East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 03, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    PAGE TTttfc
- ;
People Here and There
Elderly People Need Tlii
In Medicine Chest
if i
uenumc Cut Glass , I
On Kt"- niornlim It was an bunny
rabbit tlmt wiilkoil on W, M. Nelson,
jt wuh a mule mid liu Uitl miftli.'lunt
chinmtro to l(l Mr. NeUon In tit, An
thony lioHiiltul until yoMUnliiy. lie
Im now recovered from u fractured
pkull but hi rliiht u rm In nearly uno
li'xa ntl thn doctor lutyi It, will lie
thrco mouthi beforo lie cun work At
the 11 mo of the uechlelit .Mr. NoIhoii
wii4 worklntf on the Jim Kramer
randi nine mllea ' ltock
lUi l i member of I'endleton uin
W. O. W.
Attorney Hubert B. Kukln mid T
11, Crawford of Lit Grande wore hero
tudny iirituliis ciihih before the hui-
jirenie court. Mr. Kukln In u friend
of He v. und Mr. Ileum K. Clark
mid lie vlHllcd ut tlio Clark homo dur-
liib' hbj VlHtt.
J. M. Keeley of Portland In here on
buHliu'H. lie formerly wan counseled
with the CunnliiKbum Lund and Hheo
H. W. Noreard of Wallowa, who
recently him enterod the alieep IhihIiicmh
wiiii hero thin morning on a bualui-M
Wn Speiim, deputy sheriff, hu re
turned from 1'ortlund where be wiih
a vvltneh In a cane befure the federal
court. .
F. A. Clarke, reprtneiilini: the wool
firm of llohiKoll, Jnnea and lMjnald of
ItoFtoll, Ik here today.
Star- in, a Year
A. It. Imlinnkey of the Ninthwini
Kheep Company was In I'endleton to
dny lookliij; after buxliieiui affairs,
T. J. Illation, a representative of the
Portland Cattle I .win Co.. wkh here to
day from Ilia home at Toppnlnh.
J. W. Ilrown, an undertaker at
Ki ll". Kpcnt I ho day In reiidletun on
llobertx wan fined J.'.O for failure to
have butler properly.hibelled with the
creamery flrin'a name unit weight. Tho
blither fine given Jtobert wan due to
the fact that he had previously been
r.lveu warning Which It In bald hu fulled
to heed.
f ;" uriiM iVoni Salem
Sheriff .neth HoiiHer ha returned
from Halein where he took H. Kehlaba
t", Japanese recently Henteiiced to life
InipilHiiniiient for the killing Febru
ary 0 of M. Oluimoto.
Mln Fattl llarrold, daughter u
Orvllto llarrold, noted tern r
reached auige stardom In one yei.'
time. She la tho leading woman t
"Irene," mimical comedy, pluylu I
New York.
NEWS Of icoumy'
.. Ji
Quite Title
A judgment ha been returned by
Judge (jilbert VV. I'helpM In circuit
court In the cane of Frank Sullivan
UKaliiHt W. (I. ThomiiHon and olherit
In which the title to certain Iota in Mil
ton Ik decided 111 favur of the plaintiff.
(irt P.lank SMi-lfl-utlins.
lllne print, profilrH and blank !o
cifb'iitloiiH for tho new highway from
I Cold Springs to lloldmun have been
received from the highway eornmlH
Mion at the office of the county court.
I The contract for roust ruction of the
at rutch of road will be let May 2(1.
Auto Driver lined
A fine of $.Wi and eoslM wan assessed
aKainst W. II. Hamilton thin niornim;
in the court of Justice Joe II. 1'arkes
when It waH nhuwn that In' "wa guilty
of the charge of drhlm; an automobile
while under the Inflm ih u if Inlexl
canta. The inc wax paid.
