East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 02, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    -1 .
l!i!l!!!l!i!!!;;!li!;!!iil!Mn Mli
IS You want. to know.-about the things you ' buy is the truth
t . ' . . i ' . i .1 t . '.'11'. . 1 . AV.- i .... i 1 ! I . . ..I . m r, 1. . ...I ! ! AT.-.1 ul i vi- r- xiii lliliwi
i;r ihimho.s se wain our customers to Know me irum aoom us aim anoui our ooi! ne iu u:u mu um iuvuufu. ihuuuj w .l un mi
truthful merchandise here if we can help it. If we ever make a mistake, and you get what isn't good or what isn't satisfactory, bring it hack and get yo
S IS HI l!f
at Ptiew
of ftfew Spring
it abrics
Spring P
The spring sewing problems are righ here. Oil up your sewing machine and get ready for spring sew ing. But remember,
f irst there is a special event that will interest you at The Peoples Warehouse, and we have named it "Sewing Week." Thousands of
yards of new spring fabrics are arranged on counters and tables, all new materials boughat at the new spring prices and marked ac
cordingly. You w ill find many lots priced as extra special sale attractions, and these you will readily recognize iti the following list:
Bear in mind, when Quality is taken into consderation you can always buy lor Jess at 1 he Peoples W arehouse.
Sewing Week Needs,
Notion Counter
Best 0. N. T. sewing
thread, 150 yds. to spool.
Our price, spool 5c
Carlson Currier or Beld
ing sewing silk, 100 yds.
to spool, our price, a
spool 10c
Best quality dress snaps,
a dozen...'.. 5c and 10c
Plain dress belting, a yard
10c and up.
-Best quality safety pins, a
dozen . 5c and 10c
Best quality dress pins,
300 and 400 count, a
package 5c and 10c
Best quality veil pins, as
sorted colors, paper. 5c
Splendid quality bias tape,
white and colors, 5 yd.
bolts, a bolt 13c to 20c,
according to width.
Stickerie Edging, full as
sortment of colors, 3
and 4 yards to bolt, a
bolt 15c and 25c
Oma brand cushion collar
bands, each 10c
Nevo mending tissue,
each ,
Dress Ginghams,
a yard 19c
27 in. dress ginghams,
"Toile du Nord,"
"Red Seal" and other
well known qualities,
good assortment of
patterns; Special Val
ues, our price, yd. 19c
32 inch Dress
a yard 23c
Dress ginghams 32 in.
wide, good assort
ments oi the new
spring plaids to
choose frcm; Special
Value; our price, a
yard 23c
32 inch Fine
Ginghams, 3 1c
Fine quality Zephyr
gingham, in plain col
ors, checks, plaids
and nurse stripes;
special . Value, our
price, a yard Sic,
..3 yards for.. $1.00
Better Grade Zephyr
Ginghams, 49c
32 in. wide, extra
quality Zephyr dress
gingham; good as
sortment of patterns
to choose from; Speci
al Value, our price, a
yard 49c
French Dress
a yard 74c
32 jn. in width, in
plain colors, checks
and handsome plaids
beautiful quality!
-rwzoj . vaiue, our
Pnce, a yard.... 74c
'A!y liicjm fir CUa-ibsen
flx:ary O oc.ry
Jewel silk finish lingerie
braid, 6 yards, fast col
or, washable, a bolt 10c
Best quality elastic web,
super lisle, black and
white, one fourth inch
wide to one and one-half
inch, priced 8 1 -3c to 25c
Bacon, country, lb 25c
Shoulder Meat, lb 20c
Bacon Backs, lb 30c
Soap, laundry, 20 bars $1.00
Gold Dust, pkg 30c
Citrus Powder, pkg. ... 30c
Eggs, fresh ranch, doz. 25c
Butter, ranch, lb 30c
42 Pc. Dinner Set, each S10
Folders Golden Gate Coffee
in 1-2 lb. tins, Makes a
nice picnic size. Try one
on your next trip.
