TUC CA(T nDrpmiiui ip mi- au v mi mm t-, . ' i. ..... .MiiTrn rnrff inn t'MITm FP?? uncuuniMii io mc uijli lULMiiu tr.lr int NtworArtK ulVITJU ITS ncADcRS THE BENEFIT Cr DAILY TtLfcCnArrilU NcWo ntrUnlC) rnUi.l tiUIn lilt ASiUiiHi tu rnwo nw " " DAILY EDITION DAILY EDITION The Fast Oregftrilnn l Fnstern Ors iron groat -t ni'weptpr and " inif force give to rh advertiser over twiee the guaranteed paid rlriillMIn" in ivr ill. ton unit I rniUilln county of any other newspaper. Tho n l pre run (if v."lrrdny'a P-ally 3,27(5 Thl paper li a member of riiiI audited by iho Audit Bureau of Circulation U l COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER ' ff. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER 'A VOL. 33 OCCUPATION OF fill DISTRICT MAY BE DELAYED Regardless of Allied Action on German Proposals Invasion! Will be Delayed Until May 15.' HARDING ADMINISTRATION MAY MAKE SUGGESTIONS England Condemned Offer But Hopes that U. S. Will Obtain Better Terms From Berlin. LONDON', April 29. ' I'M I- Keen, V. I'. Kliiff Corrciiondeiit.) llcgard les nf the nllu-d union n fiermany' repartitions propound the Invasion of the Ituhr valley probably will be de luyed until M;iy 1.1, II In learned. France la prepared fur the Invasion, and ready to trl alone If the allies will give her only moral support, hut she I expected to await the decision ly the supremo council which meeU to morrow. , American Thought Ifcutiinaictt Premier Brland. who m due here to day for the council session, Ml hi minister prepared to art OD any word from him. The American thought van expected to dominate the supreme. I council, u la believed that the Hardin- j administration might make reroin-1 niendutlona In regard to the Herman offer which would determine the council' final action. Although j Krance and (ireat Hiilaln have off I- j dally condemned the flermun offer, the llrltleh Htill clinft to the hope that the I'nlted Staten would oliUiln a hit ler offer from lierlln. InmlT Cm l 1mdon PAKIS. April i'.t. (A. I'.) !r. Von Oertren, head of the Oet rnan war bur dena commlaalon, refuwd to attend the reparation rnmmitwion today fur determining the t'ma J , method of the (lerinan payment. Premier lirlmid left for London to attend the miprettie council Haturday. He. waa unananuuly the rTench aup port for direct action In riiforclng 'lie penalties: upon Geruitny. IJny(l-;iirsf Want Delay NTiLlMiN. April !.--( A. P. The 1 dlapatrh anya IJoyd-t.eormi will con wnl to th occupation of thp Ituhr dlatrict only after an ultimatum Krunt ln a certain amount of delay. Would Mm Km llnln PAIUrt, April 2.--(Vel.h Miller, V. Y. Staff tVirrenponrtfiit.) "At taut we are union to end It." I 'rem er 1 rlnd declared a he bonrd.sj the train. Martin for the meettnB of the su preme allied council at London. Ac companied by Marahala Y-h. Weyg Rand, and General Perhelot he etartod for London determined to win the al lied approval of their project for marching deeper Into Ormuny and aelxing the Ruhr coul bnn'n. I'rcfhlciit )Imiikc Mutation. . WASHINGTON, Apr:l 29. (A. P.) The president nnd the cafilnet arc underatood to have discussed the Ger man reparations proposals acain to day. It became known, tbnt Great Itritiiin and Italy bad not definitely rejected the German offer as a basis for negotiations. It H undi rntood, however, thnt the l-'rcnch and llelglan views wore that the. Itius were unac ceptable. lltiRhe Is understood to bp hopeful Hint negotiations between the allies and