East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 02, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    nTW' yv'
r f - -
H-fet fjjr
"(The Mev.y Queep
, O, I'm rot going lo march In
'he May I ;iy parade." said Vir
ion . 'I can't leave r'ar-y home
bemuse Moihcr isn't well and
eids to rest and he's 100 heay to
any and too little lo slk. So we'll
XI slntiil on Iho corner and watch
on go by."
"Oh, j'm wrul sorry!" cried
lar;)a, her friend. "Be ur nd
wave to me. I'm going to wear
In-y dres. Jt's white with crepe "We
;iter daisies ail over It and my bin
The last of the procession had Just j
passed them and although the car was!
inev u-.g gently it ua ainud right at
Hot. hie 1 i.i via, who was the last one
'.n lire. Of course, if the car ran I
over Hon it might be expected to run;
over r.ert and John and all the rest of
them. Virginia didn't scream but her j
fare sot very while.
She was used to responsibility and I
she had a (rood mind and could use It. i
thought she. "1 can't ston It
in i iiiigni stwr i
And she seized i
luer made It. Mavhe 111 be rnosen tne wheel with both hands. She had;
0 he the May guren. Oh. I hope i often ridden In Sammy Howe' toy '
1 doesn't rain and spoil everything!" jaiito, so she knew how to turn the I
I hop not." Mid Virginia, hug- wheel and she was very a! rone for
r her little brother tight and think- .thirteen.
-e to herself: ."It's worth all the Just as Hob and the others gave , I
Mnv Tisvs that ever were to have such 'warning cry and were about to run,1
. rut little baby to love." ' ; Virginia managed to swerve the car!;
Po thre on th corner they stood It flew past the- proccsyim and out
n mat Ilea May morning". Baby held: to the broad sinei le.d.ng to the !
... ..... iip-t when he heard i Park.
"'iitili half wlh"1 she a pur
-r whit dress too. Just to celebrate
- rrsnd occasion.
. . h. hanit ram In s'ght led by
Higglns. bearing a banner, along miK-rriuir-r-nuFgeit straight ln-o -he
tRA 1 RaI RaI OOOnBv AY.'k
ANO AL'L TH PLeNOlO circus a-parading jT
bsod comins up th sireei an"! ...ni .u s'irpris.d to flnd bow:
on eaairy id r,r obeyed her tnnoh
"I can't stop It." she thought, "so I'll
lead It where It rsn't d,i much harm
and she held th wheel steady while
m an auto and what did It do hut
ip rlrht In front of them cuttlncj
their view. Out apranr tha man j
the wheel and away he walked.;
iclnr the big car rifrht there.
Vlrtflnli and Baby were about to
ddl awav to a place where they
ould see when a lndy leaned out of
h, back scat of the car and aald
.wtelly: "I'm sorry, dears. Climb
,ip to the front at and watch the
parade from there. I have to wait
her some time while the doctor U
vmtlnt; pa'lent."
Thla was luck! Virginia thanked
the gracious lady and lifted Baby up
Into "he auto, then In she Jumped.
Fine! They had a wonderful view of
be parade as It came along the mid
dle of the street. How surprised their
rriends would be to see them perched
up there In that tine car! It would
i. o some little lime before the Eishth
rrad would come past a all the lit
(;, onca haJ to pass first. Virginia
t.!-vnsd to th Eighth.
The band passtd. the Trtmary
naed. bicser children passed. It
K a cty pretty sight. Then along
. am th b'sgest onca. Virginia waved
.nd sml rd when she saw the look
of aurprtse on her classti-.a'.cs" face,
tamed up to her. Baby Jumped up
and down with glee. I
Afterwards they learned that the
t'oclor had only had his car a short
time. Whether It was his fault or
iBaby'a they never knew, but sudden
ly they felt the car moving forward
rndr them. It was po'.ng! The lady
t iv, bTk seat screamed.
Mure w.15 plen'y of room. The drive
way was broad and clear "nd It the
car w:ini'd to spill over oft 'h.' read
it could du o wulioul any n.i.' ni vein
.na of It.
