ln the rt''',"'y "f the C'linreli of
Punn, Lynn Uarr. Verne Hale, Alvln I
I Uoss and KImer Steel
Nearer the Top
Ka' l-. rhdlar saved is another step higher on the lad
oT future independence.
ii'V raar can earn money, but only he who can save
Ik the aie - s.-.ful man.
No jua lei Low small your first dt posit might be,
you owe it to yourself to siart raving now small be
gi:iiuo., become big endings and we welcome your
account. We pay 4 per cent on Term Saving c
coun'.i ur.d the interest U pa:d scmi-annual'y.
File Inland Empire Bank
Pendleton, Oregon
M,!'' (i' W' I'nclps entertained last
' ''"'"K ilh a dinner In rumor uf the
1 ,,,h','''h birthday of her daughter.
P"8 Jt'viv 1'holps. Seventeen
' ,M,'m's c-' the honoroo wore pros-
i ''"'' "'""""i Comoro.! the UiMe
I mm canines were used us a decoration
for a large birthday cake. Uitor In
' lh v,',r ' hours of ilanotiu
' "fl" onJV'. nntulior of boys bolnn
the ovonhiif n foi
oro enjoyed, a n
aililitioni;! guosta.
' -Ml"s- S-iwtollo are now lii
j ""couvrr, U, c, aocordmn to word rc-
Icouod hy IVndloion lKomls no. i u.-..
donuoilod at 1334 Albornl at reel.
Mrs. !
Sa telle mid ehildron
Uiehard audi
Kiiimy I.ou. reeently joined Mr. 8aw
telle in Vancouver. Mr. nml Mrs si..w.i
telle left reiidh'ton n short iim., ,.,..,
; an, j), Sawtelh
before koiiic to V
ar,, S:,wlelle yislted in J'oi ibm.l 1
-Members of the Olrls1 Friendly So-1
ciety, tiiiper division w hich includes
Birls of from 10 to K. years of use.!
nlll meet tomorrow afternoon at 4:131
thl" ,tP ,'''"u'r l,olw'l'ii the uses
of 10 and I", are eliEihle for memli -r-
ship, no matter what their church af
filiations. PI-AY TO UK tilVKX.
The W ell of the faints," to be pre
sented this evening at the State Hos
pital auditorium by members of the
Thursday Afternoon Club, Is Must
anticipated as an Interesting event.
Members of the Federated clubs of the
city have been invited to attend. .Mrs.
F. K. 1'oyden and .Mrs. YVillanl Itond
will be hostesses for the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mcllae nnl
-Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Crabtree and
daughter. Mary Frances, returned last
evenais from Spokane where they mo
tored Friday in the Moltae mach'ne.
They visited at the homo of Mrs.
Crabtree's mother, Mrs. U. U Pailey.
Mr nnd Mrs. Kdwin Schiller, accom
panied by Mr and Mrs. .1. A. Schiller,
of Spokane, who have been in Pen
dleton visiting at the home of the'r
son, will motor to Spokane tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. Kdwin Schiller will re
main there for a few days' visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N'arkaus. of
Weston, left last nieht for Alberta.
Canada, where they will spend a week I
or ten days. They will look after Mr.
N'arkaus- land holdiiiBs and will make
the return trip here by auto.
Mrs. Henry Isaacs and little son.
Henry Jr., and Mrs. Otto Metschan,
are quests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Collins. They motored to Pen
dleton yef terday from 1'ortland.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. (Jrady returned
yesterday from La Grande where they
spent the week-end visiting friends.
I The Decree of Honor will meet on
i Wednesday afternoon at 2:3 p. m. in
: the I. O. O. F. hall.
Mr. and Mrs. j. M. Keeney of Port
land are visitors in the city. They art
at Hotel Pendleton.
The three societies of the Church of
the Redeemer, the Parish Aid. Auxil
iary and Sanctuary Chapter, will meet
tomorrow at 2 o'clock in Parish Hail.
