i kEEP ABREAST OF DOINGS IN THE WORLD OF SPORT DAILY IN ARTICLES BY STAFF WRITERS AND WO NEWS SERVICES ON THIS PAGE r" i ' ' - Jzm ""1 Jl VBihdkwK " "1 lllMiiMWIHIiMUiaMMMiiliMMNm Jr.'J'r 7 W 1 . --lb Ik 1 L H I U n 1 I 1 1- ii I "Mi. j II Jkman . s ss. x ' n i t mirT- 1 lC7!ririr V"TrXor TvrKDm r?il cr-nnY -rrr . . i m rr -A. i iHMiiiMiw - vr . "f9wffljr i hi a -v ,w nrrp 7 1 11 m DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIft 29, 1921. z . in I i j a nil ii i 'i i ii n k ii 1 in ni - ,w ufiuv. i-.fnuw.nK i r i nninrn nrnnnm i a ll-KIIlUIIPIIIIIIIIilfl III (r.wln- ... - H.l!U iu. Ii ii .1 II LIHIV IJI1IILIJ IJLI1 HilV Miiiuiaiii .militia iii i i m i ui v viiin niui i iib i e uii'Luii lur uu lpiirrn nrKiiir i i MLIIUI ni Ll lLI UIUU ! Hanley'i Athletes Handicapped by Loss of Carmen Saunders Prom Pendleton Lists. The flint track and field program of viiIm will lie mimed hero for thin fiiHiin tomorrow afternoon when the l.K (Irandu outfit will Invade Petiole, ton to try nklll and endurance with Coach Dick llanley'n wiuud of thinly cladK. Cimm BattndrrH, llnnloy'i old re liable in the hurdles and hlith Jumi and pole vault Im not expei ti-d to parti Pute in the meet herauxc of Hickman. Hulindera can uaunlly he counted on for tt aure p4nt, and with him out or the evunta, I'endleton'a chuncea ore none too roay. He limy lie uld to atitrt. Tho la Orandc nthlctea are more ex perienced In truck nnlvltle than the I'endleton lu1. nnd thia will he one opportunity they will hnve over Han ley'a prntegea. They have Thelwn who won the half-mile lut year In the Kaatern Oregon meet, Ijirxon who cop. ped the honor of the 44" nnd Dean who took a firat In the ahot put nnd aecond plire in the dlwtia. The com petition that the Tcndleton team wilt be forced, to meet indicatea that any ptiinta they win arc bound to he hard en rned. The meet will he held at Itound-fp park and the event will etnrt pronmt- .. .. J ly at 2:30 o'clock. Following la tho order of eventa with the l'endlvton Htini'ict who will compete; Til) yard danh, 2:30 John Snundera, Clinrlea Hnyder, I)ye Mcfiee. Bhot put, 2:30 Wm. Kramer, Jena Teiui-Hon, luiwrcnce Warner. I'ole ''unit, 2:30 John Snnndora, Ciirniin Kauiulera, Ivan I.a Hue. Kxn yard daah, 2:4.1 It. Uiwrencu, It. Karnhnrt, lieorne Itlfthy. 1 no yard duah. 2:5s J. Kaumlera, 1.. Warner, Loye Mc.lee. KlM'iia, 3:10 Kramer, I.. War- i ner, J. Term-aon. HlKh Jump, 3:10 J. Saundera, C.I Hai.nclcia, I. Lnllue. 440 yard daxh. 3:2r I,. Warner, It. Lawrence, It. Kurnhait. 220 yard low hiirdlea, S :&r. n. War tier. (,'. Hnundera, I, Mrdi. itioad Jump. 3:3.1 J. Kaundera, C. Rnxder, I IjiIIne. Javelin, 3 : 3T. W. Kramer, II. Law rence, f. Saundera. 220 yard daah, 3:50 J. Kaundera, I.. Warner, (.'. Hnyder. MM tlim I In 1 ll..i. 1 ii. . Ilelay, 4:25. TELEPHONE IN EAST Operators of Instruments in Distant Cities 'Hear' Gong Ring and Shouts of Fans. TURKU IIOMK Itl'N'S rmuMi:i,i-iiiA, April 29. a. P. )r Three ho-ne runa, two by Ralph Miller nnd I'ltehi-r Meadnwa, with th" liaaia filled, irnve 1'h liidi-lphl.i n 11 to 6 victory yem-rday and an even break In the four-name aeriea with Roaton. Wllllama km! a home run In the third. .11 NT 2 HITS CI.KVKI.AM). O., Ainl 29. (A. V.) Cleveland act a Heaaon'a rcord yea- terday defeatiiiK Detroit, ID to B. mak ing 23 hlta for 33 baaeB. Kach Indltn made at lean one hit and acored a liaat one run. In addition to keeping Ietmlt'a hlta well nattered and belnif ffectlve in the pinchea. 