East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 30, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Image 7

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    PAGt SEVEN .
. (Eat OreKunlan Kpcclal.)
PIUT KCK'K. April 3(1. Tho high
ichool Literary Society will present
their laat p rug ram for the avhnol your
In the auditorium Wednesday cvcnlnv.
May 4. bofflnnlnir nt 7:30. Hveryone
In Itivli nd to attend.
Olitrence Roynr In in IlormiNton do
Imf carpenter work. Jlu expect to
lie away MVernl works.
Mr. and Mr Alfred 1'alnier and
family of Mlllon wore kucbCm at tho
homo of Mr. unci Mr. Arthur Hamuli
Jim. Frank Pono returned to her
horn here Baturdiiy after visiting iicv.
era! day at the ranch home of Mr.
and Mm. Fred WIIhoh.
Mr. and Mrx. Charlcn ItUHScll visit"
ed fricmlM in Nolln Hunduy.
Mm. llert lluholtH l sufferlni from
an attack of the mumpa.
Mr. and Mr. I. M. Hchannep expect
to leave Pilot Rock ahout tho 1 51 h of
next month to make their home In
The meeting: of the Women's Com
munity Club for next week hnii been
pontponed until Thurmluy livening- In
order that the members mlRlit ultend
thr'tilih nuhool llierary program which
li to be proitcnted on tho regular club
mMIng nlKht,
Mr. Orlpii Houston who In miffer-
tflfllllltltlllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIItllltllllltlllllIlllllIIIllllIIIIllllllI11llllllllllltlIIIllIlllttIIIIltlltlll,lltllll,IIMI,'llll
moii:i,s ami rnicr.s, 1'i:mmcto.
Model 43. four cyl. Roadster
Model 41, four cyl. Touring
Model 4 3, four cyl. Hedan
Model 43, four cyl. Coupe
Model 37,
Model 37.
Model 37,
six cyl. Koadstcr
six cyl. Touring .
six cyl. Coupe
The Oldsmobile Co.
fimiiiiiiiiinii iiiimiiiiiiiiiniimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii
Inn from a mastoid uIjhccmh Ik In Pen
(llolon under tho doctor care.
If. If. Illnilciman Ifi'm purchimcd
from Mrs. Kvn Johnston her residence
property on Hluff strout and will take
jiowtcsHlnn ut once.
Accordlnic to word received from
Kev. Bondliint Solley of Portland, Mr.
Ilugun, student of a ChU-nKo Heinlniiry,
ban accepted a cull to tho Pilot Itock
church for tho Htunmer and will be
hero Muy nth.
Mrs. C. A. Cooper returned home
Thursday from a visit with relatives ut
Colfax, Wn.
Mrs. Bert Wcatifato who lias been
111 tho past two weeks is much Im
proved. Mr. and Mrs. 1. I. Connor vlHlted
friends in Pendleton Sunday.
Thiirlo Hmlth, hlch "chnol student
has been absent from school the puxt
week suffering from blood poisoning
In one of hln feet. Ho Is much better
at this writing.
Tha ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. Al
lien lCllenberger was destroyed by fire
about 1:00 o'clock Friday morning.
Mrs. Fancho Subblefleld and chil
dren will spend tne summer with rela
tives In tho Willamette vulley.
Alfred Nelson und family arrived
In Pilot .Itock Tuesduy from Seattle to
make their home here. Mr. Nelson
is a brother of Mrs. (i. 10. Chittenden.
Lon Ktter who recently underwent
an uperutinn for appendicitis at HI.
Anthony's Hospital In Pendleton was
able to return home Thursday.
The neat sum of $28.00 was realized
from the cooked food sale held at The
Pilot flock Merc. Co. Saturday. The
wile wn irlven hy the school commit
Cars already sold from this carload
To Mr. J. C. Nye, Nye-Ward Co.,
Mr. M. F. Battle, Bush-Lane Co.
.Model 4511, 8 cyl.
Model 4.111. 8 cl.'7-pass. Tourlnc
Model 45H, 8 cyl. 7-pass. Hedan
Model 47. 8 cyl. 4-pas. Pacemaker
Model 47, S cyl. 4-pass. Coupe
Model 47. 8 cyl. t-pass. Hedan
Chassis only
With steel cab
Express body, complete ,
. 1093
. 240
. 2470
. 1750
. 1750
. 2150
of oni.(;o
iT.Mi,irroN im.N( ii
A. Fund of Information
That You Should Have
ISRAELI, who for six years was
ister of England, said: "It has been my ob
servation that the most successful man in
any undertaking is the man who has the most information."