Jus! because its
better tea tjour e-v
jonment in partaking
of it is complete
Both kind
or blk
UH: TEA il
Better Te
Red Spanish Pineapples
Largest size, finest quality, each 70c
California Strawberries, fresh each morning:,
box v 30c
Home Crown Asparagus from Irrigon, pound. ...20c
New Potatoes from California, 2 pounds 35c
New Green Pens from California, pound 25c
Ripe Tomatoes from California, pound 35c
Cucumbers, large, extra fancy, each 45c
Head Lettuce, fresh every morning, head 15c
Hot House Lettuce, pound 40c
Southern Sweet Potatoes, 2 pounds 25c
Home Grown Spinach, 2 pounds 15c
Green Onions, home grown, 6 bunches 25c
Home Grown Radishes-., 2 bunches 15c
New Carrots, bunch 5c
California Fleets, bunch ....15c
California New Cabbage, pound 8c
Fine Wine Sap Apples $2.50 and $3.25
Rhubarb, .'! pounds 25c
Gray Bros. Groceiy Co.
3 Phones 28 Only 1 Quality the Best
.Mrs. Pert A. McDonald will present
three yoiinp pi.pils, Vera Leaf, Uuth
Ixsterand Thelma Morris, In recital ut
thy Mcltonald studio tomorrow even
ii'u'. interested friends of the young
studenis will be quests.
Kaon linle Kirl is nine years old and
all ilis,ouy talent unusual for their
imo. Until Lester "11 1 Vela Leaf have
studied for two Hals and Thelma
Morris since last September. The
ptosram will be given entirely from
memory and will include a piano trio
by the three girls, also played from
.Members of Hus;u-e chapter. Order
of Eastern Star, will motor tollelix
this evi nini; and will put on the de
cree work. About 4') members will
make tho trip.
XOCALES, May (V. p.) Al
though order is restored, the 2"ith In
fantry under Colonel Earl carnahan
is today in readiness for action In the
event of gunplay across the border In
Sonora. Rioting broke out across the
line last nlKht after the arrival of 76
ciiine.se from lioiiit Hons, shipped in
bond via San Francisco. Five orientals
are reported family injured.
Market strength is shown in today's '
wheat market, May w.ieat closing at I
nnd July at $1.12. Yesterday j
May w heat closed at $1.31 and Julv '
at J l.O'.i. ,
Following are the quotations from
the. Chicago grain market, received by i
Overbcek & Cooke, local brokers:
Wlicat j
Open 111','h Low Close i
May l.:;.-, 1.4a LSI 1.4:' t; ;
July 1.12 1 i 1.011 t 1.12' i
Corn I
.lav Rni r.v7' 1:11 I
!Jul' .2 .CHi .63
May .35'i .35 "i .."R Mi .3.',
.llllv ?k " I- 1 ' 1- n .
' , .-on .-i x vt,
iineai i ne mnrk t towards the
"""" "'" lnt' '"" active witnessed 1
for many a day with heuvy short cov-
oil, 111 .tiay me outstanding feature,
,.-ooiis reaouy relaxed their precar- ;
lou.sness ot their IK,sitlon with stocks1 The gospel of the helping hand Is
in Chicago practically nil. Exporters that which finds expression in friend
were ui the market early but after the, 'hip, coupled with sincerity of truth
advance, boih the K-ahoard and gulf - whr.we link of union Is love, Our rlv
icportiil a lack of interest, and later ' Mizatlon clusters around the two great
advices, received just before the close j principles of the Fatherhood of (iod
Intimated that the I'nited Kingdom is and Ihe brotherhood of man. Our
trying lo cancel purchases previous, i character is measured by the extent to
made. Our prices are now materlali which v.y discharge this resnonslbil-
out of line wiih Argentine as well as I
wun liritisii Interests reselling to mil
lers. Offerings from the country 'were
reported early In ihe day as very
meager but it is thought that the ad
vance will bring out a heavier move
ment from firnt hands. The market
today advanced largely at the ex
pense of shl rt Interests mid no .loot..
materially weakened the technical po
I sltlon which should make increased
j offerings from the country, the wlth
I drawal of exporters from the market a
depressing factor.