Suddenly they he.-rd a cluiq. chup.
not look up from the rouj ahead, ud !(
pars. iwimetimea they ran on the
left side of the road, sometimes on the
ria-ht but they riM not meet anv orhpr
cars, only a traffic policeman 'o whomlj,r"l t'11 'oltl1 nj"J u'-ncu ui
the lady pas-enrer shnuttd .someiliina ' Ule '"'!. anuiher big uui .il hand
"Goo-soo! Oh, my. my!" eritd reached for the switches in front. In
Baby, whlc'.t was his way of sayi.ig. i another Instant the car toi-ped. Vir
"I like this!" I (rlnla sow that the traffic policeman
On they sped to the broad srreen. had Jumped from his motorcycle onto
Up y
ii rutin.nx board and I1..1I flopped I Uoctor'a wlfo.
ue ruu-a.uv. t'l.e was so .x-t'ed and I know."
exrrj'.hira. -ho .oi.ld only l.wk Inioi ViiKinla was so happy! Then they
his big hind red face and say: ' "h.jMt Ih(,r(J anJ aled ,,, lne Ma
timnK ti. wn.cn n ui ifv www sirui. ' ttty
1.1 rtw ' V it 11 nnel .1 111 ! cui'ml ml r IK'X. '
ioc ocsiae innn. uui urj ini Atfi you. Attic (.111. I can't Ktaise you
enoi vii. If you hadn't had prc.n nee reen.
of 111:11.1 a lot tf thine dear children)
ii18 11 have bivti k.llid! Coin iefa
ol out of iii.i ctir at once. I'm afraid
of li."
"If all right now," said th police
man. "The engine is dead, s e?"
Hut out hurried Ihe lady, Virginia
and llfby, and down on thu soft green
ijrnss tluy sank.
"My kneca won't hold me!" laughed
he lady. "How will 1 ever got back?
And what will Doctor say?
We'lJ be great friend
Parade came. How surprised
j was .Martha and thwothcrs too to see
their school friend sittln.f there on th
'It never told me you could drive
cur," said Alice Duiton, reproach
; fully.
j "I ddn'l know It myself," laughed
. Virginia.
Ho: took a note to Dr. Morley and
I Mrs. Morley stayed right there and
tulped put up the May Pole. And
when it came' time to choose a May
, queen, what do you suppose? They
j went and' chose Virginia, blue (ring
j ham dress and all and that waa the
"One of the boys will be glad to : uierrlejt May Day that ever wis.
ake a message to him," said Virginia.
'Bob would, I know. I'd go but
here's Baby and my kaoea are kind
if weak too"
"You blessed child!" cried the !ai!y.
1 was made Queen of May and
found a lovely new 'friend all fn wic
day," she told her Mother afterwards
I when the Doctor had driven her ar.1
; Baby, home and left them rosy and
klsslns her. "I'm Mrs. Morley. the, happy In their own little home.
The Traflie I'olki man Jun ird lo ihc Illuming Heard A::;l
M :';';)( d TIiC' "he p
Hints for the May Gardener
C". cornci the time of the year (than on?. Never lie a plant Into a
P .hen the gard.ner may begin to ' tight thick sheath.
E f una or planting the little flower j Have you a vegetable patch, too?
U aw -.en. Scutch finks, S'.veet wil-1 Then plant your radtshea now. b'u
. ,, hnllyuu- ks, Cantcrbuiy Bells. a few seeds at a lime and muke three
i Kverlastin;; Hi.'., and Larkspur make j or four sowings so thai you may be
a very pretty variety In the garden able to eat them as they ripen. Itad
rd cm be sown advcnta?eously n Mshes need watering every day If nec
:h!s tune Watch the irrowth of the'ea:ary for the quicker they grow the
l.-.rt.V c ir fu'lv and wherever need -d ; better they will be.
nit a s:;:k? In ;he ground and tie the
pi.,.,1 it fo : h:it it will srrow stralrht
'rd I' ciefvl. to'i, nho'it ty:rs
nt wriere inere ui ui.i;
..v--l arf'ie" will he he'ier
1673 Joseph Addison.
1779 John Halt, Novelist.
lit 3 Nicholas Mlculavelli. States
man. .
1780 John James Audubon, Nat-
4lil Kntperor Jusllnlan.
