?i Keep abreast of doings in iriiE world of sport daily in articles by staff writers and two news services on this page ,'(,. , . '. , ' ten pages , sv" 1 ifXZiZ TENPAGES 1 . PAGES 7 TO 10 JLimlz 1 " DAILY -AST oregONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 28, 1921. ,. . SPORT BULLETINS rTl fMmAH.Urr l---1 V ---r' M PADDOCK, WORLD BEATER IN I SPRINTS, ESTABLISHES GOOD - RECORD IN SCHOLASTIC WORK Besides Winning Championship . '.. . " I n u i world's record fur the 100 meter dash v as Athlete, He Debates; un mi, in 10 3-6 seconds. At the. i ; Olvmhlnii uamca lie won the 10(1 me- ;,;Has Peculiar Running Form, i" . i un event for which 3.m '(';t f ', , . j runners from ull parts of the world en V jLvOS ANOEMCS, Oil., Aiyll 2S. (A. IT.) Twenty year old, keen-eyed and avowedly optimistic, Charles W. l'ad- I'dofk, holder of tho" world's champion ship for the 300-meter dnsh. and the youth wlio at a college meet at Merit ley recently liroke all existing world ' frecords for 220 yards, nt 2 4-5 see- -onde, In pot only a good athlete, but, according to his hiBiructurH, he In a good student. j' Paddock is a senior, majoring In 'English, In the school of arts and rel eases at 'the University of Southern California; member of the Delta Big. ma Itho, tho national debuting society; possessor of a medal for. winning the fe'outhorn' California intcr-scholastic championship: In debating, and a scholarship member of tho Phi Hota Kappa fraternity. - ' .When not training with his coach on tho athletic field, ho Is In the university- library writing Imaginative de scriptions of that fair phantom land ."Wst of the Hespcrldrs" w hich mem. hers of the writing cult ' have from Oges past sought to perpetuate in beautiful lei tern. During his racing days, I'addock has fun 160 major races entailing championships of greater or less de gree and of thin number has won 152. taking second place In five and third In three.' lie Won the championship of Iho ignited States at Huston In the tered. the eliminations resulting in only six partlc'iatlng In tho finals. Paddock has an eight foot racing stride and uses a sixteen foot leap to touch the tape. He weighs 160 pounds, and his training, lie says, consists chiefly in obeying his trainer, Dean Cromwell, of tho L'nivcrsity of Boutli ' em California. I I People who try to figure out exactly how Paddock wins say that In a dash of 100 yards he makes a fraction more than thirty-five eight foot strides in addition to the great sixteen-foot leap, which is a fcaturo of his final spurt to the tapo. E. W. (Dad) Moulton. veteran train er of Htanfoid Unlvers.ty athletes, re cently dewrliied Paddock's running form as very peculiar "a sort of a bound or climoing-tiie-rope motion" After Puddock broke t) world's record at Hcrkeley by running Die 220 yard dash In 20 4-5 seconds, he went to ftunford and smashed the cxlutlng official record again by running the distance In 21 Seconds flat. Moulton said he never had seen a man run so fast before. ANtiW.KS lXSi: (iAMK Ui ANOKLKK, April. 2S. (A. P.! Kan Francisco overcame two 2-run leads yesterday and defeated I An geles, to 6. In tho eighth limlnx, Fitzgerald, baiting for Lewis, doubled, scoring Kanim anil, after reaching third on Crawford's error, scored what proved to bo tile winning run on Si hlck'K single. WHITMAN' TKAM 1IITI.PI.KSS WALLA WALLA. Wash., April 28. (A. P.) I'nlversity of Oregon yester day defeated Whitman college in llase ball, 9 to 3. The Missionaries were helpless throughout the game. They're After Babe 's Crown . Wl I ikst iwisr; hkcisivi: KAN KKA.VOIKCO, April 2H. (A. P.) Vernon won yesterday from oak. land, 4 to 2, by knocking Arlett out of the box In the first Inning when they r cored four tiilllei, Hayatt's home run wlti two men on bases bringing In three. Krause held Vernon