Carl O. Helm, a sheepman from
Htanfleld, apcill the day In I'endleton,
ten rnlntiteji. - -
m illers (ict II
Five men bantu of I'endleton were
fined yeHterday iitornlnK In the court
of JiiKtlce Joe If. Parka on action
brought by deputy Htate Innpectors
which ehurt'e the dealerH with sellins
milk which contained lees than the 3.2
per cent cf butler fat required by the
stale law. Fines of i'lj were assessed
j atfalnst Frank Cballs "who appeared
tnr Chilian and Uudd. J. K. linson,
Torn rjeneck, who appeared for lleneck
nnil Kxedra mid Charles Wofiif. The
case of Cray Proa. !pcery Co. was net
for this afternoon nn were the cases
of a number of oth.-r denleni whose
milk products were found to be lack
Inir In the amount of butter fat. l!len
Sil ks ColltlllllUIKV
C. F. I'olin, an attorney from Top
penlsh. who defended Uathey and
Owens In their trial on a eharne of
complicity In the murder of Til Tay
lor, and w hose appeal before the state
supreme court Is n"t for Wednesday,
was hero today. Ho recently flmired
111 an accident in which he suffered
several broken rls. and he has made
a motion before the court reipiestlm,'
that he be Riven until .May 15 lo pre
sent his reply brief In the case and
that the hearing- bo held at Haleni.
To relieve chronic constipation, k!way
l.eui bottle of. Dr. Caldwcii's
. Syrup Pepsin handy.
TSJT.ARLY ?'l people as lliry advance
' in Rge suffer from chronic constifw
tion. Wuny, however, are inclitteretit to
t'lt! laxative they t:se, on the theory that
' tncy aro nil clike." 7hut is a treat
IV. Cnldwell's Syrup IVpin, for cx
smn!'!, ia niild, penile liijuid laxative,
naJ it d.ics not loss Its effect with re
peated it t:. It so trains the bowel'
im; 'ii' tliat in time medicines of ail
kinds can be dispui.acu with.
A rixtv-ceni bn(l!o cf Dr. Ca!dwe!!'g
S- i'U,j I'f)..in vill list many montl.s.
Tie: prc'Ecriptioti was written thirty
jta-s i",;o by Dr. W. Ii. Caldwe! n well
Mio vn f.-imiiy ductor, win is himself
ii v.v in h.a 82:i1 year and cm op-pn-citda
w!iat cirotiic constipation
mu::t mean to elderly people; how it
brings on hcndaclies, colds, loss of ap
petite tn I Bleep, heaviness and a
tctural dull feeling.
Kvery home that has an elderly man
or wo:n'tn sliou'd be provided with a
bittb- of Or. CaidwvU Syrup Pepsin.
Ei.jlit milUon bottles were bought at'
dni,; sfo-e5 In-t yt-nr. It is a truly
wonderful cocdt iuation remedy.
Send ire y-tr ranxe: and ad'
dreis audi vj.'I und you a free
trial Vj:tL'ony3'm(; fefstn.
Address me Dr. W. B. Cell
'' 5'3 Vvnhin?Mn Street,
hlonticAh, illiP'KS. Every
h-jdy ru)W 7td then needi a
laxatite, and i: it u ell lo kr.ow
the bcit. K nw me today.
We Don't Buy Blindfolded
Neither do we expect you to. Come and see for your
self the qualities and values we have to offer and
then pet in the habit of calling 409 and your table
problems are solved. That's our business, is satisfy
ing you. Let us attend to your food problems.
The Economy Grocery
. 113 W. WEBB ST.
Phone 409
Jinny to Compete.
Two hundred students of the grade
schools aro expected to compete In
the track and field events that wlil
be held here Saturday In the county
meet. Two cuiw bae been provided
by the I'endleton Commercial Asso
ciation which will be awarded to the
two lil(,-h teams, one to hlirh school
team and the other to the winner In
the Knide division. Tickets for the
htch school oratorical and declama
tory contest anil the track meet wll!
cost fifty cents for adult and twenty
five cmtH for children. One ticket
will admit to both events.
