r tr V" V' M A FOURTEEN PAGES DAILY EAST OEEOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 30, 1021. PACE TIIRCS I '"jiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiinm News Notes of Pendleton BUY AT HOME buy; AT HOME I i. CAI.IiNDAK OP EVIiNTS Muy 6 County school Orato rlcal and Declamatory Contest, at high school auditorium, Way 7 County' ichool raok and field meot at Itound-Up I'ark. il May 8 Mothers' )ny May n, 12, 13 Mate I'nrent Teacher Association convention. Muy SI, June l ami 2Htute convention of Oregon Federation of Woman'! clubs. ' Juno 3 and A Twenty-ninth Annual I'loneer Mcnlo," June 14, 15, 10 State con Vnutloii of the a. A. It. Koptembcr Z2, 23. 24 Annual Pentlt Kouud-l'n. , .TiiHtlce Jon If. I'urkos Friday when she pleaded (juliiy to a charge of soll Iiik butter thut was short wolHht. Ten hiU'ih wclKhod 13 ouiici'H less thun tho required II) pounds. Iliinr I ft I M. Kvenlnx servlccii at Pendleton churches will open at 8 p. ni. In fu tuio Instead of at 7:30 p. ni accord ing to a decision made by the I'en d let on Ministerial Association. The i'iniiiK hour In 11 a. in. lil Hh Hummer activities to gi t Heltlers from the .Middln Went farndnif oc- tlon. Anyone havlnu names of huc!iS prospects urn re.Uoslod to Ret IniS touolt. with tho Commercial Assocla tlon, . QUALITY. SERVICE. FKJfDLBTON'S LEADING OTORK Will I'.ulld Gnrnge.' U K. Hoover liaH applied to the city recorder for a building penult for th construction of a naraRe on hid prop, crttf on Willow street. The estimated coat of tho building Is $10U. Had Miort-Wolnlit llultir. A fanner's wifo hiw name was not Riven, was fined tio In the court of I 'm lory Itcprcscntiitivr, Hero. t hurlis Jed ward Kinltli, special fac tory reprrsonlullve for the I'nlvernal Stove Co., Is In rendletou to assist In holding the demonstration at tho lieorite (', Uaer Hardware store. To day is the last day of tho three day demonstration. (Viol rait Awarded U. A. h'wanson, local contractor has Is been grunted the contract for the ercc j tlon of a 7 room house, by . l How ard, In tho JarohH' Addition. The estimated cost Is $7000. TIME IS AT HAND I'rohixftlho Scaler, A request has been received by the Pendleton Commercial Association from the state chamber of commerce requesting that tho local organization Rot In touch with people In this com mnnlty who have friends who are in terested In Oregon and have signified a desire to selllo here. The names nro to be lined by tho state organization Wcavlint Displayed Attractive woven articles, made by the pupils of the lower grades of Lin coln school, ore displayed toduy In the window of liond lirothcrs clotning store, Included in the display are 3 dolla' liammockH, caps, etc, I -101-101 101-101 101 101 101 101101 O i I1 RICH, CLEAN MORNING'S MILK Fresh Sweet Whipping Cream - We receive this cream fresh every morning from the J. M. Harrison Dairy Farm on Birch Creek. FRESH, RICH, MORNING'S MILK. "101" DAIRY PRODUCTS are kept clean and sweet in a sanitary, ammonia refrigerat ed, display case. You will like our dairy products ad the way they are handled. Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. 301 East Court Street riIOM.S "101" Private FxcliittiKe Cuniuits Itoth Departments. 1U1 1U1 101 101 101 101 1U1 101 101- J o I Cuts Tip off l lnccr 15 Oeorgo Ktewart, negro who is cm-! 