Where Your Dollar Polls the Greatest TxmiiI
Where every Hem Is a bartfiiln.
Girls' Gingham Dresses 79c
We are cleaning up a big lot of pretty
dresses for girls who like pretty things.
There's a big variety of styles in the assort
ment and originally solil from $1.50 to $3.50
SXHin! HiiM-nnut Price 7 'Jo
Party Dresses f 9.98
You who have seen these) dresses know
the value of these beautiful garments. You
know Hint the original prices ran as high
$125. We've placed a number cf different
prices on them, hut-to cloye out the lot we ,
new ank '
This Special I..iw lh-iee S9.9S
Women's Good Stockings
Children's Good Slockins
Hoys' Tuff He:ivy ltib Hose...
Thread, whito and black ....
1 Keltic
Excellent Hungalo Aprons ." H;
Itig lot women's slippers Sil.08
Medicated Nest Kggs "
Dress and Coat l'.uttons. doz "c
Women's Knit Vests 10c
White Mixing Bowls
Here's something new for the housewife
who enjoys a pretty vessel of this kind.
Pure rvhlte enameled earthware, round .
bottoms; sizes 5 1-2 to 9,1-2 Inches, priced
lile, 211c. 5llc, BUc and 7Pc.
Sets of glass bowls priced the same.
complete Set or 5 Howls S2.00
Spring Coats $12.S7
We are assembling a small lot of very pet
ty spring coats for quit k "ebon tip" end,
regardless of Oae high originul price, we are
plaeih ; this cvU'e.inely low price thereon.
Xtiu Special Clean l"i $12.87
Women's I'nion Suits Rile
Infants' HI no and I'lnk lilankets SI. if
'.',35 rhiflB Lights l.7."
Divided Khaki Skirts SI.IIK
rencil Tablets
Pencils. 3 for :
Double Aluminum Ifice lioilors S2.!H
All Hi mounts of Colt Goods l-;l off of the
liascment price.
A New Spring Corset
Here are the finest mod
els from the best makers:
Gossai d Front Lace.
Bon Ton and Royal Wor
cester Back Lace.
Spring fashions demand
new low bust flexible type
corsets with .skirts long
enough to cover the fleshy
part of the thiph Hrj bring
nut the proper figure lines.
And unless you are wearing
a new corset, how are you
going to secure proper fit
ting garments?
All are economically priced.
Renfrew Valley Fall;
Shirting, yard 49c
Short lengths, running
from 5 to 15 J'ds to piece,
handsome shirt stripes in
pxfellent duality, would
easily sell at C9c yard reg
ular price; Special Value;
our price, a yard. . . '. .' 49c
Devonshire Cloth, a
yard 34c
32 inches in width; a most
popular and standard
wash fabric for : ' boys'
blouses and girls' dresses.
Special Value, our price, a
yard 34c
Men's Blue Serge Suits.
Wonderful values at $35.
TiT 1
reopies waroiious
n ii ii in i mm i ii .
Manhattan Shirts, the
best known, known as the
best $2.50 to $12.50.
36 in. Standard Per
cales, a yard 24c
Cfi in. in width, a large as
sortment of light and dark
patterns, good quality for
house dresses, aprons, etc.
Special Value; our. price,
a yard .
Serpentine Crepe, a
yard 10c
Fine quality, good assort
ment of floral patterns, 30
inches in width,' excellent
for kimonas; Special Val
ue ; our price, yard .... 40c
Windsor Lingerie
Crepe, yard 34c
For undermuslins, dress
es and waists, shown in
plain colors and also in a
good assortment of fancy
patterns; Special Value;
our price, a yard. ... . 34c
1 I
... . 1 , , n -i -3 47 Henry Nelson 50 12 12 24 ftl II infl! Ilin flT 111 1
Pendleton Marksmen at Head
List on Performance of the
Day's Sport; 2 Teams Miss.