1718 Andrea Masseua, French
1 Ocnerul.
1812 Hubert Browning.
1823 Gottschalk, Composer.
I860 Juiiies M. llarrle.
n:'3 John Kherman, Statesman.
18i4 Heroine, fainter.
18 42 Massenet, Composer.
117 Kinpicss MHrla Theresa.
1771 Hubert Owen, Reformer.
1820 Florence Nightingale, Nurse
11(1-Sir Dudley North, Traveler.
1749Ir. Ji nner, dlucuvarer of
1785 John Wilson. ToeL
1799 Ilulanc. Writer.
1688 Alcnander l'opo, Writer.
U13 Itichard Wagner. 1'oet-
53. 17119 Tom Hood, Poet. ,
54. 1819 Victoria. Late Queen of
IS, 1S0J llalph Waldo Emerson, Ks
184'J Uorkniiirr, Artl.st, .
1819 JoJIa Ward lluwo. Author,
1779 Thouin.1 Moure, I 'Oct.
1736 1'iitrick Jlciiry, Statesman.
1672 Peter the tlreut of R'jxtla,
1766 Pr. James Currlo, Writer.
PllACll COllUM-.H .
Put H of a can of pcucbea Into f
baking dUh. ,
Bift together ft. t 'h. 1
1 cupful flour. V'TJijl
H teaBpoonful salt.
1 teaapoonful baking powder.
With the fingers, work In 1 table
spoonful fat.
With a fork, fold In V, cupful of
milk. v
This should muke a soft dough. Add
a bit more milk If the dough Is stiff.
Drop small lumps from a spoon
onto tho tops of the peaches. Tbsro
should be eight or ten small lumps.
Bake In a quirk oven for about 1
minutes or till cobbler la browned.''
Serve hoi with crenm and sugar.
If any cobbler la left over It can Bo
packed In nti aluminum cup for the
school lunch as It Is verjrtrood told.
f-Ai. '-m I wait iV-
Garden Gossip
Behold the onion in affright,
Assailed by weeds it cannot fight!
Thus to their fate the idle leave
Their plants until beyond retrieve.
Why make a garden to reflect,
Not industry, but base neglect?
Twere better far to weed than
To work ahead than be too late.
till , Mi. a
Later in the month geraniums may j
he p!antecl and with cure ynur garden j
shoul'l be made to look tt wry prct- I
lest dnrinj? this, the month of (low- i
.VCU Timmy Toia T.ger dido'' : by Cat, and Be was iha sweetest. t"i-
i have a single solitary stripe. No tlest, most harmless old thins uu
1 sir! What'a more. Timmy Tom ever knew.
T.Rer d.dn t have a single grow.; All the other anlrrnl m:rs use 'o
u. nowl or roar in his disposition. Mm j send for him to st ly with the children i
coat was so plain that he looked like : when they went out on prowiiriK par. 1
nothing more than an oversrrown Tab-f ties o- niphfs. nrd nobodv ever In-I
puzzle Corner
- 1
' -r V 3lv
es If you van divide tho wiuiire Into Bve pkt an follow: Four triangles
f euual !?, and a muare width la equal to the four I Hans lis put toicihcr.
11n set- if you can invcr the aquare wilh rour triangular pict-rs, and have
Mr. Rabbit the answer.
ity fourth Is In Tenn.ewee but not ID
Jly nf'h la In Florida but not In
Jly sixth, la In Maryland but no: In
New York.
My seventh la In New Tork but not
In California.
My whole la a beautiful time of the
year. .
i. Color Ado. coi.oitAnn.
My first Is a vehicle.
My second ia a round ) undle.
My whole Is one of the signer! of
the Declaration of Independence.
My first two syllables express the
appearance of bodies to the eye.
My last two syllable mean bustle.
Sly whole Is a river In Tens.
Ism composed of seven letters.
My first 1 In Alabama but not In
V..C.J 111.11 Ul.) IV.l.l'U. li't's lliucn 'u'
tiiuo to ce ini ei 1.1 ing," ine i-'.i'') g'v'
t.. WuuiU "all.l Lv.-.'li. i"-
Mi H'i-lA of m 'o lire--, "h ne ''
g-.od soul, but pain. j p'' m " .