Blame Him
Chuih-a I' Marvin, for many yeara
chief of the L' H W.-ather Bureau,
has been renppointed 10 tho posi by
frejidvnl Harding ..
Ni:coN 1LM (Oli'lX nut saij-.
"Now that 1 have been resurrected
from the (crave- to which my stomach
trouble was fast leadiiiR me and for
which event I had made preparations,
even to havliiK bought my coffin,
Mayr':; Wonderful Itemedy has imido
a new man of me and I feel as nood us
ever In my life, after hnvtinr been at
the point of death half a dozen times
Willi acute imlitrestioti and colic at
tacks." It Is a simple, harmless prepa
ration that removes the catarrhal mil.
cus from the Intestinal tract and allays
the Inflammation which causes prac
tically all stomach, liver and lutes-
ttnal ailments. Including appendicitis.
One dose will convince or money re
funded. DruBK'isls everywhere.
Following is Synopsis of Talk
Given on 102nd Anniversary
of Odd Fellows Lodge.
' (synopsis of sermon for the Odd
I Fellow an.'veriiary service at the
I. - - . ,.. ....
nia t nrisiin n church Sunday even-
ini by Hie minister, V. A. Cressman,
on the theme: -The Dospel of the
Helping Hand." The Scripture selling
was that of the 'good Samaritan," as
found in Luke l'):2.'.-3V.)
H.v of love to Cod and love to fellow-
I man, the two greatest commandments
(Luke 1:7. The lodge emphasizes
II, brotherhood of man, while the
1 church emphasizes (lie Fatherhood of
! Clod. The idea of tho Fatherhood of
j'lod gave us Christianity, which fills
I us with faith, hope and love. The Idea
of the brotherhood of man gave us de
mocracy, which findH expression ln
friendship, love and truth.
As to nature, the lodge is not a roll,
gious, but a fraternal, society, whose
de Ms are Christian. In a similar
sense, Ihe i'nited Slates la not a reli
gious, but a political, union, yet a
Christian nation because its Ideals are
Christian. The church, on Ihe other
h ind, is pre-eminonlly a religious In
stitution requiring a social expression.
I In purpose, the lodge aims not so
Iriiueh to set a man right with 'iod In
I order to liv e right w ith others, and
, then to help him in so living,
j "I had a friend" Is tho secret of
1 success In manv a life. At the begin,
j nlng of the civil war, when qiin'l.'flrn
j Hons of different candidates for the
j presidency w ere being discussed. Lin-
coin w'as mentioned, and sonie one
,salil: "Lincoln has aothlng, only
uli-ntv of friends." Friendship Is the
j foremost feature In one's uet. vity for
.good. Christ waa known as "a friend
r sinners, True friendship makes
me a part of another, whereby he can
I'nlesH you ask for "Klamond Pyea"
011 may get a poor dye that streaks,
nots. fades a rwl ruins your goods.
Kvery package of Diamond Dves con
tains simple directions for home dye
.ng or tinting any new, rich, fadeless
color Into garments or draperies of nnv
'material. Su mistakes: So failure;
Facte about tlie
say, "I suffer with'' you
-of such is
Truth finds Us vitalizing power. In
Christ. Some lodge members like some
church members, see only the symbol
or shadow and fall to see the sub
stance the truth. They see the sym
bol of "the All-see iig Kye." but do
not realize that "Thou Cod secst me,"
In my thought, word nnd deed. IJke j
those of old, they tithe anise, mint
and cummin, but nrnlcct the weight
ier matters of Justice, merry and faith.