Oormnny can be roopnn d. Keen If the final -decision Is not reached before, the I'veiiMi begin to move Into the additional German ter ritory exchanges can continue artir that time. ' 7 SMt GGLi: iKMiS 1MTO I'.NGI AMI , LONDON. April U9. (A. P. Oog smuggling by airplane has arrested the Interest of the. house of lords which recentlly devoted part of an after noon to n discussion of the subject. The pampered toy-dog was roundly excoriated by a number of their lord ships I -ord Wllloughby (In llroke sup porting I-ovd. HedlMowe In a demand that "such useless brutes" be exclud ed from the country. THE WEATHER Heportcd by MnJm' Leo Mooihousc. observer. Maxlmtim, 66. Minimum, ?s Biiionietcr, 20.61'. TODAY'S FORECAST Tonight .nil Saturday ra'n or snow, colder. 'EAMSHIP MORMUGA RUNS ASHORE; LIVES OF MANY IN DANGER Sea Ran Heavy Off Boston I Coast; Steamer's Position Was Obscured by Dense Fog. IIOOTOX, April 29,--M;. P. Four hundred and fitly fasHengers were Im periled when tho stenmsiiip Mor. luitgH from tho Akoics to N-w iieilfon:, inn ashore on the southwest t!p ' of Jtlock Island, according to a wireless. A heavy sea was running and the btcnmei'i:' position was oticured by a '.ense f..g which shrouded the New Knglund coast. ('oait guard cutters, Achushnet and ItoHcroggan were sent to the resi ue. According to a wireless, the steameis' foiwat.l huld was full 01 water. Was l'oriuiT (.onn.in Vcxst'l The Morniugiio Is a s'eel steiimer of "H.'inn tons. Tho visrel wr.s built In lltut ut llani'nir and launched under the name of Koimnodore. Lmring the wir, It was seized from Germany by tho Portuguese government flr.d now operates out of IJsnon. Id-llef Is K'lit to Scsm'I NEW LONLX'X, (.'win,, April 23. (A. P.). Kollowlr.g the receipt, of a wireless call for aid the Scott wreck ing Company rushed a wrecking flet to the aid of the steamer Mnrgumxo, reported on the rocks at liiuck island. Will Send Assistance. NKWPOKT. It. ., April 29 !". P.) The N'antuikit wircl.-i-s station loM contact with the stranded steam er Morinurgar this afternoon. The operator rt ported be was unable to get an answer from the vessel, which had been 111 constant communication with the station since she was Mruok be fore daybreak. Navul officials are in- ellnoil lo het.evc that steamers' llower ' . . . ... .. . ,. ,.1,110 I he el Ini illritl. ill nf tirovisiniiu ;ii oiiiot was 0111 01 or it. ine naval . stand by the .Moitimgue. The wind Is still heavy, the sky overcast and tins fog Is banging low. WHEAT TAKES SLIGHT NCREASE IN MARKET! station is planning to send ships toif'"K special privileges for the ' "" . Wheat rose In price today. Mhvj Japan, declared ho w.II get a record wheat closing at $1.30 ij and July at vole on the proposal when the naval tl OJ V,. the Increase In the May pil e appropriation bill bi In-foro the sen being three cents and in the July two ate. This bill, which passed the Ii. iim? , yefderdav. will lie before the senate na cents. P..liwlnv . the limitations. re-iw mIu.i hv (iverbeck Cooke, local I brokers: Wheat Open High Ixiw Close May 1.29 .?