FPOKANR, Wash., May 5 A. P.)
May Day brought ideal weather in (
most localities for contestants in tne
Inland telegraphic trapuhootinir tour
nament. Following are the scores:
St. Juhn-Garfield "j; Spokane "5.
Waitsbur 73: Oroville (misfing.)
Sprague 7!; Cheney (missing).
Yakima 73: Wenatchee 74.
I'endleton 75; Kellogg 72.
Odessa 75; Lwlston-Pomeroy 75.
KileiiKburg 73; Walla Walla 2.
At Collins Pork.
Twenty-nine shooters registered at
Collins Park yesterday to participate
In the Hpokemnan Kevicw and the
American Traphfotini Anwjciation
..i. iii .h,v,,t A Derfect score was made
In the Spokesman-Review telegraphic j
shoot, thoce making this possible be
in Lee Alutlock 25 Hay Ppangle 25.
). C. How man 25. Marion Hausfll 25.
Total 75. j
Winners in the club shoot were
Clasn 1. Ie Matlock 49. I). ". lf--'
man 4, Hay Fpangle 4. As th
makes a tie f r first i.laoe th- win
ner of the American Trapshooting As-
so. iaii..n trophy for Cliiss I will be de- '
riiied on Hie fust 25 laigcts shot at j
tieM Sundsy. i
' The wimt r i'f the Taylor Hard-r
aie Co 's Class J merchandise prixej
(ly book! J"hn M.'Nurlln. w hoi
finished in wconj place with a total
of 4S out of the 51 tarsHs "hot nt.
J. h. ltes won the American Tra)
bootitut Abociation trophy In I'laM 2
with a score of 46. Earl Coutts won
the Economy Drug Co. prize of a Par
ker fountain pen in this class, finish
ing second with a score of 44.
In Class 3, W. D. Miller finished
first with a score of 46, winning the
American Trapshooting trophy in this
class and Iludy Tannler won the Sol
Baum Sporting Goods Store trophy,
finishing in second place with a score
of 43.
Following are the scores ot the con
testants. The first score of twenty
five targets counting In the Spokes
man Review Trapshooting Association
registered club shoot.
Class 1.
D. C. Bowman
Name S. A.
Lee Matlock 50
Hay Spangle 50
D. C. Bowman 50
John McXurlin . . .50
P.rk Brk T't)
24 49
24 49
24 43
25 48
F. L. Ingram 50
Marion Hansell ...50
Sol Eaum 50
Dick Daley 60
Guy Matlock 50
Finish Kirkpatrick 50
Omer Stephens ...60
W. M. Watts 50
Chas. Hamilton ..50
II. J. Stillman ...50
. Class 2.
J. IL Estes 50
Earl Coutts 50
John Peterson .... 50
U A. Smith 50
George C. Baer . . .50
Class 3,
W. D. Miller 50
H. M. Tannler 50
Chauncy Bishop ..60
Chas. Hoagland ..50
A. J. Gill 50
F. K. Welch 60
Henry Nelson ....50 12
Gene Klanchett ... 50 12
' Practice Shooting
Dr. Sharp 25 22 22
Gerterson 25 9 9
A meeting of the Pcr.Oielon Hod &
Gun Club will be held in the office of
James Estcs Tuesday evening at 8
o'clock. I
OAKLAND, Calif., May 2. (A. P.)
Vernon won the morning game from
Oakland here yesterday, 12 to 0, the
afternoon game at San Francisco be
ing postponed on account of rain.
Arlett was an easy mark for the Tigers,
who got 1J runs and 16 hits off him,
"while his team mates also went to
pieces: Vernon scored half Us runs In
tho third inning. Love allowed only
three hits and only two of the Oaks
reached second base.