5 Ployed on tho Crow ranch, cut the tlpls off the fourth finger of his left hand's yesterday while cutting up lotntoes5 for scol. Ho came to 1'cndleton to have the Injured mem.)ers drcHsed and 13 will stay here for a few days. Ml He (,rl itiirncil JJllitt (;ulnioi. Snyder, aged three, r: daughter of .Mr. and lira. Joe Snyder, '5 Hi.ffered severo burns fin Hot face, neck and arm yesterday when she up- 3 set a pot of hot ten. She Is lit St. An- 5 thony's hospital. The llule girl Is the '5 granddaughter of Mr. and Jlrs. 15 Charles role. . :5 DO IT NOW BUY YOUR NEEDS AT THIS STORE, WHERE YOU KNOW YOU'LL GET QUALITY GOODS AT PRICES AT ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT TO PAY. - Time o.Put.Up New Curtajns A r Consider how little a few yards of Ivanhoe Draperies and Curtain Materials cost and how much they contribute toward improving the home, making it cozy and attractive. Let us figure with you. We "make up" curtains at nominal, cost . to' you, if goods are purchased here. . Accountant Considers 1 a a I Ion 15 Information as to the possibilities of s Pendleton as a field for u certified J 5 public accountant is sought in a let- ' ter from tho seen tury of the national '3 organization of accountants to the '5 Pendleton Commercial Association, 15 The man who is seeblng the informs-'5 tlon would come here for tho benefit '5 of his health. i5 Konowilo Kooinilig Hoiim. is The Quelle rooming house, recently. 5 purchased by Hob liudu and Frank Chatas, has been given a thorough ' renovaliniT from cellar to garret. New js papering has been done, paint ap-5 plied, and the whole properly bright-'5 cued up. In the restaurant a new rule .3 has been adopted whereby white help 1 5 la employed exclusively. is ' If New Spring Voiles 50c Yd. No matter what your ideas as to pattern, colors or style you can have just what you want at a trifling cost when made up with these ATTRACT IVE VOILES. 36 and 40 in. wide, in light and dark colors. You will like them when you see them. Attractive Voiles 75c Yd. This assortment is one of the best looking lots we have, specially priced at 75c yard. Beautiful patterns and colorings, 40 in. wide. It takes 5 yds. to make a dress. Come down and and pick out two or three. Notions Is INwcrvnlinii AlloMoc. IJuia Cox Ingle, who is held In cus tody ut A i tori a fur having shy,t A. J. Hums In a rooming house In that city, is an allottee on the Umatilla reserva tion. Major Swnrtitbtnder says the records show an allotment to the wo man and likewise to a sister, Edna Cox, who is now dead, to a brother, James Cox and to her mother, Katie Cox. The. land haa been patented and sold. His Hip Pocket Yes, that is exactly where he put it. Rather a queer place for a fellow to put a new piece of jewelry, eh? But then men and women differ ns to a place of safe ty. He realizes he has some wonderful value. It was up to him to find a place of safe keeping. SAFETY FIRST! Now fellow townsmen, you have the same opportunity to take advantage of the reduced prices in our high prude Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, etc. All we ask is for you to come in and let us show you the wonderful values. H anscom's Jewelry Store - Uahifall Is I. OH Ttalnfall during th month of April was 1.08 im lies, according to the re tain niadi; hy Major I.ce Moorhoiise. The warmest day was April 10, when the maximum was 71. The coldest weather was on the evening of April 5, 6 and 7 when the mercury foil to 25. There were 21 clear days, six uartly cloudy and throo cloudy. To day the maximum is fi6, with a mini mum of 30 and the harometer at 2:i.4U. I'at Cattle fccarco Fat cattlo are scarce Just now, pay local butchers, who state that but few cattle prowers are faltuniiiK cuttle for market, l'oultry Is t-carce also. The decrease in the price of meat d'Tins tho past six weeks Is estimated, in general at from 20 to 2Ti per cent In I'cndlcton retail markets. Dealers state that pork, and veal are the most popular meals with 1'endleton con sumers and that since mutton declined In price, tho demand has been less al though this meat sold well when the price was up. There Is demand for fish every day in the week, say dealers. the Don't Forget REGISTERED TARGET SHOOT SUNDAY, MAY 1ST, AT COLLINS' PARK. USE WINCHESTER TRAP LOADS. "Bust Them'.' With a Winchester Gun. Contests to lie Hold. .1'endleton hi(;h school seniors will he given on opportunity to win a cash scholarship of $1UU from ). A. "., by competitive contests which will he held here with Austin Lnndrcth. principal of the hinh school, In charge. A new donation to the scholarship fund makes focr of the 100 awards possllile. Three separate contests will determine the winner. The first will feature competitive essay writing and w ill be judged on originality. The second contest will he in the form of Spool Coltiili, 150 janl So Silk Thread : 10c Colored Cotton 5o . C otton 5c . Cotton fk! Hooks and I'.yi'S 5v Hooks and l.jcs 10c Snaps 5c Knaps 10c Kick Hack 15c Stiekorle 10c l!la.s Tajw 15c Kick Hack 20c I 'ins 10c Neolli-s . .' 