1'hle made a homo run with the baaea filled and got I'W'fi Binalea, driving In aix runa. riTTS-HIRiill, April 29.-lnliiic in the annala of JouinaliNin and nena paper enterpriKe waa the achievement re.ently of the 1'ittMburnh I 'oat which reiorted by 'wireleaa teiepiionn the fifc'ht of Johnry Ray of rittahurith, and Johnny Dundee, of New York. IlKhtweitihta. liiftantaneoua newa Fer viee of the fiKht, roiiJKl by round and a Blven by the 1'oat reporter at the ilnKM.de, cnabllnR the paper to have an extra on the atreela a few minutea after the laxt rook aoutided. SPORT BULLETINS a;i:i.h ox R.Mi'(ii; UM AXOKI.K.S. 'al.. April . A. P.) lia Angelea went on a i.Kttin? i.'uiija';n yealerday and defeated San Ktanclneo 10 to .3. Flaherty arid O'Doul were knocked from the box in the third inning when four .'liiiulen, a triple and an error accounted for aix I oa AnKelea runa. Reporta from all over the country indicate that wireleaa teh'plione opi'f ulora were treated to the action of the riiiK buttle with all the rcaliumof each blow and each bit of rinir atrateuy en octed the Instant It occurred. An Aaaociated I'reaa diapiitch from Hartford, Conn., atated that th Dun dee-Ray boxinK match waa "heard" in Hartford. "A wireleaa telephone hroUKht the pnunda of the conflict, the dnnif of the RnnK and the Bhouta of the fnna to a arouplif w'releB senthu a!atta aaaemliled at n jirlvate radio atatlon " the diapatch a:iid. Hiram Percy Maxim, the wirclefa expert, was preeent. ;(Hyi :R.s to smij POSTON, April 29. (A. IM Fran cis Oulmct nd .lehe Cullford. niem Iktm of the Kroup of American golfer who are to context for the IlrittKh amateur ehampionK;p at Iloh lake next month, lift yesterday for New Yolk. They Bail Saturday. QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION Saturday Specials Our Meat and Grocery department will be loaded to capacity with all the bet ter quality table delicacies for your selection. PIUMEST Beef Boil r , -. 5c to 8c Beef Stew 5c to 8c Pot Boasts 15c Short Bibs 15c Cross Bib Boasts 18c 1EBBEEF Shoulder Steak ........ 20c Bound Steak 25c T-Bone Steak 28c Porterhouse Steak 28c Sirloin Steak 28c VEAL SPECIAL Veal Stew 10c Veal Steak 25c Veal Boasts 20c Veal Chops .30c Fancy Heavy Fat Hens. Our Produce Department includes all the fresh vegetables in the market. 10c 15c Florida Graps Fruit . . Asparagus (local) Strictly Fresh Ranch Butter, 2 pound roll PENDLETON TRADING CO. If it's on the market we have it, Oranges 35c Some FACTS About FORB Til F. VMVF.RSAI; CAR Here are authentic flRurea from the Ford factory at Detroit. They ahow you juxt how many Ford cara and trucks have been built each month alnco January 1. 