-t L21 1.5 Julv l.05'4 1.07 1.0M4 Wheat slarlnd sharply higher, the May delivery leading on short cover ing because of the verv apparel I strength In the cash position. The July advanced less rapidly but at the same time shows evidence of greater strength and was helped by the reports from the southwest that the no v wheat Is being injured by unfavorable climatic conditions. Receipt were , verv small and sold at n cent advance In premium for the lied variety White hard wheat rontlnues firm at about cents over May. Country offerings to arrive are very light and country roads in bad shape for the movement from first hands. Clear ances from seaboard continue large and a further s'loaMc reduction in the vlsable supply Is almost certain. The strength In the cash situation is gran imlly turning sentiment to the i.nll side, and we feel that the tendency will" tic. higher, and a goofl advance scored coincident with a little more display of interest from the outside. PHOT ROCK FARM KOif iS DESTROYED BY FIRE (Kast Orcgonlan Special. I PILOT UtH'K, April 29. The A. P. Kllonbniger farm lime and its contents I in th Pine drove region were com pletely destroyed at midnight yester day when fire of unknown origin broke out in the wash room of the residence. Mr. and Mrs. lCllenburgcr escaped from the flames, and saved a trunk and a phonograph. The loss Is .esti mated at $S(I00, partly covered by In surance. , ' Tho cellar near the house w.ns de stroyed also, and the blae would have drstruved 'he barn also had rot a tor. 1 rent of sain saved the structure. The ' fire was well under way before it was I discovered by the Inmates of the ' v tLhPHAwl IN CIRCUS PARADE CAUSES DEATH OF HORSE STANDING BY CHICO, Calif., April 29. (V. p.) a circus parade was pass- lng. The elephants approached. (mo flicked 111 tall and a horse belonging lo T. K. Buckets drop- ped dead on the spot. An'mal psychologist arc trying to decide whether Jealousy, fright or old " age w in the cause. DAILY EAST OREGOHIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY tM S DISAPPROVED Hitchcock Says it is an At tempt to Dictate ' Interna tional Policies of President. FIGHT FOR DISARMAMENT CONTINUES IN CONGRESS PEACE TREATY . ., . ,jtlO!i!il non-pnrtisa Borah Says He Will Get Record Libert, former I of the lea'.'jo, wl Vote When Navy Annrcuria- i tion Bill is Before Senate. WASHINGTON". April I?. (A. !'.) The Knox pea.ee resolution was at tacked by Senator Hitchcock of Ne- brai ka. a democrat as being "idle and j ineffective'' and on attempt to dic tate the intt rnatiocl policies of ihe president. Committer Hi'isn't I'avcraMy. WASHINGTON, April 2ii. (A. P.) Tl.e hoUK.e itumigrution restriction bill was reported favorably today by the senate immigration ,co;niuitti i- w.... Iranee of minorj and persons aubje to religious peisecut:on. Koiim iKfcats Pill. WASHINGTON, Apri! .Vaitm. I'. J. Kt-nff Corro: iioiKlviit ) I The fitfht tut liWurmiam-nl o.niinuti ' in 4itrrt i.v:, cit't-i'it ihe dtVat f:i 'ti I ho M() ; r-lrnlaf. Hnuici" Hoiuh of ' Ivl.iho. it ;jl hur of Iho 1 rst. list ions IttM.nt; a irj-pniric conference to d's- j '.ct.. the reduction of naval "'"i.'ncu'M I Ul i lit il 'it'll .i.i.lm, vt riMti i -i ;i:in ;nto n tile emergency luriii nux oc n cleared away. SUGGESTS THAT MEN FORM PARTY TO AD IN IMPROVING ROAD Itfay0r Hai'tmail ill Speech to Rotarians Urges Community Work on Cabbage Hill Grade. Commendation of the action of the Pendleton Commercial Association and the Kastorn Oregon Auto club in their i I ft i ts to secure an Improvement of the Cabbage. Hill road and suggestions for cooperation whereby everyone may lie of some service In foiling the mountain highway into bettor condl-, tiou for the traffic It Is called cn to ! lieai was made by Mayor (ieorge A. II... , ..I ll.A In,., hi.oo of the Mil- I tare club. That there Is preying need of leav- 1 lug no effort ur.done to get the road j Into condition because Pendleton and j this section of the state are getting un- j (iesiiable publicity from visitors and tnurirts was a stntemeni 01 tne speai-1 PC. ' As a step tovvcrd making an in-I nvovenien!. Mr. Hart man siiutested thnt people of Pendleton get a number j of cars together, fill them will I'm- dleton men, go up the hill as far as the ounty line and use rakes, shovels and other'tools that the work demands in of perpetual production of one third j p J?