01 -ou:se. '1 liiita) lo.u T.'ift kucw
whin tiicy were saying abuvn nun- ,M': '
he wa inurh too pr.litj 10 eil'thi'm,"
so. 'Some day." r.e said to h;meii
sii.lly. wine dcy. Ill siio.v 'hem
thins or two" Then when lr
Uopard tailed by his hou:e with the
ihree children and said. ":h Tinun
Tom. won't ynu keep tie children 'tl!
I g t back from the nenrV rail: an.l
he sure to brush their spots before von
put them to bed. there's a durlmg""
Tmmy Tom would say like the ge .1
Ceman he was. "The pleasure is all
mine, ma'am." Or when Mrs. I. Ion
dropp d In w'th the six cubs nmi sn.d.
Keep them fur me Timmv Tom. and
eonib the snarls out of their mnne'n
Ifke an angel, and I'll love you forever
after 1 'get back from the dunce."
Tlinmr Tom would say meekly.
"Ion't mention It. ma'am, don't men
tion it."
80 thtnirs went on and Timmy Tom
Tiger got lonesorner and loneomer.
and his coat got plainer and plulner.
and tne animal folks were unfriend
lier and unfr endlier. until Timmy
Tom uicd to go to bed ev ry nkh'
with a lump In his throat. And then
crime a nisht when the lump in Timmy
Tom Tisrer'j throat got so big tha'
three b:g salty tear slid down ill-1
no.e and splnahed Into h!.- whiskers
That made him mrd "h e,.rv
"Here." he crl d. pop n- up out of
bed. "What do I think I am? A
babycub? A weeplntr willow'" And
I iii.il. a-rti ao he had put great bars
Li 11 w.i.u's and lioois to Keep (he
: .-.11.U..U l-is uui. only the An.iuui
!r.k .h,m.n nt hud put them ihe.-.
j .0 k.-. p uiiiiM If m. "And if that's sv."
J.-aui i.n.ii.y Ti.i'Tiscr ns he prowled
, 1I1011; 1. 1 i'ust Alia'j honsc," he n:us'
1 . a 11, .i lonely as i ai:i. ali a:
i .p 1 he-re y itmiselt. And T.imuy T"ti
! i,g-.r cr ;ji cos; tu tile bara to M.-e
i .. .ia I I lie ione.-me First Alan did wi'h
It hutorn-d tliit on that very night
Hie l-'iri; .Man li.u1 painted the ban ai
his w.ndoAS and doors. And so when
T'.iuiny Tom T.ger pressed blpiaelf
closa up st-alnst the bars to look
throuith. h.- itanrd straight agalnsi
KKKSil PAINT! tiut try as he would
Timmy Tom Tiger couldn't seem to
catch a piimpse of the First Man
ihoneh the moon- was very bright,
"perhaps he's in the other end ot the
house." he thought, and when he
turned about and pr s-ed his other
i-ide y.gninst the bars, biess you, those
bars bad left beautiful stripes a'l
Toys Fxnd Useful Reticles
TflHT t-Tr Boy CRN MRKir. .
By F-rfvnk I.50LRR,
TN3TROCTO.D!M'T Op n?iNurrt.rRMMiu.PoBLI School OftT.otT.
l M; lit
-Balance Scale
IK accompanying drawing shows
the construction and dimensions
for making a handy pair of bal
ance scales. Scales of this sort
m.ght be used in weighing out chem
icals by the amateur photographer,
by the little folks In playing store or
any one d'slrlng to know If two small
objects are of the same weight.