safo after that, but the Ouka were unable to catch up, although Pinelll knocked a home run In the fifth Inning. cicimk to foititriT pi.aykus LAXHIXU. Mich., April IS. (A. P.) A bill making It a crime to corrupt uny one engaged in competitive ath letics wan passed hytho Michigan sen ate yesterday. It previously passed tho lower house and now goes to the governor. An effort to force out of committee a motion picture censorship bill that already has passed the house, failed In the senate. (iKHMAX Pl.AVF.lt HKKKIXS HAVANA, Aprl 2K. A. P.) The tournament committee In charge of tho International chess championship hiatch between Dr. Km.inuel l.asker of Germany and Jose It. Capablanca. tho Cuban expert, decided yesterday to grant Dr. Lasser's request to rewicn the series and concede Cipablanca the title. Dr. Ijisker gave illness as the reason for this desire to cease playing. Tho $25,000 Involved In the match is being divided between the players as thounh the full 24 games had been Played. Jack Cudahy. son of the fi.moui packer, who shot himself at Los An lff..JBsJUw hi .wiai HOME RUN GRIP INVENTOR HAS DEVICE THAT WILL PERMIT GUN TO BE SHOT IN CIRCLE DL'TItOlT, Mich., April 2S. (A. P.) LEADAN IDLE L!FE Little Fighting Force of 10,000 Men Has to Be Kept Ready for Quick Action. The JJcus.l brothers, Kmll of the Phillies, at. right, and Bob of the ',TanfcJrJy both swinging on the ball this spring They are trying Sfo out-home run Lube fluih. Inset Is Uabe Ruth's grip which the brothers are using to fatten their swat records. Sill QUALITY' SERVICE SANITATION . WHEN THE DOCTOR SAYS TO YOU: ;An Apple a Day Will Keep the Doctor Away" ' He haid a lot. There's nothing healthier for you to eat. We have a nice assortment, ranging in all prices. Watch our ad tomorrow for Saturday specials. Pendleton Trading Co. Phone 455 At the Sign of a Service -If It's on the Market We Have It" IE-il Some FACTS About FORD ' ' Tin: JVi:nsAii c.it , 1 Horo aro autlienllc figures from the Ford factory at Detroit. Thoy Khow you Just how many Ford ears and trucks have hen built each month sinco January 1, 121 and how yany havo boon sold to retail custoinors, in the United States. .TANl'AHY FKUHl'AKY WAUCH Produced 29,883 S 5,306 tll.SStl Delivered to N Itotail t'tistomerS , G7,28 6S.603 ' S7.221 Total Production 127,074 Total Kctail Sales 208,032 showing that actual sales for the first three months of 1921 ex ceeded production by 80,968 Ford cars and trucks! ' April requisitions already specify 107.719 additional cars and trucks and the estimated April output of the factory and assem bly plants combined calls for only iio.ooo: These facts clearly show that the demand for Ford products Is growing much faster than manufacturing facilities to produco and wero it not for the dealers' limited stocks, which are now being rapidly depleted, many inoro customers would have been compelled to wait for their cars. It will be only a matter of weeks, therefore, until a big surplus of orders will prevent any thing like prompt deliveries. ' . If SO" would be sure of having your Ford car or truck when you want It. you should place your-order now. Don't delay, phone us or drop us a card. ' Simpson Auto Co. Phone 408 " " Water and Johnson Sts. COIXKXZ, April 28. (A. P.) If Americans at home imagine that the life, of the soldiers composing the ,),ri.