; 881(6 for CO)otC.
i Figures tabulated at the office of
the county treasurer show that $S30
was paid by the county during April
i as bounties for coyote scalps. One
, imrti broiiKht in enouuh of tho pelts
to entitle him to J70 which vai the
hiKh Individual record for any one
person. April is alwios the h'sh
month of the year due to the number
of puppies that are dui; out of dens.
The sum of yy.it! was paid out last
year. Fifty per cent of the bounty
price Is repaid to tho county by the
'state. The bounties are (3 each for
males ami puppies and for females.
(Kast OrcKonian Special.)
CONSTAyTINOl'LB, May 3. A. j Cl UDANK, ore.. May :i.--Pat Mon
IJ.) Junt as the Menonites of theiaKhan made final proof on his home
United Slates have furnished unex-slead at 1'ilot ltock Saturday,
peitcd help to those of South Kussia, j Krank tilliland made a trip to 1'ilot
K" the old Relievers, who centuries j I'ock r'aturday.
hko fll from religious persecution in After spending Saturday and S ln
llasMu anil found refuse in Turkey. dev at f.k'ah with her parents. Mr.
a.'e now aidiiiK the members of their ;nnd Mrs. K l Tlirasher returned to
faith who were amoru; the hundred
thousand refugee from the Crimea.
When It became a question of find
ing homes for this prent anuy of fu
gitives from rtolshevik Ittissla, a com
mittee appeared at the refugee head
quarters of the Russian er.ibawy.
speakinar the Itusslan lanKove of i;(
years nitn, and announced that it rep-
their home at Ne Monday. Millie
Andrus and Mrs. Jennie Moore ac
companied thcin home (joins on to Pi
lot Hock lhat evening.
F. Hartshorn made a trip to Pilot
Hock last week.
Mrs. Oliustcad Is very ill at the hos
pital in Pendicton. havirs sent for her
brother, Mr. Wymore at this place:
also a son. IJob, and daughter, Mrs.
resenieo a kiuuo hi mohkcm mi ynti ,
llclievers, Incited near Pan.l.rr.ia. on i Karl (ales at ( larkslon. .Mrs. 01111
tbe Marmora Sea. and would take re.re stead is in the 7s and her illness is
of as many as possible of their faith. ;due to old a.'. Another son lives at
The men Btated their community j Echo And has hem with his mother,
hail left what is now Cossack Hussia Mrs. Hoy Montgomery has been ill
ill tho early part of the I sth century, the pa.-t week w.th infianfmatury
because of religions perreeution by rheumatism.
(lie Orthodox church and had found j Pat Kau-jherty ma.le a business trip
aslum nnionfr the Turks, who had. Ho Pilot liock the last of tile week.
d urine all these years, permitted them
ti II vt peTcefully and as a separate
conimnnily. In the world war some
ot tl.ein had served In the Turkish Ited
Cross, but bad not been compelled to
bear arms.
.several hihdrcd homeless Old Hc-Iiever-',
anions the Jon Cossacks, were
found and have since become members
of the Pandemia coiamunity.
I ii mil i i ii 1 1 i ii vi li iv
Frank .loin s and wife of Pilot Hock
were visiters Saturday nii4ht and Sun
day at Hoy Montgomerys.
Have Wymore and wife and daugh
ter K'eln made a trip to Pendleton
Fiidify to see his aunt, Mrs. Olmstead.
-ir. and Mrs. J'.m Nelson and daut'h
ter Madge and Mr. and Mrs. Hilly
Chapman and son tirant spent Sunday
at John Lightfoot's.
j Mrs. Clias. Kly and daughter Hazel
are visiting relatives in Willamette
I valley for an indefinite time.
I Kd Weston of Pendleton came up
kist week and expects to do some plow
ing for Joe Pedros.
Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court Phone 880
Cash Counts
If yo'ii are selling goods you will take a little less
for cflsh auch is the case with us. We can afford
to give you from 10 to 25 per cent off on your cash
buying purchases and we do give it. A trial will
soon convince you.