The base Is 14 z 3" z 12 and la
shown with the ends cut aquare al
though they might be cut round to
conform to the shape of pans. An
other change might be made by
chamfering the upper edgea of the
A He Sinned Down His I.if Ho Causht Sight Or Himwlf And Ilia Stripes
he uroue sliaigni 'out from the beu 1 cro "le Mi side of T.mmy Tom
clothes and the irunt door 11110 the 1 Tiger oiuy lie dla.Vt know mat. He
night. He prowled and he pr jwl u d.un't kno.v II and he wouldn't hae
and he prowlod uyil hj came to the ! tared If ne nad known It, for Just a
First Man's House in ihe Jungle. No ; he press. d close against the bara and
the Firs; M.m hadn'l been living In ! looked in the opposite direction. Tlm
the world so very long end, of course ; my Tom Tiger SAW the First Man and
he hadn'l made frends with the Am- the First .Mart saw jimmy 10m iiger
My aecond 1 In Tcxaa but not tn ' sfralffaf line from thr rmlrr of (,
SlCe 0 .1C 7111." i- ifir imr. vi ..- 1
mal Folks yet. He was afraid of
them And the An1m.1l Folks hadn'
bcrn bviag in the world so very lofg
and th-y hadn'l mnde friends wi'h th.
-and they were both so frightened
1 that they howled at the top of their
' Mines! ' ''IT f-r tho Jangle dashed
T.ftsmv Tom Tiger, with beautiful
' r pel. nil aernsi tioih sides only he
... .vi'-J 1. i. Toko, but not In ti'Xf $iit, etc Then cut olonj the First Man yet. They were arrald o - r pe nil a-rns, o,n s.oes co.y ...
My third la IB Tukoa but not ""j"'" "or- c- ' j hlm l(ut ,he FirHt Man ,,,., kno. , uldl,., kno, that, either-roarms ai
he went.
To be sure the roaring and the
howling aroused all the other Animal
Folks, and out of their houses they
flew in time to see Timmy Tom Tiger
in his gorgeous new striped coat go
plunging about this way and that way
roaring roars that sent shivers of
fright all down their back-bones. AH
of them were so terrified that they
bounced back Into the house In a Jiffy.
They peeked through a tiny crack In
the door, though, and at first they
.bought it waa a strange and terrible
new Beast raging outside. But pres
ently one by one would say, "It Isn't
itlvely IZZZZZ Timmy Tom Tiger In
a new coat did ou ever see anything
so stylish ohhh Isn't he terrifying!!!!
And they shivered and shook at their
i own front doors like ao many bowls
full of gelatine.
Little by little Timmy Tom Tiger
I saw that the Animal Folks were a.11
eyeing HIM out of the cracks In their
front doors, and that they were afraid
of HIM! AFRAID OF HIM! Gentle,
meek, plain, very plain Timmy Tom
Tiger! Aa he slowed down his pace
he caught sight of hlruelf and his
stripes In a little pool In the Jungles
and suddenly he KNEW WIIT. JOY,
oh Joy I
He stopped. He sat down on his
haunches. He sat with dignity. Pres
ently he picked up a patty-paw and
licked It Just as If nothing had hap
pened. One by one the Animal Folks
stepped gingerly out of their front
doors and began walking gingerly In
circles all around Timmy Tom Tiger.
But from that day on Timmy Tom
Tiger with his striped coat waa the
very leader of fashion In Iho Jungle.
Nobody DARED give a party without
asking him first of all. And did he
ever keep the Animal Folk' children
again while the fathers and mothers
went to parties 7 ISU0ULDSAYN0.T1
After making the base muke th
post and brace. Fasten them together
as shown In the drawings, for fast
Ings screw or brads and glte might
be used. The top of the po may ba
rounded as Indicated or left square.
Fasten the post and brace to tha
base securoly with brads or scresra
and glue. Lay out the beam and taper
according to the dimensions 1 given.
Be sure to locate the screw hole ex
actly In the center nf tha bunm m th
ends will balance. .
The beam Is huntr on a round
head arrAw itrlwAn iniA ih. s. a
small arrow eye Is screwed In each
enu or me Deam, in wnicn the strings
that hnM tha nana ara II. H A i
r ewwi
can covers that are of the same weight
win do for the pans. Punch holes hi
the pans with a nail, at the proper
locations for the strings, I
Weights may be made for tne seals
by pouring lead In a mold and than
testing- It for weight on a good com
merclal scale. Lead Is a good thine
to use for "making tha balanc
weights, aa it can be filed cr cut dowa
till It weighs the number of ounces
desired. '
The finished scale may he painted
black to make It more closely resent
bio the Old-fashioned Iron hiln...
UVlSteae-w. ' , , ,