-!,n Ariv.v ,,f I limmt Inn ,.n th,i V device that permits a gun to be i (h,11(. )a (me (lf kipilesa ,he wU, be a bmg way from the truth. The little fighting force of 10,000 men has to be kept hard, trained and ready for quick action, ami that means work eitcht hours of it a day M. drill, study, target practice or manoeuvers, for it is ih .pur!o of the general Ktaff to maintain union houis. ' - .Most of the American doughboy's 'l l eithl -hour ilsv is snenf in drill which without I, ., f, ,!. , fi.o l.r daily, according to the circumstances and needs of the different units. A visitor to this American commu nity transplanted into the center, of Hurope would f. nd the American bovs Just now preparing for a summer of grim war manoeuvers, for the open training season has just commenced and will continue until October 31. The regular target season, which is I now In full swing, will last until July pdJ 31. It Is being held on the target hundred head of Bunn ranges oum oj n.e ucM...m. a rew nines east oi me icruess ol r-n-renlireitsteiii. It includes known dis tance practice combat firing and com pany proficiency tests. Problems, terrain exercifes and ma noeuvers including night operations and combats In woods for units up to an including a company, are also part of the day's work. Field work for the battalion w.'ll commence as soon as battalions have completed all firing. The second period, from August 1 to September 1," will Include, battalion, regimental and brigade manoeuvers and terrain exercises. During tlvs pe riod, one week for each brigade will l,e reserved for battalion combat prob lems w'lh live ammunition and in conjunction with auxiliary arms. As shot "In a c'rrie" has been invented by Alex. T. Flshe. of Detroit. The Unit ed States war department has Just sent blm two Spritinfield rifles which he will eiiulp w th his device and he hopes to obtain the endorsement of the gov ernment. Friends of Fisher substantiate his claim that a gun so equipped will en able a policeman to shoot around corner and main a robber, wlthu being exposed to a return fire. 11 SHEEP FREEZE TO DEWH If) UTAH SALT I.AKi: CITY, Ftah, April (I". P.) Twelve hundred head sheep were frozen to death at Milford, Ncwhouse and Hla k liock today, when the worst blizzard for many years swept that section of the slate. "No-To-Bac" has helped thousand! to break the costly, nerve-sbattei m tobacco habit. Whenever you have lenging for a cigarette, cigar, pipe, oi lor a chew, just place a harmless No- To-Hac tablet in vour mouth instead I to help relieve that owful flesire. Shortly the habit may be completely broken, and you are better off mental ly, physically, financially. It's so easy so simple, (Jet a box No-'fo-liac and If it dosen't release you from all craving for tobacoo in uny form, youi cruggist will refund your loon-y I witnout question. Cieueral Allen puts It: "We do every thing that is done In war except k.ll men." During this period, units w.ll be required to cany out exercises in volving movements on short notice to d.stant locations, followed by the oc cupation or attack of positions. The third period from Heptenft.er 15 to September 30 will be taken by rna noeuiers of the full army of occupa tion and the result expected at the close of the period is through prepara tion for war of the American forces in Germany. , During the fourth period, from Oc tober 1 to October 31. brigade and separate unit commanders will correct def i lencies noted dur.ng the previous field training. During the past winter months spe cial courses in educational and voca tional training were taken by soldiers. They included commercial training, .shorthand, typewriting, anJ account ing) mecbaiLCal training, including automobile driving,' pipe fitting, plumbing; aJso a cooks' and bakers' school which had a large attendance n an effort to live down Marshal Fayolle'B famous criticism of the Am erican army; that they could not cook. An engineers' school and a horse-, shoers' school were also filled to ca pae'ty. About 50 soldiers to each company were permitted to employ three hours of their eight-hour day to the pursuit of these studies but from now on, all educational and vocational training will be suspended Slid it will be war manoeuvers for the -American soldier. With the schedule enumerated above, it wilt be seen that he has his v.crk cut out for h m until oictober 31. Ladies Notice Here You Are 85c A PAIR We have 42 pair of Ladiqs' Cloth Top Oxfords in sizes 2 1-2, 3, 31-2 and 4, with military heels, to close out at 85c A PAIR THE HUB 40 Cash Stores 745 Main St TOO FAT? u-r r mi. Ofctal- .