'.;..'.t A rtOJO FACE TW6 FOURTEEN PAGES DA1L7 EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 30, 1921. r - t j1 UHlllllllliillHlHiHiilllUUlW HiiilllllllllUHHHHliiiliiiiimm nut '"iumiuMUiimi.muiun.iM mumUMUMUUMUIUIIMmilnlli.UMHnhmHIIimHm.limMHMIimi. JL A, J tO ACIVA V- W w 4 . 3 1 MAY TERM ON MONDAY 3 . - 1 - r ? - it'" E-5 3 fcS -.3 f-3 S 11 I 3 3 2 3 " 3 E3 2 4f v 'rv V ' V A I : t f4WV fJ I - km ' -.A'. An Important D ecision WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO PAY FOR YOUR CLOTHES? - Some men first fix the price they're going to pay, then they find the clothes that match the price. They're the fellows who get the worst of it usually. Others want the quality that lasts, the style that keeps shape; and they pay the price of getting these things. They're the men whose clothes cost the least; they're the men who come here for HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES They are the best for the price, no matter what the price. t 1 1 V 1 r v v V At the oponlng I all gnme In Cleveland. Trla Speaker. mnaer of th tampion Induing, wus presented with an Airedale puppy, a brother of Laddie," the White House dog The UtUo fellow was snuOl enough to t presented In a loving cup. Phoenix Silk Sox '. 50c to $1.50 $3.50 to Ask Mrs. smith -She Knows! : ' Newest Style' Spring Hats can p?t a better nnsnilment lit lower cost tiy Kolng lit to the bia gest :narket. In fact, every bitlnes man who wunts the most for his money kooh directly to the source of keenest competition and broadest production to the ud xcttlsiiiR columns of his newspa per. ' Hero every nationally adver thed article. meuKurea Itself aBainst the competition of the whole world. Kvcry advertised article haa leased for Itself a display room on the Rreatest. broadest and busiest thoroughfare In the uni verse, on the MAIN HTf'.EKT OK I-I I5MCITV. $13.50. Manhattan Shirts $2.50 to $12.50 Lewis Underwear $2.00 to $7.50 Men's T. P. V. Special Shoes, in all the smart new styles .... $7.50 to $12.50 Smartest Neckwear, styles, patterns and fabrics not to be found elsewhere in Pendleton 50c to $3.50 Hometown Auction Prices A Display Room Kill the Goose World's Auction Room AN EDITORIAL ON ADVERTISING , Kvery advertised article, there fore, Is quite prepared to meet the utmost test of price and quality that could be sufrcested by the broadest nnd keenest and most wideawake shoppers. Advertising la the world s auc tion room. In the pitiless scrutiny of this prcat public auction room, prices niurt and do get right down to bed rock. Competition establishes real values. Therefore, whenever and wherever you buy an advertised article you nre getting the most for your money. An echo of the Hherlff Til Taylor tragedy will bo heard III l'endleton Wednesday when tho ciibu of the HtiUu of Oregon, respondent, against reu n,.,t t .! . iimiellunta will come be fore thu supreme court of the rltulu of Oregon which opens Its May term l.orn MnllrinV Wit ll Chief JtlstlOB George II. liuniclt and Asuoclale Jus tices t'hurles A. Johns, i nomas Mcliriile, llmiry J. limn, Henry i- Kensoti, I-uwrence T. -Hurrls ami Ueorge M. Hruwii on the bencll. Tho uppeal Is miulo through efforts of friends of Jack Hut hie and Wvle Klrby, Hentenced to death Tor com plicity In the murder of Sheriff Tay lor. Nell Hart, who fired the futal shot which killed Sheriff Taylor, was hanged fo- the murder and Htoop and Henderson, accomplices, were sen tenced to Hie imprisonment. Attor-i neys In tho case which will be heurd Wednes.luy nre I. Jl. vanwiiiKie. torney general, und It. 1. heiitor, ais trlei ai turner, for the state, ami Charles V. Holln, for the appellants. Other t nuitllla County VaMit. There nre two other I'mntilla county rases which will be heurd Way- 4 They ure Magifle Hlgginbothaiii, ap pellant, against O. II. wairora, rr spondcntBiid In the matter of the estate of Jackson Nelson, deceased, le Johnson, appellant, against r. i. Tuvlor and W. It. Taylor, executors. et al., respondents. Other cases on the uocKei are mo following five from Wallowa county: 11 win Anderson, respondent, against Wullowa Nattonul Hunk, ct al, appel hint; Joe Meno, respondent, against Kriink into, uppellant: C. H. Shaw Wholesale Co., respondent, -against i n i i.nmiMr (.. auuellant: C tl Allen, et al, oppellunts, against Charles llllyeu, respondent: ana rrans, r Gllilersleeve, appellant, against Rob. ert E. Lee, respondent. I iiiimi limit y Cnses. There ure six I'nion county cases as follows: State of Oregon, respond ent, against K. K. Htlllwcll. appellant: Stuto of Oregon, respondent, against Ward Sml'.Ii. appeuam: .orin i uw der Xlllling Co., respondent, against the Pacific Krult Kxpress Co., appel- lunt; II. K. Anderson, responuciu. against John Richards, appcllunt: F. W. Stlllwell, appellant, against ueorgB Mf.i(tmilfl ft ill. resnondents: Masters and Perkins, respondent, against M. Mdler, et al. appellants. Tho Alftlhpiii rnnntv rases are T. J. Ilrosman, et al, respondents, against r . jioggs, ei ai. appciiunis . M..uwnr,l iintiellMnt. PftlllSt It. H. OcArmond, respondent. There Is one case. Klixn J. JMclermld. appellant, against Georgo II. Itourhtll, respond ent, from Sherman county. Two cased are on tho docket from llnrney county and are It. II. Allon, appellant, agamsi H. C. livens, county Judge, et al. re spondents; and the Valley Irrigation District, uppellant, against P. 8. Weitcnhillir, respondent. 