It doesn't require any particular information just
to go out and buy something. But to buy the best
of that something at a price that is satisfactory to
you that is a successful purchase. And to make
successful purchases you must have information.
Advertising gives you just that kind of informa
tion. It tells you where to go in order to get the best
of anything you want at a fair price. ,
.That is why it is a paying proposition for the man
or woman who hapdles a pocket book to study the ad
vertisements in this newspaper regularly every
day. '
To those who use it properly, newspaper advertis
ing is a source of economy .and satisfaction that
never runs dry. It is a watch-dog of dollars a guar
antee of satisfaction.
If you would learn the facts about the things you
need to make you comfortable and happy,
the advertisements
tee of the Women's Community Clu'
and has been turned over to the school
board to apply on the play shed fund.
: Tho fourth and fifth (trade gram
mar school pupils enjoyed a party at
tho home of Mrs. James Truman Hat
urduy afternoon. Ten pupils were
present, (iamcs were played, refresh
ments served and a most enjoyable
time reported. Tho guests were Kdn
Houtherland, Arlet Connor, Myrtle
Hutchinson, Freda Poutelle, Charles
Cantos, I.oren iioyse, Mildred Mack
burn, Doris Carries, Doris Done and
It nth Truman.
James Osborne was taken to Pen
dleton Thursdul morning suffering
front smallpox.
Kuifur, Hotter and
I'jMCh, Drop lit Prlco
KI'OKANK, April 30. (A. P.)
The retail price of sugar, eggs and but
ter was lowered here yesterday. Sugar
d.'i ped about 25c. per hundred
pounds, eggs five cents per dozen and
butler several ?ents per pound.
Net'dlow Kwrtlon.
Jimmy's mother was giving Mm
a sound scolding about his unwashed
"You know you haven't washed
your neck." said his mother.
"eo whla!" said Jimmy, a note ol
dosperutlon creeping Into his voice.
"Hn't I Kotn' to wear a collar?' New
York Hun.
4-pass. I'acehiukcr. .
. .2450
. . 2450
. . 8700
.. 19H.1
. . 2720
. . 2720
prime min
Aniioiinix-ioeniN for litis dcrt
mt'nt must Im submitted to the
Vjuo, OrcKoiiuin not laUrr than
l-Vlday evening In ordi-r to be as
sured of lubllcaliou ou baturdaj,
Kntllwli l.lltlien ii
There will bo Kunduy school ut the
First Christian church at 1 p. ni. Fol
lowing Jtev. It. Hlasberg will hold ex
amination of coiiflrmands in Kngllsb
which will be followed by a sermon by
Kev. It. K. McMaman.
Church of the IU (locincr
Ilev. Alfred Lockwood, rector. 8 a.
m.. Holy ccmtnunlon. 0:45 a. m., Han
day Kchool. 11:00 a. in. Holy com
munion and sermon.
Thursday next being the feast of the
Ascension, tile sermon at the morning
service will be related to this fact un
der the title "The Coming Victory of
Josus Christ." At the evening se rvice
the topic will he "Yeast and Dough."
The choir will sing as the offertory
aniheni, "Come V'p Hither." The
public is corjially Invitou.
Christian SrleiKV
Flrst Church of Christ, Scientist,
holds services at RlSVs Main Street
(First stairway north of the Inland
Empire Rank.) Sunday services arc
at 1 a. m. and 8 p. m. The subject of
the lesson-sermon for Sunday, May 1
Is "Dverlastlng Punishment." gundjy
schoul begins at 9:4 D a. m.
A Wednesday evening meeting
which Includes testimonials of healing
Is held at 8 o'clock. The Heading
Room, which Is maintained ut the
HJine address, is open dally from 9 a.
tn. to 9 p. m., where the lilble and au
thorized Christian Science literature
may be read, borrowed, or purchased.
The public is cordially Invited to at
tend the church services and to visit
tho Heading Hoom.
liaptist Ciuircli
Ilev. W. H. Cox, pastor. Kesidence
515 Hush street, phone 116".
Sunday morning Sunday school, y.