Pay Cash Receive More Pay Lesa
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court Phone 8S0
"I.KVi:UVM, May 3. (A. P.)
Inferences between tho I'lilted .State
and Japan "call for an adjustment,
but their existence does not justify ap
prehensions of pessimistic forecast."
ltaron htd Kara, the Japanese am
bassador, declared today addressing
the Cleveland chamber of commerce,
declaring the stability of every human
Institution about the shores of the
Pacific ocean depended upon harmony
and good undersiandinit between Ja
pan and the lnlted States, the am
bassador Raid that a grave responsibil
ity rests upon the I'nlted States and
.-'i-nplcs, Coils, Eruptions, etc.
fi'unlcl nd Physical Weakness,
Are all ve:y prevalent Jiift now,
and n'-o w'tl , proof that tho
, blood Is wan;i: In the power lo
defend thrt Pody against contagious
and infections lilncnwn. They tliow
co'-.e'ii!-'!ve!v that the blond needs
tlvKongh cieaiiiiing, eiu-iciii'ig and
Do ii'.t put of? gh-lruT attention to
Ihee dfinrerous sxintiloms.
'v HouVs Sirs.ioarilla today
mid Kgia taWnjr It at once.
He ni 'idler, this medicire has
p-ivivi pi t'sfnetion to three R-enera-tions.
ni a trennent for the blood,
Ftonvieh, l!"er a"d kitlneys, and for
oalaiTh. rheumatism and otter
common diseases. It builds un the
syslem, makes food taste good, and
Ileitis you to eat and sleep well.
For a gentle laxative or an active
;nthartlc, take Hood'a nils. You
will like them.
PARIS, May 3. The greatest cock
tail run in history besrun at sharp noon
Sunday at the Clarldgc's bar. Yielding
to the appeal of a "round robin" sign
ed by hundreds of thirsty American
guests. "Charlie," the bartender,
agreed not lo join the Universal Labor
day strike which closed every other
tar In the city. Theatres and bars
were closed.
Would III? Noticed.
"Wife insists on a new suit for elec
tion day."
."Yes. Says sdie simply can't ro to
the polls anain in the outfit she wore
Hast tall." Detroit Free Free.
r.tFFAU. X. Y., Slay 3. t C. T)
Pretty t;irls have permanently dis
placed men as ushers In theaters
throughout the eastern part of the
Unilefl States Theater managers snv
lhat the lady ushers are efficient and
courteous, while the men are inferior
in courtesy and diplomacy.
Managers state that the ftSrls can
i.e depended on in case of fire or any
oilier emergency. A word of admoni
tion from a Kill wiil generally brlna
instant action. When a young man
usher makes a rcoueat, it is a different
Watches G. O. P
At the High School
1 O'clock
Burt New, executive secretary of
the Democratic National Committee,
has taken charge of the commit .co
offices in Washington.
By Kahlcd Temple No.
I 170 I). O. K. K. Band. 1
A lugh class band con-
cci t to which the public
is cordially invited.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our kind friends
for tho kindness shown us durini; the
illness am) death of our hushand and
father. Win. McCrener. Also for the
beautiful floral offerings.
, MUS. P.F.NA McHUKtldlt
jir.s. wii. i. a rmi.i.ipa
Growing Old Gracefully
g row
ing old
W h o
wins in
the race
of life.?
Is it the
who is
all tho
An athlete traira for every race.
