TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, APT 17, S P. 1 Ml. People Here arid There C. H. J from La i ihnwm lundc. was here yisterduy L. V. Beck of Pilot Itock transacted business hero today. II. .H. Wicker loft toUuy for Altalla to louk over tho work In the oil fluid, lie In a muck holder und director In Dm Columbia Ilustn Oil I'd. O. M. Ityiin ana F. it. Uyder were her yesterday front linker. James Ktiirshi returned yesterday kfter a buHlninaVlMll In Spukune. Wlllium A. Klc.ci.nr wnk here yes terday from his home Ht l'llut Hock. Mr. and Mm. II. F. Kelley, Prairie City residents, were In Pendleton ye, lerdny. H. I. For. representing the V. St. Manufactureres' Kali- Co. of 1'ortlund ' In I'i nillcliin toilnv. II. C. Mean, formerly In the hotel tiUBlno:i ut 1'nmtllln, who hus been In I'endleton tuklng medical treatments, returned thin morning to hlB honia ut Vule. . . Wen Spears, deputy sheriff, left lust night for Portland where he will ap pear H a witness In suit In the fed eral court. Ho will not return before Monday. merly wan president of the Vmatilla- ."uVurow Counties' poultry association. Vr. and Mrs. flam Van Vactor were hen lust night from their, homo In I'i i piier lie win dittrlet attorney lue a niiinssr jf yearn ago. ("leoi'fre Altken, a business man of Ilepimer, huh a I'endleton visitor today. FRIENDS SEE CHANGE t?m mtvrx . nsi nun unnni IlHIUPll ' - ; ! Doug Ourdane ut Iteppner drove over yesterday for a visit wllh bin brother Tom flurdane. He Ik a mar (hunt and poultry fancier. He for- PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR DETTER QUALITY Saturday Money Savers I Olive Oil Sardines, 2 for 25c Syrup, Crimson Rambler Maple $1.25 o Preferred Stock Hominy 15c C Salmon, good grade, per fan .....10c 5P A few more cans of Australian Jam 15c, $1.65 doz y 25 pound box fancy Prunes $2.45 SS Freiib Supply of Tru Blu Cookies and Crackers at 2 reduced prices. W Large size package Quaker Oats 30c ij Puffed Rice 2 for 35c; 6 for $1.00 0 Peanut Butter, pound 15 Wool Soap, 100 per cent pure, cake 10c g Everythingr else priced accordingly. 2. Fresh supply of greens and vegetables. ' H g The Economy Grocery 113 W.WEBB ST. Phone 409 W. Hunter, of the firm of Hales ti Hunter, one of tlio lurgent arulr. deallnit firm In OtilciiK'i, 1.1 a I'endle ton bunlpt'! visitor today.' with II. W. CollinH, lo:al irruin man, Mr. Hun ter vitdU'd I'matilla county wheal fleldH tuduy and wan ImprexHed with the. remarkable crop pronpect. The future Kraln price are as much an eiiiKma to Mr. Hunter ax they are to the grain men of, thi ri g-ton. O E D O u C6 O u. bl z z 4 PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER SERVICE NEWS OF THE C0IIN1Y OFF A. G. Fuller Say Tanlac Has Rectored His Health and He Gained Thirty-Five Pounds in Weight. "My filendu all .seem aatonlwd at thi wondt-rftil change that ha taken place In my condition In o short a time." Maid A. G. Fuller, an expert ac countant of 20T1 62nd Axe., Oakland, Cel. "Followlns an attack f the 'flu' In 1919, I foind inyself In an awful run down condition. My ntomach, which had troubled me for three yearn, be came very amen wurxe and for two monttiR I nuffered frlshtfully. I rare ly ate at all during that time and foil off thirty pound In two week. "I wan alxo i"f."erini from los of energy and Renrul weaknen, and thlc. en well u the Hlomacli trouble, became much worne. Oa would form on my Uoniach, cauBing awful pain arid a fecllnif of suffocation. I was badly Conmipated and In uch ml.xery that 1 would often roll and ten all niKht long In my bed. I wax so weak and ner- I voum thnt it wan only with great effort that I could do my work. "My mother per.iuaded