M. Hlley, superintendent :D0. Preach
ing servise, 11:00, sjbject, "Owner
ship and Service.
Sunday Night 15. Y. P. C, Juniors,
Mrs. Baltezore, president, li. Y- P- C,
Seriors, Miss childreth, 7:00. Preach
ing sen-ice ,8:00, subject, "Oien
Those senic. s are for you and you
aro cordially invi'ed. We hope tu have
the privilege of your worshipping with
us. Will the public please take no
tice that the evening services will com
mence. B. Y. P. IT. at 7 p. m., und
preaching service at 8 p. m.
llrst lYcribj-tcrlaii (liurrh
Corner College and Alta streets.
Rev. Ci. L. Clark, pastor. Residence
506 East Alta. Phone 621.
10:00 a. m., Sabbath Schi ol, A. C.
Funk, Hupt.
11:00 a. m., Sermon. "The Question
of Vocation."
7:15 p. in., Christian Endeavor hour, i
leader Kenneth Hew.
8:00 p. m., Sermon. "A Suro Place."
An illustrated lecture by Mrs. Flet
cher Linn. Portland will be given Tues
day evening in the church at 8:00. A
welcome to all is extended.
First Christian Church
"Men's Day" for our Bible school
this Sunday. Every man not attend
ing Bible school elsewhere Is urged to
come to tho Christian church, corner
Main and Jackson, at 9:45, when a big
i surprise ivill take place. The services
will be luiified, with a sermon at 11
o'clock on tho subject: "The Place of
tho Church In tho Life of America."
The C. K. Will meet at 7 p. m., with a
brief address by the pastor, followed
by the regular meeting, with t!io topic,
"Thy Kingdom Come In My Coun
try." The Oild Fellows will attend in
a body and hear the anniversary ser
mon at 8 o'clock on the subject, "The
GORel of the Helping Hand." Special
music, including a men's quartette, will
feature the evening services. Every
body invited to every senico. V. A.
Uressman, minister.
President of Non-Partisan
League is Touring State in
Interests of the League.
HKAVK.R CITY. N"e"., April Srt.
(.V IM A. C. Town.cy. 1'iosi. icit of
tho National Non-l'arlisan loaKUe,
told an audienco lie mldressed here
last niRht that he was not woriyiiiK
nljmit the ai-tion of li e Miunesot:i su
preme court at St. l'aul today in de
nyinB him a row trial on a cliai-se of
i-onspiraoy to teach sedition. He add
ed he did not want his audience to
worry nhout it. either.
Mr. Townley, who opened vs ad-di-ess
with a reference to the court's
action, said that ,f he was put in Jail
it would he the fust rest he has had
In ten year. The sentence, he added,
was only lor ! days, which he declar
ed was not as much a- a chicken
thief would Ret out here.
Mr. Tow nicy, who h is hcen toiirlns
parts of the state in the interests of
the leane, arrived hei last niiihl
fiom Holdredue. where l-.e delivered
an addres idnnt nisht. Throush one
of hid friends, who accompanied him
here tt was lenrned that he had no for-
l-inl Ta.trmet'.l to ivnr la?1! oi-:u con-
ccrliini; the Court s iicU.-u
Real Togs
m a vfv
m 5.-1
V"'i i
1 'if'! V '-'
This is no mere mage costumej
Mltzl, star of "Lady Billy," showing
n Now York. Is wearing. Princess)
Elizabeth of Rumania sent tha real
lative dress to iaa actress.
(East Oregon:,,!, Special.)
ADAMS. April 30. The Adams high
n nil grade school are practicing for
the l ist day of school exercises to be
hold May 20th.
Mr. an'1 Mrs. John fjiei-s returned U
AU.-ms today after spending the winlei
in California.
Oregon Ihiiry and Food Commis
sioner W. P.. Dorean of Portland wa
in Adams Thursdav on business.
A letter received from Mr. and Mrs
Kan Melntyre of Alberta states that
crops are looking fine and if nothing
happens will have a good crop of
wheat and flax.
Mrs. 'Mas Lieualbn. Mrs. Carl
Christian and Ralph Wnllan motored
to Pendleton to accompany Mrs. Halph
Wnllan and si n Hilly home to the
ranch near Adams.
