r -- v vr 'f f I'-fW'v -wm w . . r r PACE EIGHT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 29, 1021 1 TEN PAGES Arcade Toda Children, 10c MOTION I Adult., 35c pfTf 1RF. WFWQ! TAllMli TODAY A relentless combat nf mighty two-fisted moil who recognize neither defeat nor victory ex cept by extermination. A battle of brawn and emotions thut will hold you breathless and spellbound. mm mms production c? CSMfl! ADAPTED PROM TH3 FAMOUS .TORY "0 LACK PAWL," BY BEN AM E" WILLIAM SUPERVISED AND DIRECTED BY RKi'lAlD BARKER GOLD WYN. STUDIOS PATHE NEWS BRAY PICTOGRAPH The lnro nf liu m has nowhorp ttfen vo ii oiuMinr'vl mi vU'inont in tho making of phoioplav js it has hern in tti' proiliirtum of ''Nobody's ilri" .iH',.;tl ;iUluHioii which will bo M'i n .-.i tin I'aMimo theatre today w n3i l;:!lio Khl. h the st:ir. The Mil with Itx ever changing mentis lut .ilwavs oxertod an Influence over vi'iirrs a:nl p. timers and this lure hn.i hT7i i;iutht in a on.lorfnl man ;t by tlie emu r;. It provides many of the fiiu'st bits of sconic UuekKroinul that have over been wen in a motion. picture. From the time the p'otire opens . with a raft drifting in lowiu d (he deso-1 late shore of ltevil'a Inland mi the! ea'.m sea that tulliw b a ytorin, until tho final scone where Millie llhodes and the aviator in his machine guide , tho novel nmoiu c.ttter to the hidden ! lair of the Muuuiiiers: the scenes change 'with a startling suddenness that leave ypectulnis enchanted with tlieir beauty and variety. Much ermlit : fhouht he given to the cameraman who 1 reserved the locality of tho scenes. ' "Nobody's Clil" Is said to offer a real treat to those who love the sea and 11 beautiful love story, perfectly told. AK1ADK T1Y It' along way in quality from ordinary tea to n u- . I- short luay in price. ynotdrinhHilvillayfi; then and enjoy A.4 Uic best l . t . (ri .. ir - ... "Uodlefw Men" is one of the stranR- est and strongest pictures ever screen-if ed. It delves deeper than words can convey. The expected way for a father to: net who discovers his only daughter after lonjr roara of absence, Is to take her in his arms In the Joy of that discovery. Not so ltussell Simp son, who plays "lilaok I'awl" In the Reginald Harker Production, 'r,od iess Men.'' "lilack Pawl" lines his dauehter Unth (Hclene I'hadwickK hut there is a kmnvlede In his soul which makes findine her a realization almost greater than he can bear. While his wlfnle heart cries out to her "Daush-1 tcr!" the father calls upon his Ood to J keep him from claiming her. In this restraining power is the life' story of the man, which is portrayed In all its soul-rending sorrow in this un- 1 usual story of life on the Tiigh seas, at i the Arcade Theatre today. PASTIME - Children, 5c Adults, 20c Billy Rhodes IN Nobody's Girl She was nubody'3 girl, but became somebody's sweetheart. Co;nedy "For Heaven' Sake" ALT A TODAY "Worlds Apart" is the title of T?u- gene O'Brien's latest Selznick TMcture which the Alta thentre will present ns Its' pHncipal photoplay attraction for todny. There nre many reasons to believe I that this prbductlon will provide more than usually enjoyable evening's entertainment. The first and principal I rne is, of course, the star himself, and ; the announcement that in one series of scenes in this John Iynch story he I appears at Master of the Hunt and 1 leads a field of thoroughbreds over th famous Warrenton Course In Virginia, should be a source of keen anticipation j to the many admirers of Eugene 1 O'Brien. The story of "World Apart" deals i with the bitter disillusionment of a young man who Is only saved from he- coming a bitter cynic through the chance meeting with another who hnsi suffered more than he. They Join ! forces and the union leads to the un tangling of a mystery and ultimately sreat happiness. S AMUSEMENTS j l - " J ALTA Today Children, 10c Adults, 40c VAUDEVILLE " ZELLNER & HALLOWAY The Mystic Crystal A Protean Oddity De Luxe OTESCO Serenading Comic Violinist "Herberts tireater Minstrels" What is said to be the most stupen dous consolidation of negro minstrel ! talent ever offered the theatre going I public Is promised at the Oregon Thea tre Tuesday May 3, whore "Herberts Greater Minstrels'" will hold forth. Wiih this offering described as a mammoth festival of incomparable pro portions, embracing all that extra vagance can possibly conceive, suggest r,r imagine. A most stupendous ag ereiration of Ethiopian eelobritio and unsurpassed delineators of the genius Africanus forming whut mir-'ht be termed a real "Three King Circus of Ministrelsy" inasmuch as it comprises a number of novelty acts including "The Great Adams, Bicycle Rider, Hi Henry, Hunt, Fire Eater, and Contor tionist, Gray and Gray, Strong Man and Lady Iron Jaw Artists, Pewee Wil liams. Comedy Juggler, Herberts Com edy Four." and a host of other sur- j prises. It is the Tenth annual tour of this "Great Minstrel Institution" and ' is always welcomed with open heart I by Minstrel loving public. This gigan I tic organization Dumbers forty stars ( of the colored mirustrel firmament. 