me to try Tanlac and my weiuht Increaso was thirty-five pounds, a gain of five pounds a'ove my usual weiirht, in thirty days. I can eat anything- now without a sign of indigestion, my ner vea are back to old-time form and 1 am enjoying life and good health as I have not before In years." . : Namotl AiliuliilKtratrix. - MijrgTiret H. Maple ha been ap pointed administratrix of the estate of James It. Maple, Bond in the sum of Il.uOO ha been furnished. To WnU'iKV Jap Saturday 8. Bhlbata, the Jap who wa found guilty Wednesday nlxht of murder In tho second degree for the killing of a Chinese will receive hi sen tence Katurdny tiefore Judge Gilbert W. 'helps. The Jury was prevented from bringing In a verdict of , man laughter by the court instruction, and they made It second -degree mur der and recommended leniency on tho part of the court in imaging- sentence. The law provide life Imprisonment us the penalty. ' . 20 PER CENT SAVING! Jewelry And Dress A great deal of attention id beins paid these days to harmony between jewelry and costume. i , You will find here jewelry designed with special thought to the prevailing modes, and you may be surprised at the moderate price3 we ask for our diamond jewelry, dainty filigree designs, and solid gold pieces. . . Let your jewelry be in keeping with j-our dress. It gives just the correct note of refinement. f inc. Pandleton Ore. The Largest Diamond Dealers In Karrn Or r niKTAMO, April 39. (I . I".) A I lil-.lt.MIKTON', April 23. Cleve 20 per cent reduction In all operating i L lark, one of the U. 8. R. ij. ditch ejpensoe. including wages, is neces-I rider, is suffering from an attack of sary to put the American railroads "on blood poisoning in his hand. He had it lanced .Monday and It is now Betting along nicely. SOME OF THE ADVANTAGES of up-to-date porcelain or enamelled sanitary bathroom equipment, which we shall be glad to demonstrate to you: Absolute whiteness and clean liness at all times; beauty of finish-! an ornament to the finest home; new patented faucet that do not drip or leak; no drains or trap to fill up and overflow, etc. BENSON & ' WICKLAND Marriage Lkniw. . Licenses to wed have been issued to Fred 8. Thompson of Pendleton and I .aura McKarlund of Adams; to I.yle Webb and Kuby Price, bofh of Wes ton! and to John Correa Machado and Kstafanna fillva of Kcho. Iloth of the latter are native of Portugal. Kcntpiior rcKtpotied. John Adair and Karl Caldwell, Her mlnton men recently found guilty of larceny when they took household goods from a Hermlston house, who were to have been sentenced Thurs day have had sentence postponed un til Tuesday when Judge Phelps will pronounce sentence. They are seek ing a parole. their feet," and make possible a sub stantial Increase In freight and pas senger rates, nmuel O. Dunn, editor of the Hallway Age and advisor to the association of railroad executives, made thi statement to the - United pies. IS ff RACIVR. Wis.. April 19. (A. P.) Mrs. Amy Davis Winshlp. believed to be the oldest college student In the I'nlted States, yesterday celebrated her 0th birthday anniversary- ' MURDERER TRIED TO SAX DIKflO, April 29. (lT. P.) What Is believed to be a murder ofhe most grneiiomc character, in which the victim wa apparently lured to a Two carloads of young r.Ik.i from Hermiston drove to Xolin Sunday to picnic. -Miss Pertha McKeen has returned home to tjH-nd the summer. She has been teaching ut lone for the past term. A. C. Voelker, snper'n'.endent of tl-e liormlston scnnols, has recentlv nur- chased a Ford which wis reo-nt'v owned by Mrs. C M. Jensen. .Mrs. t laire p. Harti-r returned toi her home in I;oardman, Monday, aft er spending the week end with