Adams hi-h school student motored
to Pendleton Saturday to attend the
truck meet.
Mr. and Mr-". ;. M. Morrison and
Roberta motored to Pendleton to at
tend the track meet.
Ceori?e Rr.-'dli y Is bu.-y planting his
spring gard-n on the home ranch near
Iicv. Luther was the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Will Buyer S.nubiy.
A large number of relatives and
friends attended the funeral of Charley
Smith at Athena yesterday.
Ilev. Luther was the guest of Mr
and Mrs. I. L. Lieuallen Monday
night at the home ranch.
Roll Morrison, Frank Wames and
Joe Brent motored to Adams Monday
Mr. and Mrs. J. . Hales and son
John and Sullivan Riemcr motored to
Adams Tuesday evening.
The Adams high school base ball
team played the married men Wednes
day. The boys won the game 21 to iO
Bert Marlow and Roy Kevnrgs are
busy hauling wood from the old ware
house of Henry Collins' which was
torn down and so'.d out to people for
Owr Thousand of This Make Sold
ill California In March
"This Is another Ptudchakcr year."
aecordirer to Wallace Bros., local dis
Catarrh Can Be Cured
Catarrh is a lacal disoaae croatlv influ
enced by constitutional conditions. It
therefore requires constitutional treat
is t;iken internally and arts through
the Hiocd on tho Mucous Surfaces of
tlte System. HAUL'S CATARRH
MKIMCINh; dpsrroya the ffmr.djU'o:! o;
the disease, givf? the patient s rensth bj
improving the general in-lih ai.J assist.
nature in do'nj? it wot)-..
Ail Druggists, i'irou'tr-: fr-?.
i J. Cheney & Co., Toie. Chlo.
r (icji KYKShave too much
to do with your material
happiness to ex-rcrinu-nt with
them. Have an eerieneed
(iptoineti-ist examine them and
discover prei'isoly the kind and
slreiifith of lenses needed to
make them see clearly as nature
Intended. Tliorouch tia.'nins.
modern .o-uipivent and 15 years'
experience nt y.eir service here,
lieasona) le charws
j r.
ilDON'T Sfejf 1
i 1 Glasses!? '"'''."A j
)t-'I,4.-." .--a-l i--JIvl
it is
qroum riqht
blcTiaea nam
packed right
made riqtit
Belter coJftetHan
Hills cannot be
produced, and
its apJaeiUing
aroma, Jinc Jlapor
and satisfying
is protected a
vacuum can
Red Can
'.riliutors of the St iUlaker line, in
oinmintmi on the remarkable ilen
ecorils of thf Studel'aker in Calif or
ila. Ancordinif to the records obtain
ed from California, the S'.udeWaker
lealvrs sold more tars durinK the
month of March than were sold oy any
nher make of car with the exception
1 the Ford. -
When the price of the car in taken
Free Proof To You
to the, .w .UU-aaU. ta
tresunent , waa, U,
end iV-ra F tEB. Tr wonder ..cr.mt.lihl in mui o n cm !! lie Drof.
I. C. HUTZCJ.L, Druggist, 3S04 West Wain St., Fort Wayn, lad.
rit; end without cost or oblistico to me your Free Probf Treatment.
Pmt Ofllce.
SUrccud No.
Kodak Finishing
You take'em
Independent Paint Shop
Auto Painterw
Corner E. Court and Thompson Phone 633
Over McClintock & Simpson
Our motto is First Class Work. Get our estimates before
you have that car painted.
Successors to Clyde McKay
I Taffy and Maple
Fudge 30c
Our fountain menu is a line by itself.
X We are serving all new specialties.
A trial will convince.
Formerly The Pulm Phone 575 633 Main St.
Iom can get
i j
mi u
v t it
fin i,i ; iii.i '
. ' .1 . v i-. i. j'tJ
m -
- .i '
nn tfS
tntft r... nMprntii:n. the volume of bufii-
nw is phenomenal. In fun Francisco
alone the .lealir. Chewier Wijaver. aolil
216 .: idel)akers at retail. Hotter than
1 inn jstiiilebakers were sold in the stata
nf California during the month. The
indication. JiiclKinB fn m the demand
for htudehakern, that within a few
weeka there will !e an actual short
f2i of studeinker can.
,C. Himrall. M.
We make'em
SU 0