11)21 nnd heNv many have been aold to retail customers, In the fnllcd Platea. , Delivered to Produced Retail Customers 29.8H3 E..20S 35.305 ti3.60S BI.8SI! 87,221 JAM'ARY FF.niU'ARY MARCH Total Production 127,074 Total Retail Salea 208,032 abowlntt that actual aalea for the first three months of 1921 ex- ceeded production by SO.lies l ord cara ami irucni.; April re.iulHltlons already xpeclfy l7,719 additional cars and trucks and the estimated April output of the Tactory und assem bly plants combined calls for only 90.000! x These facta clearly show that the demand for Ford producta la rowitiK much faster than munufacturlnR facilities to produce and were It not for the dealers' limited stocks, which are now heln rapidly depleted, many more customers would have been compelled to wait for their cars. It will be only a matter of weeks, therefore, until a bin: surplus of orders will prevent any thing like prompt deliveries. If von would be sure of havliiK your Ford car or truck when you want It. you should place your order rmw. Don't delay, phone us or drop us a card. ,.' Simpson Auto Co. Phone 408 Water and Johnson Sts. Sanitary Grocery is a store where economy always reigns supreme. We always strive to give you the fullest value for your money. Ask about our manyk specials for this week. Phone 871 The Most In Value The Best in Quality TKAMS TO HO I.ST ET'CiteXK, nr., April t. (A. V t Th I'niverstty of California orui Stan ford university will nut bo riIV'nt fd at thp Pacific oKt ennferfnee track mM't in K:ipne May 21, arrortl intf to word received ytnlay at the I'li-vcrKily of OrcRnn. It in announced hy thf nianaerment of ltnth teams that thoy wijl o eawt t cimtp in mety In that Hctin of the country in Slay. i:ix;o Ar.r.iFs wis PI'OKANK, Wash., Ar-ril 9. A. P.) Thi rej;on Agricultural ctAU-xe. lmf'h:4M f(uad won from (lonz,'iga university of Kpokanw h'-re yesterday, 3. to 2. The winning Aie run was Reared in the Mh y McHcnna, who iintrU'd. was pacri'iced to second, went o third n an error and scored on ;iilili;ird"s infield hit. 7 2. Batteries liahb and Duffy;, fiu ike and Hatch. Treatment mi,;Ii. a iri of interest to all and ppe."iall ,, uif pariiiM of yiunt iliiiinn i 4MOW what. IK be.st In hi- ilohf ff whuopin cou'.h. .Mim. Walti-r iieall, PatloiiHluirK, Mo., relates lur experl ncp. "A few year uk, oiii- children had nhoopiiiK tJtigli and the otly nifdjclne we khvc th'm wa Cliamhcr ;.tin's CoiiKh ileinedy. it. kopt their coughs loose and expf ctoi alion eay. ' hey were not nick very ion;r and had a litiht at'.a k of it. I give eredit for their p'- dy corn Ut this niedieitie." lianiU-rlain H Liniment ThiH is a massage liniment, especial ly valuable for the ndief of ihctnnatic pairiK and or-nesH of the rnuneh-H. .Urn. 1-:. r. l)(tiyo, Whlteshoro, N. Aiitcs: 'The splendid rmultH I aui tliir nu rnl)' rs of my faintly have re- j eeivfd hy tho use of ( 'hainh'rlain'.i Lin.int'Ut, warrant my endorsing it hi lie hiwhf st trms." Oniy Makes a I (ad -Mnlter Worse? Perhaps you have ncv-r thought o . t, hut thi' fact must br apparent, ; every niif, that eonstij alion Is cm us- i d hy lark ftf wa!er in tho Ktcm arid j tho use of drastic cathartics, l.ke ihej. old-f.i.shioned eatliartio and liver pills, make a had matter worse, as they tak.? too much water out of the yefr, hatn)eriain's Tablets are much more mild and gentle in effort and when t in.