On May First Dominian Law
Limiting Each Purchase to
Quart Becomes
BURLINGTON, May 2. Smuggling
of whiskey across the Canadian bor
der Into Vermont will be virtually re
stricted after today to the small supply
that may trickle in through satchels,
bootlegs, and hip-pockets, In the opln
Ion of prohibition agents here.
On that date a dominion law limit
ing each purchase of whiskey to a
slnglo quart becomes effective. While
beers and wlrifs flow freely north of
the line, Lulled States offlcnra do not
anticipate any flood on this side be
cause profits in these light liquors are
too smull to tempt the rum-runners.
Ilecent seizures havo Indicated a
concerted effort to rush large slocks
of whisky into the stnte before the Ca-
Effective I na'"an one-iiart limit Is enforced. An.
loiiiooue irnmc, lorineriy ino princi
pal underground source, is less used
nowadays, but now and then a loader
auto Is caught slipping with muffled
motor along the by-paths of the bor
der. Scores of muchlnes have been
abandoned recently by parties that
were checked by vigilant guards. "
The Island of Yap Center of U. S.-Jap Controversy.
u-'j .. . xrf t 'J. . : f 'S'A r -f 'i ' ''v:?:ifii;A ' .I'll
Pensions Are Not Being Paid
on Account of Empty Treas
ury so He Works Every Day.
Most of the shipments however,
have been made by freight car In re
cent months. False sides had been
built Into lumber curs' and whiskey In
lnrgo quantities concealed In the skil
fully constructed bins. Spirits have
come across the lino nlso hidden In
hay, grain, potatoes and shipments of
a similar nature. Some have fallen
Into the revenue officers' hands before
leaving the railway tracks.
Capture, of liquor cached In freight
cars, however, Is more or less a matter
of luck, the enforcement agents admit,
and tills Is tho chief reason for tho tire
of this means of smuggling by the men
who thereby avoid risk of their per-
sons or automobiles.
TlA Island ot Tap, which ha been the object of many note between the United Ktatea and J-ipan. Is an Important cable station. The nvinda'e
. oiii former German poaeeealon awarded to Japan by the League of Nations, Is protected by the I'nlted Kuu. because II would give JupaM
ri. nbtrol in oum ot wor.Tbi picture of Yap wc tal;en from on e the booU that Infrequently culls there "
CHICAGO, May 2. UT. I".) Un
man Call, blip prions and diunltar es
from the Culled Slates, alumni of the
American College of the church in
Homo, will gather In Chicago May 11
and l for ibn thirty-sixth annual re
union. Ilcv, Moses E. Klley, director
of tho Associated Catholic Charities of
P.) Zoni, Turkey's oldest man, mid
to be 117 years of age, has gone back
to work as a waterfront hamal (carrier
of heavy weights) after a quarrel with
tho Turkish nnval base authorities.
Ho was recently pensioned In honor
of his age and long service and he wan
preparing to spend his last years In
idleness. But, as pensions are . not
being paid here hecanso of an empty
treasury, Zora declared he wa still
strong enough to work, and Is dally
proving It. Ho has threatened to Join
tho Nationalist army In Anatolia, but
so far has kept tho peace.
Old age makes itself respected In
Turkey by n. capacity and willingness
to work. A. certain Mursd, employed
as a messenger by the Turkish tele
graph office, was ofleron a pension
when he reached bis 120lh year. He
refused it, us it meant knot-king off
work, bill his superiors Insisted he
must make room for younger people
who ollicrwise could find no work, and
would hnve no chance to get on In life,
Murad finally agreed to quit pr,ovld.
d Irs young' son was taken In his
phicn. This seemed fair antl he was
told to bring Ihe win .ironed. The son
presented was a i h'te-hulred man
more than 70 years old.
Most of the local boys wcT" com
paratively new to the ti.i: came and
La Grande Inirt n number of seasoned
veterans. Coach llanlev etnerted a
me i-iuciigo arrnuioccfe, u ueau of mo. hard tussle and it proved a rejulnc
alumni association. I runaway. - - -.