-hi (pronounced kttn) at ftny bmj 4rag ; m writ for trt feroeber to Korvtn Co., M 7 J4, tsrf on X- Nw York. '. method. Mo )U, so thyrofi, Bostarv MK, - WdUHM xretauis. Dvliffhtf-ll- mf, redaction: np-v W-itfc, ywwry. . .i.. lHt bsH ADD VKAh VO 'VK LI'El Bctrms thin and rwuxtn mt V4fMlUrialMl KQWIIW I --!- I hours. to Santiago, X'hile, in four NEW YORK, April IS. (A. P.) "Tei" Itickard, sporting promoter, yesterday was made defendant in a suit filed by F. C. Armstrong, who al leges he has been associated with Hickard in a businefs way, and who demands an accounting of several en terprises in which he ma'ntains he had a share. The amount of Armstrong's claim is not set forth. Mr. hickard last night declared he had had no dealines with Armstrong. ether than that the latter hatl interest ,.,,. and Bain and tough- with him in the Riekard Texas till enH (h) tendeI gpngitlve skin under ccmuany. He said Armstrong hud . . .. Ih9t it ran not Dene. made considerable money on the deal. trate tne ne!,hi and the nan turng nat? uraliy ourward almost over- night. "Outgro" is a harmless, antiseptic " I manufactured for chiropodists. How- i ever, anyone ean get from the drus A Frenclt ovhttrem was tne first wo- , stnre Uny bmiW containing direc man to fir across the Andes. Hhe re- tlons cently made the f llirht from Mendoza, INGROWN TOE NAIL TURNS OUT ITSELF, A noted authority says that a few drops of "Outgro" upon the skin sur-' rounding the ingrowing nail reduce Arriotrone Mr. Kickard saia, is broker, dealing largely in oil stocks. THIS TIMK LAST 'SF.AIt. Tris Speaker made what he declared the best catch of his ca- leer. Cleveland beat White Sox ft to 4 and went into lie with l'.oston for league lead. Athletics ami lied Sox played 14-Inning, 7 to 7 draw. Kinney, lloinmel and -Martin pitched aguinst Jones and Uussell. CHICAGO, April 2S. (A. P.) At-j torneys for five indicted White Sox i baseball players "Ktick" Weaver, Os car "Happy" Fclsch. Claude Williams, ' Fred XlcMullin, and "Swede" Kis berg notified assistant state's attor- I ney yesterday that they would file a I deniand today for an immediate trial j of the indicted men. Michael O'Hearn one of the counsel, said that under the ; Illinois law this would mean that the ' men would have U be tried in July or the indictments would be auto- mutici'.lly dimmissed. , A Minden, Nevada, hotel proprietor, unable to open his safe containing val uables belonging to departing guests, wired to the Nevada State Prison for a safe expert. A convicted burglar was sent at once and promptly opened the vault. American students in architecture, I landscape architecture and engineer ing will .devote their vacation time to repairing the devastated regions of France, under the d. ruction of French ! officials. Chief of Staff? If- "-.iA&'f . 41 , f ? Major Oenernl tlarenoe It. I d wnrils of Cleveland, is slated to w .-eed General Peytn, Mitrr!i as I'. S. irmy chief of stnlf. . j-;fcm--- ' drink j 1 ,TheretaReason' fpTTtl i I : Instant Of. S Fishing Tackle YOU CAN DEPEND ON We are glad to help you and give you tackle that will do the work. My tackle is made to catch fish. Sol Baum Sporting Goods Store Look for the Fish Hotel Pendleton Bldg. CONROY'S CASH GROCERY COFFEE SALE 1 WEEK April 25 to April 30. HILLS RED AND M. J. B. COFFEE 42e per lb. in 2 1-2 lb., 3 lb. and 5 lb. or 6 lbs for 82.50. Buy vour favorite brand of Coffee this week and make a saving of 1 lb. with Be sure when you buy to receive the large size.