( " T,1 nFTTl HlF!'' (V- POT JCV. filling In ru.s, draining mud holes and ' f 'the paper ,! which is ann:tu!!y Vrl (V'llVJf .L llLllJi.l, IJlILt V7 1 lAILdJj. otherwise improving the grade. Trucks might be utilized to haul gravel, too, he suggested which could be placed w here It would do the greatest Rood. He expressed the opinion that the county luad crew mUht lie switched to that 1 section for the one day, too, wliero they could accomplish a gre.-.t deal of good. It was also sngtresied that the people of tirandp shouM I he. Invited to lake care of their end of the road In the, same manner on the same day with a Joint picnic neur the county line when the parties neared tho end of the work. OFFICIALS SAY DHAW. V' HTLANI1, April 29. (A. P.V I each Cross and Joe Gorman's ten rociid bout last night was officially , .-, ill-aw Ihoneh neWMi..ner oilin !,,.' rioimlCrins I flTFlt TtKFS y) 1;:1T li:tP IMMtTt.AXn. April 29. (A. p.l Cattle and hogs are non-.innllv steadv. Sheen nre steady. K.-es li in iln tin - changed and butter In three cell la lower. ii IT G. TOYNLEY Fresident cf National Non partisan League ia Not Per mitted to Have New Hccrincj. CASE WAS TRIED JUNE TWENTY-THIRD, 1919 With Giibcrt He Was Convict ed of Conspiracy to Discour . .age Enlistments During War. KT. PAI'U April 2. A. P.) T!e state euprcme court denied a new trial lo A. Ttnloy, pr--iunt ot the in- tioiia! nori-partiwin league and Joseph organiziit'.on nianaKtr of the lea'.'jo, who wi re convicted of conspiracy to teach sedition. ti. cu.s ia tried June 23, 1319. . ! f:'!s'rt fv'rv.?! Kcn'once .TT. l'Al b, April T.iU. P.I The (into supreme court upheld thp Jack ton county court In the conviction of A. C. Townlcy, president and Joseph Gilbert, former orranizer of the na- tloiial non-partisan league. They were chargod with conspiracy to discourage enlistments during the war, were found guilty ami sentenced to SO days each in the county Jail. The case ws appealed. In tile meantime Gilbert was convicted, on another charge and is serving Hciutniv m the Goodhue c unity jail. , ML Ui 'L! ft fi nr iEY TRIAL WILL ''imLivunnt PRIZES FOR BENEFIT OFSHOOTERS SUNDAY Four EstraS Provided Besides ! , Trophies That Ave Offered Vw XTJr.v.e1 Tve 'Mliftfira Contestants in the Club Short and tlie Hpokismiin-Iie.iew Telegraphic h'hoot which is )Ming held each t-'un- lay r.t Colltra Park will receive addi tional truihics in the form of mer- 'handisc donated by local m rcha.Hs. Mlph gun in each of the three, classes receives a trophy from the American i TrapRhootitig Association an I to make the shoots more attractive the follow ing merchants are presenting pilws to the biekv shooters. These prizes are being rosp:ited to ! the second high gun in each class. Class 1. T.