10c llisik and Ilye Tape- 25c Snap TiiM- 25c Leaded Taj- 20c Tape Line 10c Dc Soap 10c Hcltinu , 10! Big Lot Laces 5c Yd. A splendid assortment of hteh grade laocs for many HiriMH during tpri"K sowing week, the anl 5c Tweed Suiting 54 inches wide for skirt, the yard. 12,50 40 in. Crepe de Chine $1.65 Comes in wide range or colon). Apron Ginghams 18c ' Bla blue and brown check. Best quality. Broad Cloth . l-r sport coats, suits and the like, offer ed n a wide range of colors $2.50 to 94.00 and Canton Flannel 15c Yd.' itiii!i!iuiiiti:iiiii!iiififinriiiiiiiiiiiiiifiituiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiittinjjiiHiiiiiiiii Taffetex65c , . ;.. A silk mmrthuig like A, B, O silk, for undrrwrar, etct ..... ... ... . White Organdie F)ir fradiiatlon Cresses, yard 15c to $IJM French Serge $2.50 and 33.00 Yd, S8 aiul 54 in. wide of fine French aetire for dressed ttat can b pleMad M (ha Myir now arc. Back to old time Taliun and prices. ''." Cretonnes 50c Yd. Big line patterns, and colorings. Dresa np the house now with arw cartains. liong I loth ZSctoBOc Nainsook , tie to Uc 1.7k Unen 40c, ISO Colored Voiles SOc to f.V Onlored Flaxon ..................... tfto MTilte Poplin Me, 5 . wasa Skirting 50c to $1.50 ' Colored Sateen 50c Cotton Flannel 15c Yd. Outing Flannel 20c Yd. ; t , . White and rotors, ; i Indian Heaci . 3d and 64' inches wide, yd. . . tSe and 50c Percales ,25c Good heavy weight, aeat patterns, light and. dark. . . Dress Ginghams 19c, 25c stripes. Very Plain colors, plaids best quality. ' efficiency tests, and the third will be to determine the student's ability in estemporaneous writing. The prin cipal of the school will determine the students rating highest in the contest, j and will forward their papers to the j college. The committee on awards ' will announce the winners soon after ' tho cl-'so of the contest. The first contest will bo conducted in the vari- i ous hiph schools of Oregon In the next ' two weeks. Any high school student who lias been graduated within the It st year may also cnier the contest. . provided he or she has never attend- I eel college. lcsrec to lie Conferred. The Master Masons degree will be conferred at a meeting of the Masonic order on Monday evening by Judge (leorge H. Hurnett, chief justice of the supreme court. All of the justices who will be here for court, have been invited to attend as have other visiting brethren. Dinner is to be served nt 6 p. m. and work will .start immediately after dinner. OTHER NEWS OF THIS DEPARTMENT ON PAGE 5 'Napoleon" Goes Autoing - file ' I m v- i - i. ih- "v - f oil hr 1 t- I 1 i Xnio1n.' fnnioiw monkry fitm tnr, Hdon in hi n-ntitoTuobnX IW U bown rMinr with Tgw Dos -Nop" -lwajr v.lrw oii-to-tW "Goodrich? Reduces Tire Prices Effective Monday, May 2 The B. F. Goodrich Company makes this readjust ment of tire prices to meet new condition and to bene fit all tire users. This reduction includes GOODRICH SILVERTOWN CORDS, GOODRICH FABRICS, GOODRICH INNER TUBES You are given the full benefit of these new prices right at the time when you are ready to replace .your old tires with new ones. Now is the time to buy them. Your Goodrich dealer will supply your - needs and give you the. advantage of these new prices on your purchases. The B. F. Goodrich Rubber Company AKRON, OHIO e 5 E s a ! a a ts a a a E 3 5 m 3 S