- j proper dose is taken, their a' tion is so j natural that one can hardly realize i 'hat it is the effect (,f a medicine. j .ood Advice to the lliiioim Those who are bilious, dvsi.enlie and i constipated feel miserably a good .shara j of the time. They -would sunn feel fin I unci tnjoy ineir rueais ii iney wfjum f take a few doses of t Chamberlain's J tablets to ptrenthen their dnrestlon; nd rgn!ate the liver and bhwelH. Men's Work Pants Here you will find the greatest line of Mens Work Pants in the city, priced at the very low est market prices. Men's Work Pants - $2A: Men's Work Dress Pants ?--9; Men's Extra Heavy Work, Dress or Corduroy Pants . Men's Tine Toilor Made Dress Pants. .... $G.o0 Men's Ridinjj Pants in khaki or whip cord $3.t TH HUB 40 Cash Stores 743 .Main St. SI l HAM, II KI SR.ATTI-i:. April . (A. P.lThe RainiprR c-nno up from behind aft'r Salt Ijikp i!y had taken ;i one-run leading the first in yesterday's p.ime and took the contest, " to 1. Hard hitting feature! the (,-ame. The early innings were played in a lisht rain. IMUTTOV TO KKillT MV SVT1I. roltTI.AND, April '!'A. V. I'.) lark lirittun the world ehampion wel '.erweiKht. will meet eith. r Dave Shade r Johnny Mnrfihv h'-re on May 2( Matrhninker Frank K"end;!I told the '.'nlted I'ress today. Apples 31.50 65c S 4 if 1 1 11; BUT FEW FOR MEN CHICAGO, April 29. (U. r.) Women, who eniered the industrial field by the thousand during the war, are a big: factor in the present unem ployment situation. This opinion was expressed today by Commander William IVart of the Chi cago district of the Salvation Army. Commander Peart fa.'d that while it is practically impossible to find jobs for the many men who apply to the Salvation Army, -there is little diffi culty In placing' women. "Changed industrial conditions have brought about thin situation, " said tho army commander. ".Many of the wo men who entered the industrial field during the war have remained. Their employers arc not only satisfied with retaining them, hut are employing more.' Teart believed this is a factor which "must be reckoned with in future in dustrial depressions." Cavalry Chief is. Colonel William HolhrooK n- 3 ben appointed chief of eava.r i ; the U S. Army He served iu 'i.i ; Spanish-American War. In M . ' overseas after the World Wiir. aaJ at demobilization camps. You' Will Enjoy the convenience, service and satisfaction of tiuyin? your groceries of us. . jArvj HOME MADE BREAD -,. , . ... Large loaves, 2 fcr 25c 5 kir.ds, large lir.z J ' , ? Heme Made Bread lac eacn sall leaves, 3 for 25c We rcart cur own GOOD TASTY PRUNES COFFEE AND PEANUTS 3 pounds for 25c Coffee always frerh (iC-70 prunes 3 pounds for $1. CO 2 pcurds for 25c GOOD CORN MOTHERS PREMIUM 7 for $1.00 CRUSHED OATS Puree To.-n.i toes 45c package 2 for 25c in 230 E. Court St. n n laro terocery Oo. Phone 96 C. L. Bonney, Tres. PLAY BUT LOST GAMEi ,rrf' 1 .ii.A.ifcigej PAN" FRAXCIS-O. April (A P.) Oakland made the first triple play of the season yes:errf:iy, 1 to Vernon, 7 to 2. The triple play staged in the fourth inninc, when the Tipers hai the hass fu'l. 1M Demountable Solid Tire Bargains! LIMITED STOCK. Evcrv Tire Absolutely New! 