I t I I 1 I I PACE EIGHT DAILY EAST OfcEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 30, 1821. FOURTEEN PAGES - - t r, n Tokyo Fin Makes Hundreds Homeless CHILD TRAINING AT HOME I. ir 1h is ,n, of In- fourth wnm "f art e!iiss;ie-l tiy the X.-ttlo iriinen A.''r-' 'ntion '( 4i:'i Mr. t. X w Vi i u i'.iy, They r Meekly In thee i olumi.s. I Ktndcr- ew Positive Teaching Superior t ) Negative Teaching Itj Allele I'. Wonilard. Piv-iilinl. National Motii'ii Pcniro League. I "Why. Alston." s.iiil his mother. "I An Mu-e thai u me teaching your parrot to swear!" "X.i. I'm not. Mnlhcr." Alston re l1lr .1. Tm Juki teams it what it m iMtn't sai .'' Ami on 1n ninny movies! They 1r-. ,i Ira. h what not to do. lnst"ad of pres'llllllg stories (if descent, M ll.i'e- mmr living, with H thrills and laugh ter ninl i Igor. Ncit.it Ivp teaching ilm's harm, rath er than !. Positive stones which i nt.r'.am. amose und ed.ioate. ore be t"i..iiis t!ic mai h-soughl -out movie of turtm . .Vol l.mt aim, a chilil of sown was p. rniired to see a carefully prepared "hot. play of a very fon.t mother who.-e craving for a son who should have ihe wnl of music was at last realized. On of hiT children showed an intons long'tig for a violin. With a delicti y mthI :snve rarely fo ind in motion pi.' H'rev. the Mrtievlo ami final triumph of this musician 'tias portrayed ami ;i desire to he something other than commonplace was the deep impression made ii. on the audience. This Im pri s-ii is upon the child of seven took definite shape in an intense ilesire for ti xiolin t. o. --so grout that at last Vf t. :v te-iV xoV- te,. r" - , -lllllllllllllllllllllllllI!!lilllllllll!IIIIIIIIIIIlllMlll!lllllllll!IIMIIllllllllllllllll!milllllt i'UOXE FIVE FOR FUEL I CASTLE GATE EGG COAL THE RIGHT SIZE FOR THIS WEATHER CLEAN AND UNIFORM B. L. BURROUGHS-He Has It! MlUIIUIIilltlllll(lllinillllllllllllll!ll!llllltlllilllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllli;iilIIUIllj Hiimin.t ot Tor.yo inhabltanu ore homele due to thr fire that destroyed between 600 and : K-.r,..N killed oie. injured fid and dan.asred property cjtimaled at 13,500.000. Aboe, what wi Urt of the fiK-nvtM d. strict two brick hoimet. built foi s'.onns valu.Me against fi.-slrucUon ly fire, 'il the Jorntmund ni .en ('iwi,' fif"r the Unit his imrents were persuaded to pur chase one for him. The chief ambition of the little fellow Is to learn to play, and the violin when it is not in use, is bolus carefully guarded, wrapped tenderly and placed upon a hiuh shelf. He will proluihly become a musician l-ur if he doesn't he Is better and finer for hnvins experienced that lunging to lie better than his environment. It is necessary for thinkiiijt people to exert every energy to turn this potent medium of entertainment, imnrement and education into chan lels for pood. Advance information on worth w hill films in the form of current weekli lists, coming Into the home each week tissisS parents in tin Ir selection of motion picture recreation for them sehe and their children. The lists of films should be selected by persum huvlntr no fmuncal connection w'ith the motion picture indurtry. who have a wide knowledge In psychology, ami definite experience In social work. In one of our Ingest cities the s 'hoel board has contracted lor spoc- ally prepared weekly lists of endorsed films for every principal In the eltv. UU All Sales Recor 1149 New Studebakers Sold and Delivered in San Fran cisco and Oakland in March, 1921. New Studebakers Sold and Delivered in Northern California in March, 1921. New Studebakers Sold and Delivered in California in March, 1921.' And in New York City 376 New Studebakers Sold and Delivered in New York City, March, 1921. 1G3 New Studebakers Sold and Delivered in New York City, March, 1920; Sales Increase 123 Over March 1920 More cars were sold at retail in Greater New York in the first quarter of this year than were sold in the entire year of 1919. Sales First Quarter, 1921 643 Cars Sales Full Year, 1919 527 Cars There H UST Be a Reason ere It Is STUDEIJAKER COMBINES THE GREATEST PERFORM- ANCE MOST ECONOMY HIGHEST GRADE MATERIALS. ASK THE STUDEBAKER OWNER-HE KNOWS The snormous demand for the new Studebaker Car is creating a shortage Order your car now and save disaopointnjent. WALLACE BROS ELKS BUILDING 1921 IS ANOTHER STUDEBAKER YEAR Tho pchoul principal. In turn, pub lishes the lists In school papers and bulletins, so that many school children In that city have the opportunity of taking home each week the list of en dorsed films soon to be played 111 neiir bv theatres. This gives tho family the power of selection. If this service! were extended to nil school board in the country, the