A man is as strong as his blood
and as old as his arteries. Make
your blood redder, your health
better by taking that old fash
ioned blood tonic sold fifty years
ago and still 'ood as gold"
namely, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery. Sold by all druggists,
or send ifctoDr. Pierce's Invalids'
Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y for a trial
San- Fbaxcisco, Cal. "There it
nothing so helpful to ckl persons
whose kidneys are weak and who ara
all run-down and need a tonic ( sonie
thinK to give them an appetite) aa
Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery, My father-in-law took it and
was greatly benefited ; it seemed ta
put new life in him." Mrs. Jouh
Jackson, 1703 Oakdale Aveuue,
For Gifts
From the very best cutters cornea our
showing of tutglass that we are offering
for your gift purposes and the designs are
the very latest that are now in popular fa
vor. Whether you want a single piece or a
complete service in glassware you can get a
larger assortment and better values at baw-telle's.
n Pcrclaton
The farsi-si Planum J Dealers In lstem Ortr'n-
J. CrPenney Co.. A "Nation-Wide Institution
iwrrji i ii I r-'
i . n. ii n n v,
: '.-,'.i'rK
of Silk and Cotton
35 inch all silk Taffetas, showing the newest
. shades, including Marian Blue, Saphire,
African Brown, Nickel Gray, Taupe, Wine,
Cardinal and Black, the yard $1.98
35 inch silk Taffeta, black only, yard. . $1.69
35 inch siik Taffeta, extra heavy quality, .
yard ' $2.49
39-40 inch Crepe de Chines in the new wanted
shades, among which are Tomato, Porce
lain, Honey Dew, Rattan, etc., yard. . $1.69
33 inch imported Pongees, all pure silk,
yard . . . 49c, 59c, 69c, 98c, $1.23, $1.39, $1.98
33inch extra heavy imported Pongee, fine for
skirts or other apparel where a heavier ma
terial is desirable, yard $1.98
36 inch silk Mignonette, colors are black, jade,
kettle drum and light blue, yard $1.98
40 inch Charmeuse, heavy quality, fine lustr
ous finish, black, navy and brown, yd. $2.49
36 inch Mull, siik and cotton, fine for under
garments, blouses, linings or anywhere
one wants a fine sheer fabric at a low price,
a wide ranee of colors, dark or light, the
. , .
14X V- ---------------------
Sfi inrh Kimnn.i material, silk and cotton mix
ture, soft satin finish, pleasing colors and
patterns, yard $1.29
32 inch Cotton Crepe Shirtings, silk striDe,
yard 49c
32 inch Crepe Mohair in gay new stripes for
becoming sport skirts, yard $1.49
30 inch Japanese Crepe, a real utility fabric
for undergarments, kimonas, house dress
es, etc., colors are white, lavander, salmon,
blue, yellow, yard 29c
; ,
90 inch Tequot unbleached sheeting for
the new spreads, lunch cloths, etc., the
yard 59c
36 inch comforter challis, pleasing pat
terns, fine for draperies too, yd 15c
3 pound pure white stiched cotton batts,
full comforter size, 72x90, each 79c
3 pound pure white cotton batts, extra
fine qualitv, full size, 72x90, stitched,
each . . . . . 9Sc
J. C. l'enncv Co., A Nation-Wide Institution
1-tiST last Krliln.v Two horses he-i
' linifiini: t" Jehn K:inine near Tayuse. j
One Wii-i a snl'iel. the other Maek Willi
hal.i faee. l.ist seen near llelix. lie- !
turn anil reeelve reward. j
WA.NTKl) l'i rent n or T mom house j
by June 1st. lieliahle tenant, loim
W. l' et s. ( al e the :
Ti I. I'..., plant depart -1
leas-. A. Ill
I II.' fie Ti'l.
Or liny part of th letrlc
vstem on your far overhauled
and repaired. Satisfaction guar
anteed. HARRT H. GRAHAM,
Wlllard Service Station,
rendelton, Ora.
Thone 684. LETS OOI
Phrsetaii iuhI Surgeon
Kooma 11 and ib Stnlth-Crawfor
Telarhona 704 Rea. T4-P
Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee
Chronic and Nervoua li.easea anf
Dlseanea of Women. Elects
Tampla EId. Room 1
Phona 41
1-lione P, O, Pn S5'
I a. tu. to S p. m.
Modern Dentistry
In All llraiii tira.