-.ytor Hardware Co.. fly book, value $4.00: C!ns 2, v:rinomy Drug Co.. i'aiker fo intsin pen value S4.fo: Class 3. t-"ol liium Sporting (ioods Store, gold knife, valuo 4.rt. It !s hoped there additioral prices will (prove attractive to local shooters and that ail lovers of this sport will be on hand Sundny lo compete for tho prizes and troohios. The nr'.v club house Is now tinder construction and ihe contractors slate that with good weather the building will be ready for occupancy in two weeks. Members of the club will uo the (minting under Ihe direction t-f li. H. Nutter, and President Utmpkin who is directing operations from his bed In !-t. Anthony's Hospital, wishes ll it... I, .0.1 u'hfi eitl slioGT a lai!lt: : . . . ...... i . brush to b n nil in A hi T I u oi the membership of The Pend'etun Hod and Oun Club has been called for j Tuesday evening at S o'clock at the! office of J. ih Kstes. Ray Spangle. , first vice president wiil preside m the aosence ot I'resuiein i.Huipn.ii. . . CAN NVPPI Y PA'.'KIS 11 LP WAS'-I.. N.iTI i.V. April 29. (f. P.l Secretary Wallace has announced 'bat the survey of Ihe .Mask 111 forests conducted by tho department of auvi- culture showed that A'.a.ika :s capaDip ,-el ill the I'nited States. SI WORKERS TAKE TROUBLES DIRECT TO PRESIDENT HARDING Want to Set of Owners Board to Aside Decision' and Shipping: Reduce -Wages. i " ' ' W FHINC.TOX, April 29 -M". r Murine, workers' representatives, bi esk'ng away from a conierr nee w ith i the ship owners nnt Admiral Benson. j went directly to th- wlvte house te ask Harding to intervene s id prevent the ' seameo" s'rlk". They want to set i aside the decision of the owners and the sh'ppi: -boaril to ledjee waxes Ki peiccnl. on May I. EVENING, APRIL 29, 1921. RU3E MAKES SURE, ,i . - ... , . - -'. ' J - k:,m IS ' v K - f it f " Tv v ' - w 1 I' 'f . ; 'li', " ' i f s U: i if ,h 1 '7, This Is the first picture of Ru've Manriard's bride, formerly Miss Naomi .Mulone of H.-.ltimor... .net. .Mar.pinrd, who is pitching for Cincinnati this e. i A-fie.- the fir ceremor.y j-ube found out that be would have to be marr ed .n j n bicause of legal te I nlcalil cs growing out of his divorce last C'ctobei f rm piosom t h y. actress. SIX MEN FACE PERIL IN OPEN BOAT AT 'SEABri SKATTM-:. April 23, (A. I'.) A imiiili )ju-m cuntiiinin six men from trit- rmattlla rtf lif'h;ship arc iTi:s.-ir.ri af;-r I'tiiiff can utirift iat nif-'ht in a 52 mile gale, snys a wirok-ss mes.-.ae. Viu men put out fur the steamer Quen to reeehp Pni-.s arw. rru?::ti.iitft t'r (he lirihtsliop and dM nttt ret-trn !- the lij;!U: h:p. Tho Ik-jjI was lawt ,..-i?n ririftin,.- icwnrd the shuit'of Van crtiiver Is'-iird. T:m j'u-en a!i.i'.d fy winie frt.xn Trtoush thdt y ;.'.n ' t-uek in w-iiroh fv,r tiu- boat l.ut w bnatile to locate it. Names of Men poi!Ti..vr Ai.rii i n" r.i Ito'.ert Warrick, su pen n tena nt of , . . lit lighthouses, received a radio from Mate Anderson of relief, giving the 1M,W ,.f III. Illiillir infin e l!i,liell i 1r j ,i... I,,,- Mnn I HUGHES SENDS NOTE TO PANAMA REGARDING BOUNDARY DEPUTE In Vicv of Repeated Eefu to Accept White Award This May Mean Final Ultimatum. W VPHiKi:Tr!". April "J. (I. P.l In view of Panama's repeated re- j fusals to acepjit the White award, the lilies'. Hucees note may to in tin" rn- Itu - e of a final ultimatum' to j Panama to tcn-.s, it is. belie ed j briir-t Would Settle H'sputc. WASHIXCTON". April 29. IT P.t !Iut;hes sent another nolo to Puna :ia n that cotiutr.v's refusal to accept the award cf Chtef JustUe While on I lie .in I in el nisi i , i e n , ' v i P.ci, I us annum. ,1 i y tne state iiep..r; m' " s;c States V. S. risitlon. , ,,,.,.,,4 u,)c..s ja ,ur i .