her daughter. Mrs Neil ljleakney. Mrs. Mary E. Howard of Corvallis. ' who spent a week visiting with her daughter. Mrs. John Peavert, left Tuesday for t-'tanfield to visit friends. She will also visit her father. Mr. Fraker, at Pendleton, for some time, and then go on to Portland for a while before returning to her home in Cor- I vallis. I -Mr. and Mrs. f! P. Ball of Af'iland, Oregoh. are guests at the home of Dr. land Mrs. F. P. Adaijis 1 A child conference will be held at .the Hermiston Hotel. May 6-7, under jthe direction of Mrs. Edith Van Dues en. home demonstration agent. She I will be assisted by Miss I-assie Ijine. iXutrition srieciul tt from O. A. C. A h0, CottouHixx! ivsen you u-ik in ..mr..rt. so do stock- deserted house in b'pring alley, near number of able physicians have offer ings, A package of Allen's Foot-Eae. here m the dead of night, shot toje.l their assistance Kach phvsician iroe;n.'nTMn-,PTnlheao-bah': body buried in an at-j will have a separate room and one lves you that "old shoe" comfort sad tempi to conceal me crime, i oeiog ; pnysiciah will do all tho examining of tvv wear. Atn n nmi-t aie msses invest looted py tne coroner ana ine po- i one chilli. In this way the examina- STn w'r .hi4 7- i .mn. Wi!! v,ct,m 8 a man about 3U. (tion will not be m tiresome on the riumc 4S8 'hklnic iom Allen' Foot-tie in ( Tti body was saturated w.th oil aiui (child and any surg-estions piven the cn Mioe in me nmrninir. ouiu cvci- iatwy rnaneu. Aiie nwin a uimhi- nioiner oy ine physician will oe Rtrict- ly coniiuential. This conference is not whre. r Untlv well dressed. It is believed he was killed by a shotgun. tine shot i wa taken from the body. 1 SACK SPUDS, $1.501 SACK SUGAR, $9.501 SACK FLOUR, $2.00 Despain & Lee Cash Grocery Phone 880 209 E. Court St. SATURDAY SPECIAL COFFEE 1 pound Hills Red 40c 2 1-2 pounds $1-00 5 pounds .....$2.00 1 pound Hills Blue 30c 1 3 pounds 85c 5 pounds $1.40 SPECIAL Eggs, strictly fresh, 1 dozen .20c Flour, 49 lb. sack ......................$1.80 Sugar, pef sack $9.00 10 1-2 pounds for $1.00 14 pounds small White Beans $1.00 11 pounds Pink Beans ....$1.00 9 cans fine Pink Salmon $1.00 10 cans Hebe Milk ..$1.00 8 cans Canyon Milk .$1.00 7 cans Tomatoes ..!.......! $1.00 7 cans Corn $1.00 6 cans Peanut Butter $1.00 10 pounds Swift's Lard $2.25 5 pounds Swift's Lard $1.15 6 pounds Crisco $1.35 Karo Syrup, 1 gallon light i..95c Karo Syrup, 1 gallon dark 90c Liberty Bell, gallons $1.65 2 large loaves Bread 25c 3 small loaves Bread 25c ,5 small loaves Bread 25c Com Meal, per sack 45c Oats, per sack 55c Graham Flout, per sack 50c Farina, per ?;n k - 5Bc Peaches, 2 large cans 45c Apricots, 2 l'tige cans 45c .1 bars Palmolive Soap -25c A bars Cream Oil Soap 25c 10 bars Fela Naptha 95c 15 bars C. V.'. Soap - $1-00 1 COLORADO GOVERNOR SIGNS ANTI-JAP UW j DKXVTCn April 29. (U. P.) A bill aimed at excluding Orientals from I holding real or personal property 4n I Colorado, passed by the last general asstribly, became a law today follow ing the signature of (Governor Shoup. Tim bill provides for the submission to a vote of the people on a constitutional nr..; nonient authorizing the legislature t enact the taw prohibiting property o r lug In Colorado by persons inelig ible to citizenship. la "baby show." Xo prizes will be of fered and no scores will be published. I .Mrs. Van Deusen and Miss Lane will be prepared to answer questions and J give suggestions on more careful feeding of children. I Born An eieht noonrl in land Mrs, Xeil Bleakney of Butter creek, at Hermiston. Born Tuesday, April 26th. to Mr. and Mrs. John Peavert of Irrigon, at Hermiston, an eight pound boy. All AITE! REBEKAH LOOSE (Hast Oregonian Special.) ATHENA, April 29. The Athena people who attended the institute at Pendleton MonrUy of the Women's Missionary Society of the Christian church were Mrs. George lurking, Mrs. W. K. Wall. Mrs. p. Scott Fisher, Mrs. Allison, Mrs. Anne Taylor and Rev. and Mrs. Kussell. v Loll Hodgen was a Pendleton visitor Monday. Miss riossie Andrews spent the week end In Echo at the home of her par ents, Mrs. and Mrs. F. V. Andrews. "Miss Mattie Coppock left Tuesdav for Payette, Idaho, where she will visit her Runt Mrs. Brandon. Mrs. Bert Cartano and daughter Edra were I'endleton visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. P.evella iJeuallen were In the city from Adams Sunday. Mrs. I.illa Kirk and Mrs. Fred Aross Athena Itehekahs have been elected to attend Grand Lodce. which is to be beld at A!tanv in May. Miss Marguerite Raymond is visiting friends lit Pendteton. Mr. and 'Mrs. . Kilgore are the proud parents of a sou born Friday April 22. Miss Merle Hetdonrich spent the week end in Milton. Frank Rosrem was in the city from. Pendleton Tuesday. Rav Dudley of Pendleton spent the week end In the city visiting relatives. Paul and Francis I.lcunllen were in the city from Adunis Sunday. Miss T'elle Mclntyre was a Valla Wnlla visitor Wednesday evening. William Kice returned Monday from Spntjapo. D. C. McFadden made a business trip to remffeicn Wednesdav. ; "too late to classify 'VAXTKD Good cook nt Oregon Cafe, Ilernilston, Apply at once. mmm is f .J .Jl J. C i'cnney Co A Nationw ide Institution Assured Shoe -pi'-, Service . -v.-- . - " , -. " I . '-v- u '..-;.. .r;-.-.'X KOEPPEN'S PRESCRIPTIOxN DRUG STORE FOR SAI.K-0" 12x15, In good 47S-U. Axniinlster rug condition rhoue A. C. Kocppen & Bros. rtio Drag Store That Serves Tou Host. Style Bevond W Question- Prices Eni2)liasize Economy Brown Welt Oxfords, Cuban Heel, 3.50 The illustration above does not do justice to this attractive and serviceable oxford, fash ioned from very fine satin kid of rich dark brown color, Cuban heel, six eyelets makes this a close fitting shoe round the ankle, sizes 2i2 to 9, AAA to C, pair $8.50 Brown Welt Oxfords, Louis Heel, $3.50 Practically the same shoe as the one de scribed above, but with high leather heel, stitched imitation tip, sizes 3 to 8, AAA to C, pair $8.50 Fine quality black kid, very similar to the il lustration, suede inlay . in throat, one button strap, high leather heel, sizes '3 to widths AAA to C, pair $7.50 Satin Inlaid Brown Pump $6.90 The picture does not show the cut out strap nor the Siitin inlay In this becoming shoe very soft. fine dark brown kid, two but ton strap, turned sole, high covered heel, sizes 3 1-2 to 7 1-2, widths ' - A A to O, pair. . . S0.9O Oxfords for Growing; Girls, $3.49, $3.98 Here is a neat shoe for growing girls, com bining good appearance and service with low price, welt stitch extension sole, soft kid black or brown, low leather heels, sizes 21 ' to 7, the IIP pair i. t a 312 EETARTMEXT STQr.ES $3.49, 53.98 e ! p n i 3 i 3 ! O ! O i J. C. Penney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution DR.C.U. DAY Physician and Surgeon Osteopath Kooma II and 25 Smlth-Crawfori Butldinc Telaphona 0 Kea. ?4-B Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee ! Chronia and Nervous Dtease nt4 Disease of Women. X-Kay Klectrli Therapeutics. Temple Bids. Room 11 Pbons 41 Phone tlO-W P. O. Ho 851 Fhone SOT Hours f a. m. to 5 p. m. DR. OIBLVRT . Modern Detitlstry In All Branches. MAGNETOS GENERATORS ELECTRIC STARTERS Or sny part ot the electrle system on your ear overhauled and repaired. Satisfaction guar, anteed., HAHRT H. GRAHAM, Wlllard Berries Station. Pendelton, Or. Phone IS4. LETS CO!