demand for this type uf film would be almost overwhelming. There Is no doubt that producers would then turn their attention to the production' of wholesome films be cause of their Increased popularity ninl cuneiitent Increased profit. The movies are worthy cf our at tention. It Is possible to reconstruct them so that they will be tin aid to I'lvilauiun rather than a menace. The American public, is urged to seek out and support by Its patron age, wnoiesomc mot on pictures, many of which are being shown In the thea tres of the country. i Xulg J'arents may obtain informa tion about endors-d motion picture films by writing to the X.itional Mo tion Picture League, 381 Fourth Ave., Xcw York City. (Ea&t OrcBonian Special.) HEI.IX. AprH 30. A number of local , Eastern Staiy, members were goests of Husliec Chapter of I'endle- Jton Tuesday evening, at which time Mrs. Ida M. Umbach, worthy matron of Uregon, paid her official visit to Husliee chavter. Those present from Helix were! Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo Piper,. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Mclntyre, Mc.-idanvs It. K. Toiler. Win. A I bee, ,H I Morrison, I.eola. Eheler and Miss j 1,1a Ault. Mrs. Harry Kose and Mrs. Clifford Ken.lail were hostesses Thursday even 1 ing vhen they entertained in honor of their mother, Mrs. I). Kendall. The affair was In the nuturc of a surprise Mrs. Kendall's' birthday. Tho even ing wus spent most pleasantly In ,'ames and music and later refresh ments which Included a large birth day cake, were served. Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Thomas and Mrs. Chas. Alspach were Walla Wal- la visitors Thursday. Tho L. L). Clark homo was the I icene of a pleas ant gathering Sunday 'when they entertained a number of guests at dinner. Those present were 8. O. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. I. F. John son and daughters, Viola and Doris, .Mr and Mrs. 'missel Harvey und duughter Pauline. Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Ii V. Clark Jr., and daughter Arllne, Miss Iva Zorl a, I,t:,lic DoIIarhido and Klbert Clark. On Wednesday evening Ionic Chap ter. O. K. S., Held a special meeting to receive Mrs. Ida l.'mbai h, worthy grand matron of Oregon, who came to pay the local chapter her official visit. Fred Moes and Klbert Tate of the Helix Rank, were Pendleton visitors Thursday evening. On Monday afternoon tho members of the "grades" if thr-Hlix lhti.M)l held u tryout for the county declama tory contest which Is to be held In Pendk'ton May Bth. Those chosen were Mubfe IJuvidsoii and Marvin Albeo. . Victor Ruffles- Ruffles glv thli pink voil drew ulatlnctlon. They can be hetnMltched or flnlahed with plcot dg. Half Inch tucki leading from the shoulder, line open into the waUt, flvlnf the necesaary fullneu. - . D May 1921 Number ' Size Pric 45244 Pickaninny Rosp. Olive Kline 10 $1.00 Butterfly Lucy Isabelle Marsh ' 55136 Three Sioux Scouts Part I ' Three Sioux Scouts Part II Erne.st Thompson Seaton -45243 First Arabesque Ada Sassoli Chanson de Pechcur Ada Sassoli 18736 Angels (We Call Them Mothers Down Here) Henry Bun- Over the Hill Charles Hart 18740 Wyoming (Lullaby) Charles Hart-Elliott Shaw Blue Jeans v Peerless Quartet 18741 Rose I Call Sweetheart Mother of Pearl WillianrRobyn' 18743 Turkey in the Straw Pietro . Russian Rajr j-Pietro DANCE RECORDS 18737 My Mammy Medley Fox Trot Humming Medley Fox Trot . Paul Whitemsn and His Orchestra 18742 Make Believe Medley Fox Trot' , Some Little Bird Medley Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra . 18739 Kiss a Miss Waltz Romance WalU, Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra 18738 Mazie Fox Trot Answer Medley Fox Trot . " All Star Trio assisted by their Orchestra 35707 Why Don't You? Marimba . " Medley Fox Trot . , ,"" Siren of a Southern Sea ' - ' '. ft Medley Fox Trot ; . All Star Trio and their Orchestra RED SEAL RECORDS . , 649481 Passed By Your Window ,. . Frances A Ida 74680 Favorita O mio Fernando , : Gabriella Besanzoni 64953 In Old Madrid Emilio de Gogqrza 64945 Traviata Addio del passato ;. " Amelita Galli-Curci; 6.4944 Tosca Recondita Armonia . ' Beniamino Gijrli 74678 Canzonetta Jascha Helfetz 64946 Just That One Hour ' Edward Johnson 64947 On Miami Shore Fritz Kreisler 74679 Valse in E Flat Major Sergei Rachmaninoff 64952 La Pisanelle LeQuai du Port de Famagouste . Toscanini and La Scala Orchestra 64950 Story of the Rose Reginald Werrenrath 64951 Ay-Ay-Ay RenatoZanelli EGomomy 12 1.50 10 1.00 10 .85 10 .85 10 .85 -10 .85 10 .85 10 .85 10 .85 : . 10 ; .85 -' , 12 1 1.35 10 '! 1.25 12 1.75 10 1.25 10 1.25 10 1.25 12 1.75 10 1.25 10 1.25 12 1.75 10 1.25 10 1.25 10 1.25 Dra Co. 4 v