-ii.oi' ( Ls - ... o state finally th I'nited , Sins- nreouivocal pus, tion that Pan- I r.e a' l'i'ist accept the White decision, , an thai this government stands back n. tne award Viih nil the necessary ' fmoe. Iof w est cnicGo? WHO ESCAPES IN AIST .AUTOMOBILE ,., - - ' CU, t fi.n,i, o-priM- jln oar wi h t he" two women w ho were OHSl ill U( RulilZcS I'wSSC ..! 1 J directed l.v the- ! ief Sheritf orga - Armed Men end Rifle Squ j Assist in Hunt tor Bandit. C1I1CACO. April tl". .P. Co ov-e Bi em. i he f of eeltee of West Chicago was eiioi and kl:!d by nti unl P.) il.lill'ieil lual.. .tames i-i illUH. rs. the ciii; IT tet-aolon w.tH serlu:.'- wotimie-i. iveini ami .---nieis n.vi j Just 0 i-.-i t, il two women in an auto. ::u-l.ile hew lo get to St. ii.iries. PI.. an.', iriss.,1 the rtre. t. there tinvtmg ; lie i.traneer. "Wher,. a to .m going" I he cbie," u V.e l and several rt velvet- , hnis were h lav, stiua - iiii show ttl Hint tlio iits.is.-iii escaped HE'S MARRIED. SUBSTITUTE MOTHER LAVISHES AFFECTION OM AN ADOPTED FAMILY Two fr.thst:t..u. m..'lh rs are lav- j i.doppd children at. the fox I laim ope:. Hied by Mr- V. C. Jlc. j .Nah'.i, Kt"t ,1'i'iin streets f 'th.-.,' ;iiti iu .':s'e. ;i ;.i.aut;ful sii- ifr fo', and iiary, a sleek fat ho.lss eat. piss.e- is 'he- mother of four I f :iz; ; he puppies to the cat and the , te the pli. Kittens to the fox, as he feared j ):essie would injure her valuaiiie oung beeausf, she had a habit JilllH. I Iti MMUf llVHi .it IU.' , t ai.'h niot nc epo d the n-.v j children and tr. .McNuby be- lieves that tiivl cxperiinent will be sacee.-eful. Th?r.e are about l'j grown t.niie ands fem ile foxia on 'the farm arid' about young. Th f x f.iri.i i;; Ihc only one in Ore- gon with til ; mail one ai e exeit-tlin 1'inc City. - i 4 'SFOelE M LEASES S0.000 ACRES GF LAND r-rie is great Indication of the ' Alk In,ow: Fllir"- Marjorie Mellon pros, m e of g is and o l in the region ofl'-: Mi,k- Craee Blanchette; Sugar. Al Kee,. , H e opiti.m cf .1. K. Leonard. . ''"'a McMonl-s; Bread. Marie Fltch- ,1 fpokiee who his, lease.! s r; ;lt- Thelma A key; IKig. Edna i-res of land on the south side of the Murphy; Xight. Isabel Ross; Colors. I'mniili, rivev west feh .-,,., win.', Hel"!1 Hugg. France. Jack, Thelmu. i.i insta.il a test well imnied:a;e!y. .Ir. Ionard. ivhn is here today, is oe r.resiilent of the I:an!:ers Petrot- 'e'lle. C. of Texas a.vl also hss, iriated : with ihe Wagner llefii'.l-'.g Co., of Tex-, 11. He slates tiv.t he hopes to inter-; est Mve lavi:e eompan is in the enter-1 pr se ie tile west e'el 'en' if lb s is not feasii; f il-.o county e he will con- i eip the opi rat i n Jm, self. Oil t :t r:a have inforin :! Mr. l..o!..tr.' tnat there is teriain itnl ca- tion of the presence of gas and a no d e!-M-e Ahat tl.ere is oil in tht land. Jtr. leon.'.r.l w ished to dilll fi ( i ll , m nouli cf S'anfieiu bin c ii.;.-1 not r.-ctire a lease en the land. lace, where the dunce of the falrie is shot by uxsuijTrX ,r:h'i I 11 tied posses and arm--i sipiatls inst ill feu::1 ,i. nd ri.'ie tvouud- ing towns to :'i.l i 1 Ce ?TALY AGREES WITrl II C DTPi'DtVi'-O V5D il A itl't-n' ii!'l J Hi U. U. liLu;..ni..U IH! M . b:iOinesn wh.ch thev have been seek - WASBISMTOV. Apr I 9 --(A mm- I'oMowitg ihe seven cen, Ihe c pi ic a. i. e . nt w'th the I'nltid '.ml part of tlm twgeont will bo pre- States positio-t ti gi-nling the Is attd t f, rented, under ili title. "In u flrd-n." Van V-.'S I'M-e. s.o I i-i a loop del i ereil ; Tho danee will Ix. 