3fi PFAMETOSS OSTATEST DEPARtHFST STORfc GpGoples WarohousQ, IllllillBIII!! Long Distance Telephone Service Pacific Long Distance telephone service is universal. It places the producer in close touch writh his market .... . It brings the home of the traveler to his hotel It provides a prompt and satisfactory means of communica tion between friends in distant cities. It enables the business man to communicate immediately with his salesmen and with his trade. It eliminates time, it saves expense, it gets results. Pacific Long Distance sen-ice is available not only to neigh boring cities and towns, but to the East, the South and to all Pa cific Coast points. Make use of this money and time-saving service; time saved is money earned. Consult your directory for rates or ask for Pacific Long Distance. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. TrtAXSFKU OF PASSEXGKHS COSIPI.ETK. NEW BEDFORD, Mass., April 30. (U. P.) The transfer of the passen gers from the Portuguese steamer, Mormugo, stranded on Block island, has been completed. Wrecking tugs are attempting to pull the ship off the reef. To buy wisely, go to the world's largest market. But what centre shall lay claim to that distinction? In what di rection shall one travel to rench It? Kat to New York? Across the Atlantic to Taris or London? The world's largest market is not a geographical centre. .Mrs. Smith, who lives In Hometown, knows that. She knows what is best in style, what prices are reasonable, when quality and price are commensurate. .Mr. Hmith knows li at he, too, Engagement To Minor Not binding ''ft, " '4 4 i. 4f " f 3 1 1 f 44f t When you buy an advertised article you need not rely merely on your own crltlcnl or buying ability; the producer must sell to you on exactly the samo terms as ho is selling to the most ex acting nnd experienced of his host of customers. Just as It pays Mrs. Smith handsomely to shop through the medium of the newspaper's ad vertising columns, so It will pay you handsomely to take the trou ble to Insist on advertised goods. Kconomy does not consist n depriving yourself of what ydu need, nor'thrift In being so keen for pennies that yoii miss the dol lars, nor wisdom In killing tho goose that lays the golden egg. Oct the most for your money. The dollar wisely spent comes, back again. The dollar spent for advertised goods Is wisely spent therefore It comes buck agnln. You get the most for your money on the MAIN' STflKKT OF PUB LICITY the world's largest market! NEWS OF FARM AND RANGE If you're engaged to a girl who's a minor, she can call It off any time she chooses. Kven If you've entered Into "marriage agreement.''. So ruled Justice Dunne In Brooklyn hi dismissing Joseph Nessen'a suit asvlnst Miss Frances Ludwlg. Nessen wanted J3SJ for jewelry and other gVta. The "agreement" was made two years ago when the gtrl waa IT. Miss Ludwlg testified the romance, en led when Neosen wanted her to inaxryhlrn and go to work so bo could Culth bis yours at Harvard, ' (JckxI Prices Kxpexied Fruit grow, ers of this county apparently ran look forward to good crops and good prices. Bulletins fiom the middle west Indi cate that sixty per cent of the fruit crop of that section was lost through the freeze In early April. . This to gether with tho fact that this Is the "off year" for apples In the east ern states ami Mississippi valley would indicate prospect of good prices. Crop conditions could hardly bo more fa vorable for orchardlsts, and many growers hope to rocoup their losses of last year. Prole Shows Increase Next to the Hood Illvcr project, the 1'matllln project shows tho largest Increase of Irrigated land of any district In the state of Oregon. Many enterprises in the state went back In the ten years from ia09 to 1919. Warns Orcliardlsts Owners of pear trees have been urged by W. C. Hop son. I'matllla county fruit Inspector, to watch especially this year for fire blight. Bed spider and Pan Jose scale arc warned ngalnst In all orchards. Plan Is Considered Several meet- I .. .... v. ., . l.un Y.ol.1 In lha AMIInn. Freewater district to consider Joining Oregon Orowess' Cooperative associ ation, but no action was taken. It was considered too late to sign up for this year, and beside It was consid ered too precipitate considering the amount of duta ut bund. An attractive design for a member, ship sign Indicating membership In tho Pendleton Commercial Association has been received at the office of the organisation nnd will be submitted to tho board of managers for considera tion. The design is for a disc a little lrss than six inches In diameter which will bo made of celluloid. The design Itself contains the words "Member Pendle ton Commercial Association" In the center, and on the center of the in. scrlptlun Is the figure of a buckaroo mounted on a "r'arin' " steed. Around tho margin of the disc are seven dJstlnct scenes that Indicate som phases of the Hound-Up, manu facturing, sheep breeding, d.ilping, fruit growing and wheat and hny har vesting. The design is the work "of a Portland man. The association wni unable to get the signs In Pendleton. No deflnlto action will jio .taken, to ward acceptance of the design Until the board of managers has considered the matter. A Series cf Human Interest Talks on Insurance smsb'- "FULLY INSURED" The excuse often given for not takintr out insurance is this, "I am fully insured." And yet, when protection is badly needed when insurance could Btave off business disaster or m:ike profitable rxpannion possible, thounnnds of nrn find thut they arc not "fully injured." When the merchant finds the store on firo with a small amount of fire insurance it's too lao to get "fully insured." When the doctor says "too bad you diUn't apply for life insur ance seoner" it's too late to get full protection for your family. With our larpe line of policies I am able to make ptapcr recom mendation for your case. Think it over and t!k with D. B. SNYDER The OlCgOnljfCMaa Pendleton, Oregon