Like tho priest ami the l.evlte, they
pass the needy one but not so with the
liood Sainarilan who puts into prac
tice the gospel of the helping hand.
H s love to Cod and love to man go ;
hand in hand. I
Love, the link which united endnr- j
Ing friendship with sincerity of truth,
finds its Tneasure and essence in sac- I
rifioe. Love, In exercising the gospel
of the helping hand In friendship and
sincerity of truth, goes beyond the
bounti.i of rare, religion and nation.
This waa pre-encnently so with Jesus.
U also wtih shown by l'ocahonias.
Leonidas. Mimcs and Kslhcr. And If
,ve thow true love to our fellowman.
we will .net cull those . "j-heer-'o"
"iooiIl" and "d-igo,'' whom In the re
cent war we called '"our brothers"
and "our comrades in arms."
Finally, our truest friendship is 11-.'iplr-'d
by accepting that "Friend who
.'ticl.eih closer than a brother.' Our
purest love springs from Ihe con
sciousness that "Cod is love." Our
fullest truth is found In II in who said:
"I am the truth. No man Cometh unto
he f'..ther but by Me." Jltnce, the
h.o'Pc! of the helping hand has its
source not in forms and ceromot:!"s,
but In Him w ho Is the "way. the truth
ii'io the life."
A discovery of cipher manuscripts "(
rtoger liacon Indicates that the people
of that time were not unfamiliar with
the use of telescopes and high-powered
Step Inside for a
Nice ice-cold drink
. r-- .7"'"- -v-y-
t I'tA I
ji H 1' 1
k "1 1. 1.
1 -!,wl
' ' V K
n. XI fe
1 1 ti --v. .j-w3g.if-..i'v m .1
We are demonstrating the porcelain-lined 'water
cooler in the famous Automatic Refrigerator.
This cooler lies right next to the ice, between the
food and ice compartments. Requires no extra
space or ice. Your ice does double duty, cooling your
water and refrigerating your foods. Can be used
with or without water bottle.
Have you seen the food-saving, ice-saving, health
saving Automatic? It's a wonderful refrigerator.
103 is. couht st.
"la Ciille" tat
Comf ort, the'
first considerati
on, the prime fact
in selecting this
f? a r m e n t, has
been developed to
a superlative de
gree in "La Ca
niille" Corsets
Not an atom of
style has been
sacrificed to ach
ieve this result.
Graceful, yield
ing, supporting in
just the right
place, fitting su
perbly, these
high grade Cor
, sets have become
favorites with
sensible, vv e 1 1
dressed women.
You will like the
a p p e arance of
"L a C a m i 1 1 e"
corsets; their
comfort will de
light you. You
will find them
For Expectant Mothers
Dseo Br Three Gebeut:ons
ma looiLfr hotmhooo uc m f .
Ituonuo Riuu'ii Co., Birr. S D, ttuni, k
Chicago police will use wireless tele
phones In their war on crime. A wire.
less Is being installed 011 the roof of
the city hall for constant communica
tion with fireboats, rifle squads, flra
engine houses, patrol wagon and po
lice si. 11 Ions, officials hope ultimately
to have every policeman equipped with
receiving apparatus, weighing hut a
few ounce.
mmw ai nil ulna na i mm
For three generations
mothers have successfully used
Foley's Honey and Tar
fis a Bafc refnedy for the relief of
ccld, cough, croup nd whooping couth.
It pure, wholciome, and children ilka
it. Containi no opiates. Etpecialljr
food for croup and whooping cough
the two tcrror ol childhood.
K. W. H. Thornton, Llttla tort, AiV.
wrilm thii "Hr bllU tor nd a mr t.
Urk ot croup, but two dotna of Folor't Honor
and Tar rollevod hiro, and ba wont bai'k to
loop and vr-ii troublod no moia. X would aot
ko witLout It at aiijr ptloo."
l'HOXi; 48
7r ' MX
f rAh J