'Itre.-lan Fro-K," 1 tc th-si ite .h p.titna e.t b vhc Italian I' diiibpw uior NO. 9814 PENDLETON GIRL HELD; HAY FACE 1URDER CHJ Woman Shot Man Last Night as Result of 'Moonshine' Party During Which He Beat Her. MRS. INGLES SAYS HER MAIDEN NAME WAS COX j Claims She Was Born in Pcn I dleton in 1891 and Left After ; Finishing Grade School. A STOMA, Aprtl 29. K. O. Spec Mal.j Mrs. Kulii Ingles, a native or j Pendleton. Is held In the city Jail here Innil may face a murder charge as the : remit of the shooting last n ght In a i local rooming house. A. J. Burns, her ! victim, is lying In the hospital In a ! critical cond tb n, the bullet having ; perforated his intestines. He i not ' expected to live. The two had been living together for several years a man and wife, the woman says, and fame here a month ago. The ahooting v;:s the result of a moonshine party tiir'ng u'hich Hums is said to have t. nten the woman. Mrs. Ingles ay her im.lden name was Kula Cox and was born in Pendleton In the daughter of Mr. and . Cox, and left that city after n.sluutr the grade schools. I "So Trace Pound of Knla Cox. I No one can be found in Pendleton v' t has ctiv knowledge of Eula Cox ! Ir:f, Astoria woman held ft tho s'- rtins of A. J. Burns. ,AI.TOX JCHY SfXXKKD. tkct.on of a jury to try Willie 7l- i too. l" year.4 old, charge wl:f'. tjik ; i:.g $72, Chi In bonds from the North Urn Trust company where he wjs em- i p'oyed, was t-omplett-d today. CAST FOR 'BLUE BIRD' l tw I Wll ULUL U1UU PAGEANT TO BE GiVEN - MAY13ISANK0UNGED Entertainment Will be Pre sented as Feature of State Convention of Oregon P.T.A. 1 he cast for the "Itlue Bird" pa- I PC-art, to be presented here on the ! vor:ir,j of Friday, May 13, aa a fca j lure ol the state convention of Oregon ; i'i.ient Teacher Associations, waa an ! nouiiced today by Miss Eva Hansen, in , s'.nictor of phys'vnl training In I'en- hools who is directing the rescntaiion. lorence Fletcher vwlll he, "Blue Pinl," and other characters are as fol lows: Tyltvl, Frances Isaac; Mytyl, elce'ornimaeh. Kniily Isaacs. Marceila i Johnson and Amy Kliubeth Aldrich. Soirtis to Appear Stary.terite Konart, paphn Milliorn. Laura Xtimiford, Kuftenia Endicott, Mepe Newei nib, Maurice Akers, Frn T'.iim. Violet Williamson. Naomi Hud-b-v, Ami'p I.ilncr. KuUi Arnold and "itcti Pen Iinehai t will h the sprite in the paeennt. Children of the second srade of the Held aehonl will ta tho "or. ad men," and the children of the J pageant will be represented by tho j "os ami girls of 'the first grades In i the various Pendleton schools, j The first scene in the pageant will j b' at the children's home, where tho 1 tlcments and beasts come to-life, after I which Fairy and Light take the chil dren on a search for the Blue Bird. Bailee In lMcv The next scene is at the Fairies' Pal- spirits and the dance of the night fairy h'S! i fc hidden from the children. : 'The Kiii'tdom of the Future" I th 1 flr e fourth cne. In which ' Father Time chooses a number of Hills iii.norn i l;:i,Hen to accomp.in hlrn to i !)p earth. In this scene, the elulv I'.lne I'.ird Is seen but is n' caught. The dance of the rainbow I the fea ire of the filth scene, in the Tempi f l.iaht. Ki-ene In Hmv Font Til Bl ie Bird is still uncanght In :th cxnt, which Is laid In tho , .ss!!, don.,., i - i"'1'1 "' the hildren st ho ; wh..,,. th,. rt.-,ner the Blue Bird Tho ome y fl's-iier the Blue Bird r ''Moment Musical." "tiroop ai Tbro,-' MURDER CIRCE i