'While Thev Lnst: l;l- Smith anil' French oiened the in- ; nintr lv sinirlintr. and (icnnan walked. I Murphy, next hatter for Vernon hit to P White, forcing Smith at the plate. I Koehler's throw to first eaui-.lit .Mur- M phy. ami Knight reuirncd the hall t j " j Koehler in time to oat. h French, who .; ja tried to score from second hasp. ! f J Vernon pot to Heboid in the first i jf j innin.tf. scorinc throe runs on two don- ides, two liases on halls and S ibold's j overthrow to first.; They made three : more in the sixth tind SVIh-nhach h!t '. a humor in the ninth. Oakland rallied 1 in the ninth w hen Shelleithack walked I i three in a rev., roit failed to scire. SBATTt.E. April 2J.A. P. j ! N'avipaiion on tile ynkon river in j j Alaska is expected to open unusually I Ni'FAKFI.S AKK i IIOsFV. I earlv this ' year, according to advice s . received here vosterdav hv local ,.ffi- TOI! V AI.I.1S, ore., April ; cials of the White I'ass and Yukon !'-I. u":rv l-wulont ft ; llic t iil'."er.-a:v ot i asuinu'.on. iu i oc- ( liv -i- the fifty-second annual com-j m, nivineiit addrevs at oretioti Acri- ; coltnr.il rol!o-e here en the mornini; I ILL BE OPENED EARLY i'mti i si i i.s soi.ms. . . . .Dcmountalili'.. Mi.i-k l'liiv. KM. CO. Our price . .' 54 :nt5 iMi:;;i siwiis soi.ios. IV liMillHl.lldi-. tK-'.v li.'ii i-. 5 1. 1.O. Our price ::4;.' (.ooiivi'.Mi sor.n.. licmoiuitaldc. stoi I pi iK-. S;i.t.42. nr t.rict .", :sr,xi (;toi i.ais soi ids. Hi'inotimahlc. si.n iv price, 5 lo.fi.s. ir price 3 ;tci im n i) s'rvri s soi.ms. ll inoan'.al Ic. SKk ! priic, SlO.liS'. r.r pt ice- Vt rite Adilivss Plainly. Sctul Postal !' livpics Money Order or CVrtifitil 'lvU. $27.50 $20.50 $15.00 $17.50 $17.50 Lotta Miles Tire Co. rotUt suiting tli;t1 v? wont out of Uu1 i river a( Whitr Hrs ntt f-'a;urd;ty. j Ice is t'XperUM! to j?n tM of Ijike I-i- ' I'arp in turn for tho first steauihoat j c'",lir'i tn Iivivp WhitP lit fT IhiUstMl n.l of JlHH' , thr niht of .Juno 6, it was Minted. , Muv will establish connection withJl1'1"' , liver traffic. Steamship officials suit! j I i (Mia y aiaiire nodKiiiL-H mtiicaio a nm hmrist travel into the north this year. !:VJ-ni Mailvt t I OM A. WASH. 13. lr. Stephe-i P. Penrose, president of ,U m W'alia Walla, will deliver Hie l.accalaiii e.i'.o sc-nion.. r Worth Millions . -k , I( j"- Ik. I ilk xThf Xliilinnijiih t lvtinln W s'.m.wii wrint $4.tMMl,00tl -rtli of jewels. b ttendl rh iMin of the 1'Lauilrff lrinrfMS. ill IMlii. In.iu. . TKe new wide band cm-et. I ligh open curl to brim. M.iplcLrown, Seal liiown, Uaric Crecn, Light Green. Olive. Crk Steel. Navjr lilue und 1 carl. teuruwn, $5 At tit good dealers. CONROY'S CASH GROCERY C.01TET. SALE I WEEK April 25 to April 30. HILLS RED AM) M J. H. COFFEE 12c ncr Ik in 2 1-2 lb., 3 II). and 5 lb. or 6 lbs. for 82.50. Iii otir favorite brand of Coffee litis week and make a saving of 1 lb. with 5 lb,. Ee sure when you buy to receive the large size.