1""", 1 1 1111 ,l";a" ;:;";jrryr.r - ii mitt-1 - ii mum irliTfrrnt" tt--murrain llftiiti rTWirnMira-umfc unrii f f rrnrnrr --Wi, m 4 , ifciioi n miniiMtH.w m wi wmwhwi'mmiiii wh niWpinw. , In, ft B ft SJ ?i W R 5 v? if S 4 . , -JM i 0 ' . I fa frit )--Ss i"i A -- )r .s r....n,M ,rT Ili'luiill.ili.iiririitbLi ti; ttili 1 0 1 U ill ' t i; I iL-i I AUTOMATIC I I HI 1 fnMPAilTMFNT I ! ! . ,! ii iKrSlii FUME DAMPER I . i 11 1 !fi . . ij 1 1 rr""'::rTriiiif no odor in wtchen I I I PORCELAIN SPLASHER I feV',iill'!;,,liii mj. Jlnll '.li , Wm7f.t f.W ooorr. AIM 'Ii I !v I washable bArii i akt j gi-uaJxLLLLiJj' Ni:iuiuiiUi.niH)!Hiii....i..ii..t.i.nti:(4t:in.nMtinj. giy broiler pan I fFUME DAMPER FOB CAsI 111 M- fr mmurD? ANrt I I rurr ntMPFR FOR COAL Till -wC- I I J FOUR BURNERS AND I I . r ; Wi hJ.'U) S1HMERE FOR OAS . . If DRAFT CONTROLLER 1 t ,,.T -Bt DAMPER SELF STARTER FOR 1 UMriKtrt j NQ MA-rCHESj ( FOUR COVERS FOR ! . r,, . 1M I 1 COAL AND WOOD j POKER DOOR 14111111,1,, !8 V SELF STARTER FOR 1 1 I II -. :. hBMW Wtt aufe time wmt I II i i KiK. qhdi( mm lis ii IMsi B. -'w. . j ifi CJ' i J'' 1 J .''n "-rOVEH l8XIBINCHtSOI I 1 g teCl ii ,f ?JlNS WLWOgDOR , 7 i IB i jy wsIDlVlbuALLY,' XvV ! IB f ' ; 19 IS I CT i;rTq IM 40 INCH SPACE IB 1 1 5 J nr cojmy wrrif wisiiks XEV YORK. April 29. (A. P.) The American steamthip omnors asso ciation announced it is ready to com ply with the wishes of the shipping board and cut wages May first, 15 per cent, instead of 25 as was first proposed. t f i-i- ' - v 'It i, K.. "."V-.a OLI, KXTRAD1TK OKXEUAUS MEXICO CITY, April 29. -(A. P.) Obregon directed that steps be taken j for the extradition of the two Mexican generals captured by the American au thorities while crostdng the Rio Grande near Laredo. Military authorities are convinced that the capture has nipped the revolutionary plot. The generals are Candio Aguilar, son-in-hrw of Car ranza, and Francisco Murguia. ' ' fn'' LEWIS J. SELZNICK, presents EUGENE O'BRIEN IN JOHN LYNCH'S "World's Apart Scenario by The R. Cecil Smiths AN ALAN CROSSLAND PRODUCTION It is sometimes but a step from Comedy to Tragedy and behind the Gay Glitter of the Oriental Cabaret lurked the sinister menace of the Spirit of the Poppy. A Story of the "Upper Ten" and "Lower Five" Wuh Eugene O'Brien at his very bast. Mack Sennett Comedy "SWEETHEART DAYS" Sees Harding ".', 1 IliMl'tlllj- i ... -' ' - ' - Thi picture of VTIlllam Jennings Pryan m cnapped as he was leav ins the White House, after ralllnp EAD these remarkable offers. Then conic to our slore at once. For they will posi- LV tively be withdrawn April 30th. It may never again' be so easy for you to procure a famous UNIVEKSAL l'orcclam Combination liange or an aovanceu-type uiL r,iv SAL Porcelain Coal Range! Grasp this opportunity! ill FREE This Porcelain Top Table During this exhibit the factory will include without charge the beautiful, white porcelain top, kitchen table shown below, with every UNIVER SAL Range purchased. This sub stantial, durable, and sanitary table is a great improvement to any kitchn. Don't miss this opportunity ! j " "in 1 1 f ii m,.A "t -,. t&'iS' I tt F - " " 1 1 ' tot' TT Genuine Porcelain Top hiickn Tabl'! 40)x25 inches ftilh Patented Mot- i ucareyLoqeuani u jjary and VasliaycJ lfCll Changes I 5 NSr 0 Cas During this exhibit of I'MVIORSATi Ranges -we'll take In your wasteful, brokcjidtown old 'cook stove or heater, -make' you an csiieel ally liberal allowance on your new purchase. Then make your own terms on balance. An opportunity! Grasp it! Come to exhibit to morrow! Prices Guaranteed to Jan. 1, 1922. T $5.00 cash will hold any UNIVERSAL Range you may select for future delivery arid entitles you to all special inducements of this exhibit.- iere positively will be no price re- i . .1 : C llf.l 1- (iuction.inisjear vu guaraincc rciunuii inure is. There will be no advantage in postponing the pleasure of owning a UNIVERSAL Range. In fact, we doubt if the factory will ever agai n make such liberal offers as these. So act now! But remember: l ' "' Universal Stoves &nmiaces - ;:C:..r..-y:v:.L.:.;:;j.-.: -....-h: ' v" , SATURDAY IS THE LAST DAY 1 W bt peet I Prelri"